The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)


SAUNDERS Here are somereat big BARGAINS scheduled. fur Fx iday's "and Sat urday's -selling. 40 dozen hand embroidered Collars, regul and 39c values your choice, 5c and 10c. A great big job of tortoise shell Back and Side shell and amber Hair Pins! These are hand cut and polished. Owing to a scratch here and there they are laid one side in the factory.

We purchased all they'had of these pins, and can offer you the finest shell goods' on the market today at these, ridiculous prices. jC0c Back and Side your choice of patterns, gieaf special, 19c. 25c Tortoise Shell and Amber Hair Pins, great special, 12 l-2c. Alabama Wool Blankets, 100 pairs of fine Alabama Wool Blankets, fancy borders, worth S9c a pair great special, R. W.

Saunders, 1 1 8 Glen Street VrmYYYVYYYYyTTVYyYYYV SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1904. itooai. nrnrunfei. Secretary Atwood will conduct the men's meeting at the Young Hen' Christian association tomorrow after noon, i The annual excursion of the Mutual Benefit association of the Green Island Delaware and Hudson car shops will be held through Lake George today. Milkweed grows luxuriantly Moreau, and groups of Glens Falls ladies can be seen daily-alighting from the Saratoga oars with well-filled bags of pods.

The down within the pod is used for stuffing sofa pillows and cushions. One of the prettiest flower gardens in Glens Falls is that of Counselor C. S. Enches on South street. Flowers of al most every description and hue are.

btoagom there, and the combination of colors attracts the eye of many passers. PERSONAL MBKTIOlf. Rev. Charles A. Crowley has re turned to Warwick, Md.

Mrs. Etta Ouioe, of Greenwich the guest of Mrs. M. M. Dodge, May street.

Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Sprague, of Mootcbur, are guests of E.

West, Grove avenue. Elmer Eastman, Jay Gilmore and J. Vaughn, of Fort Ann, were in town yesterday on business. Mrs. Charles St.

John, of Whitehall, as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Florence Hay mes, yesterday. -Mrs. John B. Griswold, 'of Baker City, Oregon, a former resident of thi vicinity, is in town visiting relatives.

-The Rev. G. Lynde Richardson and family have returned from their sum mer stay at Bailey's island, Cascobay, Maine. Edward Bovee, who sustained severe injuries at the papermill a short time ago, is steadily improving at the Parks hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. John Cohan, of New York, formerly of Glens Falls, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. P. J.

Cunningham, East Lawrence street. L. C. Doty, of ac companied by Mrs. Charles Ingalls and Hiss Ethel Ingalls, of South Hartford visited in town yesterday.

Walter S. Bennett, Lincoln avenue, leaves today for Chappaqua, where he is 'employed as teacher of mathematics' and science in the Chappaqua Mountain institute. Mrs. William H. Wait and her niece.

Miss Maria Hencka, of Kalamazoo, arrived in Glens Falls Thursday to resi le with Mrs. Waite's niece, Mrs E. Austin, 8 Grant avenue. A large number of friends gathered at the Rockwell house last right to bid goodbye to Chester B. Grandey, Erald Martin and Harry Theobald, who left on the sleeper for Syracuse university.

Mr. and Mrs. William of Windsor, who were guests of Counselor and Mrs. H. A.

Howard, re turned home yesterday. Mr. Fullertou is a prominent business man of Windsor, one of the most beautiful villages in the Connecticut valley. Mrs. Howard and Mrs.

Fullerton are sisters. BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDMW aTaeh Interest Pelt In the Coming Nlne- teentn Annual Convention. Members of the1 Episcopal church In Glens Falls and vicinity are much interested in two coming conventions. The first is that of the Brotherhood of Andrew, to be held in Philadelphia from September 29 to October 2, and the other is the general convention of the Episcopal church, which begins at Boston, October 4, and will last till the end of that month.

Interest in the general convention is accented because the primate of all England, the archbishop of Canterbury, is to be present. But it Is expected that be will also be present at part of the Philadelphia meeting, ptoba-bly speaking at the mass meeting in the Baptist temple, which ts to be held under the auspices of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Sunday afternoon, October 2. -r This will be the nineteenth annual convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, although the organization has been in existence for twenty -one years It has grown to very large proportions in this country, and has branches in England, Scotland and Australia.

Delegates from England and Jamaica will be present at the convention, besides arge numbers from all parts of the United States. Yesterdnj. BnMbnll Game. The results of yesterday's baseball games follow: National New York 2, Brooklyn 1, first game; New York 5. Brooklyn 8, second game; Pittsburg 10, St.

Louis Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2. American Detroit 1, Cleveland 0, (list game1; Detroit 8, Cleveland 2, sec ond game; New York 0, Boston 4, first game; Boston 4, New York 2, second game; Washington- 5, Philadelphia Chicago 1, St. Louis 0 Loral Oeee la Appellate Dlrl.lo. The cae of William G. Chambers, apiwllant, against II, Howard, Indi vuluiilly and as executor, of Clar i Orel way, deceased, apiellant, will be argued, at Monday's session of the Appellate division in Saratoga Spring.

FROM ELECTRIC CHAIR HIS FBI CUDS WI1X OIVB A DANCfc FOB HIS BENEFIT IK CHIOAOO. SEEK TO PROVE INSANITY mi. A axillary dab Trylaf I eaey for Cood earned Maa Think He Has Bean Granted flew Trial. Special to Tn Stab. Chicago, September 16.

To raise funds for a second trial for William Silverman, of Glens Falls, who is con demned to death for the murder of his sister, his friends in the Young Men's Auxiliary club, who believe he was in sane and irresponsible when he oom mittod the crime, will give a dance here September 30. Silverman came to Chicago six years ago and worked in a dry goods sre. inree years later ne snowed signs or in sanity. His hallucination was that his family was trying to poison him. He was sent to the Lake Geneva Insane asylum md after treatment for several months was released as cured.

He went to the home of his sister, Mrs. Kugel, in Glens rails. Three months Iatot her with a fiatiron. Silverman was tried last and although evidence of his insanity was given by Dr. Pomeroy, of Lake Geveva asylum, and by Mrs.

Ktrgel's two cbil dren, he was convicted and condemned to death. James Kiley, the attorney appointed by the court to defend the man, carried the case to the court of appeals and was granted a new trial. Edward Singleton was the attorney appointed by the court to defend the prisoner, and he was assisted by Mr. Kiley. Mr.

Singleton said last evening that although the case had been taken to the oourt of appeals, it had not yet been argued, and probably would not be reached for two or three months yet. AT WARRENSBURG TODAY THB DEMOCRATS WILL KAMI DELE GATUS TO STATE CONVENTION. It I. Predicted That Harmony Will Prevail WaehtnEton Conatr Caavaaaers Fstl-mate Republican Majority of A.OOO. The Queensbury delegates to the Democratic county convention, to be held at Warrensburg this afternoon.

will leave Rockwell house square at 9:30 this morning. It is understood that the delegation is unanimously in favor of Eugene L. Ashley for delegate to the state convention at Saratoga. George Fosterrteabody, of Lake George, is also slated as aMelegate. Everything points to a harmonious gathering, and the horse sheds in the vicinity of Music hall are likely to remain unoccupied.

The estimated majority for Roosevelt at-the coming election in Washington county, as shown by the canvassers' books, is 4,000. The Jeffersonian club, of Saratoga 8prings, has made arrangements to re ceivd the delegates to the Democratic state convention next week. Doring's band will escort the various delegations to their quarters. Interesting- Miesloaarv Meeting. At the meeting of the Woman's For eign Missionary society, yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian churoh, an interesting program was rendered.

Sev eral letters telling of the work in the various fields were read. Among them were communications from Mrs. Silsby, of Shanghai, China; Mr. and Mrs. Dodd, Laos; and Mrs.

Adams, of Efulen, West Africa, who is supported by a member of the local church. 'Mrs. F. B. Streeter read a leaflet, "Mrs.

Lowell's Vision," and a duet was pleasingly ren dered by Miss Mila Gilchrist and Miss Ella Shields. School Note. Principal Barkley, of the Lake George union school, visited the high rchool in this village yesterday. Theathletio association of the high school realized about twenty-five dollars from the dance and reception held last evening at the Ridge street school building. The committee in charge were Miss Bake, Rugge Thomson, Rob ert Waldron and Albert Curtis.

Suicide Doe to Deppoadeaev. Stricken with locomotor ataxia and blindness, Samuel Jennison, formerly steward of the Saratoga club, com mitted suicide by inhaling Illuminating gas at his home in New York on Thursday night. because of his helplessness was the cause of the act. He was fifty-two years old. Killed a Train.

Walter Curtis, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Curtis, of Schuyjerville, was fatally injured while attempting to board a moving train In that village Thursday evening. He fell undw the wheels and both legs were cut off, causing death a few hours later.

Library to Opea Afternoons. Beginning Monday the Crandall library be open afternoons from three Ml sis. WAS lit FORM Ola FAB IW BIX TO A fCBSTITCTB PASTOR. Qneea Bather Circle Harwn the Re. 1 WlUauui, Who Leeree to Biean School Other Social Happening.

The Ice cream eoeiaj held last evening at the Methodist Episcopal ohurch was to a certain extent a farewell reception to the Rev. L. K. Willman, who has been acting as pastor of the churoh dur ing the Rev. O.

Judktns' absence. Ur. Willman leaves today for Potts. town, where he has charge of the Hill school, a preparatory institution with 250 boys. The social was giVeo under the auspices of the Queen Esther circle and was a very enjoyable occa sion.

There were eignt tames, prettily decorated with flowers, in charge of the Misses Carrie Littlejohn, Grace Van Winkle, Blanche Cudney Moston, Ruth Griffith and Mary De Kalb. The lemonade booth was in- charge of Flor enqe Garno and Jennie Parker, and the candy booth was presided over by Ethel Hicks and Nellie Gonyea. Red crepe paper was hung loosely from the pillars of the room lending enchantment to the scene. The committee in charge of the affair was composed of Mrs. C.

Carson, Misses "Lena Odell, Pearl Rowe, Genevieve Wright, Mabel Garno, Mora Mills and Ethel Bush. Glens Falls tent, Q. T. are sr ranging for a dance to be held at their rooms on Thursday night, September 22 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. Many Positions to Be Filled la the Govern meat The state civil service oomtnksion announces general examinations to be held October 8, including the following positions: Assistant civil engineer; sistant in biology and histology, cancer electrical engineer, state architect's office: heating engineer, state architect's office; inspector, state board of pharmacy library assistant in sociology, Btatolibrary messenger.

state and county offices assistant state ilogist, marine engineer. Examine. tions for court stenographer will be held in Albany. Buffalo, New York and Syra cuse in October and November. Appli cations for these examinations mint be made on or before October 3.

Ful particulars of the examinations and blank applications may be obtain, b) addressing the chief examiner of tin-commission at Albany. FIRB DESTROYS A BARN. In Storage Burned LoM AD3U1 Sl.OOO. Last evening about seven o'clnck-fire partly destro. ed a barn on in ford street owned by the Joseph Davis estate Walter Austin lost f20U worth of furni ture and about $500 worth of lurubei which was stored in the barn The lumber was insured through Col tins, Jr representing the Providence- Washington company.

The bam wan damaged to the extent of about t300 and is fully insured through the agency of H. M. Peel. The firemen were promptly at? the scene, but the flames hid gained good headway before the alarm was sent in. Raportorlal Obeervatlpna; Frank Bentley has sold his tenement house on Wing street to William E.

Evertts, of Thurman. Mr. Evertls and his parents will occupy the house after November 1. Of ail '-Uncle Tom's Cabin" com panies on the road, Leon w. rv ash- burn's has alwavs stood at the head.

Mr. Washburn has always kept his promise as- to production, parade and all goes to make this old-time play such a success. The play will oe seen nere next Tuesday afternoon and evening The matinee will begin at 8:80 ac commodate school children. King's the finest malt extract at Dolan Brothers. We offer three bottles of this "incomparable-tonic-and appetizer for 60 oeuU, Saturday and Sunday.

Remember that J. G. Garno has one of the best lines of samples jn town for suits, overcoats and trousers, 10 ex change street. Pork sausage, made from little pigs, dainty herbs and pure spices, 15 cents a pound. Bickley market, block.

4 Ribbon Flurry. Three thousand yards of heavy taffeta ribbon, four and one-half inches wide, all colors, great special, at l'-ij cents yard. Regular 29 cent quality. W. Saunders' store, 118 Glen street.

Cooney'e Special Solo, Fresh home made sausage, 12( cents: fresh pork, 12) cent; rib roast, 12 oenU; roast lamb, 12) cents; spring chickens and fowls, 18 nente; shoulder roast; stew beef, 5 cents pound; corn beef, 5 cents pound, aud fresh smoked hams at Cooney's today. CREAT ROAST BEEF SALE. Choice prima rib roasts. I a 1-3 cents, kettle roasts, to I O' cents. Ws have the finest sausage In the Ity-made fresh dally.

James A. Massn. Glens Falls tent. Knights of the Msc oh bees, will ld a dance at ih Ir room. Thursday night.

Heptembsr 24. Tlciket-, 85 cents per couple. We handle only the base of uoods. 8. Powers' market) TAXPATBM OF HADLBV FERL THRT HAVE BEEN WROMORD.

RESULT OF INVESTIGATION Were Dlamanted for Ra- port of Rxpett OtorooeroWoro Short-Paid It la Mow Vp to Keperrleor. There seems to be a strong feeling of indignation among the taxpayers of the townofHadley over the alleged mis management of the town's finanolal affairs, which, it is alleged, hail ex tended over a term of years. Three years ago, on the petition of twenty -five or more taxpayers, a special proceeding was instituted before Justine Houghton, of The supreme oourt, to in vestigate the financial affairs of the town. Judge Houghton appointed Counselor William T. Moore, of Sara toga Springs, as an expert to examine the accounts of All officers who had the handling ef the town's funds.

Coun selor C. S. Enohes, of Glens Falls, was retained as attorney for the taxpayers, and Counselor J. H. -Bain, alsi of this village, as couasel.

Later Counselor T. W. Mc Arthur was for Mr. Bain. Counselor Moore, as appears by his'ra- port, found that the town fundi had been mismanaged.

The su pervisor, it appears, had retained a percentage of the sohoil funds to recompense him for the labor of receiving and disbursing them. The highway commissioner had commuted the taxts of two important corporations, amounting to $2,000, ac cepting a liberal discount for ready cash. The accounts of the overseers of highways showed that they had been piid less than the amounts allotted tbeni, but at the same time had given receipts for the full amounts. Moore submitted a report em bodying these facts among others, and the report was confirmed by Judge dpenoer. It is now op to the present supervisor to prosecute the accused of: fiuers for the recovery of the money rightfully belonging to the town.

Tentnreeome Children. The workmen employed in cutting the embankment on Glen street hill to permit the widening of that thoroughfare find great difficulty in keepinchildren out of danger. Occa sionally 'the loose earth at the top ef the embankment slides down, but the workmen jump out of the way and no barm is done. But the men are afraid when children who play Tn" McGregor park come and stand on the edge df the cutting: Should the earth then give way a fatality might result. Don't fail to attend "Hoity Toitv" at the Empire this afternoon or evening.

Special saleof peaches) for today only, 1 1 a basket Creek-American Fruit company. At the Empire this afternoon and evening "Hoity Toity, Weber Field greatest success, will be given. A large double coated enamel kettle, with cover, free today with each pound of baking powder purchased at the Orand Union Tea store. 'Don't miss getting one. Do You Know That the Moon brand of Saratoga chips, that Kinney, the spring water man sells, are tne original, real thing See the picture on the box, of Moon's Saratoga Lake hotel, where Saratoga chips were first made.

Just order a box. ii cents at all grocers. If you to write to-any music teacher or soloist and don know how iw ii tnem, Hena your letter in care Till w. r. bisaell.

tie will see that ther get it. empire Theater Music store. Peaches basket." at-the Creeks', SI Water Pure and Fresh. Saratoga Adirondack, Lincoln, Hath-orn and Kissiniren ginger ale. Order from Leggett Peddle, Vlele Hen-nlng, Cole Bingham, Dolan Brothers, I.

Scott Son's, C. Smith, H. 8. Eddy or Everett R. Kinnev, Agt, 93 Bay street H.

K. Phone, 51 A. Fancy spring chickens and fat fowls Bick- corn fed and home dressed birds. ley market, 2 Crandall bl( Our Saturday sales will you good. Come early.

J. 8. Powers'' arket. Fruit Get your fmit jars at I. N.

Scott Sons', 18 Ridge street. Mason's and Lightnings, pints and quarts. Miss Neylon wishes to announce to ladies of Glens Falls and vicinity that she is ready to at her rooms at 118 Glen street, or go out oy tne aay. Boston hftsd lettuce. 10 cents: nine fresh cuouinlnirs.S cents bleached sweet celery, .10 cents, large buueh.

Bickley's market. 2 Crandall block. Mr. PHILIP F. MILLER Organist St Mary's Church.

TWImr I'Unn, Orimn ami fur. iiimimi llMcutluiin, At loan, In. Aililrma, fur terms, eu W. f. B1SSELL, Euplri Tbtiter liulc Ston in clothes choice this season is treat The Stein-Bloch "Smart" Styles show 18 dis tinct models, which include every variety of clothes the most fastidious man could desire.

Four snappy Sacks, the popular English Walk -in? Suit, and as distin guished a line of Overcoats as wb have ever inspected WILSON-ROOT Stores 4 Stores Mens Falls. N.T. Fait Haven, VU Rutland. Vt. CUrvmoat, J.

A Great Many Men wear a Raincoat through whole winter; but if you don't you will find it is the handiest coat you ever owned rain or thine, summer or winter. Big Line S. Kind to Select' From. Englander, Isn't and Boys' Outfitter. Glens Falls and Fort Edward Plenty of Business Comes to Our Market 1ecause people know we furnish good meats and don't charge an exclusive prir-e for them Once you try our market you'll he our friend.

If ou are not already one of our patron leave a trial order with as and we are (sure you will come again. Always the best for those who want the best. Fresh Vegetables. Always on nana. Curvo's Market 83 Glen Street HE LITTLE SHOE STORE AROUND THE CORNER.

$3.00 will buy a Men's Guaranteed Patent Colt Shoe guaranteed not to crack be fore the sole is worn through. The U. tt Packard Shoes are also guaranteed 8. 60. We stand back of our Shoes.

IF THEY CRACK YOU CET A NEW PAIR. EDWARD F. IRISH, 9 Exchange Street, Glens Falls. New 'Phone, 866. For Washing Woolen Goods 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX, put up In 1-4, 12 and 5 pound pack- ages For the toilet it makes the skin soft and is elegant for shampooing In the laundry It has no riiiHl, as it renders the water soft.

For household purposes it prevents ninths and drives away ants, if mixed with L. Inwt Powder. Look in our window Monday and a t'isplay. LEQGETT PEDDIE, IS7 OktH STREET. Constant Crowds MEAN SOMETHING.

Tt'sno feat to gather a crowd, but to al- ways have a crowd-means that people are satisfied. Where "OUR PEERLESS" to disappointment and dissatisfaction if you buy for loir prices and disregard quality. We don't want dissatisfied customers and therefore only sell the Reliable Grade of Prime, and the Best Meats at Reasonable Prices. E. P.

MOORE. 13 and 14 Exchange Street. Bread We have two sizes of the 'Universal' artd we also have the "Quality Bread Maker" for 1 35. Do you know about the KjxSy Bed Slippers. Only 10 oentsa-pair at Sherman's 6 and 10c storer Saturday Candy Pound Box, 29c.

Don't Forget. On Sale Every' Saturday. VIELE HENNING REX ALL AGENCY. Peaches. Plums f- Fears Both Cycle and Flemish Beauties, and 'x Ripe Tomatoes, Egg Plant, Green Peppers.

Now is the time for canning at the way-down, prices. Call at Lincoln's. (88 Qlen St. Last Day of Dcmunsiration OF KING'S PURE MALT. Better try a amle.

TRY OUR aBcPER OANDY, POUND. Saturday la the1 day to get it at this prloe remmnb ir, uito Dolan Brothers. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Both 'Phones. Between the Bunks.

Iff 'A 1ST BreajiaTceriyiBalserrQ Cl gpulcarrmandnead) ffj A- iBreadlthoroughjr ilrtt ISTnu eg; iManQoInoiTtouchTtSeYdoujtnyQ rTTMEs'aWaiywiTHljAsOllBmSl f3 iVk Ai -janr it iff-- fyKMsy.tuclcaiiiA chilil ouiwork a. jjj Whipple Robinson 1 29 Ridge Street. I Exhibition. us and bring quick J. W.

HUNTING, (i Manager. Ca hikI eftmii.A befora buying. House. 186 Gicn Street. 25c is sold there you find the: people in All Jphones- call delivery.

Better order at once and get in ahead of the Glens Falls Coal Company, The Reliable Dealers. Pockets, 51 Walnut St. i Old 'Phone, 210; New, 29. Waterproof Shoes For hunting, fishing or any other business or pleasure requiring, protection from wet, storm or cold Walk Overs will do the trick' when they go on trouble goes off. 7 The latter are made by the new "Tar-Tan" process.

Ask "Puss in Boots" to show you these. C. A. TAYLOR. Buy the Best-Reiningtoii'Sliot Guns In nil gnuleH and chIUmm In nUwkr Lapnanfs Sporting Goods 'I i.

The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.