The Daily Item from Lynn, Massachusetts (2024)

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i TENEMENTS EOK BENT Monro street 7 ASTBOLOGY WANTED LEGAL NOTICES MEDICAL JUNK DEALERS OUND CAED BEADING MONEY TO LOAN MOBTGAGES DAILY PUZZLE PICTURE MONEY 7 Item Office 7 ICTIONg GIVEN in MRS ORTIER to I ARMING OR LllHEt I' Excellent cbanca for ladle to do email fruit farmin or poultry raising nd lake aummer boarder room nous' barn too shed acre ond 'and go fruit tree sit uated bea'M the Mrrrtmae river fine n'lsb bofe convenient to ear and tillage price I1W terms ray TURNER Poyen Block Merrimac Mas a NH ARLES BELL 33 35 Harrison court i junk dealer rags le bottle Ic rubber i Sc Iron 1 tc paper Sue hundred UW pr uuureu or auue rags at metais at reason able price IT DON'T GO HROKE One dollar each week pay principal and Interest on every loan a make from IU to 1100 We guarantee to ask no more HERNE 8 Slake treat min i flrat clan TENEMENT or COTT AGE house must be in good lo cation not mor than 15 fromCentral Bq 1 in family rent from 323 to ltd a month Address A Item Office 92 0 IfONEY YOU CAN GET IT QUICK an AU diamonds watches piano and furni ture to be kept tn possession otowner Ivan mad to salaried people fair treatment uo publicity UASKKR SI Munroe street MAN WANTED To put on Louis XV heels Steady 4: it a A JONES CO fl Two tamlly house I rooms? eDllUu nrar Eleeirio Works lot avn renlal OLO BREED New Item Building two tenement HOUflE cf 14 rsomssfo bated within six minutes' walk from tral depot bouM 1 plumbed for bot at4 sold water and la ootmactad with olty ae £antl8e astrologer' IS ra propwr ad vict on all matter buaine ehanrea irav and all domestic it lanta tell when the good ultres are coming hours 1434 to a 7 TM WANTED for general housework settonfl 'gtrlas 'tabla chamber and" hitches ton4 experienced help for all kinds of work at etw Employment Parlor 161 Brood i opening earenlnta until I o'clock 1IRLR co*cks for" private famt i A lies and boarding houses: general house rls table and kltthen glr' a SWedtaH Scotia girls experenced second girlsrBABB 333 Union street 33 XXMNTED llKLS to 1mm atltchlng: all "ducod price At STITCHING SCHOOL Cantrat avenue' aaar Oxford atrwet grt VLITOXDALE GOOD COTTAGE ftougs 6t rooms pah try plaaae anil ft of land prim onty 4UAWAMKK REA IM BOOMS AND BOABD I Him I 111 lljl III JI I 1 1 I I 11 Til ill ir7h 8t Alnmnt of I rooms fHO laET our ROOMS'arn convenience itettn 1 nun and wife or rest taciuatnt hett Awjlr ia uw of bath? csexa vUw REAL ESTATE ON THE MARKET: SITUATIONS WANTED femaleVx3 "MEW 3 South As Common street MI dred range West Two fatnlly heuaa rooms rvt uW henaery toe 1613 eq ft GW) a bargain GEORGE BREED New Item building I VAUCTIONEEBS 4 fJEORGK BREED AVCTIONEER' NEW ITEM BUILDINGS 4 JR 7 for sale Investment Propertv ttaWHWl 31 ESSEX COURT Hear toise 4 Thia property eonilgtg of a two gtorr yi mansard roof toouae containing 13 room 4 atranged for four tenement renting at th? present time for USD per rear land aboia 6JxlB feet the proximity of thia property to Central square and the pried VT at wtiih It can be purchaaed should tie A mand a quicllMle terms easy Apply 'v SILSBEEJ BAKER llEER Mttd nl J' BORROW YOUR MONEY of Lynn Loan Co on pianos furniture eic at legal rates of Interest square dealing quick end private service established 1SSI ill Market street corner Bummer 11 T'ynn'loan'co HI Market street? tor JLd ner Bummer money loaned on diamonds and watches at legal rates strictly prlvste special offices for ladles 14 1D0RR0W MONET on furniture pianos diamonds and watches tow rates and each payment reduces Interest LYNN LOAN CO 1U Market corner Summer strei lake iod farm buildings lota of fruit price 1330 CMr homli Stable one acre choice fi ult price oaljAMm H' TURNER Poyen Block Merrimac' rpO Cottage all modern improve A ments Bassett street Cottages Beaaom street Jessie street lint street Tenements Boston street Waverly street Eutaw avenue Essex street Glenwood street Clarendon avenue ive rooms in modern apartment 4 riend street place WELCH to CO: 41 Exchange street 1T7ANTED We want several good AGENTd TV on a patented article never been intro duced hera before not a cheap worthless ar ticle but something that is needed in every home officw and factory ca 1 at once 133 Union street room 54 IXT Washing hours cleaning TV Ing or any work by ths day or hour Chippewa court lower floor Call even ing or Write' 945 11 MORTGAGEE'S Ry virtue ofU power of sale in a mortgage given by JOHN O'BRIEN trustee under the will of ELDIE O'BRIEN to NELLIE CROWLEY dated Dec 1W0 and recorded in Essex South Diatnct Reg istry of Deeds book 1630 leaf 3k and for the purpose of foreclosing said mort gage for breach of the condition thereof will be sold at public auction on tne premise hereinafter described on riday the SEVENTEENTH day of April next! at three o'clock in the afternoon all and alngular the premises described in aald mortgage A certain Parcel of land with the building thereon sit uated In Lytm in the county of Essex bounded westerly by Blossom street three and one half rod northerly by Wheeler street seven rod and tlx link easterly by land of Cusick and one haf rod and southerly by ef Bancroft seven rods and one link Said premiie will be sold gubject to as and all unpaid taxea Terms 3200 down at time of sale bal ance In ten day NELUE CROWLEY "Mortgagee Lynn Mas March 23 1903 404 THE put leaf "mould AT loam on your lawn don't forget to havs p'nt I Ivs from the smallest stone get your orders in ba tore th rush for last spring I was aaahto' to deliver it fast enough delivered In 35 Snr bf 'Ml 10ad 'C WORM bTEAD Bergengren building Central Bq fhwp HUNDRED BTCYCLES ev X7 at anV oM Price 13 to1 to juveniles ladiaa 1S5 gents Orients Clevean4s Racyo es Olives sundries Urea t0 Or cash Remember ths place li Market street ABBOTTS Mi i I Reds" 80c to 3304 per AA setting HW per hundred fertility guar mtcsd color right and great laying strain: no better stock any wh're at any price sure J1 Calt see them BROOKS A CO 25 Springfield avenue oft Wajnnt street gj Pocket surgical knives made to lb order warranted: all kinds of fine edge too! made fheari tnd edge tools of tvory description ground polUhed ana repaired at Lockwood's 14 Liberty street Lynn rno LET 4 room lower TENEMENT at No A Burrlll avenue every modern im provement good repair Apply at Newhall's Jewelry store Market street rent gU IWANTED a bright and intelligent GIRL VV t01arn marking must be good writerii5 WHYTE 731 Washington street Eataryrim Custom Laundry 7 MT to fix 'si pmSnT am Houie 10 roomi 3 pen i fire placei spring water barns rock maple grove very ele rated finest of mountain viewi A Small second hand SODAV jfDUNTAIN cheap for cash OLSOM Saugus 60 conla Court formerly Washington 443 rnWO DESIRABLE TENEMENTS for rent A in South Peabody 1 rooms and bath with hot and cold water good garden paaeed by etortrlcs rent 11350 per month CHA8 WOODBRIDGE 44 Central avenne EAST lynm BARGAINS I have a Urge stock of new and second hand pianos stoola scarf and dust covers that will ba sold at a very low carft or reasonable payments Call and see them at BILAY'S 193 Oxford street A'so otic 4 sprtng platform agott three wagonettes one light exprese wagon one piano wagon two sets double harnesa and two sets single Mpreas harness that will be sold st a very low price 7 At Baas Point Nahant 4 room cottaxa and let of land contaiXr laquarw fcT 'it or1 TddroiT0 BB Manlll HOUSE LOTS "At Nahant (Base from tn'a cas toot (Phillips eitlte) Be'axAW ri'an to own a pises tT lal: ia ts 'Si WYMAN 4 Market afreet TOOm 8 CZCfin ST near Commer J)4)ULI 1 1 1 ary house ie rooms bath stable: lot about IMO aq ft BREED New Item Bldg rno A lower TENEMENT In Oieh A MERE corner Msple and Tucker streets: ail modern Improvements very pleasant aear ectrics IL RAMSDELL Maple street 973 8OUTIIPEABODY i perienced tip fixer JUITTLE xperiend 8EAM4TREaS bo thoroughly understand fimea API at Rockaway street 31 0B fl ft Turt Iia kVleu A at A 1) I oUu land neer Boston "mt vT si $31 soxf'sis pt C9nnnThrM xm feel If lana Neptune street I ai oae halt story house rand iOuUvooO feet of 'and on Booth atmU' in ntp fa nt thd Atv APARTMENT TO LET near the Com mon six rooms and bath with hot water heal rent 135 in winter 322 In summer all modern conveniences Applicants must fur nish references DR HATCH 34 Mall attest 11 rno LET TENEMENT of 4 rooms 90 Spen otr street formerly May street In sight of Electric Works 1200 per week SOUTHWICK room 200 Item Building WEBSTER 167 Markfit SP PARTNER with l7tM take half Interest in a well established bus nesg good (or twice that amount ths summer WEBSTER i Msrketstreet SALtf Two TKNEMENT HOUSETfn' A 'vest Lynn near Bummer street mice fr'SPL cal: uta a krest bargain WEBSTER 14 Market street Eon Twtenement HOUSE within3 walk of Market street onlyart a great bargain WED bTER 11 Market street YjiOR BALE 15 rocm LODGING ROOM Ifewha11 atroet barguu WEBSTER 167 Market street ns for large lot COT A Eat Lynn terms as you like OR will buy stock and fixtureof a nice STORK on Munros street WEBSTER 187 Msrket street K1N YOU BH ME a 'Ih ytfraay bv twin th nart of th George can be found in the lower left comer between two of the ladle? '71YORTGAGEE By virtu of power ot gaie contained In a cer I deid Kven by JOHN McDERMOTT of Lynn in the county of Eiwex to KATE MUtVJBY of South Boston county of Suffolk dated December 11 1533 and recorded with 5111'1 Driet Deeds bgqfciiillS leaf 20 and for the purpose otVfoie fOr brec! 1f'e condition thereof will be told ait pub lic auction on the premises hereinafter described on WEDNESDAY April 29 I'JM at two In the afternoon ot day all and singular the premises described In Arid mortgage via A certain lot of land with the buildings thereon situated on Ward street In said Ljnn and bounded northeasterly on Mard street thlrty eight (55) fee northwesteriy on land now or formerly of McCarthy ninety five' feet eouth westerly by land now or formerly of Donohoes thirty eight (38) Det and southeasterly by land now or formerly ot Loulg'Bourneaut ninety five (95) feet sale ot premises subject to prior mort gage of one thoueand dollars and all unpaid taxex One hundred dollars to paid In cash at the time and place of sale and the balance within ten day thereafter KATE MULVEY WHY Clothing on credit no money dawn Murkst street 34 TjlOUND THE PLACE to buy clothing on A credit no money down NATIONAL CREDIT CO tt Market street 34 tion however conducted would end the controveny over wages until the agents have receded from their decision given recently that no outside persons should tel! them what wages they should pay their employee LOWELL April 7 1901 The ring spinners of the Lawrence Corporation operating 133 spinning frames sur prised the town by returning to thia morning on the old scale 2They are organised but conclude! that tne policy of the hosiery company of buy ing yarn outside will soon annihilate th ring spinning department Conse quently5 rather than run the rlk of losing their jobs permanently they went back to ithelr framus at bell time to day It was felt that the idleness of the spinners wag causing ths company no hardship and that (here was cor respondingly little to gain by their re maining out DUTCH TRAIN SiBKE i General Strike Gf Baker Ordered to Help the Railroad Handl AMSTERDAM April 71M3 A num ber of employees ot ha Netherlands returned to work to day enabling the continuance of a restricted service All the train carry military escorts Any employees who do not return to work by noon to day will be dismissed 1 The Workmen's Committee of Defense has 'proclaimed a strike of the bakers throughout the country but the master bakers hope to prevent it from becoming Keneral: The distribution of bread however will be restricted The war ship Holland Is moored off Rotterdam and a thousand soldiers have arrived1 The river ie being patrolled by steam picket boat An attempt was made to wreck a issenger train which left during the night Dock Laboren Join ROTTERDAM' April 7 1903 At a meeting of tow dock laborers last night It was resolved to make common cause with the striking railroad men but it was aito decided that order must be preserved so a to give the government ng excuse for the adoption of harait measures One hundred 'men were tolled off to act pickets Workmen employed the building 'trades threaten to Join In the strike Strike in Harvester Works CHICAGO April 7 1903 A genera! strike has been called 'of the machin ists blacbimlths pattern makers elec tricians and pipe fitters in the Deering division vlremdale of the International Harvester Company The cause of the strike Js the presentation to the em ployees of the plant of the contract men In case ot but operating a a release for the company from paying damages The men de cided not to return till the company granted a nine hour day and a 13 per cent increase in wages saush Girls Wanted between ages of 16 and 18 year Apply to ten i 42 CENTRE ST HTO 4 ruost TENEMENT all modem Improvements at 34 lm street rent UW per week Apply al to Pearl street vIvU frontage oo awe th aveques In Lynnhurst TO An upper tenement Of sis rooms on Parkland avenue rem lift a month also lower tenement Lynn 'V 'field street $10 a month RANK ATKIN3 AND OR GARDENING TO About Ju 10 sere Of level toad suitable for mar ket gardening In South Peabody C11A3 WOODBRIDGE 44 Central avenue 1 rno Two picnic' GROVES borderingX on pond Lynnfield with a good set of buildings also a number ot home lots sale' bordering on the pond suitable for camping purpose A COBURN II Wakefield Mass 320 Q0W Part cash for 1 HOUSES and land yj enough to build I more houses within 3 minutes' walk of th IL Work WEBSTER 17 Msrket street for lunchroom WEBSTER 187 Market street a 10 LET STORE 1 Oxford street near Market suitable for any household sup ply business also room above storage xropna to lease tl Ocean street rno'lET New modern STORES In the building corner Central avenue and Andrew street also soma room on second floor epeclally wei lighted Apply to RAZIER loom 3 in th building 111 BOARD ARBITRATION Wil! Make Inveitigation of the Lowell lockout Causes LOWELL April 7 The only topic ot Interest to day in thipitrik situation here Is the proposed Investigation by I lhe State Board of Conciliation and I Arbitration ordered by the Legislature I In place of th investigation by special I committee suggested by Representa I tlve Haye I The State Board is ready to' begin it sittings at City Hall au toon as possl ble ufter official notification of th i I order Meantime speculation 1 rife a to Its utility The attltffd of the striker last night went to show that they would of course I recelv th board respectfully but would 1 much prefer an investigation by a APe clai tribunal ta be chosen In equal I shares by each side of the controversy such repretentatlvt agreeing on a third section of the oommlttee Secretary McDonald thought' that the opera I tlve could choose three members and tjic agents three these six to choose I a seventh and the seven to select three more' th Textile Council ould be willing to abide by their decision Th 4 Impression seemed to prevail that the Tt i otaie uoard of Arb tratlon woutu In yererday puxxle by urinj the upper part ot the pletur ai base lew satisfaction 1 wtA at a La '7 0 iv ututfTcs mat Desirable Building Lot (100x50) or Sale On King street view of the ocean and near electric car Apply at Item REGISTERED HTSICIANS TlOCTOR castle 34 Central wwt treat'Ucatorrt rotamtai deafn dlmmm pt fl aifwaMffig vriayun Viurwsri XM1 UV UUVU XUKt I la 4 ArDPI't' e1 American woman would MX Ilka position as hou kpr 'to lake full charge Addrtu A 32 Item Ufllc 21 SITUATIONS or houaekaJpara? 5 7 cook ami genera hou awork sir tubio thmbr and kltchru ttlrv green girl and young sir help o' alt kind lupplled I abort nottoa BABB in Union street X3 A like nosllloh' LYNN Steam Carpet Cleaning Work car pet cleaned and laid BUELL ITop rear 52 Silsbee itreet 1W or th summer by small fam Yv ily HOUSE of room er more with modern convenience must have ocean view Apply at one to HELEN MARSH Real Ett and Insurance IDS Liberty street Lynn WANTED Two tenement houses also cot tages in all parts of the city espe cially West Lynn Cash waiting MARSHALL 247 Union Street Hlu LET A modern room TENEMENT rtary ooavtnlanaa nice neighborhood fine locaitoo Apply to MRS GEORGE room 23 Bergengren building 343 Unkm atroet Lynn' rpo" LET Uwer" TEN EMENT's itreet all modern improvement hut wajcr beat CHARLES IL KENT W3 rno LET A coy turnlaMd" TKNEMENTcf 4 room newly paper painted and car peted piano Included good legation centre of city reference required Addreu A Item Office 73 HORSE 'Want to buy a horse weight about 1100 lbs Apply oreman at i Armitage Stable 9 37 Andrew St TO LET I LADY ot neat appearance canvar house to houae ateady salary comnuwon to riant party Apply at 316 Union etreet room i 984 GIRL to fix tip ao girl to DOWNB 4JVATB0N CO 14 Three Swedish girls for XX amall families eight Nov Scotia girl lor general Work oooklrix table tthsmbw nd kitchen work Irish girls all klhdg great demand 132 Union slrwtt WANTED gto 1 for general housework iVV'In Lynn and vicinity competent Swedish wanted tabla glrie 4 Nava Scotia girl wanted to to to Nahant cffic open vnli0 37 North' Common street ADIES' perfect fitting tailor made suits Xd on credit no money down NATIONAL CnEDITCO JIarket street 'modln4 A £3 pattern thia eek Dressmaking fireasJ cutting and' ladle tailoring taught by tbd famous McDowell System It you vlh ta learn a good paytny trade mil or write MCDOWELL SCHOOL 5 Wmfor fit Boston irst Union Hang a py noion 7 Pa BMAGBANE a Immediately Pullers over on welte 7: rfr AUNOE SPINNEY A few desirable home Ims on easy terra: fi room rottg hotwai on Market street Su(H 7 Ceo Newhalfj 8gareyRwa 7 757 'y OR SALgr: HXi W1GMAI ot hVEHLEA' HOUSB733T8Brj5ru Vr down 31 per week agent on land Sun day take Peabody ear to Peabody line toi Over op Spring pond Broadway Wyoma Ptans etc OVERLEA LAND CU 1U Mu roe street IpOR 9 rxwn HOUSE beautifully situated on Sluice bund a 'I modern im provement large bam and to houae Ziu feet land fruit and ehade tree very tow prlo Apply at to Savory street er nslroadway 9 WICfiT LYWNy 7X'' IpDR SALE At sscrltlce roem HOUSE modem improvements stable itiew taet And wltUa minutes' ride ot Qenersl Elec garden and hen 3 HICK3ORD Odd Block Weil LynnpOR The foPowlng parcel sn esistei 53 Wyman street 810M 3 Sagamore street 31W0 34 fcrbor street Prerident street A ATTW1LL 33 Union itreet' flNE HUNDRED HOUSE LSTSOiT5ALE vz at ie to and 4c per foot Appy to A A LD WORT 11 Wanut street 1 to Bitkin ST comer Ray cottag roomi bath good repair elate to Eisctrla Work HPjO GEORGE AV BREED New Item bunding 1 71 SIR WOOD ST i 3try "houae room all Improvemeni: lot about tw ft neighborhood taw GEORGE ukEED aw Item building sTSl TjarK BT Modern alate' roof dwelling room steam heat sable lot about IL w4at OEOKOE LRUhD New Hem building BTO OR SAIA RmmTB(RATt CLBEMEBE I 1 T7WR SAfJS JwdJowtH me walifi Marshalls Bargains Price $2200 Worth $3500 acing on One ot the inest Parks In Lynn Almost new house fitted 'for two tene ments Al repslr convenient cra eay walking distance to Centra) equare will doa ble tn value tnilde of five years remember one tenement pay Intereri and taxes the other you have free end clear term to ult 9Qnn Suitable home tor well to do gen WawUU tlemsn modern 1 roora cottage every convenience very pretty lot contain ing MuO oq ft want an offer 9inn Venr tenement houae wAivv room good repair separate front doors and hall nice locality would be cheap at 12500 small amount does iQnn Meat Lyua 14 room house i tone wwwUV ment 2 bath furnace not IM told water go and water meter good 1 graded lot concrete driveway coal 3kw opetl an offer I SI Sflfl We( Cottage room goad a new large lot: hen coop: trait trees currant and rose buahe nice lawn ttlCflfl ive room cottage' West Lynn 9 1 OUU near Houghton square: good repair Qlflnn Blx rMn rottnfie large lot: about 9IUUU mltratrowalk Electric Work easy terms fu eifinn TWO ty 'nent house i West Lyna 9 OUU only minute wa'k to Electric Works very good repair 200 down MARSiHlt 247 Unloa Sired ARMS f6r SALE STO LET A IN THB CURRtER BUfLDINd UNION STREET LldUT OICES with elevatorteam heat and modern convenience Apply to a 'M attwILL Room 4 ninone6M JZ 1 tor VARIEfTTOftE" near Urge bargain for some one WEBSTER 187 Market street Money to loan at lowest rates of in terest See us before applying elsewhere Business strictly confidential CITY LOAN CO 107 Central Amue him ii BUSINESS ROOMS TO LET TO LET STORE at Relay House Pavilion Nahant Apply to PRO A KEN ERSON Houghton street Went Lrnn jsi vita iu euttaba tor grocery or i iiuro sue toio an ror 0 cigars good location rent cheap to right 11 tion of said mortga Apply 10 ULWA II VIISI ham or 47 Arch street fo) fHO LET amell STORE at 34 Silsbee St fine location for physician dressmaker or milliner heat furnished 840 rpo LBT Thre ROOMS In bisentent of Highland House 471 Essex street been used for ice cream confectionery light gro ceries tobacco and cigar store fins location! for trade RHODES Hlghlaud Houae 472 Essex street SM 7A ctniiiiifflii'! '777 Ten acre of land and fate can be bought at a bargain Photos at office a 1 rt a 4 a I Waldo Thompson ISort Of 74 Exchaage Street 3 V1' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS YNN CARPET CLEANING CO 19 State atreet carpet taken up cleaned and relafd STEARNS Manager Tel 633 13 109 tfi car for tad operate car machines 33 1 day work sober and tellable men only $100 required which is fully cjrad 41 Iletn Building Lynn to 1 et first BEATER X' OLT on turn oxfords Oc per pair andtt plain kid oxfords COHEN 37 li es: I riWtW YbrtiS 4 7' A bright strong BOY Apply MAORANE 73 CUTTER: beat of ret ereneaa as tq character and ability address CONLY A HOOP kH ront atreet Marbtohead 7 SEN AND WOMKN (Mjy work to month 5 yatl at fieymour Hwal Lynn un anl after April 4 GARCELON 7 Young MAN with some ho salesman) references re qutsed BESat ROLE A CQ f0R A5AN to work in ths store inRaturdays TEA CO 114 Untou 4 341 Union Street Lynn Mass 1 re IIN INVESTMENT In any bn at the following propertied will pay dire inventor 2 per J' fft fffl Eftft Onlv fnr a tt rhnm rrrffiPA injf 9IUUU pod lot of land in Eom Lynn i worth 20W SIMA cottare housJn Kwr lOUU Lynn areuwed for COfifln A two4enment hOuge rMm 94OUU and furnace connected with newer near Lewls ntr et Wants To Let Board Rooms Etc v777 yt CVfift V0 room houAe just 90 Uy ing built in East Lynn every thing 'right up te dte for two famUlie two front doors I buy r80m in Glen 'r ftuir 10t JltD h0UM 4 $3fi5fllu3 7 ini Lnl! ChP 'f' oto of tn all location A' 7 77 V' lr UW Robert Sisson Co 7i 211 212 NtslltaBIlj uuyn piason auctioneer ana jm lice of the Peace and VS I A4 a mv if Bargain Counter: REMNANT BALE Bargain counter no i Job lot of lots left out of 40 at Lynnhurst price to 310: former price 100 to 33115 term 33 down 1 per week Thia Is a nulns dos ing nut sai TkARGAIN COUNTER NO 2 Houo and XA lot nn Belmont avenue nlc home prioe 31000 20 down 310 per month which goes toward paying for your home pay rent any longer Bargain counter No fam: cottage a hen housre alt kind ot fruit i cent far to Lynn only HSQ small amount down balance name as rent Bargain counter no arm of acres new cottage barn 32x48 3 min utes to depot I miles from Lynn lots of money in this place 3 cord manure all ready time to plant next mon th amal amount down BARGAIN COUNTER NO ine lot on South street Lynn too ft prioe too low to mention BARGAIN COUNTER NO Plne 2 tere ment hovee West Lynn almost new TO Lower TENEMENT of 8 room and pantry bath room hot and cool water and small barn at 28 Broadway or further particulars calt at 24S Broadway GLESMEBE Mfit' AVl laAlsis it1 AYER' it Bread atTret ft IjWR fiALB Xawy fumfohad LAT of fire rooms and bath with beat wtu aril iery Cheap Address a iltn uffle to fpSTErpptt TENEMENT of room" 10d Ml Inquire at 3 Washington straet ring lower bell 4J rnENEMBNT'TG lET Very'SkrTTSdV'w JheuPI' Party wanted Out will board lady In part payment on rentJCli reference required ELIZABETH MIT 33 Blossom alreer fno A toncea on Baacoa HUI avenue Appyflie ELIZABETH BVH4HLW Alo a two tenenutnt boo of 11 room ifSl water slant and corunctofi with Mirer ihU bouse belcngs to MrtyfiWUe'J I cat4 Just minute' walk pen etffitrf prieaUMt 7 SOUTHWORTH 357 ESSEX STEET7hl WAITRESS 7 LUNCH nook 323 UnionwWe i a GJHL to work In variety stere one having experience in com I Preferred references required Waahlngton atreeL A DE sSATU Rs labl GIRL also non to take care ot on horse ha Ilac Apply at 1 t' fhugwatorot 7 3 jnnTNfED A TAILORED good job tor wbo a experienced Apply at PATTEIUKJN'B Market street iUMITD A Protestant WOMAN for 'Jvnwl housework: mdst ba a good APPlr At Essex street 37 jVHUNTED JU on IVgl undsrwear: Work can be taken home TIE MRS BRY ANT No Bnffem street room 3L tit 'T AUNDRY Three gtri to learn" atAM MM also tne experienced all round nano Harris a nrtu Mraet ta OR MISCELLAKEQUS fiD'ICE URNTTVRE for room house moving away sal iron mere' M' 11! alrMl p'OR EGGS for hatching' White wtthVV' 7r)'na Brehm crosl tr ur I Centre street Danitre 23 EGG8OR' I bave'seviiTLeaB U'hlt WyndX and RLwds and I can guaranis you good hatch m0NewlchnhTA hacker: ri aw uhathani street 'e 4 OR Rm and Stoito MaptosrewrEart a1 tlOte t0CVt 77 a LNE watch repairing BOYLE 333 Munros streak 1 41 fpo LET Lower TENEMENT 7 room No Newhall street modem convenience references required 3 513 piOR IS EHiTatreet' siilto ot'rooms XI 4 rooms an bath hut and cold water range shades etc everything modern rent2250 per month SILSBEE BAKER GEER INGALLS agents GI WYOMA re 1 EAST LYNN tfe'ky or Sale East Lynn Ten minutes to General Electric near three Ums of can cottage of 1 rooms connected with sewer and gas In cellar: good stable for automobile or carriage business man must sell leaving town view at office price re duced from 3000 to 3330 tor quick sal A JUSTIN TOWNSEND 145 Munroe street near Centra! avenue room 24 MOUNTAIN Attractive modern house I rooms alt Improvements largo maxes lot about 27 wo eq ft near steam and electrics 'MOW GEORGE BREED New Item Building TjXR SALE In East Lynn now COTTAGES and two tenement HOUSE with all mod ern Improvements on easy terms Apply 3 Breed street corner Macs puce BREED 41 LU lull 7 IQ pv I you bought five bottles of the malt by 7lliam that is put up the short measure nelson to william a lang dated quart bottles that worth! south Dinrtot bik i7 considering' ihink it over before buying again and remember that the genuine can be had at licensed dealers grocers and druggists gen erally Trade supplied by Hur ley Co 95 Munroe street Lynn 1 Mass SITUATIONS MALE (Situation wanted shipping CLERK or bookkeeper vary proltolant at either good rapid penman figurar and marker warned sober and willing to (tart on rMsortabo salary: batt Lynn refar 1 ance furnished SMITH 14 Western Ave Shoe Manufactuers WANTED 7 A situation a Militant Superintendent or foreman or cutting or atitcning room by a man ot to years experience for the pact 10 yearn manufacturing and attend ed to the buying for and running the I Cutting and atltchlng room beat of reference Addraaa A S3 Item Office By virtue of a 'Aand pursuant to the power of gale contained In a certain mortgage deed given by SA31UEL HARDING of Lynn field In the county ot Essex and Com monwealth ot MaesachuaetU to HENRY A UPTON of North Reading In the county of Mlddleaex and Commonwealth aforesaid dated ebruary 1884 re corded with Esiex So District Deeds Ilhrt 11S4 fn'lft frtr IvtoMmreh Mwwa VA tilV LVB I dltlon of laid mortgage and tor ln purnoae of foreclosing the tame wEJ Le sold at public auction on Thursday Aprl is 19G3 at 4 oclock in the after noon on the premise hereinafter de scribed all and singular the premie conveyed by ald mortgage deed and therein dejcrlbed aS A certain Jot of land with building thereon ait uated dn said Lynnfield on the weeter'yide of lhe road leading from said Lynn field to Middleton and bounded and described as follows to On tho southerly side by land of Samuel wterly ride by lam of Elbridge Rutsell on the northerly side by and pt ope Heraey and on the easterly side by the aforesaid road lead ing from Lynnfield to Middleton con taining about eleven acres Said prem ise will be sold subject to any an 1 ad unpaid taxea and tax title if any Trm made known at sale HENRY A UPTON Mortgagee' North Reading Mass March 21 1903 fHO To family of adult lower TENE X7MENT ot rooms curtain and Mrrentd with bath turnsev gas and set tube Inquire at 14 Elsmere place 73 fpo LET TENEMENT of 5 "room at' Olive street A ATTWILL 333 Union street mO LET Two TENEMENTS "on" "LocUt place 4 rooms and one ot 5 room Ap ply to ELDER 33 Cheatnut street' REAL ESTATE Of AU Kinds and Prices': 7 7 Salesiady fbr Milli 7 Qery depaitnient' 7 Addless A 35 Item Office WANTED 7 '7' 4 7 7 At" once experienced 3 room cottage easy" term tame as rent WEBSTER 1ST Marital street I port Dining room feeJIng over' 1 dally 355 win take it bargaU WEB STER 17 Market atreet tenemenf Mdt'gf 8 minutes from Works bergein WEBSTER 187 Msrket street TpOR rootn cottage large tibia large lot 31850 one of 3 rooms large lot 10 mtnu'ea walk from 31800 WEB STER 17 hlsrket atreet turf final iiiNMQ I ULM AAA a I viinv urlfa ttawta WAm 7 IV 7 TlinnllAli tlllllftftltfft 1 rL7e firm i I HKIII11M WI Ill I VM uw in QCMa vw Mwy papeiM I niiwvwil IMHWIiVl Town I A (CONTINUED ROM PAGE ONE) TV board or thro uaruralabed room for 1 4 1 1 light houMkeapiu reference exchanged I maY be amicably adjusted either Adjre A a Item Qffioe I to day or Wednesday by a committee of jrpo Large furnished RONT ROOM I Master Association and suitable for two genre or married representatives of the union furoare hratand bath on same floor airo The strike Wo ordered in a number of XtnThJueVll a TT 1 (cnedure ot wages of $20 for all union Si0 dwirabls front ROOMA with painter for the tight hour day which flemish akTmbto OVer Appy at io Gren 7 1 Piwnt price The strike has now mA MTATift hn 1 for Mven Jayg and the master ROOM I whh 'X haye the lence 73 have been trying to do tne 'ir'v 'hnAu 2 fl I ork lth non union men but have not A Sditreii up to the present reference required pleats ring Istt haad I a number of them have someell 833 I non union men st work OOMS TO LET NiM targa iry ROOMS? th master pairher seen this aswly furnished hot ah) eold water? morning would tie willing to settle the 10 S'i WMt WOOD etrlke at once but would prefer to have WARD Prop 1 Peart street 1 two scales ot wages one for what they I term first clasa workmen and another TtTTfiT'KTP'RQ PWAWnuc I cale tor eecond class men This matter CHABCES 4 la to oe considered at the meeting of I Bihvate lodging wnn wit I master painters who have not as Beautifully furnished steam heat opci I new aclelu Sharon plumbing set tubs electric lighting and new street at 330 house located centrally and beautlfuly I thfai afternoon' It intention to 5arealni (vly Nwhal atreet Tues 1 appoint a conference committee to meet a committee of the union with a view toYTA1UETY Largely stocked: ti I considering propositions for a settl improvements living room connected ment best ilure in Kuit Lvnn nn Amiaiiiirtsi I price reaaonabla Apply 1 13 Gl bert atreet '7 Ve ma for particular I etated this morning he believed a set TODGING house for 6ALE ra' lo? of the strike might possibly be JU rated cn two street centrally room I or to day provided the parties never vacant rrepectable house vwner leav I Interested came together In conference Ing Wats and tuut sell vnly cash custom What complicates the situation i the rarl twet fact that already a large number of the TiENJ PITMAN 8 Central or I master painters have agreed to pay the foctmiw unon of 3280 a day while a cam Interest the cloant Investigattua 1 a the are Still courted investments from 325 up "I holding out 'against the 'demand and 11 1 I have decided to form an association of tacto whlch MIUon rasier ie temporary XUOA Chairman and Stephen Sullivan is tem 06T Sundav vnin I Secretary It Is possible that trret totTwean BalUm treat tep' taken t0 Hotel Seymour PURgE containing ring I sanitation at to meeting finder will please return to ci Nahant street I The master painten claim that there and receive reward 3 are perhap 100 men now working in OdT Larga maltere CAT with white 1 shoe factories In the etty who arc only SARGENT 151 Brood street city order to relinquish their present posl iSSr 'i anrvrTiwftL 7 I tlon Md XO to work at the ot mori? on ULn tra1e These men or mot of them track at the foot ut Prospect street finder I hav had some experience painting In return to 80 Prospect atreet and receive I previous year but ore not first class I men and while the master painters OST a lady' GOLD WATCH somewhere I have to employ them in the spring of" of the rush of watch I engraved with monogram ft I lheT do not class them a first on back cover finder pieare return tu ih I class painters by any mean and think Um Theatre and claim reward 85 I It i too much to compel them to pay On Saturday venlng7between coruer I those workmen the full union wages an1 Gruve I a paid to expert painters who practl a PlMhEBOQK containing a sum of inoney I rnv wArk at the trade all the year flndre return to 50 Grove St and receive I ealy al 1 7 1 rewaid 11 I around and are worth all of $3 a day of the other men would be dear XJ between Medford and Lynn name on tn I day the employer a side cover finder will be rewarded I A repreoentatlve ot the Master Palnt LUDDY S3 Atlantic terrace Lynn l'0 era said thl merning that almost every I body who has a house to paint want I the work done in the spring season cop the bosoes have to employ pHirtOPODISTS Dr and Mrs Smith 25 trfl men when they can gef them Union street opposite Burrow a san I in order to finish helr 'contracts quick horn's We treat all foot troubles every I as possible day except Sunday our evenings ar Mon mn who work tn aho factor XnW aa 8Murdy aid glad XwinnnnnroTo rv B't I ol opportunity to work out doors for Union or PalItln In born' We treat all foot trouble every spring season when they get better day except Sundays our evening are Mon rwage than they do at the bench and 1lau' ani4 8aturJa2 vrit I there Is no reason why they should get phone W2 32 785 I ome pay a men wjj0 work at the TR HAYDEN Surgeon Chiropodist I trade constantly because they are not thlek WOrth It is doubtful If the officers brntoin? Imn' of he Palnter Union would accept compromfee In regard to making two vlrtKe Of workmen ar a different wage JL bCJUloltOr QffiS wODJolt to bUel I natMtaaB Km a A ithlAvi 0 lnn1 OwsAAlbto dred of anxious women have never had a I or a the union several week single failure longest case rallaved In two I ago voted to demand the increase to 35 to five day without fail no otbar remedy I cents per hour April 1 and it was to will do thl no pain no danger b6 inter I enforce this demand that the strike was ferenc with work by mall or at office 3 ordered writ for further particulars all letter I 1 1 truthfully anawered DR EMMONS I iNfied from the Shop of one CO 170 Tremont street Boaton I Master Painter that he had a number TaThes who have used tnm'recoromend non union painters at work and would a the'bceL Dr King's Star Crown I have about 10 man engaged only for the Brand Pennyroyal Pill Immediate relief 1 rain I co danger ns pain used for year by Hading Almost all bf the Master Painters who tpecUUsts: himdrftis ot tMlUBonltliq mm 1 refused to rxiv the wascs bv 1 cent for oample jnd bock all druggtil th ln 7 ht or by mail 3L box Kln Mediotae Co have some men at work but Box U3A Boston Maae 137 I are handicapped by the strike and vP" "amT 1 most of them would be pleased to I have the trouble amicably adjusted Baye7ar Pregiliit ta atiapaJSryuS 1 Should the atrike be prolonged there will certainly be trouble with ta member of other building trade in the city a union carpenteia will not work SPECIALTIES OB LADIES on "buildings where non union painter in 3 I are employed which also be true of DO NOT MAKE ANT MISTAKE and try members of the Lathers' Union and uele article when New Lite Hair the several other organisation affiliated Tonic will restore gray hair cure dandruff with the Building Council and tart new growth Call for circular I 77 BECKORD KENERSON manufacturer bwn done towards 29 Munroe st toe and 100 KM having fhe union carpenters refuse to A 'j5r7 y5U75r I worl 0D any building with non union 8 credit ca to I thi Market street I meetng of the Building Trades' Council ORIENTAL HAIR OOD restore gray hair vz to naiuntl color and curi scalp I 1 the fight een to eaata no trouble to apply perfectly harm phe extent of ordering a strike inere was a report thia morning that some of the carpentera might be order ed on atrlkft Wedneednv nrnvMnd fhf HAIR ON ACES i pentens unionfl win meet before Thum movid byriectrlciv AUtaetol ind actl0n bc taken btemlihes treated Teaching puntl that time ipcciaity I Agent A Duverger Painter Deco SIHS HOYT rators and Paper Union I hosra I tated this morning that the organise Irom io A to 3 I tion was not forrlnr ths ftohtln tn nv great exlent but its member were sim ply waiting for a settlement that he bplIftVtofl Vfiillil twimo In a vaM aiAet tlme had conference with a w9 has ratnovod from 4 Andrew strict AAmmutna a ti to a Stickney street hotirs a to I fommlttee of the master painters on 1 Thursday exrepted: to ladle only I Monday and did not know what the price 25c ring lower bell 74 outcome ot to meeting would oe Madame la CALE popular card I know" he said "where all the and test medium reads past present painters are working and can force and future colls names atlfactlon guar the fighting If necessary but do not i 4 p2Srl I think it advisable at the present time street corner grx MO at work In the shops where the pro prietors have agreed to the new union RchAclulp nl it 1 finlv A HU Pill ATI of ft YjHRflT CLASS MORTGAGES placed at 4 short time when the men now holding 4 1 3 and 3 per cent large or small 1 Oll rA amounts GEORGE BREED New Item the union wages Of building ysl I for ttw eight hour day BiE BAKEB GEER AiNGALLTwifi ng pace that MORTGAGE for you upon who refused the your real estate st the lowest rate large I 'inon schedule did not go to work to or email amount day and one man who wm at work for another painter who does not run a union shop also quit A number ot the union painter were In th hall corner of Market and Mun roe streets to day where they discussed the strike Most of them wll be glad when a settlement Is reached A regular meeting of the Painter Decorator and Paper Hangers' Union will be held In the hall of th union Wednesday evening NAHANT Not Itof i 40 ACRE ARM KJ Leave Wbltntya 233 leto U34 AM 5 Overlooking and fronting on beautiful lares 8381 185 tsL only Mtp flunday IXTANTED our MEk weighing trim 144 170 Pound to wr on of our Kalter XND UsCrftdlt at cub yrlcta at It Market airtat MMiiStoaMKka We have heard it said that Amer icans are in too much of a hurryto think Still we are a calculating nation Suppose the next time you are about to buy malt whiskey that you figure out the difference be tween Maryland Malt in full sealed quarts aqd buying those put up in 5 bottles to the gallon In the first place sealed bottles insure to the purchaser the genuine original Graves' Maryland Malt Whiskey which means that you are getting absolutely pure whiskey of demonstrated superior quality rich mild and agreeable Besides the full four bottles to the gives you twen ty five per cent more whiskey than five bottles to theCH ThSt is' four nf full you get just as much whiskey as if Mana Ptuh7 4 a nr aalA AM A a I a5rAtd Klven by WILLIAM SULSON to WILLIAM A LANG rrcurueg MME ooum uinricr irad hAntr for breach of condition of ald mort Wgc and for purpofe of foreclosing flame will aold by public auction on drwrlbed on WEDNESDAY Apr! 29th 1J3 at one thirty fM (130)7 ill tne property described In flald mort pEe vt: A certain parcel cf land together with the buildings there on gltuate in Lynnfield county of Es sex and State of Maesach'isetto and bounded and described a ftiowa: Bs glnnln ar a point land on Mainireet at land of Henry Cummings thence the line runs northwesterly by land of said Cummings four hun dred and fifty five feet to a stak thence turning at a right angle the line un to south VtAterlv hv lnf nt aM minga elghty four feet to land now ur formerly of Benjamin or JonnaUtan Bry ant wince turning again the line runs north westerly fifty one feet: thenc northwesterly a the wall runs nine hundred end twenty four and 10 feet (9285) by land now or formerly of (ald Bryant theuce northeasterly by the brook three hundred and forty feet to land of lannlgan thence Southeasterly by land of lannlgan jlxteen hundred and nlntty two feet to Main street thence southwesterly by Main street two hundred and twenty live feet and 55 100 to point of beginning Said prop erty will be sold subject to unpaid taxes Terms made known at sale WILLIAM A LANG Mortgagee Laurence Vias April flth 1303 1 BIEOk ft tatoUHtol to Hil'i I to I wf hi mi i ini ii "iiiym 4 a 1 77 7 i 7i7? I 4 '3 I il 1 I 3v tta SALE.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.