The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

we PRICE ONE PENNY. NO. 7960. MELBOURNE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1880. Bouses and Land For Bale Public Notlcea.

Situations Vacant. Public Notices. Sltuatlonii Vacant. Situations Wanted. Houses and Land To tiec Advertisem*nts imdor tide head, not seceding four Marriage.

MiRiiir Tuebbli. On the Uth or July, at St. Mary's R.C. Church. Uotluuu, by ttio Rev.

Dean Eii4wd, by licence, William J. Murphy, 1 Birchlll terrace, A'Pccki-lt-strect, West Melbourne, to Mary, only daughter of the Win. Trebble, of Fleming-ten, 'itomanian papere please copy. TEAM to LONDON. ORIENT LINE.

The following steanuhips, belonging to tho Orient Steam Navigation Company (limited) and tho PaeiUo Steam Navigation Company, will leave Melbourne on. the undermentioned dates for Adelaide and London, via the Suez Canal and Naples I BRUNSWICK-ROAD, near Lygon-street VILLA RESIDENCE and throe cottages; land 06 153. Macf arlan, 22 Swanston-street ARLTON. Ponr-roomed detached COTTAGE tor SALE. Princes-street (Reilly-street), two door 1 rum viniiiii-Breob.

CITY FREEHOLD, producing 100 yearly bar gain 1000; terms. Goodwin, 22 Swanstoa-street south. COLLINGWOOD. New weatherboard COTTAOES, 3 or 4 rooms each, Rupert-street, for SASJt; Binali deposit, balance monthly mstaLmcnts. R.

Q. Bouson, 82 Collins-street east "WjlAST BRIGHTON. LAND, 11 acres, all fenosa u'j and cultivated; plenty water good cottage; including crops, 400 8 miles from Melbourne bar gain. Ueauchatnp, Collins-Btrcet uiiiiul'-iiiuu, uuviiun, aiuuruiiv, uust- ness PREMISES LEASE, low in-ound rant. Moray, Bank streets.

M'Farlanc. MklERALD-HILL, four rooms, 126 Carlton, Ave rooms, 05s. monthly; Fitzroy, seven roams, terms. 78 Qoccn-strcct. CI LENHOPE.

Alexander M'Douald's FARM, 67 3T acres splendid agricultural land hsunedtal pusscasloii easy terms. Henry Stavensen, Quoen-n. OOD LAND, ovallablo for selection water front-T ago; near railway town, Gippsland. Apply Selector, Ago office. AWTHORN.

Near railway, new brick VILLA, conucea; 775. Hint, agent, Hawthorn. 1 MOUNTCAMEL, Hcathcote. By mortgames, 0. acres of first-class agricultural LAND, Floor Boiler.

Urcitly reduced price and easy terms. Henry Stevenson, Queen-street NORTH FITZROY, Brunswick-street Brick two-story house, 0 rooms, bathroom, land 22 If; 600. Boaucbanip. RICHMOND (Yarroberg). Two weatherboard COITAGES, 4 and a rooms.

Land 40xlM 200. BcaU'jhamp, Collins-atrect ICHMOND, near Richmond Paddock, weathf COTTAGE, 4 rooms, verandah a bat gain 200, Beauchamp, Collins-street ICHMOND. New weatherboard COTTAGES, XV or 4 rooms each, Abinger-strcct, for SALC Binali deposit, balance monthly Instalments. Benson, 32 Collius-streot east 8 AN lii'DGE. Cheap ALLOTMENTS eaBy terms; west railway 12s.

50s. foot Buekhurst and Buxton, Emerald-hill. NUG COTTAGE, large land, for SALE prios moderate. Full particulara Carlos, Age office. SOUTH Y'ARRA, Garden-street Wcathorboord COTPAGE, 3 rooms, washhousc, boarded and papered 40 111 300.

Beauchamp. SOUTH YARRABrick VILLA, she wrnsTevery convenience, land 30 ft 120 ft; 005. ConnM, 69 Commercial-road TWENTY-ONE ACRES, Burke-road, near Racv course Hotel. Box 234, General Post Office. WENT Y-fYve" ACRES, near Donnvbrook, adjoin-ins Mount Ridley Estate, occupied by Mr.

Walsh. Henry Stevenson, Queen-street. rpWO HUNDRED ACRES, good cultivation, largv house; near railway; 40 miles Melbourne. Goodwin, 22 Swanston-street south. Houses and Land Wanted.

"CXTANTED, in Richmond, to RENT (or purchase hy time payment) four-roomed COTTAGE, with usual conveniences. J. Ago office. WANTED, largoHub-," for sixmontlw; withha a milo of Gonenil Pobt Offico. Address P.

Ageofllce. ANTED, furnished HOUSE, twelve months; four good bedrooms; East Melbourne preferred. S. HaTgh, CO Collins-at ANTED to KENT, large ROOM, or two, about wji. ujitimira uiiuhii.

r.eia, Age omcev WANTED, SHOP and three large rooms, Colling, wood or Carlton not exceed 10s, a week. Apply G. Ago olllce. Wanted to Sell. GC.

CLAUSCEN-a Champinn Time-payment FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, Gertrude-street, next Champion Hotel And, at Opposite Comer, Ironmongery and Sewing Machine Depot, 1 Brunswick and Gertrude -streets, Fitzroy. G. C. Clauficen desires to announce that, in const quence of the largo increase of his furnishing business, ho has been compelled to extend his establishment. With that object, ami to offer his customers an opportunity of inspecting his large stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, he has socured, on lease, the premises known as the Champion SUbles, Gertrude-street, whereon ho has just erected large and commodious establishment Persons about to furnish, and others desiring to re-plunisli, will do v.dl to call and inspect the stock ba foro laying out their money.

HOUSES FURNISHED On most liberal terms for cash also, 011 time payment. A two-i'oomod houso furnished from 12 A throe-rooiiiod hotue furuhlied from 17 A four-roomed Iioubo furnished from 23 AT Frick's, 140 lady's Ohair and six chairs, all new; Mantelpieces, 12b. Od. A BILLIARD TABLE for SALE, secondhand: equal Jr. to now.

Alcouk and Russell-street, Melbourne. ALco*ck and RusseTbstreet, on SALE Kauri. Queensland, Californian, Huon PINE, Ash. Oak, American White Wood, juit landed. Veneers suitablo cabinetmakers, coachbuilders.

AMERICAN TRUNKS, Bags, Portmanteaus, Fold ing and Invalid Chairs, RnV Velocipedes, Waggons, Carts, Crawford, 7 Eastern Arcade. A1 RTIF1CIAL FLOWER BUTTONHOLES The uoveltv. Mrs. Simons. TtirHoh It uth- niaicruia UUJjpilCU.

BEDSTEADS and Beddings, Housohold Fumlturo for SALE, private, leaving colony. 29 CondtU street, Fitzroy. EDSTEADS and BEDDING, new and eecondi band, att vory low prices. Harrison and Sons, 8 Littlo Collins-street cast. 1 ILLIARD TABLES, Balls, Cloths, Cushions.

Pockets, Tables re-covered. J. Thomas's niaau factory, 130 Bourke-atreet east. BREAD CART, second hand, for SALE also, spring cart, new. Harvio, coachbuilder, HawJ thorn-bridge, Richmond.

BROWN PAPER and CANVAS for SALE, cheap. Apply to the Btorcmau, Ago olllce, Collins street cast CfONTRAOTOKS, Farmoi-s andothcrs, ENGINES, Btonebrcukers, sawmill, drays, harness and a quantity tools and sundries, to be seen at 149 Colllns-st reet wesl, DltAB UTRECHT VELVET, a largo quantity lot SALE, cheap. Parry and Mackav, Flinders-laue. TV RAWlNfiltnnur kititi? KiZT; 7T bargain; also, Barbar's Chair, cheao. bwunston-ulrecc.

next Little I.atrolui ENG LAND. For SALS, third-class lady's TICKET Orient Line, cheap. Apply Union Pawn office. Little Lonsdalc-etrcct ca3t I.ioOTINUS, Rubble, SleUl Screenings, delivered in or jetties in Bay. U.

Paine. Stooa mpmy, Wiliiainstown. InOR CHEAP FIREWOOD, Coal, Cuke, try Albert P-'uel Company, Park-street, Kraerald-hlU, opposite Town Hall. liUllNITURE supplied on TIME PAY'MENT m. miuiiBu, unintuiata ueuvery.

'KtUKNlTUKE, secondhind Drawinyrant nin." wiiivc, slues, eiv.c stock. Harrison's, Littlo Collioa-strect Erten- "BURNITURE direct rom moniifacturers. EKIfAN irauiiic.IiiaKtir man upholsterer, 100 Vjctoria-Bt W. r2.AlDENKOIL forSALE. Apply on works, corner V7T King and iTanklln streets.

Delivered if required, GAASfonlL 0n SALE- Uur. quarriw. assortment at whoW-JT sale prices, Tnido supplied. Douirlai atut Sons, liO Fllnders-lane east. rf" ASFITTINGS.

Cheap, now globet VJT pumps, beer engines, load and compo. pipe, nickel plating. John bonks, 42 Bourke-street wesW (1 AS STOVES, American and English, best quality" Chandeliers, ftc, large assortment John Dmaka. 42 Bourke-strcet west. jf ATHES, scrow-euttimr and amatoui-'ii; rfriiiiS XJ and shaping machines, forges, Jtc John Dankst 42 Hour ko-st rccL wuct.

C1 OAT and two Kids, 4 1 Norfolk Cottage, ays old, for SALE. M'Pherson-street, GUN (double), breech-loader, hang, wanted to SELL, or exchange for a slnglo one, must be liyht and gotd. Address, by letter only. Mi. O.

C. HoiUton, Daiickcrs Hotel, William-street, Melbourne HORSE, Cart, liamess, 0 0s. lotTBrittany Cowl 2. Beckmaun, back Cricketers' AlW Esplanade, Sandridge. ORSE, ahiu Mare good saddle or harness.

Ml minngwoou. OltSE, buggy, harness, for SALE; to be stM 11 to 5. 84 Flinders-lone cost. HORSE, flno upstanding, suit merchant or trs veller; sound and fast 92 Easey -street, Ool- lingwootl. MUGIIKS and HARVEY, 144 Lonsdale-street east, Manufacturers of STAMPED MILK, Cold, Bak' nd Pio DISHES, Galvanised and Tinned Wash-hand Basins, Pudding Bowels, Copper Boilers, BUperior and cheaper than English manufacture.

Oaf vanlsetiTinnnd Japanned Ware. ToruisonappllMUoo. IRON PIPING, secondhand. J-Inch and 1-lnch, 8 inch also, largo quantity Blacksmith's Tools, Very cheap, luu Collins-street west TTRON (Galvanised), damaged; alrm, nialtt-mith't Ihsllows and Tools. Apply J.

A. Sandridgi Post O.nce. ANGEL WUREL, about LO tonn, for SAlii Appiy to biupfien uox, Alanuru Works, Foot 3:1 ILK, IG0 quarts Oail for HALE town Jllllt, Aire acner, 1M1 Lvcoii-ilrci, Jk lLI.INDKV, Wlntcr.Cloariiiir out at lut tliar xjl c3t tall duly, to secure baroutnf. a'iab-r, till L.TKOU4lrCq(. iJlIOTOnRAI'lIS at M.

per dox tor on. month. Klliutt's, 133 Bourke-str-et east, opposite Cotrt Arcaue. HUTUUKApilS. Ocms, 46 for sW, D.

EW. stmi, 6. aiiJ E7 Collitis-street castoppoaiu Ag. BIU ami COW I'EKFI on SALE, cheap, a noncraft and Littlo Collins-street trrst T)IU9, younir, for UALK. Mnlvany, Inki TjJIANOa.

OAKNKQIE, Pianofort. Im. JL portor, xuv iionrKo.s,RQt,ui a uiijer SJM of SQcond hand Pianos. (For ftnh'nimli'on of this Clou of AdverUm-. mna Ste Fourth Pabe.) SERVANT, good genenl, wanted.

Mrs. Piirbrlck, Woodstock House, rrinces-et, near Drummond-st S1 ERVANT, general, wanted. Apply, alter 9 o'clock, No. 2 Bay Vlaw-terraco, Grattan-st, Carlton. SERVANT, comiwtent, general, young woman reference another kept R.

Greevo, corner rk and Ferrars Emcrald-ldl). SERVANT, genera), wanted, for small family. Custuino House, -247 Bourke-st. E. References.

SERVANT, good general, wanted. At M'Arthur'S, Park-st Emcrald-hUl, Westond House. SERVANT wauted for housework, and assist In bar, with character. Volunteer Arms Hotel, Vic torla-st. SERVANT, general, Great Colllns-st W.

SERVANT, general, wanted also, nursemaid. 17 1 ERVANT, good general, respectable, wanted. Apply 168 Xloray-st, Emerald-hill. ERVANT, general, wauted. Apply, after 10, 41 A.uue iiOiisuaio-s(.

SERVANT', young, resectable housemaid kept rcferencos. 10 to 12, 7 Geurge-st, E. Melbourne, SHIRT FINISHERS wanted. Apply 109 Fitiroy-st, Fitzroy. Uefercuccs required.

S1 11 HIT FINISHERS, good, wanted. Apply Avon BUIRT MACHINIST wanted; out-door; good Workers constant work. Jaduon's factory' Bruugwick-nL, Brunswick. HOP HAND, comtetent, also Laborer, wanted. Appiy KxniDition rouutain, uariton uaruens.

S1 ILK COAT HANDS wanted in-door and out door. Beath, Schless and 87 Fllnders-1. KIN PULLER and two wool washers wanted. M'rartand'a lolhuongery, Saltwater River. SMALL front PARLOR, furnished as bedroom 7s.

separate entrance. 39 Fitzroy, Parade end. STONEMASONS (2), good cutters. George Sum-mors, Monumental Works, Lygon and Elgin Carlton. rpAILOR (country shop), Carpenter (tools)8; Butcher (country); Axemen (tools), wanted, til Colllns-st E.

TAILOR'S CUTTER, experienced, for a leading establishment in Adelaide, wanted. Liberal terms for a first-class man. Nono but steady and reliable applicants will bo entertained. Apply Messrs. J.

Frankeubcrg and Fliuders-1. between 10 rpAILORESSES. Wanted, good trousers Hand also respectable Girl, generally useful. Apply 110 Stephen-Et and Vest Hands, out-X doors, any quantity. Friedman and Davis, 4 Lonsdale-st.

fyiAILORESSES. Coat, Trousers and Vest Hands wanted. Beath, Schiess and Co. TAILORESSES and Improvers for coats wanted, weekly. Apply 43 Eiizabeth-st N.

rilROUSERS HAND, good printed moles; indoors and out. 12 Johnstou-st, Fitzroy. TUCK-POINTER wanted. William Repper, builder, Alfred Crescent, N. Fitzroy.

TUCKP01NTERS wanted, Goldsbrough's store. Wanted, Tuckpolnters, Goldsbrough store. J. Moore. VEST HANDS.

Wanted, any quantity; good prices; constant employment 54 Crtrlton. 'AITER, for Tasmania, wanted good retor-Uliccs. Anulv. 11 o'clock. Prince of Wales Hotol, Lonsdule-flt W' A ITER wanted, used to restaurant no other neeu appiy.

AiDion Restaurant, iu iiiiza- bcth-st WANTED tradesmen to remember that Blackott's vote threw the contract for Exhibition chairs open to Chinese competition, thereby depriving Vic-torian tradesmen of employment HEELWRIGHT, med to dray work; single iiLtu tii-murieu. z-upu ami ingiis, iirunswicK. WHEELWRIGHT, good general, wanted. O. C.

Lewis, Brighton Coach Factory, Bay-st, N. Brighton. WOMAN, young, to assist in housework and sew. ng, wanted. Mra.

Lorimer, T'oorak. WOMAN (middle-aged), General Scrvanti (country), wanted. Mrs. Hobson, 30 off Collins-st OODCARVERS wanted also, Improvers. Coul- WOODCUTTEKS wanted.

Anderson's paddock, comer Glen Eira and Hawthorn Caul-field, after 10 o'clock. YOUTH, respectable, wanted references apply-by letter, own handwriting. Farrell, Colonial tannery, Richmond. "firOUTH, smart, active, wanted, for grocery storo wages, 8s. Grocer, Age otiico.

"VTOUTH, strong, accustomed to painting, wanted, Appiy Mr. Beckott, Flindcrs-st. E. YOUTH, milk, 10s, milk carter, 20s. upholsterer's boy, wanted.

Labor Exchange, 53 Littiu Col lius-st. E. Boai'd and Residence. Advertisem*nts uuder this head, not exceeding four teen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. AT WARD'S WESTMINSTER FAMILY HOTEL, Parade end Brunswick-st, select ACCOMMO UA'I'ION for geutlemen.

Bath, piano. A COMFORTABLE HOME for respectable men; every convenience. 5 A'Beckett-st. Sv. ACCOMMODATION for respectable fount? men washiug; bath, gas.

14 Frauklin-st. near Ellzabeth-st A FURNISHED ROOM, with fireplace suit married couple rent, 6s. 118 Little Lonsdale- A FURNISHED BEDROOM (detached) fireplace separate entrance. 39 Smith-st, Fitzroy: near Victoria-parade. GOOD ACCOMMODATION for three young men.

143 Bourke-st. W. AT 4 Melhournia-terrace, Drummond-st, Carlton, BOARD and Residence, every convenience moderate. A' 74 Punt-hill, S. Yarrrt.

Furnished three orfour uoaru 11 required. A' 1 Gore-terrace, Carlton, ROOMS furnished or umuriugiieu. AT 117 Littlo Flhiders-Bt Furnished front BEDROOM, parlor; use kitchen; married A 50 Wohb-st, Fitzroy, comfortablo furnished BEDROOMS; board optional. Terras very moderate. A 71 Faraday -st, Carlton.

A comfortable fur- msncu ur.unuuji ior two gentlemen in busi- BEDROOM, furnished, private family suit two JftoKjaj uoother lodgers. 30 Elgin-st, Cariton. BOARD, Residence working menTlOs. wmjklyT washing included accommodation married couple. 180 E.

B' OARD and Residence accommodation of family an uore-su, ruzroy, t'oraue OARD and Residence for one or two friends iw yorus irom txniDmon. 8 Oertrude-st. OARD and Rosidence, suit two single men. 112 untie uunauaie-st. n.

uuence, LittJi Lonsdale-st, opposite BOARD, Residence, including washing, 12s. Od. Tamar Cottage, Yorke-st, off, N. Fitzroy. COMFORTABLE Furnished ROOMS hath, gas, balcony.

4 Pattlson-terrace, Leicester-st. Carlton, near Unlrcraity. OM PORTABLE LODGINGS for resjwctablo men; 4s' weekly. 153 Sprlng-st, opposite Model School. Latchkey.

COMFORTABLE HOME for rcspectablo young ladles engaged in business during day. 17 COMFORTABLE BOARD and Residence, gentle-, mon very moderate. 5 Belgravia-terraco, lOiig-st, opposite FloL'stoff Gardens. IOMFORTABLE HOME for ono or two children. izs near Cariton.

COMFORTABLE HOME, gentlemen piano, hath, near gardens; washing. High Littleton House, A Beckett-st W. COMFORTABLE HOME offered child over two years; is. wccKiy. it.

tu, fostUflice, Prahrau. IjlMEKALD-H ILL. Furnished front ROOM, suit Jj married couple, friends use kitchen, gas. 09 Moray-st. FURNISHED BEDROOM, detached, fireplace, gas, hath, key; separate entrance.

19 Victoria-parade, below Smlth-st I ROOMS for respectable mon, bath gas; 4s. 203 Spenccr-st, near Farriers' Arms. IURNISHED'ROOMSILET batliT uBO cheap. 1 Albert-terrace, Grceves-st, Fitzroy. C'C OOD AOCOMMODATION ToTTradcsmVn'rBJs washing iucluded bath, gas, latchkey.

48 Gore JUNCTION HOTEL. Furnished BEDROOMS to LET. near Hay Market. Healthy private ciitrauue. LODGINGS.

Tho best in Fitzroy. Sir George Bowon Hotel, Gertrude -st Front 6s. weekly. JHIVATE BOARD, Resldeuco, shiglo bath; 16s. S3 duor Elgin-st piano, wasbinglSar; slnglo, 1 Grattan-st, Carlton, opposite TP ICHMOND.

HOARD, residence balcony two minutes to station. No. 1 Lennox-st, near Swan-st rpO LET, furnished BEDROOM, suit dressmaker use ot luachiiio; uoderato. 222 Cardigou-st, no LET, large front ROOM, with fireplace." 162 I florin 1 rln -at. tritvmv rpWO, Opposite Biink Victoria, Carlton.

BOARD, Residence, separate room, 19s. Accommo- rpWO or three ROOMS to LET, together or sera-B. rate, near Exhibition. Apply 63 L-gon-st, Carlton. rpWO frqnt furnUhod ROOMS to LET; use of A ApP'y I Rotherwood-st, Richmond.

TWO comfortablo famished rooms iwntUehenT No. 8 Dnnvar-cottagvs, Vlctoria-st, near Hotham. WANTED, In South Yarra, three ROOMS, unfurnished, lady and daughter. II. tinell, draper.

Cariton. WEST MELBOURNE. 'Largo furnished front ROOM, grate, gas. 121 Bpencer-it, near Hawke-st .1 DRAFTSMAN, to draw plan, wanted; sobriety and rapidity tu drawing necessary. Address PIjh, Ago office.

RKSSMAKER, good, wurk in house, wanted. Apply cxccisior ti9ici, near vucen-su 1) RESSMAKER, day work, wanted. Apply Niagara Hotel, ivoiibuaic-gi. vt. DRESSMAKER, competent, stylish, wanted, at ouce.

Apply 7 Granlte-terroco, Gertruds-st, Fitzroy. RESSMAKER, by day, wanted, W. W. machine. uaritoii House, wuiiacc-st, TooraK.

DRESSMAKERS arid EmbroidrossdS, flitclass, wanted in-door immediately, Moubray, Rowan and Hides. DRESSMAKING. Improvers and Apprentices wanted, at once. Mrs. Hawkeswood, 117 Clarcndon-st, Emerald-hill.

RIVER, for a horse and dray, wauted. Apply jomracrciai noun, upper rooiscray. RIVER, steady, rcspectablo, licensed, between 8 ondO. Next New Haymarket Hotel, Sydnoy-rd. IXAMINER, for trousers and vests, wanted.

Booth, Schicss and factory, 87 Fllndcrs-I. E. 171 ARM LABORER Ploughman Man (used prize 1 cattle); Cbocscmoker form Bey, wanted. Si Collins-si. E.

FEMALE, going to Adclaldo, to toko care of two young children until arrival at that port, wanted. J. Orange, butcher, 83 Queensberry-st, Hotham. iNISHERS Crimean Shirts, first-class only sample buttonhole. hom*oville," Isllngton-st, off FRENCH POLISHER wanted.

Apply Exford Hotel, Russell-st. ARDKNER, groom, useful, must milk, required suburbs. Apply, by letter, Respectable, Age office. fi 1RL, voung, as general servant, wautetl. Apply, IT 9 o'clock, Devon Cottotre, StaiUoy-st, Richmond.

M1KL, for housework, used to children, wanted; iX references required. 42 Argylo-st, Fitzroy. IRL, willing nui'se, wanted must he respectable. inn tnzroy-st, Mtzroy, corner Kiien-terraco. IRL, respectable, littlo, to mind baby, useful, JT wanted.

Apply, after 10 o'clock, 157 Napior-st, Fitzroy. IUIjS, apprentices umbrella trade wages. J. Do 3T Wllliara-st. GIRL, general usefnl, wanted.

Apply G9 Carlton, 2 doors from Cardlgan-st (1IRL, respectable sen-ant, wanted; two others JT kept, with boots. Hcnucssy Hotel, Nicholson-st, Carlton. Gr IRL, clean, tidy, respcctahlo, wanted. Apply cuzaocin uottage, a. citzroy, GIRL, respectable, light housework live shillings orphan preferred.

2 Clifton-terrace, Leicester-st, Carlton. References. IRL, young, tidy, respectable, fond children. Hope Cottage, near Owen-su, Carlton. IIKL, young, respectable, as genorol servant; JT wash.

Iron, plain cook. 1 Kcrr-at, Fitzroy. IRL, little, respectable, to make herself useful, wanted. 3 Jersey-terrace, Rellly-st, Fitzroy. IRL, respectable, to make herself generally use-X ful, wanted; reference required.

4 Zabulon-tcrrace, Drummond-st, Carlton. IRL, respectable, as general sen-ant, wanted. --r3- Edwards, off Simpson's-rd. Ct) IRL, respectable, young, housemaid, wanted fro-JT fcruces indispensable. 1 off Itielimoud-i-d, IRL, strong, general son-ant, wanted.

Austin, no hi am -11111. gi IRL, as good general servant, wanted. Palmer-JT aton Hotel, Bouverio-et, Carlton. GIRL, generally useful, wanted rcferencea required. Apply, 11 to 3, 84 Hothatn-Bt, E.

Melbourne. GIRL, respectable, as general Bervaiit, wanted; wash aad iron. Before 12, 100 Drununond-st, Carlton. IRL, respectable, 15, for homework, wanted useu 10 cmiuren. itornam.

GIRL, strong, to assist in housework, wanted personal reference required. 201 Cardigan-st, Carlton. GIRL, strong, assist In housework, wanted; Pro-tustaut. J. Bowriug, 58 Welliiigton-st, Collingwood.

fi IRLS. Little Girls wanted, learn good business JT pay commencement. Avgo-st. and S. Yarra, (1 LAS5PAPERERS wanted good wages good Xjiand.

Coulson, Carlton. HAIRDRESSER. Wanted," pcrlenced young man as Hairdresser ami shaver country. Maillard's, 114 Ruell-st. H' kilda, OUSE and Iarlor Maid Protestant.

Fernvnle, Corner Westbirry-st and E. St. fOUSE, PARLORMAID, also Olrl, 14 (Protes-1 tunts), wanted early references. 217 Albert-E. Melbourne.

H' OUSEMA1D wanted, for East Melbourne. Apply 3irs, it 131 E.lI&.ucth-3C HOUSEMAID wanted. Apply No.1 Clarendon-terrace, near Victoria-parade. HOUSEMAIDS, Waitresses, first-class, country; young Man, useful hotels; plain Cooks. Cauillcld, Qucen-st IMPROVER, used to Carpentering and Joining.

18 Little Colllns-st E. IMPROVER to paperhanging wanted 7.30 sharp. Pilley, Brunsvrick-st, N. Fitzroy. N' IMPROVER to coachbodymaking wanted.

00 Eliza-buth-st N. OINER, good hand, wauted. Apply Cunningham, cirpcnter, 24 Elizobcth-st N. UNCTION REGISTRY OFFICE, St KHdo. 99 Cooki and Laundresses useful Men, young.

Apply 11 sharp. LABORERS, stonebreaker's and quarrymen's, wanted. Apply on werks, railway quarries, Pokenham. James M'Callum, contractor. LAD, strong, assist in bakehouse and serve customers, wanted.

129 Collingwood. IAD, used to carpenter's tools, sash and door making, wauted. W. Keos, Anthony's city mills. AO, ns boots, wanted.

Apply early, London I Hotel, Sandridge, near railway station. AD, honest, willing and generally useful, wanted. I London Tavern, Richmond. LAD, strong, wants employment on selection in Glppsluud references required. Stevenson, 31 tfjucen-st AD, smart, respectable, wanted.

Apply J. Ohlen-J rott, caterer, 199 Dourkc-st E. LADY, machine and soles, wanted must be good needlewoman. Mrs. Granger's, Lygon-st, Corl- MACHINISTS, W.

and Wilson's No. Singers; also Hands, for print work. Miss Hutchinson, Hawke-st, W. Melbourne. MACHINISTS and Improvers wanted, Wheeler's, for whitework.

Apply Dorgoii Brothers, iiarkly-st, Carlton. MACHINISTS. Experienced Slilrtmakcrs wanted. Shop, corner Neil and Kay Carlton. ACHIKISTS, good, for coats, wanted best wage paiu.

ki jer.niac-su, ruzroy. MACHINISTS, Shirt, near Fitzroy-st six, wanted. 42Reilly-st, ACHINIST wanted; also Apprentices to dress-makimr: vnmos commencement Costume House. Bourko-st E. MACHINIST, good, accustomed to Wcrtheim's machine preferred, wanted.

Brown's furniture warehouse, Clarendon-at, Emerald-hill, AN, clean horso and buggy, about 2 hours daily must reside near. King, auctioneer, Carlton. I AN, young, drive cart, work bakehouse, wanted; country, n. w. iirooas, iuu uiiio uourKe-st is.

LAN, simirt, young, to be useful, wanted. noiei, unuers-st. M' AN, young, to work in woodyard. At Midolo, Liiuie oacK town iiau, mcumonu. AN, yonntr, accustomed to factory work, to exonuno moies, woiucu.

M'ivor, uncoin. AN, to bag hauia, wanted. H. Hcarne. 13 Swan- AN, for a form for two years and the use of 100 or copiHU, wanteu.

Jsecuniy, Ago oince. 71 AN, drive, sell milk, 20s. milkers, wanted. Labor iUchango, 5S Little Cullius-st E. AN, to sew and trim shoes, wanted.

Apply to su.iiriwswicK-st., riuroy. MAN, milk, generally useful, garden, wanted wajes 10s. per week, board. Apply E. and E.

Perry, Fulhain Grange, Alphlngton. 31 ASON (cutter) wanted, at corner Clarendon and uaiiK cmeraiu-iiiu. ASONS. Cutters, Prahrou, 64 Uigh-st LINERS wanted. Mrs.

GUI, 63 Lygon-st, Cariton. MRS. FRANKLIN'S Ben-ants Registry office, New-street, Elstern wick. Cooks, housemaids, general servants and nuraegtris wanted, dally. "UrTeRY GOVERNESS rnnnTEWush).

Pianisto (good), Lady (play, sing), wanted. 19 Oltlo Colllns-st. E. URSKGIRL, about 14. 73 Stc)hen-st, next tjonga, cnemisu OFFICE BOY'S small shop Boys useful Boy, Dentist's "Buttons" wauted.

SI Col lins-st E. 1. 1 FAINTER, lino out cart wanted. Foulet's forge, corner of Stephen, Little LouBdalo sts. JA1NTER wonted labor only.

Bmnswick-st, Fitzroy. New building, 96 FAVIORS (20), first-class, for tho Sydney Tramway, wanted immediately. Apply, od the works, to James Rutherford. PELT FLESH ERS and Basil Stretchers wauted. Brown's tannery.

Melbourne. 3ERSON, UMfut7 fond "children, wanted. Bou-X verie-st, next door but one to Victoria-it, Carlton. ATLWAY WORKS. Pick and shovel men wanted on the ttarracoorte and Border Town bne.

Apply on tho works. C. and E. Millar, 8 Collins-s -SI. SALESMAN.

Wanted, first-class Salesman, of good address, competent to take charge of one of Wholesale Clothing Company's brandies. Apply 64 Bouverie-st. Cariton. 8' 1 ERVANT, general, thorough, with references. 6 lciona-unuoings, vueen-su US ERVANTS.

treneial. hounir. wanted i Carlton. T9 Brighton, Malvern hotels, private. Miss Cox, OS 1 1 1IH90I I -Sit 3 El 3 Ell A NT, cenenl, experienced, wanted, accuVl WaUord I iomoojo (jmiurcn.

pirn, m. soutnern, wauo at luiaa. TTtUNERALS SUPPLIED at Lowest Charges by JP Henry Allison, Undertaker, Victoria-street west, Melbourne, and Elgin-street, Carlton. J7WNERAL ECONOMIST, APPS, 1 classes of Funerals 20 per cent, below advertised prices. Fitzroy-strcet, Fitzroy.

fToOD FILLlNG-UP MATERIAL to be hod for nothing. Fulkiugham, Gasworks, Bridge-road, Ricliuiond. MENLEY'S TENANTS, East CollinKWOod, are re (iiicstod to call and pay ground rents, due 1st Henry N. Hull, agent, Metropolitan-chambers, Collins-street. JOHN OARR.

late of Macedon steamer, does not pay, boxes will be sold in 3 days. M. Bulgor. INVENTIONS and Trade Marks patented and registered by EDWARD WATERS, International Patent and Trades Marks office, 87 Bourko-strcet west. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 4t PILLS IS warranted to euro all discharges from tho Urinary Organs in eitlior sex, acquired or constitutional gravel aud pains in the back.

Sold in boxes, 4s. Od. each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J.

Clarke, Apothecaries' Halt Lincoln, England. MELBOURNE AGENTS: Itocke, Tompr-itt and Wholesale Dragglsts. Ifcmmuns and Wholesale Druggists. William Ford and Co. JEAN'S OAS COOKING STOVES and WATER HEATERS, awarded seven menials.

On SALE, all ironmongers, and inannfactory, St. Hilda. LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. Extraordinary half crewn table added, high-neck camisoles, drawers and chomlsoe, combined. Craib, 67 Bourko-Btreet.


Jem-ay, chah man; H. Bvrnn-Moore, manager Thog. T. Draper, superintendent. Object.

Tho establishment and working of a Telephone Exchange system for Mel bounio and Us suburbs, under contract with tho Victorian Government, and under Royal Letters Patent covering the Edison-Bell Telephonic Apparatus. Principal Olllco, Tho Exchango, Collins-fltrect west, Melbourne. Intending subscribers are requested to send in their names at once. Persons desirous of trying the telephono can do so on application to the manager. MELBOURNE PERMANENT MUTUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY.

Incorporated under the Building Societies Act 1874. Motto of Uie Society, "EQUITY TO ALL' INVESTORS ore'guarantecd 9 per cent, compound Interest, computed monthly, and can withdrawal any time, with iutercst to date of notice of withdrawal, and share equitably In the profits with the borrowers. BORROWERS are charged lower rates than by any other society in the colony; can withdraw at any time by paying balance of unpaid principal only participate in the profits equally with investors. DEPOSITORS. Interest allowed on deposits at the following rates Kepayablo at 8 days' notice, 3 per cent, per annum.

Do. months 4 do. do. Do. 0 do.

bk do. do. Do. 12 do. ttC do.

do. J. JOHNSON, Secretary. 61 Ellzabcth-strcet MELBOURNE HOSPITAL for SICK CHILDREN. Tho hon.

Treasurer begs to ACKNOWLEDGE, with thanks, the receipt of 10 14s, Cd. from Melboumo and Curltou Football Clubs and the Melbourne Cricket Club. ft MITCHELL, Dressmaker, REMOVED from 1j3l. Sydiioy-road to Fairoak Cottage, Weston-street, Brunswick. MR.

E. Has COMMENCED BUSINESS At the METROPOLITAN CHAMBERS, SO Colltns-strcttt East, next of Victoria, And Is prepared to effect settlements between debtor and their creditors, conduct insurance and other arbitra tlnns, negotiate mortgages and insurances, and generally transact financial business. NOTICE to CREDITORS. All persons having any CLAIMS upon LYSTER and COOKE, Iron-founders, Stephen-street, will please furnish PAHTI-CULARS of uaiiicjo date. 17thAugust, 1SSQ.

NO. TRANSFER of LAND STATUTE. ANNIE BROOKE, of Peel-street, Kew, In the county of Bourke, married woman, has APPLIED to bring tho land described at the foot hereof under tho above statute and the Commissioner of Titles has directed notice of the application to bo advertised in The Age newspaper, and baa appointed fourteen days from such advertisem*nt, alter which time tho land will be brought under the operation of the statute, unless a caveat shall be lodged forbidding tho same. Dated lCth day of August, 1880. LAND REFERRED TO: A rectangular piece of land, part of Crown portion 87, parish of Boroondara, at Kew, county of llourke, 100 links to tho easi Bide of Peul-strcet, formerly Little Pakington-street, by 200 links, and commencing 800 links south from the south side of Etfliuton-street.

RICnD. GIBBS, Registrar of Titles. DA VIES and CAMPBELL, 22 Collins-street east, Melbourne, Solicitors for tho applicant. TTJARIS BAKERY, 230 Bourke-atreet east, Mel- i bourne. F.

MONICHON begs to inform his patrons and tho public that he has PURCHASED the baking business situate 230 Rourkd-street east, and known as the PARIS BAKERY, where he trusts, with strict attention to business and a good quality of bread, confectionery and moderate prices, to merit tho contlnunnco of the favors formerly bestowed on his predecessors. waited on for orders daily. All kinds of fancy pastry always on hand. Luncheon rolls. Orders punctually attended to.

OROS PEC TU IT Of the LANGR1DQE MUTUAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. (To be Incorporated under the Building Societies Act SHARES, 20 EACH. At the request of many of the late shareholders In tho East Coihngwood Building Society, which terminated successfully in May, 1370, and of which I was secretary, I beg to submit the following prospectus for the 'consideration of thoso who are uoelrous of taking up shares in a permanent society, to bo called as abovo, and to ho conducted by the following officebearers; DIRECTORS P. do Jersey Grut, E. and A.

C. Bank, Melboumo W. Tcinpleton, IwIsham-road, Windsor J. U. Mickelburgh, Liverpool and London mid Globe Insurance Company, Melbourne R.

Curtis, Secretary Public Library, Melbourne W. Hunter, E. S. and A. C.

Bank, Fitzroy C. Cutler, Oxford-street, CoUlngwood Mark Foy, J.P., Smith-street, Collingwood. Bankers: Englljh, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank, Gertrude-street, Fitzroy. Solicitor: W. Trollope, 19 Uarket-bulldlngs, Market-street, Melbourne.

Tliomas Haines, City of Collingwood. Manager: G. D. Langridge, 64 Smith-street, Collingwood. Subscription Investors is.

fortnightly. Borrowers 2s. 3d. fortnightly. TO INVESTORS.

The society fs permanent, and persons may become members nnu hold any number of shares. It is estimated that per cent, and a bonus will be placed to the credit of vie investors at the end of the Becond and each succeeding year. In case of sickness or want of employment Investors may, witli the consent of the board, suspend their payments for throe, six, nine or twelve months, without paying up arrears. TO BORROWERS. Every facility will be afforded to borrowers to purchase property, cither privately or by auction.

They may enter at any time on payment of Cd. per Bhare and one month's subscriptions. Thoy may pay any sum over and above the minimum repayment fixed for the loan, aud Interest only will bo charged on the balance owing at the end ol each year. from sickness or want of employment a borrower be unable to continue his contributions, he may (with the consent of the board) still further extend the period over which the loan was payable. Borrowers share In the profits, and will thus further reduce their payments.

Tho prospectus and all Information may be obtained at tho offices, 04 Smith-street, CuUiugwood aud from W. T. Trollope, solicitor. First pay doy, 20th September. G.

LANGRIDGE, Hanairer. 30th July, 1SS0. PHOTOGRAPHY. DAVIESS new establishment OPENS on Thursday next. 98a Swaustoo-sUeet north, 12 doors from Bourke-street.

ORUIHKR PERMANENT BUILDING, LAND and I INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION and DEPOSIT BANK, 62 Collins-street west DEPOSITS from 6 and upwards RECEIVED daily at this office, upon which INTEREST Is giron at the following rates For twelve months 7 per cent per annum. For six months 6 6 Atcail 4 Deposits returned at any time upon three days' notice of withdrawal. Investing shares issued dally. Entrance fee, Is, per share. JAMES MIRAMS, Secretory SAUSAGE SKINS (pork and mutton), first quality, in quantities to suit.

SALT. Rock, Liverpool (coarse and fine). London stored (Black Horse Brand), FRESH It KN NETS and WIZEANDS soiled SALT, for haystacks and manure and gardening purposes (cheap), Anatto. HENRY BERRY, 142 Spencer-street, Melbourne, SEWING-MACHINE TAUGHT. Terms moderate.

130 Lonsdale-st. near Klng-st. SMOKY CHIMNEYS CURED; no cure, no pay; kitchen ramres and colonial ovens repaired. Parker, 2 Post OnTce-place. THE EXCHANGE.

Lessee H. Byron Moore. The spacious Auction Room attached to tnls institution is specialty fitted for sales ol station pro pertics, pictures, ftc, and well adapted for largo meetings. Committee and arbitration rooms from lus. Od.

upwards. Attendance, fire and gas. Tin above aro let by hour or day. For further particulars apply to the manager. T.

C. RUSSELL, Manaarer. mo HOUSEKEEPERS. Household 8oap EX-J. CHANGED for melted kitchen Fat or Dripping.

Ono pound of Apollo Soap will go as far as two jumnds of ordinary soap for laundry purposes. Apollo Warehouses, 104 liourkc-street west. rrtRv F. andO. F.

BULLENS 59, and tl. OVERCOATS. 181 and 138 Russell'itnHt. rriO he SOLD at the Esscudou Pouiifl.on Wedncs-J daj-, 18th hist, at 12 noon, 1 fat BULLOCK and It COWS. WATCHES.

Cleaning, mainspring, St. other repairs reasonable. Stephenson's, 303 Eliza-beUi-strect. Established 1800. W1LUELM-SCHULTZ, HAMBURG.

OATH ERINENSTR ASS 3, General Mcrcliant, Commission and Forwarding Agent, Buyer of all kinas of German and other Continental Goods. WILLIAM ANDREWS (Late Eunson and Andrews) Begs to thank tho patrons of tho late firm, and the publlo In general, for their liberal support, and to iu thorn that ho has REMOVED from 45 Little Collins-street to those more Central Premises Lately 'occupied by Louise et 29 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne, Where he hopes, by strict attention to business, and moderate prices, to merit a coutiiiuance ol post favors. TTSTHOLESALE WAREHOUSE. Cheap Toys, TV Fancy Goods, Berlin, Shetland, Fingering Wools, Stationery, HaberdaBhcr' Wclsford, 129 Swauston-street Banks and Publlo Companies. COUNTY ot BOURKE PERMANENT BUILDING and INVESTMENT SOCIETY.

President: Mr. JUSTICE HIGINBOTHAM. Vice-president: Dr. MADDEN, M.L.A. -Treasurer Wm.

TAYLOR, J.P. uirecvors: W. M. Cook, James Hntton, J.P. C.

H. James, J.P. Robert Lochbead, Esq. Allen Staley, J.P. Thomas Straw.

Esu. vv iiiiam luistwoou. tsq. W. B.

Fyfe, Ksn. Tbos. Henderson, Head Office 81 Collins-street west, Melbourne. RATES' of INTEREST on DEPOSITS 3 months 4rV percent, per annum. 0 do.

bl do, do. 12 do do. do. Ample funds available for borrowers. J.

LEONARD, rilHE MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY of- VIC i TORIA (Limited). Head Office ColtinS'Streot west, Slelbourne. i For LIFE ASSURANCE and ENDOWMENTS. Policy-holders IMvido the Profits. Directors: Hon.

Tbouioa Loader (Thomas Loader and chairman Aloxauder Morrison, M.A., LL.D. (Scotch Colloge) F. R. Kondall, Esq. (P.

and O. Company) William Siddeley, Esq. (W. Siddetoy and Frederick M'Coy, Esq. (Professor Melbourne University) tho hon.

J. G. Francis, M.L.A. Secretary Tliomaa Walters. FDE GARIS, Architect, 70 Bank-Btreet, Erne-.

raid-hill, invites TENDERS, ADDITIONS In wood, Sondridge-road. R- COWL, Architect, Cecil-street, Emcrald-hUl, XV1 Invites tenders six-roomed Weatherboarded RESIDENCE, Nelson-road. STONEMASONS; labor only. Mr. Vardy, archi- tcct.

Balaclava, invites TENDERS for FUUNDA- TIONof villa at Balaclavx TENDERS for the undermentioned works addressed to tho president of the Bulla Shire Council will be received up till 11 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, tho 10th day of August, 1S50. Contract No. chains roadmakmg on the 1 St John's-hill-road. Contract No.

32. Crossings and footpaths at Bulla Hotel, Thomson's store and ScanneH's Hotel. Contract No. 33. About 35 chains roadmaklng in Holdcn subdivision.

Contract No. 34. 10 chains roadmaklng near Mr. Loi lie's property, Bulla, fans and specifications at shire office, Bulla. A preliminary deposit of per cent, cash must accompany each tender.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN DANIEL, C.E., Secretary. Bulla, 13th August, 1SS0. fTENDF.RS reouirod until iGtrd hist, for ALTERA-g. TIONS AUDITIONS to the West Melboumo Baptist Church.

Plans and specifications to be seen at olllce, 21 Levesou street, Hotham. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. Shallcss, architect. nnENUERS, till Thursday, for weatherboard COT-JL TAGE.

Plans 11. Wright, near Junction Hotel, Moonee Ponds. TENDERS wanted for CARPENTER'S WORK labor and material. Apply job, above Bush Inn, Malvern-roftd, I'rahran. fTMENDERS required for FILLING UP LAND at A.

Sandridge. Fredk. architect, 78 Collins-street west. RENDERS for BRICK WALL; labor only. Lin-X coin Hotel, near Simpson's-road, Richmond.

nnENDERS invited for ALTERATIONS and ad-JL it ions to brick promises. John Donaldson, architect, Ardon -street, Hotham. IENDERS wanted, PAVING Right-of-way at the corner tvnuani unu coiuus sireeis. ibui rpENDERS, pfist-and-rnll FENCING. Apply Pin- JB.

nock, Butts Reserve, Emerald-hill. rpENDERS wonted for PAINTING, Papering, TENDERS for PAINTING four-roomed weatherboard cottage. Apply Butts Reserve, Emerald-hill. rpENDERS, quurrjnien, 100 LOADS Richmond fl RUBBLE also, 100 loads of Brunswick, Orr-street, Carlton. Melbourne Gaol.

W. G. Hewitt. TENDERS ADDITIONS to Canning-street; labor and material. Apply 95 Bourke-st next Goldsbrough's.

ANTED TENDERS build CHIMNEY, iic menmonu. ANTED, TENDERS CARPENTERING work labor only. 53 Johnston-street, Colling- Meetings, Lectures. AUSTRALIAN NATIVES' ASSOCIATION. Im portaut Meeting to-night, 8 o'clock, Hockin's Rooms, Elizabeth-street.

James Colgan, secretary'. GOSPEL flALI Evangelistic MEETING to-uight, commencing 7.30. Everybody invited. Seats free. No collection.


Tliursdav cveninif. Rev. S. 1. GREEN.

Personal ReminiscenL-os," Escape from Poland, MELBOURNE SCAN DIN AVIEN ASSOCIATION. MEE'ITNG in the Association Room, Oceanic Hotel, Swanston-strcet, 239, Tuesday evening, 24th 7 p.m, All Scaudiuavlens invited. E. Petersen, non. PKOF.

A. STRONG, M.A, will deliver a LECTURE this evening, in Elsteruwiclc Church, at o'clock. Subject; Origin of Myths. PROVINCIAL and SUBURBAN BANK (Limited). demand 6, Friday next, 8 p.m., Temperance Hall, Russell-street.

ERVANTslu*tNrNTScTlOOL. FIRST AN-NUAL MEETING rill be held Wednesday, 18th August at 4 p.m., in Clou's rooms, Collins-street, to receive annual report and elect committee. Contributors and friends are imlted to attend. The Bishop of Melbourne will preside. THE Third Annual MEETING of the VICTORIAN INFANT ASYLUM will be held on Thursday, the 10th at Glen's rooms, Collins-street, at 4 o'clock p.m.

The Hon. J. G. Francis haskiudiy consented to take the chair on tho occasion. W.

M. Pearson, Hon. Sec. fplIIS EVENING, Rev. W.

H. FITCHETT LEC-X TURE, Faith Run Mod, Wcsleyan Church, Richmond, half-past 7. Admission, Is. WIDOW and ORPHANS' FUND. Half-yearly MEETING, M.U.

Hall, Wednesday, ISth, at o'clock p.m. T. W. Lloyd. Volunteer Notices, CARLTON RIFLES.

In accordance with Battalion Order of the 10th the corps will assemble al the drill-room, Wednesday, 18th inst, at 7.80 p.m., for PARADE at tho Victoria Barracks. Dress: great coats, belts outside, shakos. By order. COLLINGWOOD RIFLES. In occordauce with Battalion Order of this date, the CORPS will ASSEMBLE at the drill-room, Wednesday, 18th inst, half-post 7 p.m.

Dress Great- coats, belts outside sbakoes. J. M. TEMPLETON, Major Commanding Corps. TAST COLLINGWOOD RIFLES.

BATTALION Fj PARADE to-night, barracks leave room 7.40. Great coats, belts outside shakos band. IRST BATTALION METROPOLITAN RIFLES. Tho BATTALION PARADE ordered for Wednes day, 18th Inst, will be held at the Victoria Bar racks. Officers commanding corns will make the necessary arramrements for their corps to be at the above place at 8.20 This parade may be counted as an official Inspection.

Dress, great coats, belts outsido shakos. ALFD. FHKEMAN, Major Commanding 1st Metropolitan Battalion. ETROPoLlTAN RIFLES. In accordance with Battalion order of this date the corps will ASSEMBLE at the Orderly room on Wednesday, 18th inst, at 7.40 p.m., or at Fish Market at 8, slurp, Dress Great coats, belts outside, sbakoes.

AJf. Freeman, Major commanding M.K.C. RICHMOND RIFLES. -Official LSSPECTION and Battalion PARADE. Assemble tbls evening, Swan-street railway station, 7.46 p.m.

By order, T. ViUUirs, Lieut, and BtCaptoln. SECOND METROPOLITAN BATTALION. Battalluu Order No. 380.

lCth August, 1S80. The Battalion Parade ordered for Wednesday, ISth Instant, will be at tho Victoria Barracks. Officers commanding corps will make the necessary arrangements for their corps to be at the above place at twenty minutes past 8 p.m. This Parade may be counted as an OJIcial Inspection. Dress Great coats, belts outside shakos.

J. M. TEMPLETON, Major commanding 2nd Metrop. Battn. SOUTHERN RIFLES.

BATTALION PARADE to night, orderly room, 7. 4ft sharp; shakos, great coats, belts outside. First official Inspection. Louis N. Shepherd, Captain Commanding.

Situations Wen (Advertisem*nts under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. BAKERS. --Foreman, Second Hand, dlsengatred, wnnta situation (rood at small goods strictly sober. EoDtlety, Age ouice. AKMAN, night porter.

Young man wants situa tion. Uivr, Ago omce. BUTCHERS. Young man wants situation, good slaughterman shop or cart preferred references. W.

Royal Arcade Hotel, Little- CoRins-st ririiiulstfl. KltiiaLfDn as Junior or oonior wages no vl-buw, inv. I LEllK. Young man wants situation good rv fcrcuces. Clerk, Age omco.

and Laundress, or thorough dairy servant suburbs or country, waite situation. 61 Brunt-wick-st DRAPERY. Steady energetic young man desires situation, town or country references. X. Y.

Ago office. XARDENER wants employment; pruning and general work done; moderate. A. Allon, 28 Carlton. RIRL, strong, 17, wants situation, assist in house-" work, reference.

112 Spenccr-st. HOUSEKEEPER'S Situation wanted by respect-able middle-aged person. 1 Trinity Cottage, Berkeloy-st, Carlton. rRONMONGER, By young man, colonial experience; testimonials' Iron, Age office. young, wants situation as nursery ncss; can teach music No.

5, P.O., Mooiuw Ponds. MA Aft en f.t Hrlvlno- tvnrlr nt aim kind. Address B. Age office.

AN, young, wants situation country store; drive, icep account), turaiBU Auuress a Age MASTER BAKERS. Baker, steady, wonts situation town or country. J. 105 Argyle-st, MELBOURNE REGISTRY OFFICE, 68 Little Collins-st abovo Swanston, Best Servants city, waiting. PERSON, young, wants situation gentleman's family assist housework good machuiiit, needlewoman, l'hilpott's agency, Collingwood.

I PERSON, young, resiwctable, wants situation, genernl servant, or assist another Emeratd-hlll preferred. Address G. Port Ofllco, JLJK INTERS. Coiniwsitori young, requires en-X gagement, news, jobbing, press, machine, town, country Typo, -Ago office. 1 SALESWOMAN In Exhibition, Youg lady desires engagement above capacity.

Alpha, Aire olllco. SERVANT, general, wants a SUuatlou. Address N. Age office. jJJ ERVANT, general, wants situation small family.

8 ERVANT, young German, highest references, waiting. Wanted, Farm Hands Servant, hotel, 12s. 35 Lonsdale-st W. (SITUATION as housekeeper or general servant to wanted. Apply 23 O'Conncll-st, Hotham.

TAILORS, Drapers. First-class Cutter, just arrived, wants engagement; good references. 65 Eourko-st. E. WASHING, hotel or gentleman's family, wanted good references practical laundress.

Lindsay's news agency, Emerald-hill. WIDOW, respectable, wants large family's washing or hotel's personal references given. 31 Fitzroy. WIDOW, Child, milks, bakes low wages superior servant, waiting. M'Mullen, Lonsdalo-st.

W. WOMAN, rcsnectahlo, with child, wants housekeeper's or wetnurse's place; wages no object. 98 Bank-st. W. WOMAN, lespcctable young, wants situation wet-nurse milk ono month old.

M. Teizler, P. Oaklelgh. TOUTII, high character, anxious opening insur-X "lice or other olllco small salary. Obedient, Age olllce.

OUT1I, IS, wants situation Boot Trade, good finisher, and repair references. Boot, Age office. TOUTH, wanted to apprentice to light trade. I Address, stating terms. Apprentice, Age office.

Situations Vacant. Advertisem*nts under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will bo charged SIXPENCE. A' A' Rowley's Clothing Factory, 105 Fllnders-st ior Binrts ana moies, wanicu. Parrj' and MackayVi, Wanted, Girls as appreu- ww laiiurcNvs. a riuiucrs-i, Parry and Mackay's, Wonted, immediately, Hands for boys clothing.

2 Flindors-1. E. A Misses Glim aud 84 Elisabeth-st. aiueti, young uoot uencrai aervanis. A Edward Bartlett Factor-, Franklin-st First- ciass biiK uoat nanus, omuoors, wanted.

A M'ivor, Lincoln's. Wanted, 20 Buttonhole Hands; constant. 1000 moles to make out' A M'fvor, Lincoln's. Wanted, 1000 tronsors, vests made, outdoor also, Coat, Trouser, Vest Hands, Indoor. A Miss Cowen's, 22 Swanston-st.

S. Wanted, superior T.norougn servant, under so Protestant. APPRENTICES to the tailoring business wanted. Apply next door Parkside Hotel, Flemlngton-rd. APPRENTICES and Improvers "to" lres3iuak'ing wonted.

Clarendon House, Flemington, Ho-tham-rd. PPRENTICES to drcssmakiug, W.W. ruachlui), i. wanted. 2 Hardwlcae-st, Hotham.

a xV Lewis, Brighton coach factory, Bay-t, Brighton. ARCHITECT, to execute small job, wanted reasonable. Particulars "Job," Ago office. i ageTt anted hy the COLONIAL MUTUAL FIRE INSUR AScE COMPANY (Limited) In SUBURBS and COUNTRY TOWNS, where the Company is not at present represented. Applications received at the principal office, 84 Colllns-st Melbourne.

BAKERS. oung Man, mould, wanted country, commence 15s. Labor Exchange, 53 Little Collins-st E. LACKSMIT1I, good, wanted one that can shoe. Appiy i-z ecn-su, iiiiamstown.

OOTMAKER9. Wanted, strong workman. 22 BOOT TRADE. --Wanted, respectable Girls, apprentices to machine. Nelson, Hoddle-st, Collingwood.

rOOT TRADE. Hands for copper toes and girls' E. S. 15 Latrobe-st E. OOT TRADE, First-class Machinist, fit; compe-J6 tent, act as forewoman good wages.

Fabian, Colllngwood. (OOT TRADE, Wanted, Putters-up, small work. Paxton's Factory, Kmcrald-hill. BOOT TRADE. Wanted, two for closing; sharp.

R. A. Farrell, Colonial Tannory, Richmond. BOOT TRADE. Boy, accustomed to the riveting.

Corner of Cliurch and Drnmmond Carlton. TOOT TRADE. First-class JT good wages, good hand. Solomon-, 200 Lous 3alo-st. E.

OOT TRAPK. Wanted, Peg Hands also, good 1 Pegging Boy. Corner Gore and Webb sts. OOT TRADE. Wanted, first-class light Work man.

Yager and Hurst, 127 Kerr-st, Fitzroy. OOT TRADE. Wanted, first-class Machinists. -agoranu nurst, ntzroj-. 6Y, to learn trimming, wanted oao used cloth- nig lactqry.

rncenix Factory, 227 Klng-st OY, strong, wanted. White, butcher, B' OY, smart, to deliver newspapers only. James jiciiuj i ruunui. JOY, strong, for a woody a rd, wanted. Peel and Cambridge sts.

OYS, smart, to deliver newspapers, wanted. "3 iivnn nyeiifc, nuinaiii. OYS wanted. Alfred Shaw and Australasian i-oi-kh, a rraimun-BL c. RICKLAYER, Binali job, wanted.

Mrs. Hallcy, IRICKI.AYER. Rood, wanted. Apply, at 8 o'clock, ,9 corner of Elizabeth and Lonsdale sts. B1 RICKM OU LDEKS.

Two Moulders wanted; pug Le i Coe, Nagamble. vih iu iwui, bis. -Jiuiiimra niousana. RUSHMAKERS. 8mart boy wanted.

Apply Mitchell, Sj Littlo Bourke-st W. UTCHERS. Wanted, a Lnd used to tho trade. Morris, Spencer-st, W. Melbourne.

B1 UTCHERS. Shopmau wanted also, young man, wiiij(uvufc Mray, CABINETMAKERS. Improver wanted also respectable Lad as apprentice. C. Servante, op-posito Carlton Orderly-room.

CABINETMAKERS wanted. Steam Saw mills, 146 Little Bourke-st E. CARPENTER, first-class, wanted nono other need apply. William Repper, Alfred-crescent, N. Fitzroy.

CARPENTERS. Improver wanted, make wash-boards. Flood, 139 Lonsdale-st near Klng-st, CARPENTERS. Wanted, Improver, one used to the building. Apply T.

Barrett, Liddiard-st, Hawthorn. CARPENTERS. Wanted room erected, with or without material. 72 Drummond-st, Carlton, IGARMAKER wanted. Apply frUnlfersitA-sC Rathdowno-st, Carlton.

(1ITY REGISTRY, corner'' Collins and Elizabeth Wanted, Groom and Coachmau (1), Groom, Gardener (17s. Od). COACH PAINTER wanted, line out cart J. Altord, Bay-st, N. Sandridge.

COACHPAINTERS. Improver, good, wanted. Apply II. Collier, at Holt's, coachbuilder, Peel-street, Collingwood. COLLEGE MASTER (degrees); finishing Governess; Clerk and Collector experienced Canvasser.

81 Collins-it. E. CROOKS, 40, town, country Cook, laundress, 40 House, Parlormaid (Protestant), 30, wanted. Mi Sutton, Windsor. COOK (hotel); Youth, boots Grocer's Boy; furniture Carter Draper's Apprentices, wanted.

81 CoHins-st. E. COOK and Laundress (young), wanted personal references necessary. Apply Mrs. Tavlor, opposite terminus, St.

Kilda. f*ck, hotel Runner, 25., found Upholsterer, good man, good wages Youth, milk. 19 Little CjrillDs-st E. COUPLE, married, wanted; accustomed to stock preferred. Apply to W.

S. Cox, Kensington Park, (GUTTER wanted, for our order department. Ap-j ply, after eleven, Borthold and Franklin et E. DAIRYMAN, who thoroughly nndcrstands making and washing butter, wanted. Address Dairy, Ago ofllco.

DRESS and Mantle Maker wanted, for country most bo thoroughly eompoteit Apply, between 2 and 3, to A. M'Keand, Old White Hart Hotel, orun(-fc, iccu jioraj, wiu uu uuinw wa uu. A COTTAGE, containing 9 rooms, 200 Cecil-st, n.r thn Aihrrt Park railway station. Apply Buekhurst and Buxton. A WORKSHOP, with dreplace; 7s.

weekly also, WOrKSIlOp, IB. OU. uM-wn FIRST-CLASS Bix-romnod HOUSE. Filiroy-at NICELY FURNISHED HOUSIS; bath, gas. 10 Vontnor nouso, Argslo-st, Fitzroy.

Omnibus. A THREE-ROOMED verandah COTTAGE targe slied, yard, Palmor-st, Richmond. iJonnsten oiieiioneer, xwuthu-qu KRUNSWICK. Soveral COTTAGES, throe and four rooms 6s. to 8s.

Clark, agent, Brunswick itUNSWICK. Four-rooraed weatherboard COTTAGE; gas, water. Clark, agent, Brunswick. BRUNSWICK. Four-roomed STONE HOUSE; gas, water, largo garden reut, 10.

Clark, aent, Brunswick. UTCnER'S SHOP to LET. Apply bootmaker's snop, near lOTTAGE, three-roomed, shed. Kent-st, off on tno niu, OTlAGE, Alma-it, Carlton. H.

Marks, luwioroKer, mi rOl'TAGE, small, at back of 72 George-Bt, E- Mcl- Dounie. i.enio.'s. por montn. Ill nir.ijijwuivrfr. tt ttuvruuuru, bi verandah, passage, bath, gas; Sis.

Forbes, Richmond FOU R-ROOMED wooden HOUSE, Brunswick; ropt, largo yard. Apply Thompson, oyunoy-ra. TjRONTINa Yarra, ot Abbotsford, seven-roomed JL' viijLia, wun gooa ouiuousos, largo (puuKii, uicoiy Eiiuaiou, HOUSES. Brighton, one Hotham, seven-roomed, largo garden Colloge Lawn, Prahran, six-roomed. 167 Hussell-Bt LARGE iron DWELLING PLACE, yard, sheds; suitablo for factory.

George Duun, 8 Qwyune- mcumonu. MALVERN-HILL. COTTAGE, six rooms, fruit garden, two-acre paddock. J. Cole, Chapel-st, ran.

PHOTOGRAPllIOliOOMS to LET, ccntreof city; cheap. 17 Beehtve-chnmbors, Eliza bcth-st AK LEIGH. HOUSE and Garden, 5 rooms, near station 10s. weekly. Apply J.

A. warttn. R1 ICHMOND. SHOP, four rooms, gas, large yard aim staoie mb. 1 orocs, untige-ru.

ICHMOND. SHOPS in good businesa 1 positions. Forbes, 148 Richmond. ICHMOND," Burnley-st," next Congregational Minister's. Fivonomed HOUSE, large garden.

Forbes and Son, Brldge-rd. S1 HOP and HOUSE. Lonsdale-st. near Eliza- ncin-st. Apply 11.

aiants, lai isnzaootn-s SHOP, fronting Great Lonsdalc-strcet west Ss. weekly. Apply Olorenshaw, grocer, Little Lonsdale-st W. pHKEE-HOOMED COTTAGE; large yard and Blauling Muuster-terroco, Ilotluun. Apply on premise.

TO LET, athree-roomed brick COTTAGE. Dight-st, near Johnston-st, Colllngwood. Kent, 7s. Cd. fpO LET, shop, suitable dentist, sta- .1, iionery.

or tho like runt low. Apply Davies, Iinutugnipner. 10 LET, SHOP, 10 xOO; 48 Post near witii tun -a goaungnc. rpo LET, COTTAGE, live rooms; scullery, bath every convenience. 230 Vlutoria-parade, E.

Melbourne. TO LET, flvc-roomed HOUSE, furnished, ten minutes' walk from Exhibition. 3 Arbroath-terrace, Elgin-st, Carlton. 10 LET, four-roomed HOUSE, use of bath, copper; rpWO-ROOMED furnished COTTAGES. Apply London Cottage, Blooinburg-st, off Hoddle-st, Collingwood.

WORKROOM to LET. Apply IT. Harding, watchmaker, opposite Thoatre Royal. Businesses and Partnerships. ANEW patented INVENTION for SALE price reasonable large income yearly for energetic man.

Address Invention, Ago oiliec. BUTCHER'S BUSINESS for SALE, fixtures com-plete, machine, filler horse, cart, harness, good stand. Apply Ago offico. UTCHER'S BUSINESS for SALE. 201 Cardigan.

DAIRY PRODUCE BUSINESS for SALE; 52. Two horses, cart, connection taking about 15 week. Johnston (Oxtoby'fl), FARINA "FACTORY. For SALE, complete PLANT, comprising first-class portable Engine, by Marshall, Hasps, Vats, fcc. Good opening for persons understanding the business.

The-machinery and buildings aro quite new, and in good order. Apply David Cooke, auctioneer, Lydiard-atreet, Bai-larat EOR SALE, BOOKSELLElt, Stationer and Fancy Goods BUSINESS established 11 years. Apply lummerscales, Sturt-street, Ballarat. G' OOD INVESTMENT for anybody with 10 cash. nyyiy n.i uuvo, uummn, Age OlUCe.

ri ROCERY BUSINESS, small, for KAI.R -hnnt VT 40. Apply Niagara Hotel, LouBdale-street TT 0 For Genuine HOUSES (City, Sul S. for Genuine HOUSES fCitv. Suburban and fimmlrvl. CALL at BENNETT and BREWER Y-OFFICLS, 63 Chancery-lane, three doors from Queen-street

Auction saiea conducted. HOTEL, on the wharves, four years' lease grand trade easy rent no opposition. Price, 700, everything. Liberal assistance to business couple. Brewcrv-offiees.

HOTELS, in city, suburbs, and the country, both leasehold freehold, from 50 cash up to 8000. Particulars Bennett's Brewery-oltices, 58 Chancery-lane. HOTEL, five years' lease very healthy locality capital business, but must bo sold through death. Price, 250 Butt lady. Brewery-offices.

HOTEL, close Post Office, elegantly furnished and tilted clean house, in thorough repair must always command largo and profitable trade 300; fiosaessioii, 500 cash. Bennett and 58 Chancery-ane. OTEL, Carlton, small; guaranteed trado bar-stain fomilv reasons loavlnc. "Puhllrcm Age office. HOTELS not in hotelbrokers' books, Melbourne, suburbs, 150 upwards cash assistance.

Frost and Co. 70 Cjucen-strcct HOTEL, Richmond, 300, rent long lease; 21 hhds. month assistance 150. Frost and valuators. OLD establl-hed BUSINESS PREMISES, Ironmongery and timber trade, machinery and plant, all ready for working.

Excellent opportunity for business man. Low rent Charles Skeats, Albert Park. I ADY, with income, requires PARTNERSHIP or Partner to establish boardlnghouse; good con-iicction. Experienced, Ago office. SEVERAL good BUSINESSES for 8ALE assiBt-aneo If required.

R. II. Willis, 34 Collins-street west SNUG Refreshment BUSINESS for SALE. Apply at Thurgood'a wholesale pastrycook, 200 Swan- rpHE ADVERTISER, who has been employed by tho lirm of Messrs. J.

F. M'Konzlo and coffee and spico merchants, Queen-street, for tho last 24 years, manufacturing their many different kinds of floods, is desirous of MEETfNU with some PARTY that might be wishing to extend thoir business by adding to it this very profitable business of manufacturing coffee, chicory, spices, oatmeal and other goods in Melbourne. Further particulars can be obtained from Mr. TnOMAS NICOL, 8 Neil-street, Carlton. pOBACCONIST, Bookseller and Stationer's EUSI-X NESS, in leading thoroughfare, for SALE.

Apply 104 Russell-street LET By TENDER, For a Term of THREE or FIVE YEARS. The MASONIC HALL HOTEL, Sandhurst. For Particulars apply to J. G. SAUERBREY, Royal-chambers, Sandhurst, rpo bo LET, for term years, conjointly or sepa-X ratcly, LILLYDALE and 0 LINDA HOTEL, Paddock adjoining, containing CO acres first-class land.

Further particulars apply M'Culloch, Campbell and Co. or executors, Messrs. Dcscbamp and Wm. Hutchinson, Lillvdale. WANTED, PARTNER, 1000, profitable manu-facturing business chance seldom met with.

B. Ago office. Principals only. WANTED to PURCHASE, tho GOODWILL of hotel In suburbs price, 300 principals oidy. Alpha, Age offico.

Houses and Land For Sale. A FARM, 20 acres, commodious Houso water frontage on very easy terms, Goodwin, 22 Swanston-strcet south. ALLOTMENT. 80 137, fenced elx-Ieot close l-aling a bargain 126. Goodwlu, 22 Swans-tou-strcct south.

ALLOTMENTS, Hotham; Governments blocks; corners 204 feet deep high, dry, streets made, asphalted Crown granu. 7t Queen-street AT KING'S street- CARLTON AOENCY, Lygon Crown Allotment, one acre, Clifton-hill, bargalu, 160 Council-street, near gas works, nice brick Cottage, 4 rooms, good yard, 250 20 deposit, 3 monthly Corner brick Shop, Carlton North, spleudid stand, 4 room, stable, 550 payments, 5 monthly Brick House, Drummond-strcet north, 0 rooms, laundry, balcony, bath, 000 payments, 0 monthly Canning-street, near Exhibition, pretty briuk Cotuuze, good frontage, 300; 20 cosh, 3 monthly Allotments, Ciifton-hlll, Carlton, Footscmy, very cheap. AUCTION, this day, 1, Oledhlll's rooms, quarter-acre BLOCKS, Clifton-hill opsot, 60 no reserve trust estate. BARGAIN. New brick HOUSE, Studley Park; splendid view, overlooking elty and Boy finished In good stylo marble mantelpieces grates, rooms, 16 14, 20 14; kitohen, wauh-house, bath, pantry, servants' room land 72 157.

Byrne, Vale and Co or W. B. Hoffman. Carson street, Kew. BARGAIN.

Substantial fonr-rootned brick verandah COTTAGES bathroom side entrance. Ed-words, builder, BraiKwIck-itreot north, close 'bus stand. Deaths. Blotr. On tlio 17th August, at tho residence of his eon-in-Iaw, Mr.

James Daljuty, of bronchitis, Mr, Cliarks Blovo, late ol AlnliiiiRton, aged 89 years. co*ck. On the 8th of Auuusl, at Ararat, after short and painful iUnii, William co*ck (late el Tas-uxmla, brleklaver), In-iOfitii yoar. 11.1.1'. Tas.

inanliiii ami hom*o copy. Lwbbtt. on the 17th August, at his residence, Fiurov-Btieet, Fitzroy, G. F. LockeU, journalist.

SriiKD. On the 29 th July, at Spring, Ballarat, Mr. John Speed, miller (lato of Meldretti Mill, Cambridgeshire, England), aged 82 year. Conveyances. A Box- ROYAL MAIL LINE otCOACnES LEAVES the -Hull and Mouth Hotel, Tiourire-strcet, dally, to a n.m.

daily I ToniBhaw. at 8 o.m. Binwood, at a.m. daily 1 Marysville, at 8 a.m. a.m.

dally I Woods Point, at 8 a.m. HtalcsviHe, at 8 a.m. daily Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Monday moniuip, at 8 for Alexandra, -leaving Shamrock Hotel, Alexandra, for Melbourne, 9.30 Wednesday morning. Single fare, return faro, Us, llednced fares.

All Information concerning the coaches to be had at the office of Mitchell and Co. IASOEFIKLD and ROMSEY. COACH leaves Laneefleld-road station on arrival of 0.46 a. in. and lS-lfi p.m.

Indus from Melbourne, returning from laccciieiu ai i.iun.ui. um i.iu it.m. O. JEANS, Proprietor. I in PARES.

TO 1.111VUHIV, 1Q nwivsiiliv, inupiiuiuiKai To Ferushawe, Uirec shillings, To Marysville, four shillings, COBB and Co. WARRNAMBOOL, Belfast 45s. Through return; Tickets by Cobb and from Melbourne, coach and rail. Lost and Pound. OUND, a bay HORSE, two whlto hind feet left at rtoyai uoioi siauics.

jinks. FOUND, Saturday night, PARCEL, containing clothes. Owner have same. Apply 3a Cbet wvnd-street, Hotham. I710UND, silver WATCH, Northcote.

Owner can have same by paying expenses. Apply Mr. Woods, Woodlands, Northcote. OST, betiven Cost Office and Swnnston-stroet, Bj small leather PUKSK, contolnitig eight l-not8. FhiJcr reivarded.

Apply J. post otBce, Warrugul. I OST, PURSE, containing money and Paier, Bourkc or Russell streets, Monday. Apply St. George's Hall.

TOST, the 10th, between King and Bourke streets, WILL. Hnder brimr same to Mr. Tuamv. gnx'cr, r.utaoeui-Birees. jiewnra.

I OST, Sundav, 6 p.m. train from Brighton, two boys' OVERCOATS. Reward. Chas. Mould OST, between North Carlton and Cohurg, 16th LID of TANK.

Reward. Coburglnn. LOST, pair gold EYE-GLASSES, between H. B. railway station and Carlton.

Finder rewarded. OST, yesterday, gold LOCKET, either In Foots JB ecnty, Melbourne, Uotham. It. Purrei, Ago onlco. OST, four GEIWE.

Finder rewarded by return inir same tu Mrs. Jeffcry, Kciiainytoii. OS1 Sunday Smith or streets, grey JU uuu, uiiick sinpu. Howard, Manning's, No. 1 Young-street.

Malvcrn-road. rod morocco PURSE and 3-J Money. Liberal reward. Ago agency, Malvern read, I'rahran. OST, GREYHOUND (dog).

Detainer prosecuted. i Reward. Apply 54 Barry-street, Carlton. OST, light brimlle GREYHOUND, new shoal-J der. Alma Cnttncre, Hamsdcu-placc, off Russell Bttcet Finder rewarded.

LOT, from Unwcii Cottage, Church-street, North Carlton, gry SHEEP DOU finder rewarded. I. Collie. OST, in Victoria-street, silvor Finder Please return same to 11) Collins-alrcet. Weat rlboume.

OST, from M.tdtlinc-3treet, white POODLE (ulut), hidf the body clipped. Howard. ONE POUND REWARD. LOST, four Sydney 1 NOTES. C.

Stanley, 23 Gei-trude-strcet, Fitzroy. LTUAYliD. from Hotham, black HORSE, whlto C3 co o(f shoulder. Old Lamb Inn, Eliza beth-strcet. 2 S' 2TKAYED in my yard, PIG, I nos claimed bo sold ior vxpciiHcs, an meraiu-luli.

BTHAYED from hom*o on Sundav, 16th, blookand tan SIIKRPUOG. Any ono bringing samo to J. H. Pnrker, V'attlctreri-road, Gardiuer, will be rewarded. STRAYED into mj'pirJdoek, wild BULLOCK.

If not claimed in a few days will be destroyed; W. S.Cox, Kensington Park; STOLEN" or Bourke-atreet, red poley CO no viaiblo br.tnds supposed tu liave calved il reward If strayed, 5 if stolen, upon: the conviction of the ponton or persona. Thomas Farrell, Alfivd-strcot, lloiliam. rriKN SHILLINGS REWARD. LOST, on Delany's-a.

food to the Basin, on tho 13th from a Survey waggim, a contiiining blankets, Ac. Anyone returning the above tu Mr. Howison, grocer Kew, will receive the above rowtmi. Missing- Prlends. I ELIZABETH HALL A DAY is requested CALL on Mr.

Sims, Junction, St. Hilda, and settle her account without delay, and save further trouble. Thursday, 3 Ettle. tins should MEET the EYE of GKOKGE 1IA11T or MARTIN, would he plcoso WITE to his BISTER ANNIE, 92 Colllngwood. Cnnntrv nnnora ilnna w.m.

MRS. BOURNE, lata Latrobc-street, nurao. leave address B. Post OIHm. Mulhnn-na somethliig to advanUige.

MISS C. B. THOMSON will hear ut eomethlni to her advauUgo by calling at 107 Lyaoii-stroot, Carlton. MRS. HELRN M'LENNAN, holder' of DEEDS of DLNIS LfNEHAN, deceased, communicate with Lynch aud M'Donald, solicitors.

Market-snuare, Col- iHQULD bo happy to but cannot Party 'ILLIAM STEEP, tailor, our wife andtwo Lherpool. Anxiously await your calftug, Albart Motel, WILL Mr. PctTctTwaLTER pleoso writo or send hit address to Pembroke House, Nlehol ion-streel, Colling wood. Wl LU ECURLE PATEKSON send his oddresj to his sister-in-law, Mrs. j.

Post Olllte, South Richmand, as she Is about to proceed to England. Important. Shipping. STEAM to NSW ZEALAND via SYDNEY, At REDUCED RATES. TheS.S.

HLUO, Tiiwus Looax, Commander, Will leave tho SandridRe Railway Pier For WELLINGTON and AUCKLAND Via SYDNEY, On TUESDAY. 24th AUGUST, At 11 o'clock, Carrying passengers and cargo tor tho abovs port also, bogkingmvseiiTeM for NELSON and LYTTELTON, And DIJNEDIN. The speed of the HERO will now be considerably increased, owing to the grcst improvements effected in her engine department, having received new boilers tnd been fitted with surface condensing engines. I asscnifcrs may ensure meeting with every comfort and attention, aud by this route will escape iouth am' "scomwt experienced in going ORICE, BUMNER and Agents, 24 Fllndsn-Unewcst. rPHE A.S.N.


L1U.UU0N, on Sotunluy art Auirojt, at 2 p.m TO LEvJkA, FIJI: oMamer from Sydney uftcr arrival of San Francisco niatl itoamer, due 30th Aiimint. TO NEW CALEDONIA Steraior Irom Sydney on Saturday, 28th Atletnt. s.i.? 'i ws' and lugiag. to tho andrrfw Railway her free ofehixgo. Tor oil par.

nculan and infonnatlon as tonmonded rate, of frelsht, to W. SIDDELEY and ogenu, 10 Buaa- "Tltf ST El A to T. REDUCTION In PARES. Tn. Australanian Steam Navicntion Company's Favorite Paiacncr Steamship op adelaJde, 3 ton, "in Walker, Commander, Will be Despatched from SandridRe Koilwav.Her TUIS DAY, at 2 p.m.

The followlns: mluccd fares have been fixed: "loon (every requlstto provMcd) single, -2 return, stoeraco (Including proriaiona), 1. For paa-Bf tickets apply to W. S1UDELKY and Eltabcthtrcet. A Y. REDUCED BATE9.

The favorite steamship OLAUD HAMILTON, 700 tons, On). CAkDERt Master, ill leavo tlie Australian Vharf On 1-RIDAY, 20th AUaliST, at 1 p.m. 20s'i II! rrturn, These ratcl Include host of provision, and Ketiirn tlckota available for one month. erelirht Wheat, flour, potatoes, Os-Od. per ton; tdlnary fooils, In.

ohoff, ii. fortlokotenpplv fr doors) Tons. 1 p.m. Tons. 0 Potosl 41 521 Aug.

24 1 Aeonacagua. 14100 Nor. 8 Chimborazo iSs47(Sert. 7 1 0rient MSUiNov, 10 Elderl4210Sopt. 21 Cotopaxl 402fjiNor.

30 Sorata ft i Lusitania. 5S26 Dee. 14 Cuzco 12'iLiguria 'iCCfl Dee. 2S The P0T03I will be in Hobeon'H Bay from 10th AuKUSttothe date of hailing, during which time tho steam tender Pilot will leavo Sandrlde Railway Plor hourly between 0.20 o.m. and 4.S0 p.m to convey intending passengers to and from the Bteamor free of cliarge, passes for which con be obtained from thn agents.

And the service will be maintained by succeeding steamers at Intervals of a fortnight. Fares to London, 10 to 00 guineas Sues Canal dues, 8s. in addition. Parages from Loudon can be granted In Mel bourne. For plans and full particulars apply tn F.

GREEN and and ANDERSON, ANDERSON and Joint Managers ol tho line in London or to the Sf-ents In Melbourne. BRIGHT BROS, and 36 Flinders-lone west, agents. MESSRS. GREEN'S BLACK WALL LINE of i PASSENGER SHIPS. For LONDON DIRECT.

To be despatched from Sandrido 1 tail way Pier, About tho ISth SEPTEMBER, Tho magnificent passenger ship CARLISLE CASTLE, Al at Lloyd's, r.00 tons, E. S. LOW, Commander. The SALOON CARINA aro specially suited for families, and fitted with cabin furniture; "arc also unusually roomy, well lighted, and ventilated. Return tickets issiioL A reduction made to passengers from adjoining colonies.

The ship accompanied by a surgeon. For frcitrht or passage, circulars, plans, lw apply to J. H. WHITE and 40 Wllllam-streot. To be followed by the MELBOURNE, N.

HARRISON, Commander, Williamstown Railway Pior, and WINDSOR CASTLE, Captain J. SMITH, For the FEBRUARY WOOL SALES, TEAM! to SYDNEY, NEWCASTLE. BRISBANE, MARYBOUOUGH And ROCKHAMPTON. REDUCED RATES. The Undersigned Despatch Steamers When Practicable, ConTeylng passenecrs and cargo, From AUSTRALIAN WHARF.

Ship. Master. Soiling Date. Macedon Win. Donaldson Cheviot C.

Ashfonl Hodondo J. K. Clark Thursday, at 1 p.m. at noon. rrue3day, 24th Au at p.m.

From Yarra-street Wharf, Ceelong. Wm. Thursday." Saloon passengers will find every attention paid to their requirements. Steerage passengers aro provided with beds. Saloon return tickets available for three months.

Carjrofor Newcastle cannot bo received on the day of trailing. For freight or passage apply to WM. HOWARD sam'Hjiiid SONS, Market-square. S' 21 TEAM to TASMAN IA. Tho T.S.N.

COMPANY'S steamships leave as under vor uuuAUi ivflfl, SOUTHERN CROWS, from Queen's Wharf, on Friday, 27th at noon. For LAUNUESTON. TAMAR, from Quccu'n Wharf, on Thursday, 19th at 10 a.m.; FLINDERS, Tuesday, 24th, at 2 p.m. Time tables on application. CHARLES HUDoON, agent, 1 Queen-street.

M'MECKAN, BLACKWOOD and Co. DESPATCH STEAMERS as under when practicable, with passengers and cargo: To Adelaide Vieturian, 21st August, 1 p.m., from Queen's Wharf. To Macdon nell, Bcachport, Hobc, Kingston and Adelaide Pcnola, Friday, 20ih Auirust, 1, from Quoen's Wharf. To Hobart Town Kotomahana. 21th Aueust, 2 p.m., from Sandridge.

To New Zealand Ports, via Bluff Kotomahana, 24th August, 2 p.m., from Sandridge. NEW DOCK, Melbourne. CLARA receiving cargo for aU parts Western Port; sails Saturday, 14tli August. Tliomas Thompson, master. Stocks and Snares.

LL NATIONS, Long Tunnel Extended, London derrv. New Koohinonr. Weiramua. Khiiit Mnin. bug ught.

Villdcr and On flit Collins-street, COMMERCIAL, National, Land Mortgage, Colo nial, Victoria, City, Oriental, Now Zealand Bank SHARES bought. Willder, Griffiths, Collins-street. DEBENTURES. Metropolitan Gas, Omnibus, Bis-choSTin, Victoria and other Insurance Shares bought. Bills discounted.

Willder and Griffiths. MINING INVESTORS. Kellablo information offored 2s. with letter. Miner, 23 Gren-yille-strcot, Ballarnt north.

aUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, North Birthday, Black Horse, City Ikllnrat, Rips, Luuunns, North Uottiebush, Harvest Hoinei, bought. Willder aud GrilBths. niENDEBS wanted for PURCHASE of thirty (or fewer) SHARES Melboumo Woollen Mill Company. Impecunious, Age ofllco. Public Notices.

A LL kinds PERAMBULATORS, self-propelling Intalids' Chairs, Bath Chairs, on HIRE. Houghton and 8 Bridge-road, Richmond. AL'STKALLVN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Capital, 250,000. Reserved Fund, 100,000, Life Fund, 107,000. Directors: John Halfey, J.P., Chairman.

The lion. R. S. Anderson 1 Sir C. MauMahon The hon.

J. S. Johnston Tho hon. D. E.

WDkie. FIRE and MARINE RISKS accepted at lowest current rates of premium. Life Assurance and FidoIIty Guarantee Policies Issued on conditions favorahlo to tho assured. Profits in all departments shared with the policy holders. Prospectuses and full information can be obtained on application at the head olllce, 77 Collins-street west, or at any of the agencies.

E. S. WATSON, Manager. ORO UGH Of IFF Notice is hereby given that it Is the intention of the Borough Council to tnko POSSESSION of and to lease, under the provisions of the Local Government Act, tho following LANDS within tho borough, upon which RATES have remained UNPAID for a period of flvo ytora and upwiuxls, unlets such rates are paid within one month after demand and notice under the 20tltli section of the said act 3 8 3 2.f .1 s. a 5 1 I I a 8 3 10 00 Si? o3t By order, R.

JORDAN, Totvn Clerk. 16th Augustleap: METTER3, BladcMDoU-street, Hotliam. Bakers' Ovons, Ranires, Coppers, built and repaired. Esttniatca given. URMANS PORTRAIT ROOMS, 209 Bourke- street east, near t'anlament llouse, and St.

Georgft's Hall, near Theatre Royal. CHAT WOOD "INVINCIBLE" Fins, Fall and Burglar Proof SAFES. See Official Report of Trial at Amsterdam. Indents to sTcH AT WOOD, 120 Camion-street, London, E.O. lOUTTS and SILVER HUNTING LEVERS.

Sole agents, Rosenthal, Aronson and Co. COSTUMES stylishly MADE for 0a. by Mrs. Hawkeswood, 117 Clarendon-street, Emerald hill. Work and fit guaranteed.

rRES3ES, Underclothing, mado by Mrs. Rj Uigh, 170 William-street, near Victoria-street, mat Melbourne. Modemto chanrcs. DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT, 117 Clarcif don-street, Eraerold-hill. Print and plain dresses nude, first-class, for 5s.

each. TTVRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT under expert JLJ enced management. Newest fashions monthly. Fit guaranteed. Charges strictly moderate Gee.Craib.

D1C REEVES'S HOSPITAL, Stephen-street, Melbourne. OPEN daily, 1 o'clock, and Monday, Wednesday, Saturday evenings, 8 o'clock, under meal cal supervision of Dr. John Jobnsou. 1" XfiLAOrUTlNYHlLU This li Week's Feathers, kid gloves, work boxes, ap. ons, bats large variety other goods.

Geo. Cmib. EIGHTEEN CASES POMPADOUR DRESS GOODS, silks, millinery, velvets, direct from manufao turers. Lengths cut nt wholesale prices. Geo.

Craib. EDDY'S Central CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Xu 2S4 Elizabeth-street. Variety new and second wild BUGGIES, waggons, at reduced prices. LOWERS IFLOW'ERSrFLOW I' selected varieties, 2s. fii do.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.