Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

JZ Ssction 2 Chicago Tribune, Tuesday. November 1. 1363 Wesihsr Pcfhitsim outlook Chicago erea forecasts 73 601.34 ptcldy 42 30 ooudy citlas Highest and towest temperatures ending 7 m. Monday; prectpftation tor 24 hours ending p.m. Forest.

srwrs Dk ptcwy pioidy ptcldy ptcldy pWdy ooudy ptctdy sunny ptcldy ptcldy ptctdy doudy ptcldy ptcldy doudy 76 56 77 66 78 66 73 53 80 78 74 55 52 4T 77 55 69 39 60 43 58 46 76 57 63 46 81 82 66 30 65 66 68 28 54 22 CHtCAQO: There Is chance tor ttgr rem, ontt and tog Tuesoay morning kxtowed by frosty doudy Tha high mil be tha low to md-63s, but cooler near the lake. Wind will be out of the southeast at 10 to 16 milee an hour. Tuesday night win be mostly doudy won lows of i to 4a, Wednesday oe parity oioudy with a chanoa tor snowere and storma In the riiomlnQ and at night. The th will be the msd-flOa. SUBURBS: There a chanoa for kght rain; dnzzle and tog Tuesday morning followed by mostly cloudy skim.

Thewjh wiH be 62 to 64, out 63 to 66 eastern lake and Cook County near Lake Michigan. Winds win be out of the southeast at 10 to 15 m.p.h. Tuesday night wiH be mostly cloudy with lows of 46 to 50, but 50 to S) near tie lane. Wednesday wil be partly cxoudy tafltn a onanoe tor showers and storms In me mommo and at mom. The rughs wif be 64 to 67, but near 60 along the lake.

Extended CHICAGO AND VICINITY: There la a chance for showers and storms Tliursday morning and again at rvgrt, otherwise sloes wiH be partly cloudy through Friday with highs of 72 to 76 Thursday, 72 Friday. Mostly cloudy skies wit develop Saturday along with some showers. Highs wiH be In the 60s. Morning lows wiH be the 60s Thursday, tow 60s Friday and the 44 Saturday. 78 81 43 87 68 65 77 87 68 62 74 62 81 73 78 66 64 44 80 64 66 48 69 61' 65 38 78 67 69 47 82 65 68 46 81 70 68 43 69 37 57 46' 61 41 71 60 64 39 52 36 73 48 64 64 57 49 80 66 68 62 64 65 66 47 80 60 61 38 49 42 66 40 82 65 70 50 Low ctouds blanket tha northern Plain and Jacksonville Juneau lbs Vegas Lmie Rock Los Angeles Lubbock Miami Beech Midland, Tex.

WnneapoUs New Orleans New York Norfolk, Va. North Platte Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando' Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, Me. Portland, Ore. Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Richmond Sacramento Salt Lake Ctty San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Seattle Shreveport Sioux Fells Spokane Syracuse Tampa Topeka Tucson Tulsa Washington Wichita wow), ratcny aoude hang over the souttweet, and there are showers along the western Gulf ooaat. Dense otouos shroud the eroto Men a neon UondWOfenna Trtbura Man-.

Cr Tribune MarJ SoUfM- hwonel OOMnie and AmweFnanc taemvmsum iOGood OModertt H. L. Pre Nov. 2 H. L.

66 23 ptcldy 62 42 73 46 67 42 73 60 ptcldy 72 46 81 24 .26 cloudy 33 26 64 37 Dteldy 70 45 63 49 ptcldy 70 53 53 36 ptcWy 66 47 78 68 ptcldy 60 65 66 29 ptcldy 69 46 73 51 Shwrs 60 45 68 63 ptcldy 76 66 61 32 ptcldy 59 32 67 48 ptcldy 64 42 66 34 ptcldy 62 43 66 66 ptcldy 68 70 57 27 ptcldy 64 41 52 25 cloudy 58 43 69 40 cloudy 69 38 70 53 cloudy 74 64 71 42 ptcldy 71 47 60 49 ptcldy 71 60 68 40 ptcldy 62 35 67 41 cloudy 72 49 61 26 ptcldy 68 46 68 61 Cloudy 74 62 62 37 cloudy 68 47 56 17 fair 61 34 79 65 ptcldy 80 60 63 37 cloudy 69 48 71 42 ptcldy 69 37 60 41 cloudy 61 42 78 56 ptcldy 77 48 13 -2 cloudy 16 9 51 42 ptcldy 67 35 61 34 shwrs 62 38 66 48 shwrs 56 40 62 39 ptcldy 70 50 68 27 ptcldy 62 39 66 31 shwrs 55 36 86 75 .01 ptcldy 66 72 70 68 .41 ptcldy 80 63 78 45 lair 80 56 62 49 .05 ptcldy 60 31 ptctdy 62 40 ptcldy 72 37 cloudy 54 45 .11 ptcldy 62 32 ptcldy 71 62 .06 fair 62 49 .02 shwrs 81 65 ptcldy 75 67 ptcldy 68 59 .09 lair 60 48 .02 Shwrs 76 58 ptcldy Ctty AJDany Aibuauerque Amanwi Ancboraxje Asheviiie Ananta Aiianiic City Austin Baltimore Biiiings Biirmngham Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsville Butfata Burlington, Vt. Casper Charleston, SC Charleston. WV Charlotte, NC Cheyenne Cincinnati Cleveland Columbia. 6C Columbus, Ohio Concord, NH Dallas Dayton Denver Dukith El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Flagstaff Great Falls Greensboro, NC Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston Jackson, Miss. 4tirSk Ht and Low aaSt 584S Forecast for Nov.

1, 1983 oitaaure aiaaa WNaV fc1 OFakOefeucy Vr ICIoudy Snow Unhealthy Vs unhealthy L2 Hazardous I.T$ndays pollution Index SH Run 55 47 ptcldy .41 shwrs 65 61 BH a Wind direction tt 5 Goted (mph) el fi' 53 26 ptctdy Aviation IFft conditions 'are expected Tuesday morning with clouds based at 600 to 600 feet broken to overcast with another layer of overcast at 1 ,000 to 1 feet with otoud tops to 8.000 feet end to 16,000 to 20,000 lest in rein and showers. Visibilities will be reduced to to to 1 mile in the heavier showers, but generally will hold at 2 to 6 miles. The freezing level win be 10.000 to 12,000 leet wtlh Icing In the clouds above that level. Light to moderate turbulence Is expected at all levels. Tuesday allernoon, ceilings WW dfl to 1,600 to 2.600 feet with visibilities at 4 to 7 miles.

Wednesday morning there may be more showers with visibililiee of 2 to 4 miles. Ceilings will be 2,000 to 3,000 feet with tops to 6,000 to 10,000 feet. Conditions will improve Wednesday afternoon with visibilities of 4 to 7 miles some hate. Winds win be out of the southeast at 10 to 16 knots Tuesday and a tittle mora aoutherly Wednesday. Be sure to obtain a formal aviation briefing before do-, parting on your flight.

80 63 ptoidy 73 49 ptcldy 82 69 ptcldy 77 65 ptcldy 60 37 ptckiy 74 47 ptcldy 54 27 ptcldy 76 60 78 59' 70 52 73 63 64 44 67 46 'Atetl P8I Baling Csusa take County 17 0 8 pressure areas 362 High and Low lernperatures Fronts: Expected St 6:00 p.m. Warm Static Wllkes-Barre Wllminoton. Del. 67 28 Ptcldy North Chicago uburba61 8 National temperature extremes contiguous states: low 16 at Bradford. high 90 at Buckeye, Gila Bend and Lake Havasu City, Ariz.

Bntrth Side "Chicago 61 eww Wt South suburbs 37 Calendar Costing Chicago temperatures. el Mm moon Beginning 1 a.m. Monday O'Hare Lake Mdwy 10 40 40 Precipitation: trace; month's total, 4.41 Inches; year's total, 40.49 Inches. October normal, 2.28 inches; year's excess through Sept. 30, 9.18 Inches.

Highest wind velocity: 14 m.p.h. from the east at 3:20 m' Barometer: 7 a.m., 30.36; 7 p.m., 30.28. Evening stars: Jupiter, Mercu- For 24 hours ended 7 p.m. Oct. 31: Average temperature: 48 degrees; normal.

47; month's deficiency, 14 degrees; years excess, 340 degrees. Relative humidity: 7 a.m., 82 percent; 1 p.m., 61 percent; 7 p.m., 61 percent. IM WMne HH WMinf rim fi OAS O-31-WJ Nw.4 NVII NIR h.30 Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1963 Sunrise, sunset, moon rise, 2:18 a.m.; moon-set, 3:30 p.m. Morning stars: Saturn, Mars, Venus.

erty Wednesday at 10 to 16 knots. There is a chance of Blowers Wednesday morning, with skies turning perlly cloudy. Visibilities will bs 6 to 7 miles by Wednesday afternoon. Air temperatures over the water are in the 60s, Chicago's lakefront water temperature Is 48 degrees, Winds wiH bs southeast Tuesday at 10 to 16 knots, with some gusts to 16 knots on the open lake. A light chop Is expected In Chicago harbors, with waves on ttts lake 2 to 4 feet.

Visibilities may be reduced to 1 to 2 miles with fog and possibly drlttle Tuesday morning. Winds will be south- 45 45 standards Index tfiil ranges and ratings: 0- 60. good 1G1; 61-100, moder-RtelMt; 101-199, unhealthy njr'eoO-299, very unhealthy 4300-600. haiardous HJ. fwsw fueesi C-carbon monox-JaaiO-oione; P-partloulales; dioxide.

6 am '46 48 46 4 pm 53 62 62 9 am 47 49 47 6 pm 52 62 54 10 am 48 60 48 Pm 52 64 54 11am 50 51 bl 7 pm 50 64 64 8 pm 48 53 53 Noon 50 51 51 9 pm 46 53 63 1 pm 62 61 53 10 pm 45 60 61 2 pm 63 62 53 11 pm 41 49 42 3 pm 52 62 63 Mdnt 39 49 49 1 am 2 am Sam 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am 48 48 48 45 46 48 45 46 44 44-- 43 45 44 43 43 44 forecasts Tuesday's xpectfjd highslows 11" r- VS'Ml llLeraeClty (.6843 ej Sfl44efl rtu linlnaa 100 Shetland I Cleveland I kV tt Tr -tl yi Springfield 6748 Dayton 7048 6646 portcoats and ILLINOIS: Tuesday: Variable cloudiness north, Jralnly sunny south; high 62 degrees extreme florin, 78 southern tip. Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, chanoa, of showers north and central; tows 62 to 62. Wednesday: Partly sunny; highs fwillANA: Tuesday: Partly sunny; highs 66 to Tuesday night: Clouds Increasing Jhanoa of showers north; lows 62 to 66. yMneday: Mostly oioudy with a chance of rowers; highs 66 to 72. WISCONSIN: Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, chance scattered showers or some drizzle mainly ktal; highs In the 60s.

Tuesday night ana Wednesday; Mostly cloudy, onanoe of scattered showers; lows 46 to 50; highs 65 to 62. J.OWER MICHIGAN: Tuesday: Partly sunny; 68 to 65. Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy mr widely scattered showers; lows 42 to 45. Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with chance of highs 68 to 65, 4JHPER MICHIGAN: Tuesday: Mostly cloudy; tiifjhs 65 to 60. Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy yrith, a slight chance of showers east; lows wound 40.

Wednesday: Mostly oioudy with widely scattered showers; highs In the 60s. temperatures St. LoiHt. 7250 I I fi yy 7i5o Cftkwao Trlbdnt Map; SnuM: Central WMttw SeMoa W)rsted Slacks IOWA: Tuesday: Cloudy with a chance of drizzle, and a lew afternoon showers south; highs 60 to 65. Tuesday night: Mostly oioudy, chance of drlzfle north; lows 42 to 55.

Wednesday: Partly sunny; highs 62 to 65. "'Highest and lowest tern- natures for 24 hours ending p.m. Monday; precipitation for 24 hours ending 7 p.m. Missouri Cape Girardeau 74 48 'Columbia 68 47 T. Qrandvlew 62 43 T.

Joplln 77 54 Kansas 74 54 T. Ktrksville 62 45 .02 Maryville 62 43 T. Monetl 74 52 Springfield' 75 52 St. Joseph 67 48 .08 St, Louis 70 47 West Plains 75 48 Kentucky Bowling Green 71 44 Covington 67 41 Jackson 70 51 Lexington 70 43 London 71 42 Louisville 72 44 Paducah 75 46 Tennessee Bristol 82 38 Chattanooga 65 42 Jackson 77 63 Knoxvills 64 41 Memphis 78 53 Nashville 71 60 Eau Claire Wausau Michigan Alpena Detroit Escanaba Flint Grand Rapids Houghton Houghton Lake Jackson' Lansing Marquette 1 Muskegon Pellston Saginaw SI. Ste.

Marie Traverse City Iowa Burlington Cedar Rapids Des Moines Dubuque Lamonl Mason City Otlumwa Sioux City Spencer Waterloo 51 30 62 30 64 23 67 29 63 37 69 29 56 26 57 33 63 25 63 25 67 23 66 30 53 26 68 28 66 27 65 26 67 28 57 43 67 46 56 44 54 43 56 44 51 42 58 43 63 49 49 43 63 43 H. L. Pre. 54 43 64 45 53 43 T. 85 47 T.

61 47 .07 61 46 .19 63 46 T. 66 39 T. 64 50 .01 71 46 59 41 T. 63 41 T. 65 46 66 42 66 46 52 33 53 28 57 28 64 33 55 37 Illinois CHICAGO Midway "'I'akefront O'Hare Oeeatur Mollne Pepna Qulncy Hockford Springfield Indiana Evansvllle Fort Wayne Indianapolis Lalayette South Bend Terre Haute Wisconsin Milwaukee Madison Qreen Bay park Falls A Crosse ,13 .04 T.

"if' 1 I It I 61 74 65 45 45 Sydney, 10am, cldy Taipei, Sam, ptcldy Tokyo, Ham, clear Vienna, 1am, rain Warsaw, 1am, rain On our complete selection of pure Shetland wool sportcoats. Impeccably tailored, classic styling in herringbones, tick weaves and tweeds from the finest domestic and imported woolens from Britain. A fantastic variety of styles, patterns and colors to choose from. Your choice with or without genuine lambsuede elbow patches. REGULARLY $125 On Sale Now $89 On our very best 100' worsted wool slacks all precision tailored from the world's finest fabrics.

The versatile, natural comfort of pure wool slacks assures you a luxurious appearance that will, 'last and last. REGULARLY $45-' On Sale Now 33 Pan America City, weather Temp. H. L. Pre.

Acaputeo, cloudy 91 73 72 .01 77 70 90 77 Barbados, lair Bermuda, ptcldy -Curacao, ptcldy Freenort. otcldv 84 66 .07 Guadalajara, fair 81 46 Guadalupe, fair 86 73 Foreign report Forecasts WROPE THIS WEEK: Showers are expected In the wostern countries, and also In Scandinavia and parts of the extending from Italy to Turkey. Showers 'should end In Italy by mid-Week. High temperatures" in li. northern countries will be ,408 and 60s, with 60s to 70s' south.

Lows will be mostly 30s north, 60s and 60s south. CARIBBEAN: Considerable sunshine Is expected in I he central waters and south islands. 8howers will remain to the north In the Greater Antilles, the Yucatan Peninsula and a few toward the Florida. Straits and the Bahamas, Highs will be mostly 85 to 95, wllh lows of 65 to 75. LATIN AMERICA: Scattered showers and storms are expected In Mexico, mainly cen-Srefl and south, Showers will also be found In parts of Central America.

'temperatures 'City, time, weather Temp. Amsterdam, 1am, cldy 48 Ankara, 2am, clear 35 -Asuncion, 8pm, clear 82 (Ihena, ism, cldy 64 Berlin, 1am, cldy 46 Bonn, 1am, cldy 48 Bridgetown, 8pm, clear 81 Brussels, 1am, cldy 46 Buenos Aires, 9pm, clear 61 Cairo, 2am, clear 64 'Caracas, 6pm, cldy 72 Casablanca, mdnt, ptcldy 69 Copenhagen, 1am, clear 45 Dakar, mdnt, ptcldy 62 Dublin, mdnt, cldy 65 Geneva, 1am, clear 39 Guatemala City, 6pm, cldy 67 Hong Kong, Bam, clear 71 Jerusalem, Sam, clear 64 La Paz, 8pm, clear 44 Lima, 7pm, clear 85 London, mdnt, ptcldy 46 Madiid, 11pm? clear 39 Malla, 1am, cldy 56 Manila, Sam, ptcldy 79 Mexico City, 6pm, cldy 62 Montevideo, 9pm, ptcldy 60 Moscow, 3am, cldy 36 Nairobi, Sam, clear 58 New Delhi, 6am, clear 60 Nice, 1am, clear 65 Oslo, 1am, cldy 43 Panama, 6pm, cldy 73 Paris, 1am, cldy 1 49 Peking, Sam, clear 48 Port of Spain, 8pm, clear 77 Quito, 7pm, cldy 58 Rio, 9pm, ptcldy 77 Riyadh, 3am, clear 68 Rome, 1am, ptcldy 54 SanSalvador, 6pm, ptcldy 74 Santiago, 8pm, clear 65 Seoul. 9am, clear 47 Stockholm, lam. clear 40 Havana, lair 82 73 Kingston, ptcldy 86 73 .26 ptcldy 82 73 .71 Merlda, fair 88 73 .07 Monterrey, ptokly 77 66 Nassau, fair 61 70 .15 San Juan, fair 88 74 .18 St.Thomas, lair 89 73 .02 Trinidad, fair 90 72 T. Veracruz, cloudy 72 T.

Canada CHy, weather Temp. L. Pre. Calgary, ptcldy 66 49 Edmonton, ptcldy 62 36 Montreal, clear 43 33 Ottawa, dear 44 31 Regina, clear 69 38 Toronto, dear 47 26 Vanoouvor, clear 67 43 .62 Winnipeg, dear 64 40 Free Alterations uv PURE WOOL The Kwii'in WcHilmark IhSi'I Ii your MHurnnre nf qualitv tented fihrfci nixde of the wnrtil'a be Pure Wool. mm In Memory of Herman hi.


Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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