The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

THE SALT LAKE HERALD: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1907 9 You've Anything to Talk About Say It DIED. AUSTIN-Rear 451 South Eighth East street. Nov. 18, 1907, of pneumonia, Alfred son of George and Sarah Keddington Austin, in his second year. Notice of funeral later.

The remains are at the parlors of Joseph William Taylor. FLORISTS. WALTER W. KING. FLORIST.

214 E. 2d So. 'Phone 37. Specialist on funeral designs and everything floral. THE FLOWER SHOP-Cut flowers and designs.

Under Nat. Bank of Republic. OR stolen, sets of carpenters' tools, tafrom ding on streets. Return to 0. Chytraus, 238 Paxton Bell phone 2238.

$25 reward. BLACK ostrich feather boa, between corner Main and 3d South streets and Orpheum theatre, on Main, Second South or State streets. Return to Herald for reward. $6.00 REWARD. For Tribune wheel 6767.

Stolen So. Temple. Return to F. Luff, Utah Light R. R.

Co. BAY more colt, 6 old, blocky built. Box 429, city. McAllister's ranch, 2 miles west of White bridge. Reward.

BAY mare, branded H. T. on right hip. Hind feet white. $5 reward for return to P.

Timmerman, 14th So. and 4th West. FOUND FOUND GENTLEMAN'S pocketbook, containing cards and other articles. Owner call, describe and pay for ad. ON second floor of Herald building, a bunch of 4 keys.

Owner can have same by calling and paying for this ad. AMUsem*nTS "In Old Kentucky," like the poor, we always have with us. Unlike the poor, though, Old Kentucky" is always welcome. The play, pickaninnies, horses, Madge, the colonel, the villain and all, arrived at the Salt Lake theatre last night, bigger, brighter and better than ever. "In Old Kentucky" has been on the road these fifteen years.

A new generation is seeing it and enjoying it as the preceding generation enjoyed Who doesn't like to see a ripping melodrama once in a while? There is nothing harmful in "In Kentucky." Villainy moves along smoothly for a time, apparently winning, but in the end it bumps the bumps and virtue comes in for its reward. This does not always happen in real life, but it should. Therefore Old Kentucky' probably has many prosperous years ahead of it. The company that presents the play this season is, as has been said, better than the average. Bert G.

Clark as Colonel Sandusky Doolittle is very true In his characterization, true in his ascent and in the humor of the part. May Stockton is a satisfactory Madge Brierly. The others, though inclined to staginess, fit in very well. But why be eritical? The play's the thing, as a melancholy gentleman was certain, remark a long, long time ago. "In Old Kentucky" fills the justly celebrated "long felt want" in the hearts of many playgoers.

There are pickaninnies who can really dance and play on instruments of brass; the horse race is exciting, the fire also. And also Madge's swing across fearful abyss to save her lover from pulverization by the dynamite bomb that the villain has thoughtfully relighted. "In Old Kentucky" will be seen at the Salt Lake theatre again tonight, tomorrow night and at a matinee tomorrow. There are some bright spots in the Orpheum bill this week, but they're not luminous and they're not frequent. The little playlet, "A Dakota Widow," presented by Minnie Seligman William Bramwell, is easily the headliner, and is well presented.

It is the hackneyed subject of divorce made into a bit of comedy and both the principals do rather good work. The bill opens with Harry Coe, who adds to his table and chair stunt of last year a few more hair-raising feats and comes out alive. The two Charlenes with their juggling and xylophone act do clever work, but there's too much horse play mixed with the juggling of the man for the act to be entirely pleasing. Chinese Johnnie Williams with his dog and his alleged legerdemain with practical demonstrations kept the house in a roar of laughter with nothing in particular to laugh at. Lucy and Lucier present a clever imitation of "A Fool's Errand," for no one can stand any reason for its existence.

Incidentally the man does a good messenger weep for the lady, which is about all that may be said of act. The closing number is by the Teddy trio, three acrobats who do some tumbling and combine burlesque with it. Just what relation the name bears to the trio no one was able to understand. The two musical numbers are good and the kinodrome is fair. New York, Nov.

season at the Metropolitan Opera house was opened tonight amid the usual scenes of brilliance attending the annual function, which is always occasion for an outpouring of society and of patrons of grand opera. Tonight's opening was notable in many ways, the new Italian opera, "Adriana by Francesco Cilla, one of the youngest of modern school of composers, having its first presentation in New York; the performance being under a new conductor, who received a warm welcome a most capable interpretation of the new work; many principals in the cast being heard for the first time in America, and the evening's event marking FOR PERSONS WHO FEEL POORLY The Bitters is especially adapted. It has a toning and strengthening effect on the entire system, thus making a weak stomach strong, a lazy liver active and sleep restful. Every, bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS We guarantee absolutely pure and a trial will convince you that it can cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Female Ills, Chills, Colds and Malarial Fever. WANTED.

ROOM and board or furnished room. W. Walker, care W. A. Nelden Drug Co.

WILL teach you how to make $50 per week. Room 1, Globe hotel South Main. POSITION tending furnace or doing chores for board. Address H. Mikesell, 140 Quince street.

BY YOUNG lady, bookkeeping or clerical work; reference. Address 3, Herald. ELDERLY lady wants house work in small family. 6 Church street, off 4th So. GOOD delivery horse wanted; must be very reasonable; call between 5 and 7 p.

m. Pacific Tea Coffee 36 E. 4th So. HORSES to board for the winter, State St. on line.

Inquire 170 State St. 'Phone 3341 BY COUPLE without children, furnished house for the winter; withing walking distance of university. Phone address J. H. Maddock, University of Utah.

WANTED-By couple without children. furnished or unfurnished room, housekeeping suite in either the Bransford or the Emery flats; references. Address A 4, Herald. HORSES given best of care during winter months; farm at Granger. Inquire Dr.

John T. White, 28 State St. Phones 64. HIGHEST price paid for iron. brass, rags, bottles, rubber, copper, etc.

Utah Junk 63 E. 8th So. Both 'phones 229. HAVE your springs stretched, made good as new. All kinds of furniture repaired.

William Fairchild, 32 W. 4th So, HOTELS. LINCOLN HOUSE, 68 E. FIRST SO. Paul Hein.

Proprietor. 200-Rooms-200. Rates, 25c, 35c and 50c. WALL PAPER HANGING. ROOMS papered, $4.50 per room; all paper furnished.

'Phone 2840 Bell. No. 5 East So. Temple. Assessment No.

3. SILVER QUEEN MINING COMPANY. Principal office, room 62, Commercial block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of the Silver Queen Mining company, held on the 24th day of October, 1907, an assessment of one-fourth cent per share was levied upon the capital stock of said corporation, payable forthwith to John W. Burton.

the secretary of said company, at room 62, Commercial block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 7th day of December, 1907, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold on the 24th day of December, 1907, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. Dated this 5th day of November, 1907.

JOHN W. BURTON, Secretary Silver Queen Mining company, room 62, Commercial buock, Salt Lake City, Utah. Assessment No. 28. WABASH MINING COMPANY.

PRINcipal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors, held on the 30th day of October, 1907, an assessment of three (3) cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation. Payable on or before the 30th day of November. 1907, to W. Mont Ferry, secretary.

at room 520 Atlas i block, West Second South street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 30th day of November, 1907, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on the 23d day of December, 1907, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising expense of sale. W. MONT FERRY. Secretary.

Location of offices. Nos. 520-522 Atlas block. Salt City. Utah.

Notice of Special Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN special stockholders' meeting of the THAT Bergerman Resort Amusem*nt company, a corporation of Salt Lake City, Utah, will be held at its office, No. 223 South Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2 o'clock p. on the day of November, 1907, for the purpose of voting upon the adoption or rejecting, the following amendment to its incorporation.

That the proposed amendment to article 5 shall read as follows: ARTICLE V. That the amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be $25,000, divided into 25,000 shares of the par value of $1 each. J. BERGERMAN, President. Neil Isaacson.

Secretary. the opening of a twenty weeks' period of opera -the longest ever undertaken at the Metropolitan. Enrico Caruso, the famous tenor, shared tonight's honors with Madame Lina Cavalieri, who had the title role. Caruso's first appearance was the signel for prolonged applause, while Scotti, another great favorite with Metropolitan audiences, also was called upon to bow many times in acknowledgment of the welcoming applause. Caruso.

appeared in the role Maurice, he created when the opera had its initial presentation in Milan. With the confi-115 dence of this familiarity with his role he was heard to the best advantage. Madame Cavalier's beauty added much to the attractiveness of her skillful rendition of Adriana, while Scotti's handling of Michonnet was another convincing evidence of his ability. The new singers in the cast were Madame Girerd and Messrs. Lucas and Barocchi.

The new conductor, Rodolfo rari, was received warmly. "The Royal Slave" went to another big house at the Grand last evening and the demonstrations were as frequent and insistent as on the opening night. "An Oath of Vengeance" pleased another good audience at the Lyric last evening. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry W.

Hanman to Ellen StrickJ. ley, T. part Keck lot 6, block 42, plat 3,000 to Lucretia A. Keck, lots 24 block 6, Oakley 1 John A. Forslund to J.

H. Arthur, part lot 22, block 2, Hampton's Sub. George Romney to Mary Ann RomWm. ney, J. part lot 3, block 38, plat 6,000 Donnellan to Jos.

E. Thorne, Glenn part R. lot 1, block 36, plat 22,000 Bothwell et to Lizzie A. Smith, lots 18 block 1, Blair Curtis Sub. 700 Heber Birch to Robert M.

Irvine, part lot 14, block 19, 10-acre plat A 1,400 Wm. A. McMaster to Mary Ann Ar. nold, lots 19 block 15, Garden City plat A 1 Peter N. Rourke to Chas.

E. Goodin, part lot 3, block 9, plat 3,700 Wm. H. Hill to Hill Trout lot 13, block 7, 10-acre plat 1 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.

Waitresses, cooks, chambermaids. House girls and all kinds of restaurant help wanted for city and country. 4 E. 2d So. 'Phones 464.

Basem*nt Kenyon Hotel. A GOOD young girl to work in bakery as clerk: references required. Sugar House Bakery, Ind. phone 602. 11th East and 12th South.

GIRL for general housework. Apply 164 E. 1st South. GIRL wants place, washing or ironing. Bell 1044-Y.

186 St. WANTED-One scrub woman, one cook and one table maid; must be experienced. Metropole. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family. 518 First ave.

WANTED, by Dec. 1, competent girl for general housework; small family; no laundry; good wages. Apply at 30 St. Tel. Bell 158; Ind.

902. A COMPETENT woman for general housework; 2 in family. Bell phone 671, or apply 24 street. COMPETENT woman to wash. Apply 61 1st street.

ONE cashier, Nevada. cashier, city. Intermountain Employment Agency. GIRL for, general housework; no washing; four family. 43 So.

3d East. GIRL for general housework who can cook, no laundry, family of two. Bell 'phone 825. 777 E. So.

Temple. INTER MT. EMPLOYMENT AGT. Most Reliable. 56 W.

2d So. Rooms 2 and 3. Both 'phones 1959. GOOD wages to girl or woman for general housework, 3 in family. 157 13th E.

St. Mrs. Lewis. GIRL for general housework: no washing or ironing. Inquire at 339 So.

13th E. Ind. 'phone 1500. WANTED You to know that all graduates of Henager's Business college get good positions. Commercial club building.

COMPETENT girl for general housework, no washing or ironing, good wages. Must be good cook. 57 7th E. Bell 3419. A GOOD girl for a small Christian family, experience unnecessary if party is willing.

Apply 75 W. 2d 11 to 1 o'clock. TO TRADE. 3x10 RODS with small house, 7th East near 3d South, for a good large modern house close in, will pay cash difference; also a nice large, clear lot and some cash for a small home. Cromer.

55 E. 3d So. BUSINESS CHANCES. A WELL established and growing mercantile business in Salt Lake; best location in city; 1 will sell dollar for dollar. Owner leaving city on account of health.

Address A 21. Herald. PLUMBING AND HEATING. D. W.

JAMES plumbing, steam heat, hot water contractors, 67 East First South street. Phone 372. JAMES J. FARRELL, 335 South Main street. Phone 1205-K.

SCENERY. SCENERY made to order and for rent or sale. Henzi. 811 Cannon St. EDUCATIONAL.

GATRELL'S Unique School of Shorthand and Typewriting. Hooper Bldg. MINE DUMPER. THE VAINE dumper and door opener, manufactured by A. Miller, 555 State St.

MEDICAL. PILES removed without knife. Dr. Johnson. Specialist, 261 So.

Main St. Delinquent Notice. THE GOLD MOUNTAIN CHAMPION Mining Milling company. Principal office and place of business. 216 South Main, Salt Lake City, Utah.

There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No. 1, of of one cent per share levied on the 30th day of September, 1907, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: No. of Cert. Name. No.

Shares Amt. 44-Thomas Arbon 1,000 2.50 63- -Thomas Arbon 100 .25 76-Albern Allen 1,000 2.50 86 -Lillian A. Allen 1,000 2.50 90-George W. Brandis 3,000 7.50 107-Mrs. Maud M.

Balch 2,000 5.00 130- James E. Ballantyne 1,400 3.50 96 -Peter J. 300 .75 106-Mrs. M. Lorilla Clark 1,000 2.50 85-Nettie R.

Dupuy 1,500 3.75 59-T. B. Evans 662 1.66 14-Mrs. Nicoline Farr 4,500 11.25 51-Mrs. C.

Fronk 625 1.57 55 -John Farr ..11,111 27.78 75-Thomas B. Farr 1,000 2.50 88-L. L. Fick .13,500 33.75 89-Mrs. T.

Fick 6,000 15.00 114-L. Fisher 9,000 22.50 129-L. Fisher 1,112 2.78 100-Charles Hussey 3,000 7.50 108-A. T. Hestmark 1.250 3.13 16-Mrs.

Justina L. Ives 6,916 17.29 110-E. Pau! Jones 1,000 2.50 Fannie M. Johnson 1,000 2.50 126-T. D.

Johnson 2,250 5.63 109-John C. Kuhns 1,333 3.34 98 -Frank Moore 1,021 2.56 113-J. D. Murphy 3.850 9.63 11-Mrs. R.

Ellen Prout 2,000 5.00 35-Emile Pechart 500 1.25 50-W. Benjamin Putman 1.500 3.75 105-Caleb Parry 1,000 2.50 99-Alma Richardson 1,000 2.50 104-William T. Robbins 500 1.25 135-E. B. Stoker 4,000 10.00 84-L.

D. Treseder 500 1.25 22-Ida M. White 5.000 12.60 23-0. A. White 8,129 20.33 91-J.

H. R. Franklin, trustee 1,000 2.50 94--J. H. R.

Franklin, trustee 4,500 11.25 102 J. H. R. Franklin, trustee 2,000 5.00 117-J. H.

K. Fraknlin, trustee 1,000 2.50 118-J. H. R. Franklin, trustee 1,000 2.50 119-J.

H. R. Franklin, trustee 132 .33 120-J. H. R.

Franklin, trustee 278 .70 121-J. H. R. Franklin, trustee 2,000 5.00 122-J. H.

R. Franklin, trustee 277 .70 123-J. H. R. Franklin, trustee 1,000 2.50 124-J.

H. R. Franklin, trustee R. Franklin. 1,060 2.65| 125 J.

H. trustee 600 1.50 And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors inade on the 30th day of September, 1907,. so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of the secretary, Salt Lake City, 216 South Main street, on the 22d day of November, 1907, at 2 p. m. of said day, to pay delinquent assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale C.

LONG. Secretary. Gold Mountain Champion M. M. Co.

WANTED -MALE HELP. WANTED TODAY. 40 coal miners, experienced men; wages 75c per ton; $5 per yard. 10 inexperienced men, willing learn; wages $2.50 up per day; 8 Hours' work. 10 laborers, wages $1.75 to $2.50 per day, according to man's working capacity; 8 hours work.

40 East First South 70 Commercial 'Phones-Bell 3388; Ind. 923-949. Salt Lake City, Utah. STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Mechanic and Labor Office.

4 E. So. 'Phones 464. Basem*nt Kenyon Hotel. HOTEL manager and wife.

Intermountain Employment Agency. INTER MT. EMPLOYMENT AGT. Most reliable. 56 W.

2d So. Rooms 2 and 3. Both 'phones 1959. to know that Henager's Business college is the best in the city. Day and night sessions.

YOUNG men to prepare for exam. for railway mail and other government tions. Superior instruction by mail. tab. 14 years.

Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Gov't Positions are Secured" sent free. Inter-State Schools, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. COAT MAKER. Steady work.

Henry Kissell. 2458 Grant avenue, Ogden. Utah. WANTED--SITUATIONS. WAITER and lunch counter man wants position, Address 27, Herald.

COMPETENT cook desires position. Address 9, Herald. WANTED by experienced carpet man, laying and refitting of carpets. Call up Main 1353-X. POSITION wanted by experienced bookkeeper, with references; willing to leave city if necessary, Address 7, Herald.

LADY wishes work by the day. Bell phone 2623-K. YOUNG man wants place to do chores for board and room for winter. Address 1, Herald. BY experienced lady typewriter operator.

A 20, Herald. FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer desires position. Best of references. Address 27. Heraid.

MONEY TO LOAN. THE county records prove we make more loans upon real estate than any bank, loan op trust company in the state. Call and let us explain why. Russel L. Tracy, 11 E.

1st South. LOCAL' money for real estate loans; first real estate mortgages bought. See W. S. Giesy 403 Tribune Bldg.

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE on their own note; no publicity; terms reasonable; all business strictly confidential. City Loan Agency, room 610, Tribune Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people without security, at low rate; easy terms; strictly confidential. F. G.

Wood, room 309 Tribune Bldg. STANDARD CREDIT successors D. F. Walker Bldg. Personal loans made to men and women employed on salary; no mortgage or endorser required; private office; business confidential.

ON REAL ESTATE. Lowest rates. Elmer E. Darling 142 Main St. ON SALARY; no other security; lowest rates; strictly confidential.

F. A. Newton, 421 Herald Bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon their own names, without security; cheaper rates; easiest payments; offices in 62 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. D.

H. Tolman, room 338 Atlas block. IF YOU need money we will discount your salary Star Loan Agency, 507 Atlas block, top floor. ON UTAH and Idaho farms; special options. Miller Viele, 303 McCornick Bldg.

PERSONAL. MARRY ALICE. and I'll buy ring of Carter Jewelry 324 Main street. CARPET CLEANING. Carpets and rugs cleaned and returned promptly, and work guaranteed.

Phones 1006. "Sanitary Wagon" renovates at the house. Phones 555. Utah Sanitary Housecleaning company, 117 So. W.

Temple. BY new vacuum sanitary wagon; noiseless. dustless; carpets cleaned on the floor or taken way and returned; work guaranteed National Housecleaning Co. Phones 4256, Ind. 978.

MUSIC. FREE MUSIC LESSONS. Madame Brodbeck will give one month's free lessons in vocal or piano introduce superior methods acquired under the greatest master of Europe. Studio, 909 Rice street, between State and Second East, on Ninth South. OSTEOPATHY.

DR. M. M'DOWELL, 302-303 Scott Bldg. -Both 'phones. DR.

ALICE E. HOUGHTON, path, 37 E. Nc. Temple. Bell phone 3409-X.

DR. GRACE STRATTON. 519 Constitution Bldg. Bell, 2528-K; 2488. CLEANING AND DYEING.

dyeing, repairing, So. State. TeleUTAH Steam Dye, Works. Cleaning, phone 1165 Y. BUSINESS COLLEGES.

ATTEND Henager's Business College if you want the best in the city. 222 So. W. Temple St. Day and night sessions.

STOCK BROKERS. E. M. WEST stocks, 321 D. F.

Walker blk. Both phones office and res. STORAGE. TWO large warehouses, clean and sanitary. Redman Van Storage 117 So.

W. Temple. Phones 555. PACKING. EXPERT packers of furniture, bric-abrac, So.

etc. Redman Van Storage W. Temple. Phones 555. COAL, HAY, GRAIN AND FEED.

J. B. HENDERSON COM. hay, grain, feed, flour, coal and kindling. 551 State St.

'Phones: Ind. 1698, Bell 2091 Y. SCAVENGERS. SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO. Office Atlas Block basem*nt.

375; Bell, 170. FOR RENT. 4-ROOM brick, pantry, closets, summer kitchen, $18 per month. Apply 64 So. 10th East St.

SIX rooms and bath, furnished, $35; unfurnished, $25. Inquire Evans or Morris, 8 under Deseret National bank. SMALL house. 2 rooms, pantry and closet, rear 339 W. 3d North St.

ROOMS, $6, unfurnished. Inq. 847 East Lake St. FOR three months, strictly modern, well furnished house. 40 So.

3d East. 7-ROOM modern brick; gas and range; furnace heat. car line on east side. Just vacant. $35.

Cannon Cannon, 18 East South Temple. TWO front rooms for rent; water in the house and linoleum. $7. Inquire 327 street. 4-ROOM modern brick, east side, $25.

James K. Shaw over 153 Main. BARN room for 3 horses and hay. 539 South 1st West. Bell phone 3134-Y.

BY DEC. 1st, 6-room modern cottage, with gas range; also new 7-room strictly modern terrace, hot water heat and gas. Inquire 441 So. 5th East. KIMBALL Van Storage largest fireproof warehouse; rates reasonable; padded moving vans.

19 W. 1st So. CELLAR storage room on 2d So. near Main St. See Judge Colborn, 75 W.

2d So. GROUND floor office space, at 75 W. 2d So. See Judge Colborn at that number. FURNISHED or unfurnished heated rooms, modern.

635 E. 1st So. TWO 7-room modern houses, at 852 So. W. Temple St.

Inquire first house north. 7-ROOM mod. 64 street, $35. TUTTLE 153 MAIN ST. 5-ROOM brick, 856 Spruce ave.

Bell 4581- red. Ind. 2243. A NEW brick house. Inquire at Deseret Savings Bank.

FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale on easy terms; house for rent. Apply 539 South 1st West. Bell phone 2491-K. FINE office space for rent. Hoffman 62 West 2d So.

St. DESK room, finest location in city, under Deseret National bank. NICE space in the Atlas block basem*nt for rent. Harrington, agent. FOR RENT--FURNISHED.

HOUSE 5 rooms, 67 N. 1st West; no children; electric light. Call between 9 and 2. ROOMS for housekeeping, ground floor, elec. light and bath.

237 W. 1st So. I modern. FOUR nicely. 7th furnished South.

rooms for rent, 3-ROOM cottage, completely furnished. 364 W. 4th North. ONE or two front rooms, furnished. 268 West 4th South.

NICELY furnished rooms with privilege of housekeeping and bath. Bell 'phone 3290 Y. A NICELY furnished front room. 360 W. 6th ELEGANT newly furnished rooms in modern, furnace-heated house.

270 E. 2d So TWO newly furnished front rooms for light housekeeping, modern. 263 W. 3d So. ROOM, with or without board in private family; modern conveniences; reasonable; reference required.

240 E. 7th So. St. A DESIRABLE room in private family; modern conveniences; close, in; rent $8 per month. 'Phone 1967 Z.

MODERN house, 7 rooms, 337 3d E. See Rivers, 140 Main. FURNISHED front room; light housekeeping. 938 E. So.

Temple. FURNISHED room, modern house; hot water heat. 321 South 4th East. Bell phone 3709-X. TWO or three furnished rooms for housekeeping; modern.

628 So. Main. DESIRABLE rooms in private family, close in. Reasonable. Phone 1721-X.

FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern. 58 3d East. THREE rooms, modern, for gentlemen, good terms to right parties, excellent table board near by. 736 E. 1st So.

6-ROOM flat, furnished. 448 South 5th E. TWO or four rooms, closet, pantry, bath, cellai, lawn, shade. 348 Center street. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms.

Inquire 344 Center st. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms. Apply 227 West 1st South. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Apply 227 West 1st So.

BOARD AND ROOMS. BOARD and room in private family for gentlemen, in modern house. 58 W. 6th South. ROOM and board at 410 So.

2d West St. NICE front room with board for 2. Ap ply 460 E. 5th So. Bell 'phone 4067 Y.

ROOM and board for 3, modern house, close in. 185 4th So. Bell 'phone 4189 Z. BOARD and room; also rooms for light housekeeping. 734 E.

2d So. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, steam heat and good board at reasonable rates. 315 East 2d South. NEW and second-hand; cash, trade or time. Sorensen-Stoutt sole agents for "the Reliable Hall's Safe." Beware of imitations.

Office, I Furniture Store, 41-43-45-47-49-51 E. Third South St. AUCTIONEERS. E. M.

ONION, auctioneer, may be reached. on and after this date, by telephone 555, Redman Van Storage or residence. 3616 Ind. 'phone. POSITION.

WILL teach you how paint a perfect oil painting for $3. Art Studio, So. Main, Globe hotel. MOVING. LARGE padded vans, careful men.

Redman Van Storage 117 So. W. Temple. Phone 555. FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS.

STOVES. ranges and furnaces repaired. castings at wholesale or retail. 242 State. Western Foundry Stove Repair Works, phono 1794-Y.

FOR SALE. 33x99 FEET, close in, Capitol Hill, $850; terms. Morris, under Des. Nat. Bank.

GOOD delivery horses for sale at the fair grounds. Address 10, Herald. RESTAURANT and bakery for sale, place to live, horse and wagon; everything complete, doing good business; on account of sickness. Apply Box 31, St. Anthony, Ida.

TWO Jersey cows. Apply 328 street. GOOD horse, weight 1,050 pounds; also buggy and harness. Apply 1045 W. 2d So.

A YOUNG horse, pacer, about 900 pounds, harness and runabout. Ind. 'phone, 10411. CASEY, 55 E. 3d So.

$2,000 ROOMING house, 18 rooms, clean; $200 per mo. Saloon, a fine location, doing $2,000 to $3,000 business per mo. Fruit store, must be sold this week, at invoice. M. J.

CASEY, 55 E. 3d So. MAJESTIC range, first class condition, cheap. 240 E. 7th So.

TEAM of horses, harness and wagon. Apply 1519 So. Glen 5th and East. WE HAVE a fine piano which cost $350 five months ago. Will sell for $125.

Midgley-Bodel, Wall Paper Store, 33 E. 1st So. SALOON for sale. Inquire Leighman, Salt Lake Brewing Co. ABOUT twenty late model second hand automobiles at less than one-half original cost, every one guaranteed.

Sharman Auto 109-111 W. So. Temple. STULL timbers. mine props and mine ties.

Chalk Creek Timber Coalville, Utah. HORSES bought and sold; ladies' and gents' saddle horses; divided skirts. Iowa Stable, 129 West South Temple. SOCIETIES. UTAH Commandery No.

1. Knights Templar. Stated conclaves held at Masonic Temple, cor. 2d East and 1st South, the first Thursday of each month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to attend.


LEATHERWOOD, Recorder. A. A. S. four co-ordinate bodies of the A.

A. S. Rite of Free Masonry hol4 stated meetings the third Thursday in each month at Masonic Temple, corner First South and Second East streets. Sojourning breathren invited. RICHARD L.

CONLEY, 32d Degree, V. M. of Perfection No. 2. A.

E. HUTCHINSON, 32d Degree, W. M. James Lowe Chapter Rose Croix No. 1.

C. B. DIEHL, 32d Degree, Commander Salt Lake Council Kadosh JOHN'S CRITCHLOW. 32d Degree, M. and K.

Utah Consistory No. 1, CHRISTOPHER DIEHL. 33d Degree, Registrar for all the Bodies. WASATCH Lodge No. 1, Fiand A.

Regular meeting held at Masonic Temple, corner Second East and Fifst South, the second Friday of each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially invited. SAMUEL C. PARK, W. M.

A. J. LOWE, Secretary. MOUNT MORIAH Lodge No. 2, F.

and A. meetings held at Masonte Temple, corner First South and Second East, the second Monday of each month. Members of sister lodges and brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. J. M.


Regular meetings hr at Masonic Temple, corner Second East and First South the first Tuesday of each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially invited to attend. FREDERICK D. KEELER, W. M.

M. C. PHILLIPS, Secretary. CHAPTER No. 1, R.

A. Stated convocations held at Masonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the first Wednesday of each month. Sojourning companions cordially invited to attend. E. O.


PHILLIPS, Secretary. MACCABEES. Utonian tent No. meets every Wednesday evening at I. 0.

0. F. hall, Market street. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited. NAOMI REBEKAH Lodge No.

1 meets every second and fourth Saturday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows' Temple, Market street. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN No. 1132 meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Knights of Columbus hall, Jennings Blk. WILLIAM E. JENKINS.

Foreman. J. EVERETT SEELY, 722 South Second East Bell 'phone 3085-K. ASSAYERS. Jno.

McVicker, assay office, 46 Richards. W. H. TREMAYNE, assayer, over 140 Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mail samples receive prompt attention.

J. W. CURRIE, No. 70 W. 3d South Salt Lake City.

Samples by mail or express receive prompt attention. CRISMON. NICHOLS, assayers and chemists, South West Temple, Salt Lake City. R. H.

OFFICER. assayers, 169 South Salt Lake City. W. A. HODGES, assayer and chemist, 135 W.

2d So. Salt Lake City. MACHINERY. SALT LAKE Metal Machinery Co. All kinds of 2d-hand mining machinery, engines, boilers, compressors, pumps, supplies, etc.

Cor. So. Temple and West Temple. Phone 1158-Y. MOTORS, gasoline and electric, steam engines, boilers, air compressors, 300 tons 56-1b.

rail. J. M. Swem, 336 South 3d West. WALL PAPER CLEANING.

NATIONAL Housecieaning 59 E. 1st South. Bell phone 4256; Ind. 978. HOME Paper Cleaning Co.

Leave orders at Smith Drug Co. Both phones 4360. SHIPPING. CUT RATES to any part of the United States. We can save money for you in shipping goods either east or west.

Correspondents in all the principal cities. See us or 'phone 555. Redman Van Storage Co. 117 So. W.

Temple. TIN AND CORNICE WORK. HOFFENBECK, 43 So. W. Temple, promptly executes all orders for tin and cornice work.

Estimates furnished. Both phones 2167. CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, Oscar Groshell, sales agent for Utah. Expert cash register repairing.

No. 221 Main St. Second-hand registers always in stock. HAT FACTORY. HATS blocked and retrimmed by expert.


ONE DOLLAR CASH; ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY PER LOT. Lots sell at $200 to $350 each, Not less than one and one-haif nor more than three lots sold to one party on above terms. 25x158 feet to 16-foot alley. Two car lines Seventh East (Wandamere car) and Ninth East 12-minute service in city limits. City water as soon as buyers demand it.

Take Wandamere car to Seventh East and Eleventh South. LOST. For a short time only we will give the above unheard-of low rate on first class suburban bullding lots. Fifteen lots sold last week. lots sold recently.

When you learn good and cheap these lots are you won't wait another day. Terms are 80 everyone seeking small investment should take advantage of this opportunity. Will be pleased to drive you out and show you any time you say. Paradise Addition, Seventh East and Eleventh South. PETERSON REAL ESTATE INV.

Bell 330 3320 South Main (North of Postoffice). K. Ind. 291. E.

E. CASADY CORNER close in on 1st macadam tax, sewer and sidewalk paid; only $656 per rod. Splendid and fine location, only block from Third car; 8-room mod. one pressed brick, large hall, mantel, furnace, lot rods; $4.750. Nearly new light pressed brick, strictly modern, 7 rooms, north bench; price $3,500.

East side between 2d and 3d South, 2x9 rods; $400. East 20 South, 5-room modern pressed brick: $3,350. Corner north beach, south front, 3-story pressed brick, 7 rooms, reception hall, complete plumbing, large lot; $5,000. Easy terms Close in. east side, 5-room brick, bath, toilet, e.

price $2,500. pressed, easy terms. East 6th South, 5-room brick, lot 3x10 rods; price $350 cash, bal. $25 per month. rods, near Third $1,050.

Elegant corner on north bench, owner will sell at a sacrifice, 85x165 feet; $3,000. We have lots and houses in all parts of the city at prices you cannot duplicate. Give us a call and be convinced. E. E.

CASADY 407 Atlas Black. Bell 'phone 2227 red. Ind. 'phone 1398 1 HOFFMAN BROS. $900 buys good 3-room frame house, corner lot.

$1,500 buys 5-room frame, corner lot, x105 feet, west side. $2,100 buys 5-room pressed brick, west side, terms. $2,200 buys 6-room frame, south side. $2,700 buys 5-room brick, west side. $2,800 buys 5-room modern house, east side.

$3,000 buys 4-room modern, close in, terms. $3,000 buys 4-room modern pressed brick house on 7th East. $3,650 buys 5-room modern house on the east side. $4,500 buys 8-room modern house on the east side. HOFFMAN 62 West 2d South Street.

A FEW bargains in homes: 7-room modern brick, close In. 8-room modern brick, close in $3,700 6-room brick cottage, 12th East; barn, rods $2,400 4-room brick cottage, barn, west side. $1,300 6-room brick, fine lot and shade, west side $2,000 JAS. K. SHAW Over 153 Main St.

SAMPLE BARGAINS. 5-room new: first-class plumbing; fine basem*nt; good location. 8-room beautiful home; location Al; terms. 6-room full cement basem*nt; finest of plumbing; owner leaving city. $6.250 For 7-room built for a home: lot 1 to alley.

new 5-room bath; totlet: e. cement basem*nt; terms. For 6-room cr. brick, on corner; two street car lines; terms. 5-room new; bath; toilet; e.

$1,800 down and $25 per month. $900-For lot to alley. feet front, near Brigham street. $950-Lot 42x123, corner 4th ave. $750-Lot 75x132, corner Wilson ave.

Both phones 2848. 209-210 Atlas Block. C. F. LITTLE A.

B. Hirth, Manager. RANCK ADVICE ON EARTH. A neat four- frame house, city water, electric lights, lawn, trees, 5th East and 8th South. Price $1,750.

New six-room light pressed brick, modern home, lawn, cement walk, southeast, easy terms, at $3,000, Two-story, seven-room pressed brick home, large cornet lot, trees, lawns, barn, located southeast, good car service, will sell at a bargain and easy terms. RANCK REAL ESTATE INV. co. Suite 232 D. F.

Walker Bldg. CHOICE building lots for, sale cheap in all parts city easy terms. HOFFMAN 62 West Second South. 6-ROOM modern brick, new. Inquire of owners, 520 2d ave.

Terms. LARGE 8-room brick, 267 3d street, barn, lot 4x10 rods, $4,000. James K. Shaw over 153 Main. CROMER For cheap lots, good houses and small or large ranches, see Cromer, 55 East 38 South.

SAFES. CHOICE corner lot: faces S. all or part; cor. 7th and Sts. Inquire 703 Third St.

A SNAP. 8-ROOM pressed brick, modern home, bath, pantry, closets, basem*nt, 2 tels, electric light, fruit trees, barn, price $3,500. See owner, 435 8th Ave. SEE Stowe Palmer's ad. Last Page.

FIVE acres land, 5-rm. brick and adobe house, barn, granary, chicken coop, some fruit and shade trees. 3 flowing wells, water in house. A bargain. $1.000.

3 miles east of Utah copper mill. Nephi T. West, Hunter, Salt Lake county, Utah. SEE Stowe Palmer's ad. Last Page.

If It's Real Estate, Sadler Sells It. Office, 126 Main Upstairs. WE can sell you a home same as rent. See us. Thomson Real Estate West 2d South.

IF IT'S Real Estate, ask: Halloran, 14 West Third South street. SEE Stowe Palmer's ad. Last Page. WE SELL real estate, -that's all, Tuttie 153 Main Red ball signs. If It Happenns It's in the Herald.

The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.