Real Estate General Real Estate General Real Estate General 20 TAMPA MORNING TRIBUNE, Saturday, June 2, 1956 I Real Estate General FOUR GOOD BUYS 3909 SANTIAGO 9.750 3606 OMAR 12.250 KNIGHTS 4313 SO. HUBERT 14.730 LOVELY HOMES, two with To Place Your WANT AD Phone 2-4911 Closing Time TOR SUNDAY TRIBUNE WANT ADS 5 P.M. FRIDAY This means that no new arts, rorrections or cancellations can be copied on Saturday. Deadline for daily papers, 3 P. previous day.
(mw Hiww Just say "Charge It" tf you are listed in the Tampa telephone directory. In return for this aceommo. cial the advertiser is expected to I emit promptly. "Oh, Mr. Purhright result-getting TAMPA TRIRLWE Chssijied Ad "suits" needs of everyone.
Call 2-4911 and try an ad. 2309 CARDENAS OPEN 2-5 P.M. SACRIFICE sale. Plait Hi aea. 3-BR CBS beauty.
Sep. PR. Jal. Fla. rm.
New lifetime roof. V. blinds, washing machine, stove. 1-ton air cond. completely carpeted.
W01 arrange financing to suit you. Mrs. luujr, 89-5011. OPEN 2 THRU 6 4815 Beach Park Diive ONLY $25,000 3 BR 2 bath home, 2-car garage, panel 11a. room wfireplace 18x24.
kit. -natural cabinets, trimmed with copper. Best of terms. Cad HERB DOUGLAS. 63-481.
type home in a beauuml shady location. L.B la, bracket. Low taxes. Mrs. Biamcnt 64-3774.
3-BR home seiv DR. panelled den lg. fireplace, ceramic li'e bath', plaster walls, scr. fiont porch, CP. awnmcs.
is. patio, back yard fenced. Loc. nn a la. cor.
lot in beautiful neighborhood. Close to slHHM-'ng center, schools cnurches. dn. mII Harold Tabor lor appl. STOP! I LOOK and then BUY! BUY! Bl 1-2-3-BEDRcHiM HOMES LOW DOWN pa mis.
and very Imv monthly paymis. pnu COST. Call Mr. Craven. t2 U7JJ.
BAYVILLA 2 BR, Fla. rm. BAYVILLA 3 BR. Nr. schools and shopping.
63-1664, hakulij EDDY. L. A. (Loirt WAHL REALTOR S. Dale Mabry Phone -M39 The MOVES are better than ever If the van Is BROWN-BUILT from over 50 headed home! plans for Choose offering many extra features throughout the house.
Price of admission is low and can be arranged with charming dispatch on FHA, VA or conventional terms. Don't be too spell-bound, come la today! Check Our Low Prices Bedrooms, from $6850 Bedrooms, from $7850 BR, 2 baths, from $8850 C. L. BROWN, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 17 Years In Tampa 722 N.
Dale Mabry Phone 7-1139 ATTENTION NICE CBS 3 BR. home, extra lg. lot, choice location. 2 air cond. units plus attic fan.
4510 Leona St. Price $12,750. Reasonable terms. Call 62-5445. WANT AD INDEX Real Estate I General 17 Suburban 25 Vacant Lot 26 Cemetery Lots 27 Commercial-Industrial Lois 2.
Income A Business Prop. Motels Hotel 80 Warehouses For Sale 8.1 Gulf Beaches rropeny 85 Waterfront properties 8 Resorts A Camps for Sale 87 Acreage 88 Farms-Grovrs-R inches 89 Out-Of-Town 40 Real Estate Auctions 4 Timber Timbrrlands 45 Colored Property 44 Beat Estate for Exch. 49 Real Estate wsnleo jr Finance 50 Kesiness opponniiiiii" 81 Business Opps. Wantea 53 Stocks And Bonds 63 Investments Misc. 64 Mortgages Kougot mo 65 Real Est.
Mortgage Loans 56 National Rank Loans 57 Agricultural Loan AH Money To Lend 69 Leans Vp To S.100 60 Savings Bank 61 Aato Loans 9 Wanted To Borrow Rentals 70 Knomn witn notro 71 Rooms For Rent TS Hotels Motels 73 Apartments For Rent 74 Apts. For Rent Colored 75 Hons For Rent 10 Bonses For Rent Colored 77 Mobile Home Rental 77A Trailer Space Rentals 78 Farms For Rent 7H Gulf Beach Rentals 80 Resorts, Lakes, Cmp 81 Office For Bent 83 Easiness Spc For Rent Store For Rent 84 Warehouses For Rent a Garages for Kent 89 Wanted To tirni tc Announcements Lost nno rouno VI Personals General Notices 83 Travel Opportunities 4 Business Directory hftariin listed veliow oases of phone nnoa iv. ad for 7 time or more. Education 110 instrociion 111 Besot Schools 118 Mosic-Drmtte IIS usnctng Help Wanted Help Wanted Fetnaie 1 Heln wantea male Heln Wanted Male-r rniin TV Saleswomen Wanted 124 Salesmen Wanted Via Bales Help male remaiv 120 Agent And Canvasser Situation Wanted ISO Fltnatlon Wanted Female 131 Situations Wanted Male 132 Situation Wanted iMlse.l -A- Articles For Sale 140 Mlsfellaiieons For Bale 141 Boats A Supplies 14 Fishing Tackle-Hal 143 Sporting uooos 144 Airplane For Sl 143 Builder Supplies llsedl 116 Builder Supplies Oe 147 Swap This For That 1t8 Antiques 19 Furniture For RenS mrnunre rr nam 1.11 Gift Shoppers pecii Children's Equipment LIS Sewing Machine 154 Musical inatiBmrni 135, Major appliance 150 Television 157 Radio ABO tqoipm'ni 1.18 Photographic Lquiprnent 159 Office Equipment 1o Typewriter Add. Mace 61 Safe 16 1S 164 165 1i0 Cash Register Store Fixture Maehiner? Fael, Coal.
Wend Heaters 167 Merchandise Auctions 1HK Calculator fckkpg. Macht. 189 Air Conditioner 178 Mtserllaneva Wanted 17 Furniture Wanted Livestock Equip. 1H0 Livestock For Sale IS) Livestock Wanted 12 Feed And Supplies 14 Farm Equipment 1X5 Pooltrv And Spplie 1X4 Poultry Wanted 1S7 Dogs, Cat. Birds, Pet Horticulture 191 Seeds.
Trees, Plants IS? Cut Flower 1S3 Fruits. Veeetable 14 Garden Supplies IBS Fertilizer 1S Power Mower Automotive fit Auto Accessaries Auto Repairing ti Ante Painting Ante Tires And Servlee 291 Aato Part. Ced 225 Asto Glass Motorcycles, Bicycle Motor Bikes Seooiers f.n Mobi'ie Berne Mobile Home Supplies 8S0 Mobile Home Parka ..) Truck Track TrHr Autos A Trucks or Hire S3 Cars Wanted $34 Aotomobiles For Bale FOR THE BEST HOME BUY SEE SEMINOLE 'E CHOICE LOCATIONS JUST 2 blocks north of Sliga Ave. aad 22nd SL BEST PRICE GI and FHA $9450 to $11350. Payments as low as $53 mo.
CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE block and brick trim. fc 3 bedrooms. FEATURES SOME that you have never seen I betore. MODELS OPEN 1 TO 6 DICK SNEAD at Field Office Harry Baya Const. Co.
Office 2 3122; Field Office 34-9654 $11,000 Home For $8750 CBS. 3 bedrooms. large living room. tun Climng room, pie eici-u -kitchen, beautiful oak floors. $2500 down, $75 per month.
Located on Piatt near Dale Mabry. Ranch-Type CBS Home BEDROOMS, living room, dining room, kitchen witn range tc refrigerator, breezeway. garage. Lot 83x120. I lie batn.
oh iioors, located in the better section of Palma Ceia. This is a steal at $10,000 with $2400 down and $55 month. CURLIN Realty 72-3021. 64-8582 523 S. MACDILL AVE.
TAMPA'S MOST AMAZING WALL IT HERE is a concrete block home with something entirely different Drive Out and See 2008 E.Hamilton in SEMINOLE CREST YOU WILL BE AMAZED See DICK SNEAD at Field Office Harry Baya Const. Co. Ph. Office 2-3122; Field Office 34-9654 "Homes Of Tomorrow" Today Built By- Southland Builders Elizabeth Court Homes Oflerc MORE for Your Money I Models Open Daily Phone 91-0091 Tirive east on Temple Terrace follow SOUTHLAND BUILDERS' signs to LARK-HALL PLACE. TEMPLE TERRACE OPEN FOR INSPECTION RIVER HILLS DRIVE BAHAMAS AVE.
-JUST OFF 56TH ST. SPLIT LEVEL (4 levels that ts. A beautiful home designed for E-in-u, liuina nn large oak IgageH ALSO 1 A 3-BR 2-bath home with carport I and attached garage. On large) int 117. Roll 2-BATH, parquet floors, nice corner lot.
Price cuiui tin A BEAUTIFUL 2-BR. home with separate dining room and 2-cax carport. Price only $13,800. CHOICE LOTS on the golf course and other sections of Temple Terrscc. Call MR.
VAIL, 63-3635 or Info. T.urilT3 IT. REALTORS Specializing in Temple STer. 98-5053 BRAND NEW $1000 DN. BEAUTIFUL masonry constructed home.
Lg. a imsoui $7950. Hurry. Ph. Howard brecht, 8-1411.
Res. 23-8771. Eichelberger 4313 Armenia. WANT ELBOW ROOM? 3 bedroom CB, 7 lots. 650.
2-bedroom frame, 3 lots, $6'C 3 bedroom bncK, wis, o. 3 bedroom CB, 8 lots, oooa terms on an. wiwi; rcade Rlty Springs Arcade Bldg. LITTLE OR NOTHING DOWN 3302 66th St. rms.
HOUSE and 5 acres near nivetvrew. unnct-. 9 lots Grant Park. u-ittsf: lots Rocky Creek sec. Several others, a.
r. tnqeraas. 4901 E. Broadway after 3 P.M. GI HOMES 2-Bath Deluxe Home, $12,950 $300 Dn.
Plus Closing Cost ALSO LOW FHA TERMS Act Fast if you want a home. nPFW DATI.Y 11-6 RIVER GROVE PARK Corner Sligh and 30th Street BUILT BY Sunstate Builders, Inc. Dhnnoe R7-9iqi. 8-9101 Eves. Call E.
K. Dunning 88-iwij. OPEN DAILY 2-6 3006 Keats Sunset Pk. NEW 2 bath CB home. Has tremendous fla.
rm. wiin noplace, parquet firs. tile roof, Ki l-c cnu*th of Manhat tan off Bay-to-Bay. MARY DAYTON showing. Ph.
27-5473. 3414 BEACH DRIVE NEW 2 bath CB home witn brick trim. Has lerrazzo iiuuia, tile roof St 2-car garage. Facing Old Tampa Bay. See or call FRANK SLAMEN.
2-2884 C. B. Prevattkr. J4-9181 a 3 rm. batn turn.
plus irttni sq. i6s space. 4021 W. Cayuga, 33-7744. LOW DOWN PAYMENT K.
I UL IJLJ.J 4 2 AND only $1750 down will buy this attractive z1 year om muoiuj home in desirable Palma Ceia section of modern homes 4 nice bedrooms, 2 modern baths, modern kitchen with lots of cabinets electric range and refrigerator go too, don't miss seeing this today. CALL MR. LAUNEY 2-8058 or Kistner Realty Ins. Co. Realtors 213 E.
Lafayette Insurors 3907 OKLAHOMA THIS one Is ready to move into. Conveniently located in Southwest Tampa. 3-BR, kitchen equippea fc on sewer. Reasonable down payment onlv S0 mo. JOE SMITH AGENCY Ph.
63-0181 CB HOME SHADE 2-BR. CB home under large oaks near ivortn oare suuppius. El. kit. Pr.
$3500: $500 dn. today! A. C. HASCHE, Realty 145th and Nebraska Phone 93-7211 STEAL THIS FRAME house on lg. lot 82x140, good neighbornooa.
i. nance iu make some money. Total $2900, terms. 93-7131. Arcade Rlty.
Springs Arcade Bldg. Nr. Dn. ATTRACTIVE home on a very deep lot off Baysnore near macum iwHnvims dIiis den or third bedroom, modern bath vacant nw nrireri to sell at only $3500 on very easy terms. CALL HELEN Wll i.xtn iuuai -oujo Kistner Realty Ins.
Co. Realtors 213 E. Lafayette Insurors TODAY'S BARGAIN HO hatha. $500 dOWh. 3 BR, CB, Palma C'eia, $11900.
ttt i via fa Sunset $15,500. CALL Pat or Ellen Beeier, 82-2741, eves. 61-5762. JACK WALTERS, REALTOR 4249 Henderson DAVIS ISLANDS FOl 2 all 2-1 THIS on a I IN IF i Real Estate General BEFORE YOU BUY SEE the NEW Gandy Gardens 100 CASH, VETERANS Reserves Your Choice Of A New 2. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME WITH CARPORT 1, 1.
'9225 TO $56 to $71 Monthly nl MABRY Highwnv SOUTH of GANDY BLVD. to 4438 Okla homa and turn at signs. OPEN 9:30 TO 6 DAILY OR CALL 63 0171 Clair-Mel Builders, Inc. gm rustnm-built pomes in ANDY MANOR WiAit-a, too. Priced from $11,500.
1 TRADE YOUR OLD HOME FOR A BRAND NEW HOME! TWO AND THREE masonrv homes on larje lots. Large spacious rooms with sliding door closets in bedrooms. Room galore everywhere. Prices range from $9350 to $11,000. Crime out and see us for more information about these wonderful homes.
TERMS FHA-VA-Conventional Model Homes Open DAILY 11 TO 9 Directions: Drive north on Nebraska Avenue past Sulphur Springs and turn right on 109th Avenue. Model homes located at 109tb Avenue and 15th St. Tilsen Bilt Homes 10801 15th Tampa Phone 91-1251 or call A. Lou( WAHL Exclusive Act. 1523 S.
Dale Mabrv Ph. 8-3139 OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2-BR $900 DOWN wfw r-R tite bathroom and drain board, attic fan, wall furnace and Vfl. Nr. new Tampa Electric Office Bids. 4006 Carmen St.
Call George Guida, 8-4875, or 71-4241 OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL COZY 2 dining area, kitchen, breezewav, att. garase, hardwood floors, large corner lot, FHA appraisal $8000. Call Mrs Oleasnn. 8-5134 or 82-2614 ANNE T. NORRIS.
REALTOR ELIZABETH COURT RR eastern exposure. Lot 75x130 $8950. Offer open for down payment. HOPKINS HOPKINS, Realtors 4fjJ0gNebr. Ave.
93-3241, res 92-2081 SACRIFICE beautiful CB 2 BR house ic 1 BR. duolex, on 2 shady lots. OWNER BY OWNER. 3-BR older home off Bavshore. Kit.
equipped Ven. bids. $6500. Ph. 61-2844.
BY OWNER. Low down payment, furn. or unfurn. GI. 2 BR, CB.
Will take 2nd mtg. 6216 Foster Ave. "DELIGHTFUL" FOR THOSE who care enough to have the very best. NOW readv for immediate occu- pancv. Prices from $11,900 to $12,650.
VA and FPA terms. Wooded sites and one on lakefront. ENDS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3101 Swann Ave. 74-3161 $300 EQUITY 2 BR CBS house, for sale by owner.
6106 Main Ave. Ph. 63-6722. DUPLEX BARGA'N P.ENT one side $75, live In ynur side free. Payment of $75 includes principal, interest, taxes insurance.
$2000 cash required. Call BENNY SUAREZ with AVAf.A INVESTMENT Inc. Ph. 8-2107 Res. 27-5132 NICE MASONRY HOME ALL elec.
kitchen. Some other furniture. Has carport, utility room, deep shady lot. only $3500 on reasonable terms. Phone L.
E. CLARKE. 35-2171. Res. 91-0914.
LASTINGER REALTY CO. 6718 Fla. Ave. GO AFTER YOUR GOAL with a Tampa Tribune classified ad. It's jour short-cut to ric.aui.i3! Dial 2-4911 for an ad-writer.
SOMERS HOiVIES Azalea Garden Estates friliR MODELS READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. ALL 3 BEDROOMS OF MASONRY CONSTRUCTION pnirFn FROM SH850 $10,900. VA FHA OR CONV FINANCING roME North on Fla. turn west on Llnebaugh, 1 blk. turn north on Ashley.
Look for our signs Charles E. Somers, Inc, Phone 93-8822 or 92-8911 NO DOWN PAYMENT TO VETERANS ONLY A FEW LEFT 819 WHATLEY PLACE OPEN 11 TO Riverhills Drive, W. Kirby North Blvd tine block north of Lowry Park Whatley Constr. Inc. Phone 2-24384-2912 3619 S.
Hubert. Open 2-5 3-BR CB, sep DR, Fla rm. Oak tile bath, util 90-ft cor. tot. FH financing.
Real Estate Jonn Tisfte Institant-e 320 S. Mabrv Hg-t'i'M tu BUS or sell ten! esia all JACK L. RODRIGUEZ, Renltoi 1515 S. I5a Mabry Ph. 86-9641 YOUR TERMS IF REASONABLE, wij purchase 2-R.
ho -ie, tJiice S4i3Q, 6il4 S. Ks, ph. 72.6931. 4 2 BATHS sized too ns tiiruout in this mo.krn masonry home. Located on a'tractive corner lot in oi.T.t RIVERSIDE with terms arranged.
Call 98-3203 THELMA RAHBEK 2-8395 ROBINSON-STARR, Inc. DAVIS ISLANDS CANAL FRONT 3-BEDROOM, 3-BATH HOME. 2 car karate, boat dock and lardins. A fine home with all that goes with it at a very mod-et price. Conventional financ-Inc.
EXCLUSIVE. Call COL. CORDERO Ph. 2-9391. Res.
81-5031. Schulstad Huffman Realtors INC. Insurers 116 E. Lalayette St. $700 DOWN VACANT.
Move In r'ght away. Attr. 2 BR home with carport. Desirable loctn. nr.
West Shore El Prado. Elec. equipt. attic fan included. $790.
Mo. pvmts. less than rent. MR. DAN-FOKTH.
Pes. R. C. HILTOIN. lAC KLI 3338 S.
Dale Mabry Fh 61-1051 A 2 Real Estate General 1 VETERANS 10 Days Left TO BUY. A HAMMER HOME WITH Down Payment YOU PAY CLOSTNO COSTS AND PREPAYMENTS ONLY. Contracts must be signed before expiration of -commitments. See our variety of floor plans ranging In price From $10,450 to $13,950 2 and 3 BEDROOM FLORIDA MASONRY HOMES IN LLNKBAOGH ESTATES TAMPA'S woodland stibriiviston 400 ft. W.
ot Florida No. of Linebauyh, Ivj blks from Parochial School, public school and churches nearby. Wit Km walking distance of 2 shopping centers. NEAR golf course, on bus line. Licensed General Contractors Field Office Ph.
91-1911 10003 ASHLEY ST. AYALA'S. GROVE Armenia at W. Hiawatha Open 10 to 5 P.M. COMFORTABLE new Florida and conventional styled Cii homes.
4 BRs. and 3 BHs. with 1. Hi and 2 baths. Oak.
terra zzo or tile floors, garages or carports with large utiiitv rms. Wonder values. Budget terms. See these today. Country living with city conveniences.
City bus stor at the corner. 91-6764 PAUL HAPKE Ties. 72 5875 ROBLES PARK 3 1 bath home in very desirable neighborhood. Combination Fla. rm.
rear porch, living kitchen, dining area, attached earase. Lot CB. asbestos roof. 8-2107 BENNY SUAREZ 27-5132 Ayala Investment Co. 422 Lafayette St.
Ph. 8-2107 SUNSET PARK LOVELY masonry 3-bedroom home Walk closets. Florida room attic and exhaust fans. 2 thermostatic controlled heaters, de luxe kitchen equipment, built-in bread fast corner, new V. blinds, living room rug and mat.
Mce big Quick poss. 4512 Henderson Blyd THIS IS A REAL BUY BR furn. home, even to the TV Good lot tc nice loc. Priced only $6050. Good terms.
Phone 35-6161, Res. 31-9411 or 91-7703. PAY'S REALTY, 7319 Florida Ave OPEN TODAY 3-7 4008 ZELAR NEW colonial, suspended floors, 2 batns, gar. 1516 CAMERON CT. NEAR Henderson Estrella, 2-BR CB.
Has everything, $46.25 month' ly after on. payment. CHARLES BOYER REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Ph. 82-3431 Res. 62-5591 OPEN 1 TO 6 5021 LONGFELLOW A BEAUTIFUL new 3 BR, 2'4 bath home, with spacious liv.
room, separate din. room, Fla. room, two-car garage, central heat, priced below appraisal at $28,500. BRADY REAL ESTATE Phone 2-3310 or 64-6952 DAVIS ISLANDS 2-BEDROOM ON canal. $17,500.
LARGE lot, $20,000. 3 BEDROOMS NEW 2 baths, $14,900. 2 BATHS. 2 vrs. old, $18,990.
NEW, 2 baths, $21,000. NEW, 2 baths. $22,500. ON' water, 2 baths. $22,700.
NEW, air $26,500. NEW with larae rooms. $28,500. ON water air $32,500. ISLAND beauty.
$37,850. ON BAY, a dream. $45,000. 4 BEDROOMS NEW, rr $33,000. KEUNE KEUNE E.
Dnvis Ph. 8-1160, 87-1101 3 BEDRM. CBS ON Euclid Ave. just off MacDill. Fere's a home we're proud to show.
AAA-1 cond. Priced to sell. 61-2051 Elizabeth Mansfield 62-6191 Frank V. Perritti, Rltr. Ri-2051 MacDill Euclid 64-5624 Big Values Want Ads 3 BRS.
2 LOTS NEAR LAKE NEBRASKA LARGE rooms throughout this attractive home 3 large bedrooms, laree living room with fireplace heater, senarate d'ning room, lace with breakfast nook aid the kitchen gees too Special quick sale price on esv terms CALL MR. VvEST TODAY, 2-8058 or 64-2041. Kistner Realty Ins. Co. Realtors 213 E.
Lafayette Insurors 212 S. HIMES A MOST attractive 2-bedroom home Liv. rm 13 x21 Picture window, fireplace, sep. din. large equip, kit.
-dinette, tiled bath, hreezewav Attached garage. Attic fan. sinewaiss sewer. Sale at FHA value. You should see this.
Call Mr Reilly. Ph. 2 8088. Res. 82-2281.
Ex- RICE BORING, INC. NEAR RIVER. 3 LOTS Red brick, 3 spacious din. me bath. Buv equity.
VETERANS 4 2 BATHS ONLY 9853 NO DOWN PAYMENT CB CONSTRUCTION, electric kitchen. 50-gal. water heater, oil space beater, close to schools markets. GULF REALTY 2000 N. DALE MABRY 71-2201 3 $1600 $64 Mo.
OWNER must sell. Well landscaped CB home in excellent C. neighborhood, with trees. Schools, buses, stores 2 blks. Din.
rm 4 CP. 31,09 S. HIT ERT PH. 64-1625 Owner Bein Transferred AIR enndit'oncd RR- 3 hone. Large rm den, "with breakfast nook, oil.
sar. On 2 lots, fruit trees. 2526 Simms B.vd.. Parkland Estates. 3810 FIG ST.
NR. new Tampa Elec bldg. New 2 BR. tile bath. Ig.
kitch. with din. area. Carport storage. $1500 bal.
mo. Excl. I-J. i. WACfc'MAN- 403 S.
Mar-Din Ph. 74-1822 6-RM. HOUSiS. 3 hi DN. BAL.
equipped. Bad. heat. Only POTTER Jjltv. IBH lise, asbestos siding, tor.
lot. assume note, 9 r. mo-t. pvjoda Is'and Dr. Swap with Want Ads 4506 LEON A ST.
SPACIOUS 3 BR. 2 baths, attractive masonry tile roof. On beaut. lot, nr. Sunset Park.
LR, fireplace, DR separate. 1 vanity bath, ample closets. Cork floors, VB's, cornice boards throughout. Soetial lighting system, touch controls. Oversize 2-car gar.
Sensibly priced for particular buver. Inspect, appt. now. Open Sun. P.M.
Owner 64-9311. HOUSE ON ACRE 8306 N. 22nd St. Off WATERS AVE. ACING the new park on river, a beautiful location with many fruit trees, a 3" well and 2-BR home on 8 lots.
Owner will finance 15 years, also consider selling a part of this property. Drive bv todav. Vacant. GEO. PEARSON, 2-4771 $1000 CASH JUST off Bavshore 4601 Esperanza, a charming 1-story, LR, DR, screened porch, 2 BRs.
and bath, suspended hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, disappearing stairs to attic. Lot 70x107. Do not disturb tenant-Shown by appointment. Exclusive listing. 2-4771.
FINISHED PRODUCT AN outstanding CBS antique brick home in a most desirable section of Sunset Park. You'll love this larae modal kitchen, living room with sep. dining room. Florida room 12x19. 3 nice size bedrooms.
2 t' baths, central heating with insulated ducts ready for air conditioning ontt. Also overhead insulation. Double garage connections for washing machine. To inspect call 2-4771. Exclusive agents.
W. H. Toole Sons Realtors 303 FRANKLIN PHONE 2-4771 NEW masonry 3-bedrm. homes, $625 on beautiful circle with side-walks. 74-5024 or 93-4493.
SEMINOLE 3-BR. home, liv. and din. sun parlor, attic fan, $10,500, good loca. and terms.
NEW CB home, 2-bedroom, LR, DR, kitchen, tile bath. $1000 dn. Balance $65 mo. Good location. J.
D. BROWN, Broker 5201, Florida 3-1138. 33-7933 SEE SMOAK Rltrs. FOR REAL ESTATE GEN. INSUR.
E. Lafayette Ph. 2-8670; 2-2108 E. Hillsborough Ph. 37-2121 2-BR $600 DOWN BREEZEWAY, kit.
equipt. space htr. Close to dus, snops. au trif, inol. taxes insurance.
Real Estate John Taaffe Insurance 3420 S. Dale Mabry 62-4024. 62-5803 FOREST HILLS 3-BEDROOM HOMES FROM $10,350 to $11,200 (6 plans to choose from) OI, 2 DOWN plus minimum closing costs Other type financing available Phone 91-1061, 92-6171 NORTH GATE HOMES INTERBAY BUILDERS RirnrNGTON BEACH LOT for sale or trade for 1st mtg, Tampa property. zo-Bbii. IT pertains to Real Estate all max jt Rr.iu.iun 4612 Florida 31-0301, 20-5851 Like Country Living But Close In City Location SPACIOUS HOME, large, high cor ner site, anaaea dv uve obils, other trees and shrubs.
LARGE LIV. fireplace, sep. din. Dearms. ana giassea porch, 2 baths, outdoor patios.
Manv desirable features. See what $11,500 will buy. Terms. SWANGER, Realtor 3330 MacDill Ave. Ph.
61-1011 Friendly, reliable service since 1924 OFF BAYSHORE, 5 BR, $15,000 2-STORY. Good cond. 2 baths, mod. 1 BR batn. on.
wen. POTTER Rlty. 2-8049, Res. 2-7606 BARGAIN FOR CASH OR EVEN Vt CASH $11,500 WILL BUY this 6-year-old striking and splendidly located 3-bedrm. masonry home.
2 blocks from large shopping center and bus line. High corner lot overlooking landscaped park. Tile bath, tile sills and kitchen counters. Dining area off liv. rm.
Beautiful suspended oak floors, lovely screened and jal. porch, detached garage. DONT PASS UP THIS BARGAIN! To See, Call RALPH MAH1N 62-0121 Res. 62-4215 A. J.
SIMMS CO. 3607 S. Westshore SUNSET PARK 3004 EMERSON IDEAL two CB brick. Top location on circle. 7 big 2 baths.
2-car port, Fla. rm. Tile roof, parquet floor. Big windows, Perfect lawn, terms oy wnw. See weekends or after 4 weekdays.
2 BEDROOM House, masonry const. 3 vears old. lot. ou it. iou $375 down.
3214 Paxton Ave. Want Ads pay $14,900 $2900 DOWN 3 2 BATHS. GAR. CONVENIENT off Bayshore loc. Antique bncK trim, awning windows, terr.
din. Fla. rm. Chas. Roudabush, builder 6a-3Ubl.
HERE IT IS A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS down takes this lovely 2-bedroom home. Living room plus Florida room, combined dinette with all electric kitchen, bath with green aluminum tile, attic fan. electric water heater, space heater. A-l neighborhood. Payments $44 monthly including interest, taxes, insurance.
Total price $7875. Shown by appointment only. Call MRS. FRANCIS X. NEWMAN.
Ph. 2-9391, Res. 62-7985. Schulstad Huffman Realtors INC. Insurora 116 E.
Lafayette St. 4 2 Baths-Furn. EXCELLENT Hyde Park location near Bavshore on bus line renovated throughout and completely and nicely furnished 4 large bedrooms, 2 complete baths large bright and cheerful kitchen, new Florida room, 2-car garage, on a deep fenced in lot special quick sale price only $14,500 and very easv terms Don't miss ttv.s. CALL MR. TOLAS TODAY 2-8058 or 88-9181.
Kistner Realty Ins. Co. Realtors 213 E. Lafayette Insurors OPEN 2-5 FRIDAY. SATURDAY i SUNDAY 4104 EUCL.11J 2 BR, CB home, 1 tile bath.
Youngs- town lg. rooms, wan tui natc, 2 util. screened porch carport. Nicely landscaped. It is verv easy to own this nice house.
3338 S. Dale Mabry Ph. 61-1051 BUY small equity in $6300 home. Nice sbaov corner lot. jr urn.
or unfurn. Ph. 62-7393 THIS IS IT! PICTURE 3 bedrms. and 3 full hath, a beautiful la. rm.
pan eled in mahogany with fieldstone fireplace, an enormous kitchen combining effic, closet space and hnantv with eleaming built-in plus a screened porch. All this can be yours for only $16,800. Under construction. See today. Call D.
A. SCHWARTZ, res 73-1403. -ft HTT TON. REALTORS 3338 S. Dale Mabry Phone 61-1051 $700 DOWN 2-BEDRM nicely decorated.
Good lnr.ntmn near craoe Jr. nisn school, on bus line. With 1 or 2 lnts $50 ner mo. Evelyn L. WThitlatch, Bk.
8822 Fla. 92-4141, 90-2459, 92-7813 OPEN 3 TO 6 3118 EL PRADO CB STUCCO, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Ar Florida room, att. garage, Underground sprinkling system with deep well. Beautifully landscaped. See today with RUBY MCCARTHY, Res.
93-7424 BEL-MAR REALTY 6502 Florida Ave. 31-0181, 32-9361 Builders of Custom Built Homes NEW CB 2 BR, Fla. ser. rm. $6600 SSO0 dn.
No low payments C. Chuck Beck Bkr. 7002 Neb. 2 BEDROOM stucco house completely furnished. Immediate possession.
Lot 50x100. It's a Priced at $5250 for quick sale. Call 91-8051. W. E.
HAMNER iaOl LYNWOOD 3-BR home on shaded Jots. Fast possession. 81000 dwn. Owner, M-ibiz. 2 See Ph.
5 3 bedrooms, two with 3 bedrooms, reconditioned like new. Vacant and all on easy terms. bo 1 Mrs. Duffield Res. 64-4311 $1000 DOWN IS THE BEST BUY in Man hattan Manor.
A nice clean i-BK. home. Gieaming oak floors. A completely equipped kit. with range, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and washing machine.
Established lawn and landscaping. Enclosed back yard. Breezeway and GI loan home, total $13,750. A real buy! 2-1861 COL.
JOHNSTON 74-5513 Davis Islands Waterfront SPARKLING new antique brick waterfront home. Designed tor modern living. Spacious floor plan. Air conditioned. Has 3 bedrooms, two tile baths, 2-car garage.
If PRICE Is not too important, but VALUE is, see this outstanding home today. Call 2-1861 AL GREEN Res. 64-2073 OFF BAYSHORE North of Gandy Blvd BRAND new masonry 3 2 tiled baths, LR- with dining FI. Florida kitchen with dishwasher. Terrazzo and oak floors.
Radiant heat. You will have to go long way to find its equal at $14,900, with terms. 2-1861 E. C- LUTZ 63-4191 JAY HEARIN, Inc. Realtors 616-18 TWIGGS PHONE 2-1861 PARADE OF VALUE ACT PROMPTLY AND r-ou can get this Forest Hills dandy for only $10,500.
3 dining room, pretty kitchen with electric eauinment. There is a dbl. garage on the corner lot. Assume tne FHA mortgage. 91-1391 MARIE STRATFORD 84-2873 Within Your Means $1000 DOWN buys this neat 2-BR nome on iiki u.
int. wear mis. Beautiful trees shrubbery. Oh yes. Drice is ONLY S6000.
91-1391 J. W. MARTIN Res. 33-4921 FABULOUS! NEW section. A new CB with garage.
Susp. oak floors, tile bath etc. Truly a good buy at only $9200 on wonderful terms. 91-1331 E. S.
RUST Res. 26-1623 5-UNIT APT. HOUSE GOOD INCOME plus large apt. for owner. Spacious lot 87x134 ft.
Best close-in location. Offered at only $10,500, terms. i 91-1391 WILDA HIRES Res: 32-3214 Palmer Realty Co. REALTORS 7920 ARMENIA WARNING YOTJ ARE one of those looking for a nice home with good terms NOW IS THE TIME to make your move. 5-room home and tile bath.
This one is in new con dition and there is a nice yard too. Hurry on this! $1000 dow and $60 mo. B. J. WINKLER 32-4431.
93-4753 RUEL SHUMATE. 6100 Neb. Ave EASY TERMS ON HILL-DALE HOMES! OPEN HOUSE 2 'TIL DARK NEW, 3 BRS HILL-DALE homes are custom built of the finest materials and work- manshin beautiful oak floors colorful tile baths, plastered walls. 3 good-size bedrooms 2-bedroom homes available); large lots, too. and restfully located in beautiful Brandon just 15 minutes drive from downtown Tampa.
Pure water from deep wells piped to each home, fine new school in walking distance, reasonably priced, FHA GI terms. Come out today and see Hill Dale Homes or CALL MR. HOVERTER 86-6982 or 2-8058. Out Adamo Drive to No. 60, to Brandon, turn left at sign about 4 blocks beyond o.
ivisnici ivcciii.y vu. Realtors 213 E. Lafayette Insurors 3922 ESTRELLA 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths ONLY $14,500 OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL this 3-month-old masonry home. Living room, dining room, beautiful kitchen, glass jalousied porch. Excellent West Side location near shop- Sing center, schools and buses, iome in excellent condition, is completely insulated.
Attic fan, utility room, carport. Corner lot. For appointment to see phone MRS. HON AKKR, 8-1828. Res.
86-9751. Joe C. Byars, 2227 S. Dale Mabry. Off Bayshore Location A LOVELY m-bath home situated on best residential street in this section.
The 20-ft. liv. rm separate paneled din. rm. are newlv caroeted with Lees best carpeting.
Owner will sacrifice if substantial down payment is made. Priced at $12,500. 61-1281 Mabel Wingfield 71-4471 Stafford Realty Ins. 3405 MacDILL AVE. CUSTOM BUILT CHOICE spot in Beach Park.
Attractive it unique CB home with oak floors tile roof. 3 bedrooms (den or 4th bedroom), 2Mi baths, lovely living room with fireplace, separate dining room, Florida room, beautiful lot on the water. Buy equity and assume GI mtg. Owner leaving this week. To see Call W.
L. HOUCHINS, BROKER 8-5905 2106 MacDill Res. 61-2291 LOOK NO FURTHER! THESE SIX lovely new 3-BR. homes in Temple lerrace commne truiy modern design in out, with lavish fixtures too numerous to men tion. FHA-Conventional-v A terms, SAM FKLDMAN.
BROKER 1813 E. 131st Ave. 93-6921 SEMINOLE HEIGHTS mrnnmM. sleeoing Dorch. liv.
ing room, oming room, narowooa floors, Venetian blinds, partly 4ui-nisheri. in excellent condition Fenced-in yard. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2-BEDROOM, 2-car garage, partly furnished, beautitul oaK iioors, attic fan, well shrubbed. Garage hooked no for hot and cold water Also 12x20 workshop for someone who lutes to puller, tsear every thing.
rati MIRY STAHLBUSH with BOB TAYLOR, at 2-8467 or 2-7485 407 Jefferson streei Beautiful! Spacious! WET WOOD SECTION. Two bed room CB home, large living room with fireplace, combination Kitcn en ana cimng area, we uam electric range and electric re frigerator; Florida room, also nice patio. Garage attached. HAS TO RE SEEN TO BE APPRE CIATED. GOOD TERMS! 2 2664 E.
SLOCUM 86-4814 OTTO JOHNSON, Inc. 3125 KENSINGTON 3 BEDROOMS ONLY $11,250 AN EXCELLENT buy in a masonry home with oak floors, tile bath, asbestos roof, kitchen equipment and garage. Walking distance to Academv of Holy Names, Plant High School, and Rooseveit Grade School. Good FHA financing available. Owner will GI to a qualified buyer.
Ex-clusivel. Call MRS. FAF.NHAM 8-1828, eveninss 64-6931. Joe C. Byars, 2227 S.
Dale Mabry. I OPEN" 2-5, immed. poss. CB 3 BR nn hi. cor.
lot. well FOR 4608 4626 1323 2 3 3 All out-of-town ads, Situations wanted. Travel Oooortunlties, Busi ness Opportunities, accepted only on a cash-in-advance basis SINGLE INSERTION Daily 36c Line Sunday 39c Lina (Minimum Space 2 Lines) Count Words to Line CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS (Including Sunday If Ordered) Times 2Sc Lins "ar Insertion 7 Times 26c Line Per Insertion 30 Times 22c Line Per Insertion Consecutive and Monthly Rates Effective Only in fctate of Florida Bex number charge, 25c; If replies to be mailed, SOc, AGATE Count 1 Line 10 Pt Count 2 Lines 18 Pt-Count 4 Lines 24 Pt-Count 5 Lin 36 Pt-Count 7 Li ALWAYS CHECK YOUR AD PAPER NEXT DAY IN ir Real Estate Fcr Real Estate General BIG LAKE LOT city with brand new CB 2 spacious liv. rra nice jal. breezewav and porch, carport.
1M week SI 2.1(00. 33-5081 WES MARRINER 91-7742 "3-BR SEMINOLE NOT a "Miss Tampa" but 1 have grown old gracefully. Comfort and convenience. AH for $800 with terms. Jl-6241 LORENA COUGH 43-2744 BARGAINS SHADY car lot, 3 BR.
home. Good location. Only SjSOO. 2 BR. HOME near shopping and bus Price.
S4500. 81-6241 MRS, CROWELL 32 8013 CROWELL REALTY 7101 Nebraska Ave. 31-6241. 32-8014 Vz A. Good Garden Soi ON LARGE CREEK.
New 2-BR CB home. Phone 93-9501. NEAR, ARMENIA AND WATERS NEARLY new 2 BR's, jal. porch carports, hardwood Ig. kitch im ita tt.
juaou. Pn. GA. BROWN, eve. 91-8432 BILL BAKER, Realtor 9131 W.
Hillsboro 33-5241, 35-5241 DAVIS ISLANDS 568-70 W. DAVIS BLVD. 3 BRS, 2 BATHS. FLA. RMS.
$23,000 A $23,500. TERMS a RRUROOMS tuno nnwin S.V(0 DOWN $15,500 SB000 DOWN. Nice 3 RKDRMS. 2 EATHS New 2 baths S14-DO0 Built-in. kit.
$17,500 it. equipped $18,000 Parquet firs. $19,800 Air-cond. $23,800 Air-rnnd. Central heat, waterfront $16,000 I rider const, on water $28,500 Waterfront, under const.
$30,000 4 BEDROOMS Central heat, $24,600 C. VAN BYCKK 72-3771 Call DAN GALLAGHER 63-5093 r. Till RLTRS. 33.i8 S. Dale Mabry Ph.
61-1051 3-BR, XVz BATHS, CB tvrTH built in S. steel kitrhen unit! Tile drain breakfast bar, walk in cedar storage closet. Tile roof. 6 inch fiber glass insulation. radiant heat, i ne Dest oi construction, $14,500.
FHA terms. 1 1 UCHLETT, Kit r. 5414 Fl a 3-7395 IDEAL for retired couple. Cozy 2 BR CB home, on cor. Owner will sacrifice for $6100.
Some terms if desired. 3319 Cher-okee Ave. Call 61-7662. HOME, 2 L0TS-S750 DN. BUILT only 3 years, good condition, in nice Seminole neighborhood near bus and stores Large modern kitchen, modern bath with tub and shower, 2 good size bedroomsand you'll enjoy the 2 cool porches Floor furnace goes too with only $750 down and $30 month.
CALL MRS. OTTE lO-DAY, 2-8058 or 33-1915. Kistner Realty Ins. Co. p-altnrs 213 E.
Lafityette Insurors $500 DN. 2 BR. CB TILE floors, furred walls. Lot 60x larue creek. 56200.
HAMMER REALTY 9 1779 2'K)3 Nebraska 25 OPEN DAILY C113 S. Julia Circle 4525 Gaines Rd. 805 S. Orleans 1511 13 S. Church 3714 Palmira 4016 Zelar 4512 24 Bay Ct.
25 Sandpiper Rd. PARKLAND ESTATES NEW 3-bedrm 2-hath. Florida dbl. garage. Ige.
lot. Under Good terms. 11LL HONAKER, Eve. 81-061 -TRAMMELI. REAL ESTATE 4.U9 Henderson Blvd.
REALTOR 8-3044, 8-1745 HIWAY 800 FEET J0 ACRES located on U.S. 301. N.E. of city limits. All chared, rush and dry.
A good investment. Price snson. onlv $2500 down. Call MRS. KAMM.
32-3W2 Res. A STINGER REALTY CO. 35-2171 482 MARMORA $16,950 $3600 DOWN '3-BEDRM. 2-RATH ATTRACTIVE long ranch home with extra Urge living porch, breakfast bar that seats six. Beautiful 97xl30-t.
lot. Many, many closets. Hx9-ft. utility area in garace, 25-year FHA mortgage. To inspect or details Ph.
Mr. Byars. sates mgr. Byars-Thompson. builders, 2227 Dale Mabry WLASSIHSD UIoPLA.
COME CUT TODAY! In Nature's Unspoiled Eeauty At TEMPLE TOIRACO 2 the Real Estate General 3-UNIT APT. $750 DN. ROOMS, 2 baths, partly turn, Very clean, 3 elec. 3 stoves. Nice landscaped grounds.
Large metal garaEe. $6750 total. PAINT BODY SHOP 3-BR. CB HOME, 3 yrs. old, 85 ft.
on main thoroughfare. 2 streets. Beautiful grounds, large shades. $12,900 total, $2500 down. LOIS CARVER, BROKER 2811 34th St.
Phone 4-2912 TAMPA HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 6 2 baths. Only $6500, terms. Lillie Mick. WALTER E.
MICK. Broker, 36-3211 Owner Transferred 3-BEDRM. masonry home, located in beautiful Bel-Mar Shores. Living room, sep. dining room and breakfast area, Florida room.
Lifetime roof, attic fan, CP and utility room. Beautifully landscaped. Buy owner's equity and assume GI mtg. Open daily 3617 Lightner Dr. or shown evenings bv appointment.
Call BETTY RYWANT, 64-9953. A. J. SIMMS CO. 3607 S.
Westshore Phone 62-0121 BUILD AT COST CBS $5395, 2-BR $6950, 3-BR Carport and utility room Included. Completely Finished Inside Out loo uuanty Your nan or mine We Finance Pn. 91-0211 W. L. JENKINS CONST.
INC. FAMILY. OF TWO MODERN masonry home, on beau tiful corner, with huge oak shade 1 block of Nebraska Ave. One bedroom, extra large living room extra closet space, kitchen and dinette. Furnished.
Price $7000. Call SUE M. VADEN, 2-1821, Eve. 32-5804 J. R.
Mynatt, Rltrs. OWNER transferred, 2 BR masonry, near schools and shopping center, $495 dn. 4107 Neptune St. Call 89-5331, after 5 P.M. CENTRAL AVE.
NR. ROBLES PK. Fine 6-Rm. Home Apt, IN excellent condition. Nice resi dential neighborhood.
For Details Call FRANK MORGAN, Rltr, Residence Ph. 72-0793 1707 Nebraska Ave. Ph. 2-2461 AS MODERN AS DAY AFTER T( ARE THE charming REGAL HOMES in Parkview Estates. Cus-nm hnilt: manv models from which to choose.
High and dry lots among tne oans. THEY FEATURE Ceramic Tile Baths Built-in ranges and ovens Cm vont ri nt ion Lg. closets and crack-proof dry urn lie Thermostat controlled wall furnaces and exhaust fans. Marble sills terrazzo floors Built-up lifetime roofs. FHA-VA or conventional financing available.
Fnces trom siz.aou 10 $13,650. See Mr. Tolby at the model home from 1 to 6 P.M. dailv. North on Florida cross river and turn left.
Follow Regal Home sign to Model Home. REGAL HOMES, BUILDERS 2308 FLORIDA AVE. AUTREY FETZER. Rltrs. Exclusive Sales Agents Ph.
72-0441 PF.BFF.rT FOR COUPLE NIFTY 2 BR, with 2 concrete porch es, nearly all new furniture. tpic span, landscaped lot. Nr. bus stores, fine close in location. Sacrifice $5000.
Lewis G. Frederick, Bkr. 88-0684, 71-4482. SEMINOLE SPECIAL OPEN BY OWNER, 912 E. PARIS 3-BR brick.
Close to bus super mkt. Mice six.suu. Aireaay ii-nanced. No closing costs. Call Mr.
Vail. 63,3635. T.EHEITP. REALTORS Specializing In Temple Ter. E8-5033 MOVING, must sell nice 2 bedrm.
frame house, ZVi years old. On lot 100x130. Near schools church. Price $4950, terms. Immediate possession.
Call 91-6051. W. E. HAMNER 3-BR CB SEMINOLE InnKlvr, fnr a home with large airy rooms, and in the choicest section of Seminole? See this. Sep.
din. garage, floor furnace, h.w. floors. Priced right, Vpvv easv terms. 31-6051 Aim Stromberger 83-3331 LANCE M.
TRIGG, Realtor 3 BR frame home, eiec. tans, double garage, just ott ria. ojuu North. $8750. Terms.
Owner, 33-9763. NEED MORE INCOME? THIS furnished duplex with 3 Tms. each side located on large lot with young citrus trees, near bus, schools, stores and churches for onlv $7000. Terms arranged. 82-9313 RUTH AMOS 2-8395 ROBINSON-STARR, Inc.
$3000 FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM frame home, about 4 yrs. old. Electrie kitchen, nr. bus line. No other information by phone but call for appt.
to see. AMY ELLIS. 92-9241 with L. F. Schroeder FURNISHED, $5500 IN THE Giddens and 40th St.
neighborhoodconcrete block 2-bedrm. home. Plastered walls. Widow must sell and will give good terms to responsible buyer. Let us show you.
Phone 2-3130. TAMPA-WE ST COAST REALTY CO. 4215 SAN LUIS IV PALMA CEIA. OWNER LEAVING. Drive by and call ne to inspect.
3 panel den, oversize gar. air cond. unit go. I HA terms. Excellent buy for some- 2311509BILL YOUNG 61-5602 PALMA CEIA 2 HOUSES on one lot.
Rental has been $90 mo. Owner now living in one. Near bus line and stores, near MacDill and Bay-to-Bay Blvd. For Price and terms, call 2-8311 J. C.
JONES 82-2172 J. W. Cooper, Inc. Realtors 126 E. Lafayette Ph.
2511 FAMILY growing: 4-BR. 2 bath, CB. kitchen garbage $1500 down. Wallace Ave. 6-RM-, buns a low.
io Partly furn. Owner. 83-2631. 512 9i3 IF Tn. Real Estate General 1 WANT ACTION? WE HAVE calls every day for low and reasonably low down payment homes.
Is yours listed with us? Call today and let us go to work to get action for you. Martha Allen, Broker Ph. 93-4281 2509 W. Diana You'll Enjoy Living In GRANDVIEW ACRES "Modern Homes For Modern Living' ft 3-BEDRM. masonry homes with 1 2 tile Dams, ouin-m eiec.
kitchen in colors terrazzo floors, near schools, golf course swimming pool. GO OUT HILLSBOROUGH AVE. to 56th St. then turn north to GRANDVIEW ACRES SUAREZ Inc. BUILDERS DEVELOPERS "hone 08-5181 Perfect Suburban Home In City BUILT under owner supervision.
Large corner lot. 160 ft. frontage, rnmDletelv fenced, bearing im proved pecan and variety of cit rus trees, chicken house ana en. closed run. Beautiful rolling land.
2 blocks from North Gate Center, pure water. Modern bath, extra fare rooms, attd. garage with workship. Near public and parochial schools and churches. NO TAXES.
WITH HX. REDUCED TO $7950, REASONABLE TERMS TO SEE. call rnnn sii.VEHTHnRNE. 5-215R or 8-5992 J. R.
MYNATT, REALTORS 3109 SAN CARLOS AM nnt lMTSS TAMPA but am well built. See my red brick lines at 3109 San Carlos. Am nn von. CANNON-HENDRY PH. 2-0797 2 BR frame, furn.
Rear apt. rented. Reas. By owner. 3610 lamoa ht 3 '6500 $750 Dn EXTRA large rooms in this well built home near Central Colum-m 9.
larffe hedrooms and sleep- ing porch, large living room with fireplace, large dining room, large modern kitchen fine for a large family, usable as a duplex special ouick sale price and very easy terms. CALL MR. KISTNER TO DAY, 2-8058 or 93-1271. Kistner Realty Ins. Co.
Realtors 213 E. Lafayette Insurors 9 snacious home. $7950 Terms. 2909 tian mcnoias. wariier Grable, Bkr.
63-4101, Res. 64-7962 VETERANS 4 BR. 2 bath. CB. Low down payment.
iwmu Park Sales Office. 2000 N. Dale Mabry. Complete planning building serv. Stylerite Homes, inc.
I Wncaif nnneral Contractors 5209 MacDill Ave. Ph. 61-0631 Trade Equity WILL accept your GI equity tn trade on new, tullv eqpi. a Me bath home in Temple Terrace. TROPIC REALTY.
Phone 74-1381, eve. 65-9201. The Last No Down Payment To Qualified Veterans 1 Block East of MacDill at Pearl 3 BEDROOM masonry homes ready for occupancy. Near schools, churches bus. Minimum closing costs.
MacDill Estates, Inc. Phone 63-3981 Night 33-3882 or 92-6311 SUNSET PARK "HEART'S DESIRE" THE LOVELY charm of this beautiful new 3-bedroom, 2-bath home wiil captivate the most discriminating. You will love the spacious living with stone fireplace, model kitchen with built-in elec. appliances. Separate din.
nice Florida room 2-car garage. A custom built home of style and beauty that lasts a lifetime. Oladlv shown by appt. MRs. TERRY, 61-5581.
BEL-MAR REALTY 6502 Florida Ph. 31-0181 CB $7950, $1000 DN. BEAUTIFUL new 2 Bedroom, tile bath, carporte, just north of the citv limits, call MRS. BREWSTER. 91-6281 BALLAST POINT 2 BEDROOM, lg.
living din ing kitchen nam. eeauii' ful landscaped, 3 lots. Price 500, terms. Call DOUGLAS, 91-6281 DONLEY REALTY 8828 Fla. Eve.
90-2392, 92-7873, 33-8054 AT COST! 2 BEDROOM CB. Cor. lot with large caroort util. rm. Real Buy.
Rranrt new. $6800 with tms. Ofc. 91-0761, Eve. 82-9891.
33-5342. Hosencrants Dorey, 9310 Nebraska Needed Immediately EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN HARRY STAFFORD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 3405 MacDill Ave. FACING PARK JUST off Central Ave. Large 2 iinr, rtuiilex with bunsaiette aimnst new rcof, needs minor reoairs. irst has large enclosed porch, 6 rooms and bath; second floor.
3 rooms and hnth- hunoalette. 3 rooms and hath. Price $12,000, with $20110 cash, bilance at $100 per month Tf, irc cat. I. SUE M.
VADEN, 2-1821. Eve. 32-5804 J. R. Mynatt, Kitrs vfw rK.
sisoo DOWN SEMINOLE. 2 bedrooms, carport shadv lot. Sliding door closets, tua Kev at 6S22 Florida. STEVENS REALTY PH. 34-1341 surn ATOR OR BUILDER 100 NICE hish lots, Tampa city water.
Some zonen tor smau iw ft. homes. Some industrial W. RR $250 each on en-' tire basis. 25 down.
Balance 3 Ph. 61-1491. NR. NEW CITY PARK 5 LG. 2 BRSs, F'la.
garaee, about 20 fruit trees, lot 150x100. oak shade, access to river, $12,500, terms. HUBBARD REALTY S420 Neb. Ofc. 92-4394, Res.
91-8372 2 BR furn. home. Seminole Heights. $8-0. $300 down.
3 LOTS near Sligh Ave. High School. $2250. D- T. CLARK, Reg.
Broker 250a E. 6ligo 3-ef -si SUfcaje mriist- iW-niiiiiiwtmsiiii DRIVE CUT Hillsborough Avenue to 5th Street. Jutt cast ot overpass turn north 56th Straet thtn follow aigns jus yond the new 56ih Street Bridge. Phone S-38li end 91-4141 12.B50. 3601 E.
Sterl. Cir. New EXTREMELY livable 3 bedrm. Florida rm. Shrubs, trees fc fj-n'-el I baek yard.
FHA. Owner, 89-9j02. I FHA loan available. 87-S031..