The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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Buffalo Evemng News Tuesday January 13 1942 22 Vital Statistics AufomotiYS Psstengsr AufamotirB Fiusmsf In Hfcmnrtam Auctions A IfCTlON sale Prtday 10 JO A HI hniwctinllt Onto Borina Ujnn AA-hoyeehold gooda CMd Iprlng Storage SCRATCHES WEATHER REPORT Martin Kyra at Aldan Jaa 1ft 1842 husband of tha lata Chrla-tlna (nee Botnhardt) Funaral from his lata isaldana Wedneaday Dae 14 at 2 latannant al Aldan Friends 12tl3 Named Supply Sergeant Special to Uw Barms Kmrau Rsws KELLY FIELD Tex Jin In thg Army Air Corps only three weeks Cadet Anthony Msrinic-do of 137 Jeffergon avc Buffslo hu already been appointed ft flifht supply serceant at thg Air Corps Replacement Tralnlnf Center here (FoRCxsts UU I JO Jaa 14 For Buffalo and vlcbilty: Partly cloudy with moderate temperature this afternoon and tonight lowest about IS Moderate windft For Western New York: Fair and continued colh tonight Forecast: Protect shipments during the next 26 hours from temperatures as follows: All directions IS to 20 except about 30 southeastward Highest temperature a year ago today was 30 and the lowest was Westhor In Principal Cities ii 5EF1 a for a und ear Marah Chovratet 635 Fillmore TA 2783 EE tho now Nuh model at Del How? 318 Wnt Utica at medium and largt mre Maxacn Cadillac-Pontiac Gorp 3421 Main Auburn S-poueoger rolling hw mum nf death 481 Brocttenrldg QQO-1830 core above everage AiTOA jitter PA 701ft The 1936 nynouUl nilM radio beater da! freater 244 Round AM 8811 1 0Qft Plymouth coupe radio hmter7 ArtOU defroster 244 Rounde AM 181ft Plymouth 0371 luxcoodui HU 08801 perfect: 1400 coNl 1937 ttkr' 30CL 4330 Rrt 1939 lux 1 JAoa eedzn radio hmter new tlree perfect condition 2425 Dttawan ave Apt ft DE 372ft IQ (A opodal do luxe Chevrolet wdan ww muet bo old today CL 1054 IQfA ONomoblfa cuitora cruller dub Arvf coupe radio hmter and defroeter mr Jut like new ucrtfloe tarau small trade PA 0747 1011 Da Soto de luxe 2-door heater AJA Inquire 130 Union at Hamburg YQJ1 Plymouth apoelal de luu duS AtA ooupe radio hmter: 370ft 38 A it Bulck Century 4-door Mdan fully 1031 XtFXA (quipped low mileage Ilk new private price 31430 1370 Broadway 1942 coupe 3000 DE 10M eventagz Good in Plymouth coerti! 2o5 Howard si mr 8 to 9 1933 Plymouth de luxe eedan goo3 $65 tlrre A-L Peeler 1030 Wert eve SI 7K ttst Ford Is ooupe A-l mw 1 0 tim battery 185 Barth! Q1K Packard 3 l4J7 J-door excelSHi nondltlnn hmter 402 Bracken- nondltlnn hmter ridge before 8 AutoSarvics Supplies RS repaired ud painted on eradll Powmer Coll talon 138 Alton OR 73001 LizniizK! repaired ao your wife won't A know tt Morrin Colllalon 1058 Mata PORD v-S motor rebuilt UU aim rwhan: alu Chevrolet Plym- Dodge ate ouy terme Buffalo Motor 1470 Main and 898 Broadway GRant 7070 both tores ppm even Inge till ft Automotive Wiwte AUT0B and truck any condition cosh Ator 230ft Superior Wrecking A Sal-vao Co Ine 1281 Clinton at TR SPOOL and tiueU caih to 5000 can BF condition Julu Cohm Ine 908 Bailey awe TR 7200 AUTOS oft 1 A tlTOS JLimI tr cuh tor your ew notes paid ofL Brawn'e 38 But North ABANDON all anxiety: cuh tor your "car: note paid off: largest- uwd mr dealer In Buffalo Mote Motore 8114 Mata A NY modal auto bought tor caah Vuir "Pontiac 2820 Bailey rASh tor your cor any condition 3fi Sycamore WA 6843 YASH paid for your mr notes paid off Uotora Ford dmlor 1798 Mata GR 0600 paid tor lata modal uwd can no Lytt Chevrolet 3727 Balky ave PA 4870 rusH V-) me tor your cor notes paid off faa-mediate eervlee Conahafter A Fair 1314 Mata 3008 Balky Buffalo's eldeat Ntkr Podia A Plymouth dank TTIGHEST prion paid for late model can AAgxul'e 2301 Mata at Oalrwood TTlGHEBT caah price paid for your AAuood car Stepheu Moton 3484 Mala opposite of campue Il IGHEst prices paid tor good uwd AAcare 2877 Delaware POSITIVELY top dolur tor your cu A MBS Mota AUICK VI hull mih tor lata model uud care Justice Motor CorP- 1133 Main TTSEd can win led wo buy all mokre late modal ear: mortgage prig off Kriunora Motore Dataware and Hertel 100 uwd care 1838 up pay pot csh: pay off i noteeond pay you the dlffoieneo In euht i quick action: bring your Mil you cu't bring your mr In mTI come out to wo It call or wo Mr y1 tal Wkk CUH wi MV JM Bernhardt Broot Motore 1281-98 Main YV buy tor cuh aad pay off aiiaTE minute acrvlm mcrlflq your rnmuto acrvKo mcrlflq your mr or lorn your credit wo poclal plan tor men oonoeripM targeat uwd mr deal-rota Jootph Enldro 2380 Dilaware DE 8880 JX buy late model uaed care Echo Motor Bale 1284 Sense WE buy tor coh pay aff notee ucrlflm your car or low your credit See today Hotmee Ford 1440 South Part near Balky pay mh tor good used 193ft 1840 or 1941 Ford or Chevrolet eedin driven leu than 10000 mllee Write 42L New office etatlng price 1A mo re cuh tor any late model eerj AV no rod Up 3-minute dmle Sr Jhn OLniy at Don Allen' Chevrolet wt jl ftft more for your tau modal car S3 rtA mor for your Junk mr make uo prow tt notm paid off Thlea Furniture 1478-80 South Park TR 8277 $50000 7 WUUBg on cuh your mr yon would your check note paid off you get difference Immediately Jim O'Leary of Don Mata Henry Lehr Jan 1ft 184ft In Buffalft husband of Arum Voatacb LOr father of Adelaide Henry Ralph A and Mrs Henrietta Roeaaer broUter of Mrs WUllam Kleiner Sr and lha lata Goorga Peter and WUllam Lehr Funeral from tha family residence IP Niagara Falls Mvd Thursday afternoon al 2 Frtanda arc Invited to attend Mr Lehr was a mam-bar nf Hiram Lodge Nft 103 A A Mystic Star Lodge I a a and Lake Erls Lodge of 13114 Roaetta Levi Levy ta Buffalft Jan 13 1842 of 317 Nieweod av widow of Herman mother of Mrs Adolph Rnrrirr and Arnold Levy Service wUI lake place from the Elkin Funaral Home 57S Llawood ave Wednesday afternoon Jan 14 at 2 rtork Frtanda Invlled to attend Ftowvrs gratefully declined Kerman Lock Jan IS 194ft beloved husband of Agnes Grammar: father of Herman and Wrillngton son of Amanda and the late Harman Locks brother of Mrs William Manning Funaral from the family bom gS Homer vs Thursday at 2 Friends Invlled Mrs lawks waa a member of Burky O'Neill Camp No 1ft ft Veterans' Association 74th Infantry Fraternal Ordar of Eagles Aerie Nft 48 13114 William II MtUInn Jon 1ft 184ft beloved huabond of Elizabeth A Metzger father nl Charles William Richard George Mrs Miles Cummings Karl Malltou and the late Mrs Edward Keller John end Mllbum Malllon Fu neral from George Kennedy's Mortuary 814 Abbott Id Wednesday after- noon it 2 o'clock Friend aro invited Rev Frank Merrtr Mar-chanL ft Jon 1ft 194ft In Buffalft husband of Phyllis Tteehendorf father of Mra Donald Hill David Charles Merchant and the tale Mary Antoinette Merchant: brother of the Rev Thaddeue Merchant of Cleveland Mrs Ora Taylor of Buffalo Stater Mary of the Holy Cross and the tato Rev William Marc ha nt a Calls may he made at 188 Deerfield ave until 3 Wednesday Dr Merchant will lie In alal at EL Church from 8 o'clock Wednesday until 9:43 o'clock Thursday Funaral service at Clement'! Church (Sussex Avenue) Thursday morning at 10 o' dork Friends are Invited to attend 13U4 Rob Moran In Buffalo Jan 12 1942 mother of Henry and Jean of Glrawood YI staler of Mrs Sadie Moore of RldaeporL Conn Prayer from family realdence 2 Funeral from Glrawood Community Church Thuriday at Ida Odell ta Buffalo Jon 13 1842 daughter of I he late Asaael and Polly Odell stater of Mrs Lrpha Hell Emma Odell Mrs Hattie Smith Mrs Eraser Alexander and lha talr Clara (takes Frlmda may gall at the home of her slater Mrs Hatlle Smith 37 West Quaker it Orrhard Parti until 12 o'clock noon Thursday Funeral private llltM St'HKNBEIRERGER Matilda Schenks'-berger Jan Li 1942 alatrr of Albert Oscar and Ido Rrhenkel berger Funeral afrvkvs will bo held from the Forest Lawn Chapel on Thursday afternoon at 2 dork Frtanda may rail at the Kraft Funeral Home 1747 Jefferson si Hadley until noon Thuriday 13114 SCHKI'BIKIN Scheubleln at Veterans' Hospital Batavia Jan 101 beloved husband nf Mary (nee Kurtz) father of Mrs Norman Mr-Neman Arthur Edwin and Eugene Srhrubteln Funeral from the family residence 99 Westminster at Tuesday morning at 8:13 and nt SL Church al 9 o'clock Frtanda are Invited Deceased waa a member nf Burky O'Neill Camp and Buffalo Fire Department Benevolent Association SHEAR Sophia Shear fnra Guather) Jen 12 194ft beloved wife of Joseph Shear mother of Mrs Ruiaell Shupley Walter and Raymond Mhrar staler of Mrs Ryrrofl and lha talc Edward Guenther and Mra Paulino Wagner Frlenda may rail at the family residence Pnlham Had East Concord until 10 o'clock Tuesday evening Funeral from Uir Robert Ilenneeay Fu-nerel Home 2870 Niagara it Buffalo Thuriday afternoon at 2:30 Frtanda may rail al 3870 Niagara it efler 10 o'clock Wadnooday morning 13114 glKORXKI Joanna Slknrakl (nae Dervnda) Jan II beloved wir of Role law Slknrakl mother nf WUllam and Mary Slknrakl Funeral from family residua 31 Eda ave Wednesday morning at 9 Services at the Church of St CMbnlr at 10 A Burial nt SL SUnbtaus Cemetery Friends Invited Anna Haefner hlnger Jan 13 1842 wife of lha late Michael: mother of James Mre Michael Kars George and Edward Singer Deceased la survived by Five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren Services from her home 343 Davry at Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock and from Trinity Evangelical A Reformed Church Gold Street at Cnngiegattnn Invited Mra Singer was member om tha Trinity Ev Guild 13H4 Fredericks Shwaman In thk city Jan 1ft 184ft self of tha tato rrrd erlrk Mnaaman mother of Fred Kioaa-man Mrs Bromley Kdward Staaa-man Mra Gertruda Blrtrii and nf tha tato Mis Flortna Huber and WUllam Rtaaanun slaler of Mrs Minnie Wohl-huetrr nf Colda Funeral from the mklenra of her daughter Mrs Gertruda Blrtrii 87 Lisbon ave Thursday flarnonn at 2:30 o'clock Deoaaed wu a member nf lha Wixnu'a Guild A Ladles Bible Class of KL Eve A Reformed Church and tho Evg Good 8 martian Society Frlenda Invlled ta attend Burtal nt Buffalo Cemetery 12tl4 Jo" Cft 1440 Meta near Utica A bCTlON Thursday II A house-AA-hold good Allied Auritan Warahoitaft Lawrence at Maeeachurtte Auction Warehouse liquidate furniture eetatea LI 8BOL a reliaUe and alaraga caR Al In CL 013ft f) fine home of furniture with an It trtnunkiga moved Is to be offered to Uw public by auction Wadneeday 11 A 2222 £1 wood Automotive Com more ill TSHEVrOLET track 1833 ton panel vJ verv low IUDGE lie-lon panel 1104 food eondt- Uoa IB Hazelwood Buffalo after ft SlfcNERAL MOTORS (lead truck Factoqr Brencft 21 Jowutt ave near Malta UN T'ZiUSR truck winch operated throuik hlehwev tfwMnalsalna ihrlaa ill AA highway trai to winch Ftaak re mg entaetli I gtvlnt 12 epeedi lelemenra Uka and pud trucka targe eetactloa Soeea Motore 1083 Mata Rft targe atoek new and used rrtRAiLE A ynii Frruhzuf Trailer 31 Perry sL Y(jji6odge 2-ton van il tiST Automotive for Hire truck 114-ton low rates hour day eHt Huren-U-Drtve CL 8441 SYXRf gay VAN lata modal hour day eon tract driver ha thorough knowtadg at oily delhrory TyrrriL LI 8342 1 an PE 183ft Automotive Podongor 1941 special sedan nearly new tires heater very low mileage 81100k Brawn 26 North 1938 spoctal aodoa (24ft 1098 Mata Uick 1838 Mdaa radio heater 4 now tlroo private CL 8777 0 to ft UICK 1937 sedan very dean radio hooter 8893 Brown 28 North 1tlICKl938 coupe hen Jo fine car Lr tim petal motor an topi our opc-rial at only 829ft CXdl Man Miner 1288 Mata at BtyanL TjOiCK 1M1 aedan completely equipped asoo miles: Derlect: no dealers UN 3580 UICK 1840 special 2-door radio heater neatly mw tires 1830 Brown 28 North BUICK 1941 special itreom-llnrd 4 -door sedan: completely equipped UN 2282 BUICK 1837 special 4-door touring oedata flnlihtd tn darkibrown excellent Una Intertar performance makto It a buy at 3428 terms Root-Torgler Inc 1233 Mata at Northampton QUICK SALE! See These Cars 1940BtariL 389ft Chtvrotete 1849 Dodge (89ft 1938 Bukkft 347ft 1937 WHY PAY MORE? HURRY! Bamum Saunders MOTOR BALES 2034 So Park Ave PHKVROLAt 1837 coarh good tires heat-w or 329ft Brawn 28 North 0 iHEVROLAt 1838 coupe very dean ra-' dip heater 3S2ft Brown 28 North SYHEVROLETS 1841 ear Hunt for Che Hunt tor Chevrolet 2240 Delaware ave CHEVROLET 1838 2-door new paint opodal 312ft Tuttle1 a IMS Main 0 TSKeT t) Brie ROLET 1937 de luxe coach reduced price aow 328ft Auto Ftaanoft 1236 Niagara ptHEVROLT 1836 master coach radio heater food Urea 3250 Brown 23 North CHEVROLET 1833 coupe 33ft Cootey Motor Cn 1274 Meta CVHEVSSLIT-TWO 8-pass coupe excel-J lent condition after 294 Prospect NhEVROLET 1938 2-doto ledan radio heater 1328 Ootendorf 1221 Main CHEVROLET 1B3S town aedan very dean food tins 343ft Brown 28 North (CHEVROLET 19U dub coupe fully vJ equipped nearly Brown 28 North ptHRYSLiR 1840 Windsor sedan very Im low miles ge radio heater very good tire 2 fog light 3845 Brown 28 North rtHRYSLER 1931 4-dOM 8-cyllmter radio and heater rxedtant motor and tine Jotpc Motor 1847 Ceneeeo 2m tar your pood will I our greoteri umL Aachbodur Motor 143-148 Ontarto: food wed car SOTO 1936 aedan very ctean radio heater good tine 333ft Brown 28 North ThE SOTO 1841 cuitom SJ tint ipectal trsi 28 North coupe nearly now iODGE 1938 coupe A-l oondUton iiea ter 357ft Brown 38 North IE 1941 2-doM luxury aodan radio rjooG: SJ heater fluid drive very low mileage 3845 alto 1840 Oldi and Pontiac Ballard Brea 29U0 South Park JtORD 1940 convertible dub radio haat- er ipotllghL LI 7081 3 to 1837 choice of 3 8U8 Tuttte'ft ijtOR -T 1098 Meta LTORD 1938 coach big reduriioa aow 1 only 39ft Auto Flnanro 1236 Niagara re TXJRD l(STudor 3ft 'Colry Motor J- Cft 1274 Main Co 1274 Main f95RD193S Tudor' term Eou I Aw Awald Chevrolet HIT HerteL TJXJRD 1841 Tudor super do luxe perfect 1 condition 3850 cash prtvolta GA lingo 383ft between 7 and ft evenings T-XJRD 1841 super de luxe coupe like 1 new 3743 Auto Finance 1233 Nlagnra LXIRSlm da luxe eoupa good condl-L llon 9 tire radio boater UN 8633 82 PhyUta alter ft 190RD 1831 Tudor vary dean good rubber 1185 Brown 28 North TX)R iTlMO TudMf radio 3 white eldri A wan tlree very tow mlteage 333ft 33 Prnflrid inita'e ami 1937 Tudor For-dar end roupra good tire axcept tonal nwcfanlcil oondlltan Taytor-CBrlen 2837 Bailey YTUDSON lS38 8 convertible coup ip AA etal 3148 Tunis' 1038 Main flNCOLN -ZEPHYR 1837 aedan vy AJ dean 1283 Pozemy 381 Broadway 1NCOLN-ZEPHYR 1837 ZMtan tliePI SJ week old now hraheo 8423 Brawn 21 North JEIcURY 1838 dub ooupe very ciuta hooter 3383 Brown 38 North VSrtUrAYETTf-1940 4-door tour-At hut eedin near new any uoed nr could pnmlbly hr de luxe equipment bullt-ln radio air mndlltanmi heater per- trot mechanlral performance aad appear-nr how the value and tho care thl nr ha had: Ihornughly wtaltrlzed tt today 3828 term Root-Torgler Inc 1233 Main Northampton isST rodan ilmut new prln n-At dured 873 Auto Finance 1239 Niagara ti8KItaiyetlc 1837 pnd motor lira At tlm heater delimiter bargain GA 3133 heater 1179 Tutlle'a 1038 Mata i isft sedan radloTWiroi see tKE 3288j Auto Finance 1236 Niagara U03 new paint radio heelerjT A-i ha pc cheap 83 Rlrelhnwre Of" BANNED NOR IS IT BE C0MMANDEERED1 24-1936 MODELS $150 to $250-411 Maku 19-1937 MODELS $175 to All Makts PLENTY OP 1911 1919 1940 1941 CARS ALL PRICED LOW LONG TERMS GOOD TRADES "ALWAYS 100 RARGAINS" ACCIDENTS WUllam Boouerd 22 of 110 Alabama oeiltakm at Feort A Niagara 7:33 Monday: abtssloiift contusions Peter HartoelL 3ft of 87 Ataksma seme eridal ran tus lone Mrs Ksthertoe Cooper 48 of 43 Kenmore ooUuwn st Maui A Wmderoere 8:33 Monday: conluskm Sophie Kwtatkowehl 20 of 28 Conk it Lackawanna collision ta front of 24U1 ft Park I Monday hd injury FIRE RECORDS Alarms since 3 Monday: 3:14 M-88 Senea fraoa sprinkler had 3:42 Heriel A Commonwealth cuts 1:38 Broadway MarkeL burlap tags 8:22 Walden A Fay auto 74 Eagle garage 7:13 143 HertaL all to remove kyrles from roof ledge 7:21 IKS Seventh lea curtains 7H4 Plymouth shed 8:32 188 Souths Id riolhes ta cellar 18:18 473 Woodfawn auto 11:11 219 Hudson uansooury TODAY 12:04 A 230 Gonson unnorenory MISSING PERSONS Leonard Slussrskl 1ft of 1SS Metcalf missing since Jan 8: 3 feet ft 130 pounds brown heir Mus oya: brown hL brawn plaid Jacket brawn trouser block oxford Obituaries are on Page 12 Legal Records on Page 16 Drallta Edward ft Smith suddaly Jan 1L 194ft beloved husband of Sarah (nee Carpater) and the tato Katherine Fallow father of Verne and Jen Smith end the tato Mra Grace Bernerth: ea of Caroline end tho tato Joseph Schmidt brother of Mary Chester Thomas John and Franklin Smith Funaral from his tat realdence 333 Lo Bran rd Eggerta-vdle Wednesday morning xt o'clock and from SL Margaret's Church 8 Friends invited 12tl3 Clara Sparks Jan 11 18ft ISsrmh: daughter of the tato Charia and liter of tho tat Elizabeth Gethoefir Mary Gtathcr Julta Mtaoert Chzrieo Mary Stover Martha Gab bey and Anne Keletier Funeral from her tato realdence 118 College at Wedneaday morning at 8:13 ud from tho Churah of tho Immaculate Conception nt 10 Anna Flebetkarn Thumen Jen ill 184ft beloved wlfa of John BI mother of Mra Theodore Boerger John and Donald Tbuman daughter of Frank and tha tato Anna label korn sister of Frank Mrs Morlork Lift Mrs Muc bribe uer Mrs Benxlnger PauL John Mra Wurzer llenry Alphonse George and Mra BaralL Funeral from the residence ol her father 1078 Smith at Wednesday at 10:13 A and from SL Ann'a Church at 11 Friends Invttfd 12113 or Taxes and Insurance Paoplat Galiataral Lau Gorp AMMsCTOIf MANMWUNT II NIAGARA IT WA ISM far sstortsu rsltft aran mask 441111 WI FORESAW THE PRESENT USED CAR SITUATION We Predict The Future Our BUY FROM OUR LARGE STOCK 1 i ft Dodge Lux 3-Door FtnUhed ivw la bm car I equipped large Tri-air treem hmter A very deaa automobile owned hy one of our leading citizen Vy food Jire that will taut only 871ft Plymouth Bpadal Da Lax 2-Doar Flnlahad ta deep maroon Juit I It look 11k now Ho tars hmter with doubte defimtera Good tin with ptanty of mileage lett hi them Just the mr to taka tha place' of lha now ana you wen going to buy Low only 3888 -f nan Chevrolet Muter Da Lau 4-Doar -Ltrzlr Sedan Equlppad with radio hmter and defroatera Original blue Un ta IIU new Spottau mohair uphol-Vtry lew mileage tires A-l only itary 1 0QQ Fonttae B-cyL 4-Door Touring -LLKJ7 stdon Spottau throuUout Original gray flnlah ta Ilk now Upholstery el-wnyi had aeat coven Equipped with radio hmter and defroatera Low actual nlb-agt Tiro am tha but only 387ft 1 0QG Hodge Luxury Liner 2-Doer Bodaa J-tOiJ Oomptetely equipped with radio hmter ud defroster SpoUses mohair up- hoUtety Ortgtoial Uolih la Uka new to choou from 3383 1936 Tudor Motor fori overhauled new rings pine etc Ref tabbed hi gunmetal grey New seat oovera Tlrei have tote of mllu left ta thorn A dandy buy tor only 319ft JOS SNIDER Inc 2380 Delaware Ave Cash Waiting for Good Cars We Pay Off Yotir Notes rbLDSMQBILfc 1841 custom "erulur 4-v door trank hare ta a beauty 2-tons green white eld tiros that aro practically new neater radio apotllght 3 ft light Mg dlicounL CMd Mu Miner 1288 Mata JLdSMOBILC 1938 4-door trunk top I VF dltlon automatic traiumlalcn hu huter radio Urea paint motor A-l and only 3495 OM Mu Miner 1294 Main SL at BryinL FYLD8MOBILE 1940 coup radio er very good tires 3743 Broun 21 North pLYMOUTO U4i 4-door do luxe A white ldewali hmter defroeter oet oovera 10000 mltooprtvataly owned con bo fine need Call DE OrtSbtfora AM after 6 no dee tore LYMOUTH 1838 do luxe sedan radio healer good tlree 3373 Brown 23 North T)LYMt)(mi 1937 coach 298 1938 A 3198 193ft 3188 Auto Ftaanu 1353 Niagara PLYMOUTH 1938 do lux 4-door touring A ifiu or a dc luxe ooupe priced right ufety conditioned tlm taterion ap pearance equipment make them can bargain Root-Torgler Inc 1233 Main at Northampton £door new pakt ra A dlo hmter 323ft Brawn 23 North PLYMOUTH 1940 dt lux Mdan whltS lid twills ndloh Alr-eandltkmlnc stirir Idewille radio alr-eondltlonlng nearly new tlree 3745 Brown 23 North t-YMOUTH 1340 do hue eedin vroy Ew A mites nearly uw tlree 388ft Brown 28 North PLYMOUTH 1938 coupe te 398 A 1(08 Mata YOU STILL CAN BUY THESE CARS 1941 Chryalor Royal 4-Door Chryiter Royal Coupe Plymouth Do Lux 4-Door Plymouth Do Luxo 3-Door Chryiter Royal 4-Door 1940 01 141X1 01 Luxa J(JUJ Kudun Do Lau 4-Door Chevrokt Convertlfeta Coupe BEE CARS IN HEATED SHOWROOM A JULIUS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1596 South Park Ave PLYMOUTH 1841 iprolal de luxe 4-door -A aedan radio hmter 383ft Lou I A Bteyte Inc 2653 Detaware PLYMOUTH 1834 ewlu 3 food tine A huter 312ft 880 Deiavan front pUfdUiMl'lM ooupe good condi lien A good tlree win ucriflee terme TR 410ft PLYMOUTH 1838 coupe radio heater A tow mileage good tine 343ft Brown 23 North pLYMOUnT'1840 to luxe'ooocfc huter A erlghol gunmetal flnlzh Ilka uw li-300 actual mllee tonne trade Oita 1743 PLYMOUTH 1838 aedan good tlree new A paint huter 3423 Brawn 38 North PLYMOUTH 1837 2-door coach new A aalnt excellent time rad In and liMtK! paint excellent tine radio and huter 330ft 234 Washington Kenmore DE 9037 PLYMOUTH 1836 4-door good tlree A-l A condition reasonable 16 Columbue PLYMOUTH 1841 ipectal da hut 4-door Mdu: radio hmter equipped white well tlree: driven 8800 mite apeclal 3885 Great Lake Motor Corp 2338 Mata pLYMOUtSTlUO deluxe lid an 5 amity A new tlree new tlree hmter 3830 830 Deta-van front dpor TJLYMOUTH 1837 ooupe hero te A cept Innelly nice cor point tire tine motor la up condition and only 3318 Otdi Mon Miner 1398 Main at Bryant PONTIAC 8 1837 ooupe very ctean aoo A tlree EI95 Brown 38 North INTIilc 1833 ronvwUbte' ooupe 348 MM Mata TtONTIAC 8 or 2-door 3C A Brown Brown 28 North On 3-pue dub mnvertlbk ooupe: radio hmter defroeter 2-tone point 3583: Joining Marine 40 Shuntway TK)NTlA(f 1840 8 4-door louHng ledan A arletael erlgtael fawn grey finish Interior tlree merhanteal unite ta excellent condition do luxo equipment huter etc thoroughly winterized ro It today 3808 terme Root-Torgler I nr 1233 Mila at North- LATE MODELS Chryiter Sedan 3145 193S nnalU LuM 3Deer Plymouth Dt Lux 4-Doer 387ft JjJQ Dodge 2-Door 338ft Chiyilcr Wlndaor 4-Door Sedan 2800 artuol mure fluid drive vamuitutie traumteolon 31183 ABOVE CARS IN NEW CAB SHOWROOM OF North Bailey Motors 2649 Bailey cor Proctor TIONTIAC 1833 23mr A-l mechanically A good rubber 84 Rooedzte PONTIAC 1240 4-door trunk a top-condl-A lion autnmoMlo hu had tha but of mre tlm rxrellent: hmter and only 8883 (Xd Mn Minor 1218 Molw at Bryant rjtERRAPLAN! rial 3198 Tuttle'e 1038 Main 'i Wbnwi for hettir ud can Twin A A City Auto City Auto Ce 2720 Delaware ave IjAIGITnS 100 to chooM from: nt tradre kmgmt terme Jr 2MB Delawaro iTTEli tuod care all nukm and aiodrie DIBelln-Pcnllor 1233-1273 Main JjUY a uwd mr with a SfiMO-mlte writ ten guarantee at Mclnlmh Motore 2817 Bollry tnpo for your mr 05 iznuiez tel Jark Ztnntr 1818 South Park: am flrzt oompany hu can terme- 833 Crimea it NIELSES AAi Oronro fo at Germee tor that and mr 1'CRifPiVEiL for neondii'luMd guaraa-Ik'wd urod rare 1220 Main 'rod uwd mre 1220 Main it ii a uf plan to A buy a uwd mr 1323 Main GR 0490 fSiDADfY urod mre JteTfteDuiA 2S Mata it WI uTior uwd rare kiepitr Brae lac Bulck dmlor 1371 Mala wing husband and father Harry whs passed away 10 yean aaa today Com but atm forgotten By thoaa who loved him boot Wire SON AND DAUGHTER 8L CAIN 10 lovlnf memory of my dear husband Wallar Caine who poised away li yaam ago today Jon add Than la a home not made with hud Beyond Ita golden gataa Awalta the ana who' now away Not kat luat tono before And hi that hom*o not made with handa The Matter will prep A pi are for me whan He ealla meet my loved one never mare to put the grtdengtr In loving memory nf our dar husband and daddy Dr Kenneth Gordon Mowat who was called beyond aevea yean aaa today Jaa Wft Tou left behind a monument of fotden Built from acta of mercy too aumaroua to tell Enriching the Uvn of ua who loved you truly Leavbic our world a better place la which to dwell WIFE AND DAUGHTER a (a barm memory of my deer wife Marie and our dar mother who left ua ala yean aye today Uka our piardlaa anirt dar mother we knnw you will always protact and uldt LOVING HUSBAND JOHN DAUGHTER)! ANNA AND CAROLINE OKS JOHN AND WILLIAM AND THEIR AM1UER In memory of Herbert Wolf who fought In the World War paaaed away ala yean an Jaa- 1A UR Earh lonely hour that I hoa opent la woven throuah and through With mden threads of memory A your face coma railing umnuen DratliB ABETy-Kathryns Hager Abel Jaa 1ft IMft wife at George Abel mother al Mm Trends CF Osonor of fern Diego CaL and the late Norman Abel daughter at the lata Jamb and Mrs Barbara Hager lister of the late Mm Henrietta Hammerer Funeral from the family residence 198 Maple at Wednesday al A and fmm St Banlfaa Church at 9:30 A Deceased was a member af CL Elisabeth Society president of Branch WOO A and wrretary of Central Council A Friend Invited 12U BARTLETT Kathryn A Thompann Bart-ML Jan 12 1842 wlfa nf Mil art Bartlett mnthrr of Mra Arthur WZIm-mrrman slater of Mre John Green Mrs Frank Guinn Thomas and Elizabeth Thompann Funeral from realdenre of her daughter Mra Arthur Zimmerman SM Taunton ave Thure-day morning at 8:43 n'clock and from KL Joaeph'a Cathedral (Delaware Avenue! at 8:10 o'clock Friends Invited to attend 11114 Charla Hcuthsl Jon 12 1842 Buddmly husband of Carolina Knight: father of Kollo BwUid Mm Manta Buowvll nf CtndnnotL CL brother of Mina and Eleanor and Mra Lea Wood! Funeral will Uka plane firm the family rexldenca 103 Princeton Mvd Kenmore Thursday aftaraooa at 3 Friend an Invited I1tl4 Fred A Brook In Buffalo Jan 11 1842 husband nl Cora Wana-maker Brook father nf Mra Glen Wit-ter Jr brother of Mra Anna Brhults and Charles Brook of Medina Funeral from the Foreat Lawn Crematory Chapal Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Friends Invltad Calls maybe made at the Link-Fox Mortuary 206 Grant sL unto noon Wednesday 12U3 WlllUm A Cunningham Jan 12 1942 husband of Neill Tnughry: fsther of William Msry-allre tha lata Jeannette and George Cunningham bmther of Mrs Frank Brandnw of Roche ler Mrs John Riley Mrs Harry Jones John of Detroit Mich Charles and Marla Cunningham of San Fnnrlarp Col Funeral from the family residence 23d Bayne at Thursday morning at 8:30 and from tha Church af lha Annunciation at 10 o'clock 13U4 BUYER Harriet Noonan Dwysr Jan 11 184ft wife nf tha lata Harry Dwyer mother nf Mrs Vincent Haaaelt and Mrs William Nolan sister of Goorge Noonan and Mrs si ley of gyramae Funeral from tha family realdenre 43 Netwalk ave Wednesday morning at 8:10 and from St Margsret Church nt 10 o'clock rrienda an Invltad In attend Deceased wu a past duel of Amherat Star I-odge Fomten i of Amtrlca and a member of Altar Rosary Society of SL Margaret's Church Ellen Froggetl Dyson Jan 13 1P42 wlfa of the lata Thomas A Dyson mother of Thqmas A Dyson Jr Funeral from her lata residence 307 Potter rd Ttana to ho announced 13114 FEI-DN ANN Mary Hard Irk Fridman Jan 1ft 184ft wilo of tha late Herman FMdmann mother of Mrs Joseph Ryan Raymond Mrs Gerard Farms Eugene Harold Leonard George Albert and tha lata Marie slater of George Elizabeth and the lata Henry Hardlrk Funeral from her la I residents Deerfield ave Wednesday morning at 1ft and from SL Lnula Church at 11 Friends invited Deceased was a member of Chrlatlaa Mounts of SL Louie Church Ceorgl Fott Jan 1ft 1942 beloved husband of Anna Fntt Inrs Mayl father of Elmer Mra William Whiter Howard Gilbert Franklin Mra Krimeth Thompann Harold and Mrs William Glaser Funeral from the family realdence 440 Jtdam it Wed needy morning at 8:13 and from SL auirrh at 10 oarlock Friends art Invltad Deaaad was a member of Maltaala Trlbo No STft I 12t1S Henry Gellntr In East Aurora Tf Jan 11 1842 husband of tha lata Margaret (nr Slllllngerl father of Mra Cart Miller of East Aurora and Mrs Floyd Luther of West Falla brother of George of CnudenporL Pa Helen and Mary nf East Aurora Funeral fmm family residence 283 Parry at Wednesday at 2 o'clock and from Immanuel Lutheran Churrti East Aurora at 2:30 001008 Friends tavltad Intormant In Oakwnod Cemetery 1 12(13 HI AM Cnlnaom Glamors In this rlly Jan 12 1942 belnwd husband of Teresa (net Falcone) father nf Frank Ralva-tort Charles and Joseph lire: brother of Grrgnria Funeral from I he family residence 43 Finer at Thursday morning at A and from SL Anthony's Church at 8:20 A Friends at Invited to allend 13114 Anna Baumann Gruber Jan 1ft 384ft brloved wife of John mother nf Charles Mra Peter Krhmltt Anna John and Mrs Gllarm Schrslbrr Funeral from the family naklrnro 324 Wtnainw av Thursday at and from SL Mary Maadalana Church at 8 Dvrraaed waa a member nf lha Chrlallan Mothers' loclrty Friends Invited 1 13114 Elisabeth Reining Jlam-meramllh of IW0 Senea it Jan 11 184ft beloved wlfa of the lot George Services from Forest I awn ChapeL Wad-k Friend neaday aftarnnon at 8:30 o'clock Invlled to attmd Frlmda may call at Frank Rochester Funaral Home 3733 Ballsy ave until noon Wednesday Deceased waa a member af Oaaeo Chapter No 38ft a ft and Lebanon Rhrma No ft 12tl3 Cart He! wig Jan 12th IMft In Ihla city beloved husband of Matilda Htlwlg (nra Kindle) father of Mra Walter! Mra Kaarr Mrs Weala-cpti Mrs A Hein Chari ea and WUlwm Hrlwlg Rervlraa from lira family residence 38 Smith at Chraklowaa Thursday at A and from Our Lady Help of Christiana Church on Union Road it 8 dock Friends invited ta attend BIGGIN Joseph Hltglna In Rufralot Jan 1ft 1843 brother of Mra Mary O'ConiMlI William and Louise magma Funaral Iran Llnk-Finr Co Mortuary 3M Grant at Thursday morning at I 8:30 and at Joaeph'a Ud Cathedral at 8 Interment at Livonia Vllma Horvelh (ns Knrmoal Jan 1ft 1842 beloved wife of George mother of Daniel and Georg Jr aral from lha family reakleiire 147 Austin at btiday morning nl and from SL Elizabeth Church at 10 ohinrk Deceased waa a charier mrmlire nf Varhovey Aid Aaaorlallofl Branch No 121 Hungarian Mother' Cluh and SI Elisa balh'l Ladlaa Society Friends invited 13113 Beniamin Hummel of toi-jiiu Jan 12 1842 haloved husband nf Mary Bantlo Hummel father of Levant Hummel of cm line Yi brother nf Mrs David Woodward of WII-liamsvlllr Funaral from hla lata hnma at Chlllna Wednesday Jan 14 at 3 dO latannat al Cnlllna Cater 12tl3 Gonrw Jarir Jan 12 1842 In Buffalft husband of Dell Cl nee Jarir: father of Lorill and Vidian of Buffalo Harvey of East North-field Maas and Mrs Harold When ley of Columbus Ohio brother of Griff Jark of Canlstro and tha lata Harvey Jarir of Hnrnril Funeral service private flowers grate-fully derilnad: rails may be mada at Jun A Wilkins Funeral Home 443 DOqjbk av until Wed neaday goon Flair Grenade (Trask Feet) Bright and Early Daltaslte Guy Fawkes Jaa Lee Min Merit Settler Bay Flaeh Bright Finish Smart Move Hy Broom Iva Mae Ftact Ravee Fort Orlffia Skean Dhu Roadmaater oob HL Maurice Yannlc Sid Bull Terrier Sir Broadside Alprtk-gtowr Sammy EllegaeL Victory March Lactoa Tropic el Park (Tmek Feet) 1 Argos Bitot Rack Molar Quia Ad vine Monko Mend Tellemoff 2 Leisure Glenn port Stater Dan She-mite Bark Tooth A Ono 9 High Nome Strolling Easy Court roue Chtcall Out ProaL Colorado Ore 8 Placer Inn Long Paso Illinois Star Chance Ray Indies Penny Attracting TRAFFIC COURT Meaiay JUDGE GEORGE HAGER Hpeedtaa flft-Jama Parke 38 MB ror 44 mi third conviction Wllltam MrCcv 320 Roycreft (heektowege 44 mi licrnoe revoked tor third eonvlctlon ta II mnnlhs Mpeedlag (18 Anthony Pate 1288 Mtrhigen 47 mi La lie Baker 218 Emm 43 mi HpeMtas Sebastian Zimmer 100 Orton 42 ml Henry Simon Ebenoar 47 mL Npeedleg gift- Frank 0 Me no 93 Flos 43 ml Mbit Tags Arthur Zekrzewild 385 Broadway CAFETERIA COURT Stop 81 re Victor Nowickl 49 Writ White Toga Chnria IppoUta 183 Oxford Improper Porktag Walter Rich 294 David ion Edward Water 281 Cumberland ANNUAL MEETING of the Itoek- GIBSON (IX) AIX OWNERS of Seven Pm Cent nSvilorMSim secured by IttuOadmlun or Kortxai IKSr etor Oixnpany to peny ej True Marin Trust KNI8 Liber 1847 of to All Owners of Coupons nc annexed to laid bonds and beneficially interested In any persons told mortgage ttrliraM end ta any peronna whom effect tor tho nonuntaal Punuont'to on Order dated fl Sth day of January 1942 mao tor the Court Erl County County you ere ordered to how cause before aald court et Soeetal Term Part I thereof to do held In and tor the County nf jilt at Erie County In Tn TruKre etc a gainst osnta of Raorgantialkn Auctions A U6LUW auction Wsdnaday il aw at 222T 2222 Elmwood wo wUI otter tor tha owner fumlihlnxe pneUeolly like new moved In from storage toe convenience at ale end constate of beddlnft linen drapes curtains Shari mirror dishes lamp silverware cooking utensil atari rie washing machine stud to couch mante chain rug map! bedroom suit complete maple dinette aL apartment six kitchenette range living room suite bookcee variety of gtaowan many llama too numeral to mention Frtgktaln tte David Wei-bauer aurikmar A UcTlON Jan 14 and il atartlng at A A-10 I Dye Flnproof Warehouse Ine 1883 Mala iL Buffalo eoneiderabte portlou of Mr Bryant Fleming's well-known collect Ion of antique con 1 ting of approximately 3300 piece of Early Colonial giais china pewter ellvet texUlee furniture Oriental rugs and ml ctllaiiaous ptace will ha offered tor aata mra values Gall Dantand aurtlonmr Herman Rudd agmL rOsaiifMfha mfyiriuttCut 2iiuiiirLEMnr FAST SERVICE! If yea must dlopoae af year modal car SEE US paid off Highest cash for your O'Neill Motor Corp 17M MAIN GA 8501 WANTED 100 CARS Wi PAY SPOT CASH WHI pay art year nata and pop yen tha di Items Irina Ymir Bill af Sale See Mr Kbui John Gibson Co Ine 1196 Main yjl Dc Sot futon 4-Dr Sedan ml Heater and $1075 Sedan defroster $1065 defmter Bulck Special 4-Dr Srdaa I Heater aad I Cher Special De Luxe 2-Dr 6 1 Sedan Heater aad lilt Da Bata Cmf 1-Dr I99E Itod Hester A defroe ter tlld Da Bote Dr 4-Dr 8N OB Bed Heater A defroster OI9 MB Chev Master Ccnpe f8C to llratet and def raster 8d Plymnth Dc 4-Dr 82(6 OO 8e4 Heater A defroster wa 91 Plymouth Da 4-Dr 8371 to I Brd llratet A defraeter totolto 1 10 alhrr rrrondilioncd ran la cbooic from De Soto 6 Plymouth Dtst USED CARS ARE NOT PROBABLE THEY WILL A Car Bauaht New is a Gi li-vatfmont an Shtnl Ratlin Hg Valua far Yaan Hi KPT IBM TOIMITB MAIN AT BOBU ILOT-AUI DtLAWAKI AT AVUT Bicydts and Motorcycles VIEW aad need aotorcydoe Buffaiolfire V1 AY ky-Davtdeon 184 Jetferaon 7134 Cemparatlvg Temperature Hlghat temptmlura pest 24 hours at waiter bores 33 Lowat temperature Monday night at wee Iter bureau 17 Average temperature peat 24 hours 34 Normal for this date 23 Highest temp this date slna 1S74 Lowat temp this date slna 1874 Deficiency in temp slna Jan 1 113 Relative Data Today Tffnp HumTT 'Wnd Vl Pr A M1 17tS0fttl)mph ToS Precipitation Fa 24 hours tndtd 7:30 A 09 nra Jan 1 249 Excess slna Jtn 1 110 Unmrited snow past 24 houra 03 MIZE Senior Meteorologist THE HEWS ALMANAC Sun rose today 7:44 A Sub sets today 3:04 Mi longth of day 8 hours 18 minutes Sua item tomorrow 7:48 A Jft HOOK'S CHANGES FI rat ouortsr Jan 24 1:33 A Full moon Feft 14:13 AM Lat quarter Foft ft 8:32 A Now moon Jan 1ft 4:32 Vsnua evening star Marft Jupiter and Saturn sat after midnight Jan 11 la History nm mm sao nisiHry Salmon Chajft jurtet boo 1 New jni Min Buffalo Evening News Almonoft A Far that tha United Stata will ksep out of Uw war so that them will ba on ant country ta tho world after all this trouhte ta over" unu expressed by Mxdxmo Georg do Crtpen-berg British-born wife of tho rinatah mbogudor te Britain United Stela Ambneudar Wtlllsm Phllllpo returned to Italy today reported allying a special personal Jl mi flunldi a a iga from President RooovtU to victor EmaaucL King New- Almanac seta fa fth onnooeu-tlro complete udlh information on national defeau contract! end dtftauo eetup Twee ly-five year an British repulse Geiman altaek northwest of Sem end west of Vuny on Western Front Weather: Cloudy Min Temp I BIRTHS Dm (riled up ta 3 Jen 13) and Mra Blair ft SrotL 104 Connelly Paul Setarrlnn Ehrnaer Arthur Powell 48S Bat Nichole Plerro 3M MssazchuMlte Howard Nlrken 424 Dodge Jobe MrCtaaiy Hamburg Benjamin Lux LorkporL Jama Knudson Jr Keiunorft ri nnmitaxi 8li IMlUIRgl Anthony Knaplk 148 Metralls Edwin 1 Kies 89 Meriden Jnwph GegUone 3M Buell 9SW1IRNW 488 DHMh -BronUtaM ft Gabtyuak 230 Sobtariri Bay Downey Derby D- Drther 208 Smith Wallace Borden 117 klasoartiuaetlx JL-Peui Beech 1143 Delaware Stanley Adsmczyk 140 Welter Harry YounL 13 Wildwood Ntchnlae Wllann Snyder 31 John Mtachee Dr pew Girl Here Bea to Nr end Mrs I Prank Teres I lM8 ruimoa Cert Slaby Eden Frederick Simmons 991 Division Paul Sally 34 Znllers 38-Arthur Rngowakl 387 Spring 1 Cherla Robinson 38 Lovering Melvin Robinson roWen Joseph Pletrzek 47 Houghton Theodora Numerackl 34 Wllann Ktauo A Nllioon 93 Ttuntask W-Jzma Hick 1H2 Highland Herbert HezeL 210 Court land William Hrimer 218 MtamL Joseph ft Dohany 88 Summer Marcel lea Bulla Larkewenna WUbur a Burton 103 Garner Ben Wea Boa to Mr m3 Mrs I Vincent ToUro 288 Hudson MARRIAGE LICENSES (Piled up to 1 Jan 131 Cheater Dernnhn 47 Undbrrg Norma Kunrmen 1(11 llrm paired Reimnnd CMIgllft 9HH Myrtle Merlin CxppeHino 129 Whitney LevendnnakL 274 Detroll-Krien Prukelakl 14 Reed Vlnrent DendoUl 88 Rnma-Rulh Ray-monri 373 Grant HrtjTrt ft- Chaiiln 31 Sylvie Nlaherg 289 Cnmmunwallh aerena Berna Hotel Grey Mary Horten lintel Gieyslonn I Mlerarw- ski UKIT Broidwiy Jim Ben net 184 Helen A 13 Hlghgele Vondallllil' Kamudft 148 28 Ivo Bectow 304 ff Phyl Dnll 121 Evelyn 5 Maty Joha-Crvecvnt DEATHS Job (Filed up to 2 Jaa IS) w- Detavaft ft-Hnyt Hiehan 81 81 Morris '-A" Prikner 83 28 Nnrwnod lal Hmihiger-glhY P- Unce 88 98 Ketehum -George Jaye 81 88 Purdy n' 1 Laurri DlrknxL 2ft 129 Shirley JUvuhfJh Funk 72 Chseklnwag Rose Larhut 1 mo im Pleyter U-Marim Klibmlnn 4ft Mil HuotL Vincvna Kchnepperie at Oil CUy Pa 1 Rim Mnraa 48 Glenwnod IJ-MeiKl lJtffln 34 48 Hainan Kbln- i 23 WilmonL Carl llelwlg lift Cheeklowaga 8-AHre Itnhlnann 7ft 1881 Niagara ktory 1 Maps 73 Bennlnglnn Pranroi Hnehmarhrlrhler 7ft La rsiter Ruth Spark SI Niagara Fall Aaunla Mnnlorte 38 Zt Court A-Margamt Reennonn 88 398 Norwood Hilda Rlchenl 44 31 Nwrwond Thoms PsnasL 7 moo 101 Gorton 10-Morgorrt trCnrmlrk 38 81 Winslow Wolfgang Winkler 80 IT Moramley (tanrao Frit 7ft 440 Adame I Georg Baer Tft 99 Cnlloa Mlrhaet Luklcz 88 28 Clay I Elsie Hughes 49 HOT Mortimer Frauororo Ueroaana TJ 13g Seventh IWJ rt fiir the nurpne rlerllng direct ore for the rneulng year In traneart eurh other buelnrae ao cama properly before lh jptjnT nay Secreiary lanftlS For IKeniilifiil Fiiner 11 1 Service Boots ond Mariwo Supplies ('iHSIS-duii Vnompeon A iohuoa motor 1M2 model on dtspUy opm evening Rich Marta Site AUTBOARD motor aarvlecd white port Bvaltable Buffalo Marina Mart GA 220ft A 5 kinds boat lumber marina plywoo3T Arrow Thnk Ce 85 Lrooy IR BALE Late-model 18-fL iport run bout well-known on river Call MA 2345 after Mj ak far Goorge 'Ew Unlvorul A 2S marine moUx complete with revent gear aluminum hue Arrow Tank Ce 85 Leroy Building and Materials TUIIBiR new ami used: newmUlwork' A calnL atom eeeh wx 11 hoard dvwwt A paint atom luh we 11 board plywood tuulalloa garagea remodeling Huber-Lanctot Corp 800 Hertel RI 2312 UMBER tor all puipoeee atom ggehl A deHverim Hurd Lumber Ox WO Ota deMverlee Hurd Lumber Ce WO 002ft ijERGNl AJ mlllom ER A CO carpenter lumbar? mlUwork 84 Terrace WA 230ft iv used fabricated Heel roof truisee 4 9 foot long 4-tach channel ta receive metal roof building wu 40x80 ft Frank feme Salamanee a Businass Chances NTS rollaeted or ao charge oC welted er CoUectton Co no FnuihBa rt i bV RTISER hu opportunity to pur-J A chow largo bankrupt itnrk merehandlu fmm bank at uerlfke alu know how and whom to aril It at excellent profit) 31500 rash needed tor fair ihare profile Phone 5437 1ATH rabinete rtectrie and eulphur vx-A por 1 colonic unit and table urii 1 30ft Retail 43914 Fifth av Niagara Falle fjlSDTX (hop fully equipped tor rent A 323 numth 474 Hertel DE 3393 TPEAUTY shop tor uie Inquire SkM 11 runlnn (Tlnlnn pONtECrribNERY grocery rent xi Vf buy comer: 3138 required Frank lla Sake 483 Franklin SOfJVALiSCENT home fine locellonT Vf well Mlebllxhed beeullfully fumlihed end equipped good builneee nllractlvo terme GA 3334 TYiCICATissEM ave Ar rent only 333 nice large etore B-ft raw beer cooler allcro rte: railed win urriftra at Sinnn See Mr Humphrieg Hunt Realtor 410 Brkbena Bldg WA 3843 TyeTICAT ESSEN grorary kwer rooms A electric equipment: 3283 required Franklin Sake 483 Franklin TTkKUfXTESSEN ad neete Isiiley-SJ Kenitantan dish Knulngton dklrirt 350 rent Inrtudea T-rnom flat uko over 3400 week owner will five trial lo prove buetaru no nearby competition See Mr Frill Hunt Realtor 410 Briebnnt Bldg WA S84A TYELICATKSREN jtorth Park targe AJ alack beer: no delivery no rherge rrtlrini ucounte preeenl owner retiring IIN 837L iVELreXtiSSEirfuIly locked 3430 lo AJ 33no weekly buelnne start rlrelly quipped 3tXio TVIer refrigerator Ufjwn bul nee: cheep rent with rmr apt 420 rata required Write 4ft New nfftra TSlNG car buy builneu lomilnn complete with 2 ekrtrle refrigerator tram UMe rounter and table wnrlnej Mk 3530 weekly rent 320: Price 32200 Hunt Keillor 410 Sri ban Bldg WA SMI Many Buffalo families are realizing that the funeral home service is practical and desirable It removes from the home the disturbance inconvenience end estra work caused by a funeral The Ernest Wedckindt Funeral Home with its beau tiful home-like drawing room chapels is crntraliy located easily reached and completely equipped to serve several families at one time Since costa are no greater in fact Ernest Wede-kindt prices are lower more and mote people prefer services in our Funeral Home and appreciate the greater value for their money Ns 44Hlsaal rturir far af shapsl Quotas (Tees Erncsf Wcdckimli Mewsrd ft WsdakladL Ms sigr 5 Walden Avenue HUmboldt 7811 I.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.