The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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22 THE PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1965 Marine News On the aterfront Investors Guide American Stock Exchange ransactions Talks Go On Bid Broker Cleveland August Net Sales OICE HOURS By CY Olson nocK 20i arewell in Montreal 5 54th Street Start Anew 1 on Seaway By SAM SHULSKY Swedish 5 6 cleared August er Lakes Passages DOWN 5:10 1 11:20 934 12:00 12:30 3:25 UP 9:47 78 82 27tf 15 10 10:49 78 10 PORT DOWN 5 5 Prln 6 3 11:40 3:16 JTo Lake Michigan Market Statistics 18 7 29 18 35 3 in io 1 48 1 65 13 13 29 7 19 07f Is 1 18 16 18 2 2 21 1 INDEX 9 15 31 1 12 1 12 Dividends Mutual 17 21 20 7 7 unds Ing 60 13 50 Midwest Net 18 7 16 17 1 707 11 11 11 2 12 13 6 13 Qua! 9 20 10 1 10 10 38 37 87 10 1 10 15 31 5 5 6 11 15 5 9 11 10 5 3 DIVISIONAL ha 2250 2325: packing sows SALES MGR 9621054 2 41 tioo 1 18 5 39 39 15 8 7 1 Chicago Grain 1133 1238 Close 1 Great Opportunity 4' 6 118 Call Joseph Kenny KENNY CO Lee at Monticello a 119 124 3 8 9:46 9:52 240000 254000 2 5 4 3 ishman 50 laCap 38g 128 126 127 78 2 1 8 9 1 6 10 29 6 29 28 1 7 9 13 9 30 101 6 4 23 42 33 72 6:13 6:18 6:25 188 676 622 6:32 8:25 8:28 9 1 2 7 6 7 97' 3 125 126 10g40a 251 160 16 2 56 6 10 15 21 17 1 26 10 1 2 9 4 7 7 13 3 6 11 1 1 9 46 21 10 31 28 2 7 7 1 11 66 9 1 34 1 11 11 16 8 3 64 67 5:25 7:34 8:10 5:01 5:27 7:23 7:51 9:00 4 2 97 3 4 16 22 3 7 1 3 5 2 38 4 12 32 5 1 6 4 14 5 5 12 18 1 4 3 5 5 8 1 5 8 2 1 14 17 6 4 7 6 10 253 248 252 255 258 259 99 51 10 19 59 Illinois Ridgetown Sterling Pontiac Armco 717 533 828 689 976 6 3 66 102 10 I x3 38 7 1 7 4 24 5 2 18 2 48 6 1 10 4 7 53 4 6 2 8 3 7 38 78 1 2 6 12 12 11 4 11 11 16 3 8 97 20 5 28 46 77 35 Qlly Dist Rep Terh Resch Inv 8 28 68 4 17 10 19 7 4 25 20 123 6 191 9 18 1 z30 3 14 1 6 272 8 18 13 7 3 13 11 16 3 14 1 11 4 4 29 29 37 8 19 15 8 6 18 49 8 16 15 103 i 13 7 10 21 4 8 3 13 Swedish American Canadian American American American Canadian Canadian American American American Canadian 30 20 PM 12:15 12:30 12:33 1:40 3:23 7 35 24 13 15 23 11 Lemoyne Tug Nancy McAllister Atrotros Pointe Noire Polydora Avondale Pleasure craft LaSalle Outarda 10:27 10:36 PM 12:04 AM 1:00 1 7 4 29 29 37 8 19 UH SH 5 18H 13H 1 80 7H 56g Mill 43 7 16 25 214 34 9 JeffElec MetBrck NatTlIe NI11GM RlchmBr Webcor Yankcanuck Morgan Jr Rogers raser arrell A Reiss Denton Leto Bricoldoc 38 51 7 123 118 119 124 1 27 128 126 5 2 Mellusineredrik Ragna Reiss Reserve Silver Isle Cole Jackson Bonds Higher grade rails Second grade rails Public utilities Industrials tRoen Maida Imp Collingwood TownsendHenry ord tR Reiss Taylor BethlehemEskimo tOglebay Whlta Manchester Regiment USS Amherst tEskimoAmoco 24 x7 Z100 McKee Sons Nettleton Martian HUISt Norton tDagan tAlpena tH Snyder On De Dieu Con Power Niagara Mohawk Mather Lowson Auctoritas Ray ReissE ord Anderson Soodoc Greene Theomana Valley Camp 14891630 10461146 2042 2103 2586 2586 560 6 13 954 1037 455 495 vlbyl 10 80 7 10 1 ilter Leasing Nat Gas Rub Rec Am 62wt 66 68 69 bo 11 14 15 11 7 10 26 6 2 6040g 160 Grth Cap und Tmd Mut 5180000 4660980 899654890 828768539 airChm 10e alcon Sbd amRecd 60 am Art 70f anny 160 argo Oils edRrsrc 10 elmtOil Lie ieldsPla Ilf ilmway 10d in Gen 40b irstNtl Real slNRl pf6O St R1 wt irthSter ischPor 89t 10 26 6 8 10 20 3 IOS 55 2 3 6 2 9 3 7 5 31 12 7 15 28 46 1769 1933 1427 1560 870 951 13 1 SO 7 7 39 12 7 4 171 1 1 4 x5 27 4 66 6S 69 68 15 37 8 6 x3 1700 4 4 7 3 5 2 8 2 6 10 15 16 4 4 34 34 72 Monday PM 4:10 5:10 5:40 5:45 5 8 Ur 31015g Inst20b Cssoula White River Saguenay Manzutti English River Prince Ungava Northern Venture Humberdoc Elmdale 13 2 11 6 16 16 7 5 42 38 29 1 1 814 6 12 10 1 21 13'4 9'4 21 10 13 16 8 19 11 4 11 8 29 14 21 14 17 5 5 2 15 2 3 7 1 154 1 58 161 158 146 1 14 3'4 43 10 4 2 17 48'4 10 8 17 4 fW ord tsilver Bay tTo Lake' 1 5 zl 50 8 1150 4 14 3 87 Monday PM 5 12 24 16 3 23'4 13 1 17 48 10 8 9 15 23 3 2 1714 4 3514 15 7 11 14 15 11 10 37 29 40 24 48 7 6 16 11 9'4 4 5 18 13 3'4 11 5 14 11 10 4 51 13 5 8 14 3 4 14 18 21 45 10 10 6 11 19 7 4 3 21 17 13 8 10 Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul McLagcn Hochelasa Mohawk Deer 31 32 50 20 1 1 66 12 15 1:05 1:25 2:30 2:40 5:40 6:45 6:55 7:00 9:25 16 411 8 7 16 2 17 6 13 16 5 24 1 15 155 159 161 158 146 29 6 15 23 11 13 16 23 13 9 7 a 29 55 3 7 7 34 3 14 17 1270 1388 554 605 Unavall 1611 1742 15201666 1995 2180 1933 2091 1100 1206 819 898 Unavail 28 1114 89 21 1 9 30 38 17 2 1314 2 11 7 16 16 4 7 15 22 31 10 123 118 1 1 2u 126 30 16 4 7 3 5 7 8 13 5 38 7 4 7 8 78 38 9 11 16 21 13 8 4 8 2 18 9 4 5 16 21'4 13 49 68 47 62 49 1 17 4 34 15 8 1 30 8 9 18 17 14 31 8 16 16 15 13 1 37 4 22 10 81 7 10 10 14 30 2 14 1 11 13 13 i 1 30H 9 9 18 17 8 16 16 15 13 30 14'4 1 11 14 21 14 1714 5 5 4 8 9 46'4 14 13 39 8 90 11 26 89 20'4 1 9 2 6 10 4 12 AM 6:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:00 PM 12:30 3:00 2:30 3:30 6 11 24 4 17 5 21 13 48 915 910 2 13 14 4 14 5 7 8 8 19 PacClay 150 Pac Coast Cst 5pfl25 Pac CstProp PGE 6pf 150 PGE pt 137 PGE 5pt 125 PG rdpt 125 PG 436pflO9 Pac Indus Pac Nor Alrl PacNwTel 98 Pac Pet wt pt 5 racKSup Padding PallCp A Pancoast Pantasot PapertKL Park Ch ParkElec Palo Con Peel Elder PennTra 40a Penrose Ind Pentron El Perfect Phot Peru OilsM PhilbRsch 25 PhilLgD 19d Philips El Phill Eck 20 Phoenix Sil Piaseeki Aire PionrAero 20 PionPlast 60 Pit Lake 6a Pit Rwys Plan Resrch Plant Ind PlumeAt 30b PneuSca n56 Pneu Dyn 60 Polarad El Poloron Pd A Polycast Op Polychm I9t Polymer 321 Potter Inst Prairie Oil PrentHall 60 PresRIA 60b 62 49 22 9 3 I 13 73 14 18 4 xlOO Z20 16314 9 Imp 40 inal Dividend! Declared REGULAR and Seaway cargo ships In 23 13 7 24 17'4 6 3 40 20 12 8 29 8 4 1115 10 6 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK Sales closing price and net change of the fifteen most ac tive stocks traded on the NY Stock Ex Avery Homer Weir Buffington Stonefax Leslie 24 3 13 2 11 6 16 18 24 1714 'I 6 3 40 4 29 37 8 19 15 8 6 18H Hutchinson Howard HindmanC A Reisa 'McNamara JohnstownAlpena Snyder Smith ord Paterson Wilson Cornelius Glrdlcr Clemson 15 12 11 5 ie 21 12 14 148 4 14 3K 8 9H 21 9 3H 24 48 155i 38 Py 1 able 10 1 10 1 9 30 10 1 9 30 9 30 4H 1 9 8 2 150 104 9 3 6 2 6 3 3 7 24 1 Talley Indust Tech Measur Technic Oper Technic Tape Technicol 75 Tel A Sign Telev Ind Tenney Eng Ter Hudson Texstar Textmlnc wt Thomp Star Thrifti A 120 Tillie Lew 50 ToddShp 140 Tol Ed pf425 TonkaToy 50 Tower Credit TUA 40 Translnv TWA wt Tri Cont Triang TropGas 4r 50 13 TH 12 4H 7 25 19 895 753 823 94 3H Alpena Barber ord MiddletownDean Constitution Radiatn 38t Ramerln 05d Ramo Inc Rapid Amer Rath Pack Reallnv 120a RealtyE 25a Realty wt REDM Corp Redman 40 Redwing 52 Reeves Brd Reeves Ind Relianln 132 Remcoln 20f Rem Ar 30g Repoil 40a Republnd 40 Rep Tran In Resistfix 40b Restaur As Retail Center 19 18! 12H 74 7H OR SALE BRASS AND ALUMINUM OUNDRY Excellent Good Volume Write Box AK318 Plain Dealer 15 3H 10H 11 4 10H 38 If you stick to the strict meaning of the word pension your only course would be to start buying an annuity which at age 65 would give you (and your wife) so much a month for your lifetimes However that would mean putting more money into dol lar fixed investments (such as more insurance and savings) and leaving you with no in flation protection over the next 20 years 1 i 67 6814 69 11 1 910 9 10 9 8 10 13 9 14 9 16 9 17 104 10 1 9 20 9 9 11 9 14 4 5 19 CICIIf pf WDCrp GenBox GrayRrg GtLk DD Grelf IntLake Previous Close 7 6 6 18 1100 12 5 1 1 1 1 81 311 xl7 45 5 125 100 Inst 13021f 14 15 862 942 1060 1158 1918 2093 655 717 31 12 104 10 1 5 2 8 6 16 29 12 21 10 i 31 28 26 26 24 2 6 22 5 12 3 18 17 64 67 45 15 35 125 AM 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:30 2:00 33 8 11 20 59 31 41 70 118 123 126 127 34 30 A Merwin Street Erie Ore Ontario Stone 2 Ontario Stone 1 Lower Republic Upper Republic 24 16 3 3 9 7 20 13 89 69 23 48 2314 13 43 95 1 a 18 life LINE abre Cun a rd Niagra Paterson Shenango Cleve Cliffs Boland Wilson Reiss SS 6 11 24 6 16 3 16 13 choice betters i 2100 2300: I 1900 2100: 1400 1600 I3oo i4oo: 1100 1300: heavy bulls 3 4 Mutual fund organization with offices from coast to coast and assets in excess of 11500000000 offers extra ordinary opportunity to a qualified sales executive The man we need is perhaps 35 to 55 has had a successful tales or tales management career probably earns a modest Mlary io bow ready for important earn ings: mt DuuneM and personal background must stand intensive investigation If selected you will be trained for a rewarding sales man agement career Your reply will be beld in strict confidence Open the Door to Greater Opportunity! or appointment phone 3 1 12 2 85 37 2 42 7 16 6 6 33 8 1 10 61 6 xl 4 7 8 8 2114 3 20 141 12 24 2 224 126 3 6 1 5 21 33 US Smelting Vote Set NEW YORK Stockhold ers of United States Smelting Refining Mining Co and of Mueller Brass Co will meet Sept 24 to vote on a proposed merger 6G7m 68 691 4 4H 50 13 7H 2 CO 1r 33H 44 34 11:20 PM 1:03 1:30 2:59 10 15 10 1 10 5 9 20 10 1 9 24 12 1 10 1 10 1 9 14 10 27 10 1 10 5 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 1 9 30 6:05 6:20 6:55 7:15 7:25 7:40 8:00 8:15 8:25 8:35 12:00 Tuesday AM riflehart tEskhol Thunder Bay Jcanetta ITynemouth rRoonagh Head Ashland Schoonmaker Polar Viking Amoco Indiana ReissRoen Malda Jeanette SchoellkopfLearfna Wlchipicotcn "Oglebay Comeaudoa 9 27 29 8 15U 37H 8 6H4 17 26H 19 16 15 103 4 JOIds SairlessReiss Bros' tMinch Serbert ialk iClarkeSloan Jink Monday PM I 12:48 4:34 Prins Mauri ti Black Bay Yacht Northland Patterson Post Tug Nancy McAllister barges Ted Raphael Dolomite erndale Westmount WaldinghamHill Open High Low Close Net Ch 89552 90084 88822 89310 253 21900 22001 21760 21867 010 15527 15612 15466 15524 036 31579 31752 31360 31518 065 Ind RRs Utls Slks Transactions in stocks used in averages Industrials 665900 Railroads 86700 Utilities 54100 65 Stocks 806700 40 10 10 10 10 Income Rails Commodity future Index 2 14 18 13 5 13 16 29 155H 159H 161 159 146H 14H 4 14H 5 7HH 8H a 21H 10 4 71 1 2 9 16 2 9 16 10 2 5H 6H 25H 424 2H 2 8 6H 5H 3H 15 3H 3H 10 8H 19 5H in 2 90 19 14 10 25 21H 34 20 11 6 6 8 3 ill 30 37 17 8 4 9 2 Z100 3 1 12 Great Lakes 31: Swedlsh Chicagp Salvesen Pickands Carryone Boland Wilson Wilson Canada SS Baywater Wilson Wilson Cleve TankersStandard Oil Misener SS Erie Ore 9 36 16 49 79 5:20 5:25 5:55 6:50 7:30 8:30 9:35 9:45 11:00 11:20 11:30 11:35 11:50 PM 1:00 1:20 1:50 3:05 AM 3:05 3:15 4:05 17 11 7 14 14 10 50 18 52 z50 13 4 10 NATIONALITY rench innish Dutch Canadian American American American American American 67 68 69 687' I am in my early 40s recently advanced to a su pervisory position but for feiting my pension In the process My problem: a retirement plan which will pay me a pension at age 65 We are well covered with insurance and savings I could invest $10 a week 18 5 8 2 4 8 13 4 2 7 7 12 13 Admiral Alcoa 140 Am Cyan 230 Am Mdy 90 Ampex Anacond 275g ArmeoSteel 3 Ashid Oil 160 Atchison Bendix 2' BethSteel Boe inn 2 BoruWar Brunswick Budd Co Cert teed Chrysler Cities Sv City Prod Clevcl*t Conooda East Air Gen Box Gen Tire Goodyear Gray Dru 11 4 10 37 5 6 11 10 14 21 6 1i 15 10 29 16 34 3 19 803 X200 15 1 Balei Net (Hds) High Low Close Chg 21 20 19 4 3 49 17 16 3 19' y250 107 RevcoDS 40b Revday Ind R1C Grp 325t Riegel Tex 2 RioAlgom wt RioG VG 28 Ritt inB 34 Robin Tech RoehG pt 4 Rodney Met Rogers lOlt Rollinslnc 20 RoosRac 60g Rosenau 50 RowldPd 20a Roxbury Cpt Royal Amer Rusco Ind Russeks Inc RyanC Pet RyerHay 20 SUohnTrk 80 StLawCp 1 Salem Bris SanCarlo 13h DieG pf9O Savoy Indust Saxon Pa 301 SaxPap pf60 Sayre isher Scope Indust Screen 60 Scurry Rain Sbd Plywood Sbd Airlin Sealectro Cp Season All Seeman Bros Selas Cp 50a Selig Lata 80 Sei Rex 60 Servo Corp Seton Lea 72 Shaer Sb 64 ShatDen 20 Siboney Corp SignalOllA la SigOR pf 240 Silicon Tran Silvray Lt SimPrec 15g SlmmonBd pf Simpsons 56 Sincl Ven 3a SkyHom 60b Slick Corp Solitron 32 Sonotone Suss Mlg 36 South Coast SC 432pflO8 Sou Gulf Util South Roy 3b Spectorr 50 SpeedOP 32t SpeedryCh A SpenSho 10g Sperry wt Sports Arena StdBdPnt 36 StdDredg 31f Std org 60 StMetals 10g StdMot A 7a Std Prod 60 StdPrudent A StdShares 50 Std Thomson Stanley Avia sianrick Star Ind StarSmk Statham SteinHali Stelma 281 StepanC 125t Stephan Co Sterl ree Stop Shop 60 Struth 701 SunSetlnt 08 Supercrt 02e SupMDlg 20a SupmktpO 20 Suprohics Cp Syntex 30e Systron Donn Bid Asked 650 702 1147 1254 3693 3767 2193 2397 1624 1634 unds 3435 2542 2454 2677 17841947 10751173 9691058 3n eo SI 2372 2588 S3 S4 20 16 7 5 1 4 41 1 16 193 Tuesday AM 42 39H 175 20 3 7 5 2 4 6 19 la 2b 3 1 115 3 4 5 5 9 19 10354 93 8U 5U 8H 5 9 6 23 3 154 158 160 158 146 3 19 on 5 32 30 9 54 19 11 7H 13li 11 12 3 2H 5H 123 118 122 124 126 553 722 286 748 874 AbbeyRnt 20 Acme Hamil Acme Miss Acme ree Aerolow 10 AerojetG 50a Aeronca Mf Aerosol Tech Aileen Inc AirpPkA 30a Airwork 10r AjaxMag 10r Alan Wd 140 Alaska Airl AUAmEn 46f All StaProp AllegAlrl 05g AllegCorp wt AlliedCin 44 Allied Pap AlloysUn 10r Almar Rain A1SCO A AltamilCp 20 Alter oods 1 Alcoa pf375 Am Beverag AmBiltrit 50 A Book 180a ABkStra 20e Am Cred 60a Am Electron Am Int Al Am MARC AmMfg 130h AmPetro 15 Am Real Pet A SafeEq 16 A Thrd pf25 AMK Cp 3flf ANelex Corp AncPost 80b Andrea 50 Andy Gd 18f AngLau 85g AngWup 40a AntPooli 36b Apache 10g APL Corp Apollo Indust Aqua Chem Argus Inc ArkLGas 138 Arrow Elect Asamera Oil AssdBaby 50 AssddSt 20 Assd Laund AssdOil Astrex Inc Astrodata Atco Chem Aticiin 30 AtCLCo 240a At Research Atl Thrift 38t AtlasMin 49f Audio De 22f Aurora Pl 50 Automat Rad AutStlPd 40b vjAvien Inc Avis Ind 20 Bakerind 60 Bald Mont Bald Sec 09g Banff Oil Barnes Eng Rarnwell Ind Barrv Wr 50 BartellM 18f Bartons 30b Bell Electron Benrus 30 BerkeyP 66f Berkshr 50 Binney 1 Birdsboro Cp Blackstn Cig BloomBd 12r BohackHC Co Bohck pf550 Bonanza Air Botany Ind Bowmar Inst Biwser 20 Bradoot 10 Bradford 50 Brandy 115e Braz Trac Brentwd in BritACons 48 Br AmOil 1 Brit' Pet 22g BritPet fn 22g BrownCo 6(1 BrownEn 2(1 BrownB 40 Brown nf 40 Bruce EL Buell Indust Bunk Ramo Burgmas 30b Burma Mines ButlersSh 72 85 36 13 9 8 6 9 16 3:4 17 5 a 3 Santa Elisa betta Jalpalaka Zenlca Tug Doris Moran ana aarge Slngal Hill untaaoa Jarso Robert Palslay Gulf Transport 123 118 122 124 126 39 175' 20 12 31 8 4 4 16 2 4 7 1 50 12 Cleveland Livestock CATTLE 200 STEADY TO 25 LOWER: prime steers 2600 2750 (nominal) good to choice 2400 2600 commercial and itanaara 21uu z4uu 2300 2500 good heifers common and dairy heifers commercial and fat cvws utiMtv and cutters cows canners and fat yellow cows bologna bulls 1800 2000 ra no 17 nn CALVES 125 STEADY: prime 2500 90 00 good to choice 2300 2500: com mercial 2000 2300 common 1400 2000 SHEEP AND IAMBS 200 STEADY choice aprlng lambs 2300 2350 common 1400 1900: choice ewes 600 700: choice wether 600 700 cun and medium suu oou HOGS 300 viii vvii in 2375 2450: 240 260 lbs 2325 2400: 2OV 3UO ms 1925 2175 77 46 854 246 256 253 256 257 33 53 37 82 49 8 1435 1566 1930 2106 566 618 1433 1550 722 792 SECONDLY HIS suggestion to buy into a fourth relative ly new and small fund when the market goes indicates he the slight est idea of what a mutual fund is all about Has he got a light on his desk which goes on when the market is I see the need for going into a fourth fund any way You could beef up either of the two funds you are still buying and cut down on cus todial fees at least Or I see no reason why you supplement your mutual funds by buying and holding top grade blue chips got decades to go to retirement the point of trying to grab three points profit here at the risk of los ing four points there? 20 1 3 16 Aberdeen Advise Affil Am Bus Am Grth A mlnv Am Mut Asso Assn Ind 662 Atom Ph 570 Axe Houghton: und A 650 und 1002 1089 Slock 490 536 Sci Elec 14171540 Blue Rid Bondstk Bos Broad St Bullock Can Gen Cdn Capit Inc Capit Shr Cent Shr Channing unds: Balan 13401464 Com Stk 209 228 Grwth Incom Inti Special Chase Chem Cst Sec Colon Colon Gth ComStk Bd 819 890 CommonwMh ds: cap Ed Incom Invest Stock ComTr AB ComTr CD Comp Bd Comp Concord Cons Inv Consm Inv 377 412 conv sec Conv Gr Corp Ld frown deVegh 6276 6276 Decat Inc 12221336 Dela 13571483 Diver Gr 1115 1222 Diver Inv Divid Shr 387 425 DowTh In 603 652 nrcyrus Eatn Ra! Kain Stk Energy Equity red id 1244 1352 2138 2324 1032 1110 797 866 9 6 11 11 ba 2249 2455 1309 1415 1600 1729 2550 2550 1068 1107 1177 1287 1309 1422 1855 2005 2206 2398 998 1091 505 661 262 685 800 and and 6:56 8:58 9:04 10:42 Garanin 10g GarlndKn 80 GateSport 32 GCA Corp Gearhart 18b GenAccep wt GenAlloy 05g GenBatC 15f Gen Build Cinema 50 Gen Devel Girepfg 120 Genoam 30 Gen Plywood Gen Stores Gen SupMkt Genisco 30b Genungs 50 GianniniC 30 Giant 40 Giant? 60a Gilbert GIcnGcrv 50 GlenDisB 70 GlobeSec 48 GlorayKn 70 Gluckin 75 Goldfield GoodMfg 80a Goodway Prt GordJIyA 60 Gorham 140 Gray Mfg Gt Am Indus Gt Bas Pct GtL'ike Bowl GlLak Chem Greer Hyd Grow Ch 24b GTI Corp Guard Ch 50 Guerdon Ind Gulf Am Ld Gulf St Land Gulf Sulphur Gulton Indus HB Amer 25 Hall Lamp Handlemn 80 Harn up Hamisch HartfdEl HarvRad Hastings Hazel Bish Head Ski Co HchrNat 10g Heimcke HelcnaR Hero Gal HiltonHot wt Hoe Co A Hoffman Inti Hollinger 1 Holly Corp Holophane 2a HolyokeS 20 HomeOilA 35 60 HrnHBk 550 House abric HowElM 26t HubbellA 120 HubbellB 120 Corp HudsnNat 70 Hughts Hat Hunt Ch A 35 Hycon Mfg Hydrometal Hygraded 1 We are in our mid 30s After 10 years of buy ing and selling stocks we have just about broken even Because I felt we were temperamentally not suited to trading I began to buy mutual funds We now have one paid up mutual fund plan and are buying two others one a growth fund another an insurance stock fund My husband feels we should buy only blue chips and hold on to them Our dealer thinks he is wrong and says we should try trading for capital gains He also suggested buying another not on a monthly basis but only when the market goes down Would you recommend blue chips for long term hold or going into the fourth mutual fund when the market is low 10" 38 5 6 28 6 8 I'4 30 16 4 LEON KNECHT Regional Manager Tel: 061 4111 Interviews: Sept 1 2 3 irst bid that brok er good bye After 10 years of trading in which time the market av erages have risen about 100) you are about I think that pretty well takes care of your brok suggestion that you go in for more trading 1 1 3 5 19 59 31 41 70'i 33 23 42 10 5 Llqul Lassi Capt Secord 119 124 127 128 126 4 65 110 110 23 19 45 60 20 38 3 46 28 49'j 68 23 Uli 8 14 18 7 8 13 10 12 16 51 10 8 8 26 24 6 5 85 8 2314 37 13 lt) 8 8 4 2 Lazard Lexlngt Life Inv Life Stir Loom Can 3158 3158 Loom Say 16771677 Mass Gth Unavall Mass Tr Unavall Mass Life 1244 1360 Morton unds: row tn Incom Insur MI MI Gth Mut Inves Mut Shr Mut Trust 288 294 Nat WSec 1204 1303 Nat Inves 18622013 SWC i Balan Bond Divid Pf Stk Incom stock Grwth Nat West NEA Mut New nv New Hor 1090 1101 Noreast 1895 1895 One WmS 1477 1477 uppen ra Penn Sq Peoples Phila Pine St Pioneer Price TR Providnt Puritan Putnam 254 248 252 255 259'i 258 34 34 30 Merwin Street Lower Republic 4393 4450 unds: 4174 4174 3857 3857 1611 1611 1348 1458 894 974 13481474 1285 1404 682 611 400 510 528 19 5 8 10 11 4'1 11 30 7 5 14 3 4 14 14 18 22 45 11 10 6 4 24 17 6 3 89 4 768 842 434 476 755 827 18181963 554 599 10871193 Unavail inu 19 7 4 21 1 13 8 10 MeadJohn 48 Medco A Melnorln 20 Memcor Inc Menasco 20 Merrill Isl MiamiE 092 MichSug 10g Microdot Inc Microwave MidWAbr 90 Midwest in Milgo Elect Millact 60b MiUOnyx 201 Mirro Al 160 MoKanTex ct Mohawk Airl Molybd Can Molybden Monoz Ind Mon pt44O MontWd A 7 Morse El Pd Mott Sup 18b MtSt TT 112 MovieStar 28 Movielab Inc MPO VideoA MuntzTV 05g Murr Oh 140 MuskPRg 70 Muter Co 17f Napeo Indust Nat Alt Deh NatBell Hess BowlOMat NatlCasket 1 NCIcaning 60 National Co Nat Gen wt Natl Petrol Realty Nat Roll NatUnEI NatVideo NatWkCl Needham NellyDon NestleL vjN'ewal Inc Idria New NewPark Mn NYAuct 150 NYHond 40d Noramco Norf So Ry Nor Cdn Oils Noeast Airl Novo Ind 50 Nuclear Am Nytronics OakElect OgdenCp OhRrass Oh Pw pt450 Okla Cement Old Town Ookiep 979g OverhdDr 50 OversS 376e OxfCliem 30 Lafay Radio LAiglon App Lake Shore LaMaur 65f Lamb Indust Leasepint 40 Lee ilter Lee Mot A LeeceNev 40 LehighPrs 44 Lenox Inc 80 Leslie A 40 50 Libab 146f Lilli Ann Cp Lily Lynn 50 Lithium Am Lithonia 06g Lockwd KB Loehmn 37g LouLesser 50 Louis Sherry LaGasSv 82 La Land 140 Lundy Elec Lynch Corp Mack Trk wt Macke Co 50 Mackey Air Macoid 20 Magell Pet MePbSv 108 MamMrt 55b Mangels 30r MansfTR 40 Marlene 50 Mnrrud 40 Martin wt MarvCarPt A MaryCarPt Masco Cp 32 Massey 1 MaulBro 152 Maule Ind MaxsunEl 20 McCrory wt McCull 45f 27 4 1 6 5 3 1 r20 172 39 10 3 1 13 5 173 19 4 34 20 71 6 11 30 6 2 5 6 2 3 7 29 29 2 2 18 37 4 s' 5 1 Is 27 19 614 3 3 7 12 2 5 X26 13 1 30 7 1 1 34 9 9 5 7 20 13 89 69 23 46 19 251 246 249 253 256 257 37 30 40 34 3 5 5 7 3 4 3 Admiralty Law Western Reserve University School of graduate pro gram will include a course in admiralty law on Thursdays from 7 to 9:05 pm beginning Sept 16 to be taught by Rob ert McCreary Jr of Ar ter Hadden Wykoff Van Duzer 73 71 11 10 15 6 37 322 11 20 79 1 2 15 2 Pepsico orms Unit NEW YORK UB Pepsico Inc has formed Pepsico In ternational to handle all over seas operations of its two di visions Pepsi Cola and rito Lay Bl B2 B3 B4 KI K2 10951197 1031 1127 1062 1161 961 1050 I 164 I 174 962 1046 974 1059 13771377 1087 U25 18 6 9 28 29 9 5 10 26 49 8 16 15 170 1 548 12 3 2 5 5 33 ACCUMULATIVE WieboldtS 425pf 2125 INCREASED Cooper TireARub 25 Plough Inc 20 initial WarrenBroi new 175 STOCK Barber Oil 2pc Mammoth Mart 25pc 28 90 12 11 5 11 3 15 18 7 7 6 11 OTll '71 8 6 15 16 6 15 U6 6 1 16 3 7 5 31 11 YonkerR 10 Zale Corp 56 ZapOftSh 56t Zayre Corp 19 1 Talks have been resumed in Montreal in efforts to avoid a threatened strike on the St Lawrence Seaway The latest discussions fol low a meeting last riday be tween representatives of the Seaway Authority and union employes The dispute concerns the present contract which ex pires Dec 31 The employes claim the contract is not be ing honored in connection with contracting out jobs and seniority rights S744 4 3 8 3 16 3 3 16 1 16 (Hds) High Low Close Chg 18 8 3 7 36 2 1 26 21 3 2 7 3 5 5 7 3 414 3 3 15 15 9 3 3 9 4 33 8 co*ckTAIL BAR 39 Bar sales Modern fixtures decnr kelp operated fine clientele rood prices Sell outright or 14 interest to promoter MA 1 7915 IThompson jLawson tPlatt tJones Chambly ITrimble Victory titzgerald iNipigon Bay iAustinJohnson JMlchtgaHatfield IS 5 9 2K 29 8 5 9 414 7 23 19 450 20 38 46 28 49 88 47 62 49 75 37 29 40 one little peculiarity in your background we'd like cleared up How did you acquire the nickname of 1 12 3 2 5 5 33 OU 10 80 7 9 10 14 IMG Magnet Indian Hd wt Ind El Hard Induslnst 27f Inlander 27t Inland 35o Int Brewer IntHold 317g Internatl Indnt Oil Gas Int Products IntStrtch 20b Intex Oil Inv Property IpcoHosp 30 IrvingAir 79t JacksnMk 20 JE Plastics Jeann Glass Jeff Const 20 Jeff LPet 30 Jeff LP wt Jervis Corp Johns Brg 10 Jupiter Cp Kaiser Ind Kaltman Kane Miller KanebPL 40 KatzDrg KaufBd 80 Kavanau 60 Kawccki Ch Kay Jvvly 50 Ketchum 60 Kidde 65t Kilembe 90g Kin Ark Oil Kingsford 50 Kirby Pet 30 Kissell A 14d KleerVu JOd KleinDSt 66t Kleinert 45 Krylon 50 Kysor In 40a 23 12 8 15 18 7 8 13 5 14 5 2 17 49 11 8 85 8 23 37 13 10 DOWJONES AVERAGES NEW YORK inal DowJones averages for Tuesday STOCKS 299 913 989 458 797 Cal dor 101f Calcomp CameoA 07g Campbl Chib Can So Pet CdnExp Cdn ar 25g Cdn Homestd Cdn Javelin CdnMare 13ff CdnMarc fn 13g can feup uh Cdn Williston Canaver Inti Carnaton 140 Carpenter 50 Castle 40 Catalin 15e CBK Ind 37t CC1 Corp CenCharg 40 Ccn Sec 185g CenturyE 60 Century Geo Centryin 18h Chamber 33f Champ 64 Chartoil 02r Chelsealn 48 ChemEnt 28 Chenangi 92 Cherry Burr Chief Mng Christian Oil Chromal 40 Cinerama Circuit oil CityGsla 50 Clarostat Clary Corp Clopay Corp CoburnCr 30 Cohu El 10g Coleman Co 1 ColonSd 30h Coml Met 40 ComwUn 24p Commun Dis CompuDyne Comput Appl ComputS 12 Condec Cirp Conductron ConNtShA 80 ConOilG T2t ConRoyal 50 CtConn A 30 Cont Mater font Tel 40 Coop Jar 40b Coro Inc Coronet 68 Corr Rey 80 Colt corp 24 CountRlt 30d Creole 260a Crestmont Crown Alum CmC Pet 25 Crown Drug Crystal Oil Cubic Corp Cutter A 28 Cutter 28 r' DaitchCD 24 Daryl Indus Data Cont Davidson DayMih 20e Daylin 30g DCTranA 80 Defiance 12g Deltona Corp Deltown 40 DenMfg A I Desilu Prodn Det MHo 10p Dielectric Diversey 6Cb Dixilyn Corp DixilynA 30e Dome Petrol DomStlCl 40 Domtar 90 DorrOHv 60 DorrOliv pf 2 Dorsey 10e Driver Harr Drugair 33f Duraloy Co DutTest 15b DuvalCp 140 Dynalectrn Scheib 64 Eastcan 40 Easin Co 160 Easin Sta Cp Sta pfB6k EckerdDg 40 Edo Corp 32 Ehrcnrch 51f Elco Cp 141f El Voice 15 ElAccCd 10g El Assist nt El Comm 20 Elect Missile Elect Res A Electron 32 El Tronics EmpDEl pfS Endevco Cp EquityCp 15f Erie orge Erieor 6pf Ero Mfg Espey Mfg Esq Essex Cn 12f Ets Hokin Cp EvansAr 05p Exqu orm 1319 1442 858 938 959 1048 216 236 777 849 1568 1714 153 159 1312 1434 1394 1523 729 332 276 851 782 25 24 1 115! 5 6 1514 1014 7'4 6 13 2 2 9 16 2 9 16 9 is 32 4'4 18'4 3 15 15 9 9 4 33 ii' 3 5'4 31: Cordoba Eckero Prims Mau ritz Charles Dick Ben Moreel Calvin and Consumers Pow 5 32 1414 4 126'4 128 126 'i 1614 214 29 14 14 4 1 27 4 3 16 4 1 16 4 3 16S 16 14 2 1 16 2 21 16 8 1 9 16 114 1'4 1 16 13 2 11 16 2 2 11 161 16 311 1611 1611 16 9 4 414 18 1 614 1 14 28 '4 9014 44 11 10 14 5 1114 1i 3 18 7 674 14 1014 1514 644 7'4 1744 15 12 7 9 4 6 4 30 16 4 15 44 3 6 7 16 22 5 x25 10014 100'4 100'4 25 2344 144 9'4 15 2214 3 1014 Gen Inves 731 795 Grow Nee: Aero Sei 866 949 Com st ul Ad Grth Ind Guardn Ham hda Imp Cap Imp all 2 ssu Add Invest Co Ind Trend 994 1086 Inc Bost 857 937 Incorp In 1009 1103 Incorn Inv 768 840 Ind Trend 944 in 86 Ins BkStk 656 717 Inv CoAm 1266 1384 Inves Bos 1299 1422 Inveat Group: AtUt Stock Select Var Pay SO T1WER US 1 2 2425 2475: 220 240 lbs Opei High Low WHEAT sep ecD Mar May Jul CORN Sep Dec Mar May Jul OATS Sep Dec Mar May Jul RYE Sep Dee Mar May Jul SOYBEANS Miz 28 252'4 258'4 258 34 7'2 77 1714 17 64 67 45 'i 33 53 37 'A 82 1 19 17 17 49 7914 01'4 7714 4614 65 Sales Net (Hds) High Low Close Chg 58 2 11 5 17 32 2 20 61 217 3 38 8 3 14 1 9 801 365 304 936 sn 11751288 124 118 122 125 127 23 12 Is 8 18 2 8 15 3 7 1 B30 101 101 101 3 O3Z 9 17 14 5 5 13 5 1 19 5 8'4 10 11 4 11 8 30 7 5 8 143 4 14 14 18 Leitch South American Rfiss rontenac Lindabury Cadillac SArLT Monday PM 4:30 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 12:00 Tuesday AM 1:00 6:00 Huron July contracts totaling $15 million awarded by Lewis Research Center here included five orders totaling $244450 to Cleveland area companies The five contracts: Allis Chalmers Mfg Co $57185 high direct current unipolar generator Cleveland Tool Die Co Willowick $29155 parts for advanced turbine rig General Electric Co $83690 liquid metal electric magnetic helical pump Rub bish Disposal Inc $45720 rubbish hauling Scocos Plumbing Heating Inc $28700 pipe and equipment installation in the engine re search building THE DISPUTE involves about 300 mainten ance men linesmen machin ists and electricians from the easternmost end of the seaway at Montreal Harbor to Sault Ste Marie About 300 employed are involved The workers are members of Local 320 of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway and General Workers Prior to the riday meet ing union representatives said the membership had voted to hold study sessions beginning Sept 2 with an of ficial vote planned for that date but that the vote meet ing might not be necessary if satisfactory talks were ar ranged After the riday meeting a joint statement from repre sentatives of the seaway au thority and the union said progress was favorable CENTER PROESSIONAL BUILDING 3377 Wrrnivill Center Roed SHAKER HEIGHTS Physicians and Dentists IM locatiM ftr a Ogthalmlfht Air Conditioning Elevefor Ample Porting Custom Designed SK I 20U 154 L5814 160 158 146 747 670 438 557 574 1093 1195 1211 1323 1516 1652 657 718 1443 1560 4 22 31 10'4 26' 8'4 14 2 11 1 11 8 19 197 13 1 11 11 1 17 42 14 114 1 3 17 4 23 7 19 10 26 6 2 1 28 90 11 10 5 11 3 15 18 4 3 99 12 6 5 6 3 9 2 80 3 79 7 35 110 23 19 45 60 20 38 5:15 5:55 6:15 6:15 6:35 5:40 7:20 7:35 7:40 8:00 9:15 9:20 9:40 9:45 11:30 1 1 SS Tuesday AM 12:25 1:05 9 2 8 10 83 14 3 3 31 18 15 3 10 13 11 12 20 16 14 9 46 13 '4 1 16 Sots 8 90 HHi 11 2 7 414 16 7 20 4 10 1414 Salvina Harry Coulby Lake Winnipeg Diamond Alkali Ayres A Lawson Petman Bay George Jones Silver Bay Tanker Mercury Royalton Vessels which Intern Inv Resh Istel Ivest Johnstn Keystone cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Int Knickerh Knick Gth L70 83 1 37 1762 10671166 824 901 619 675 id id I la Gth la Mut nd Lf nd Mut oursn' ranklin Cnstdn com six Ineom Pf Stk Util und Am und Inv 1 13 3 24 49 UP Monday rw 18 12 6 9 4 20 11 6 6 6 4 13 Tuesday AM 12:32 3:34 11 33 44 34 16 5 58 3 5 X7 3 4 wt50b80a True Tern 70 Unexcell Ch Un Invest 60 Unit AirProd Unit Asbest Unit Can OG Unit Imp Inv UnitlndCp wt UnPieceD 40 US AlrCd 10 USCeram 30 USConsPd 50 us US US US Un Univ Aut Ind Univ Cigar UContain 30 UnControl 20 Univ Insur 1 Univ Mar 60 UrisBldg wt Utah IdS 60 Valve Corp Venture Cap vermiron Victoreen Viewlex Vita ood Wakefield Wentwth 10g West Ch 80 Westab 140b Westates Pet Westby ash Wn Equities WnNuclr 20 Wnstkln 01g Wheelab 65g Whippany 60 White Eagle White Stag 1 Wichita ROil Wieb Stores Wmhouse 25t Williams Bro Williams RC WmMcW 25e Wilshire Oil Wilson Bros WolveAl 28b WoodNM 60 Woodsind 64 Wirk Wr 40 Wright Harg Wyomiss 40 Xtra Inc 8 5 8 15 17 Sales (Hds I High Low Close Chg 20 1 37 2 14 43 14 7 16 7 6 SI 1 2 8 2 211 16 5 218 2 JD 3 14 1 1 5 122 1 4 13 6 1 1 8 5 1 27 19 19 6 6 314 3 2 2 9 16 2 9 16 1U 5 Cleveland irms Get NASA Orders 22 1 4 3 11 14 14 ilb 15 8 1150 26 z2()0 5 Z200 3 13 3 10 z61 1 Z25O 3 3 7 10 3 3 23 8 1 Grady on A Ship Cadet David Grady of the Maritime Merchant Marine Academy has been assigned to the nu clear ship Savannah as the first nuclear powered merchant ship enters com mercial cargo service Grady a deck cadet is the son of Dr and Mrs John Grady of 17906 Lake Road Lakewood ODD LOT TRANSACTIONS (tor Aug 30 1965) Purchases Sales Short Sales 322088 372339 2383 17000 ft Shaker Blvd Young modern brick ounamg wun arnpie snow room area Excellent condi tion beautifully designed Keaiisticaiiy priced Suita ble for: 4uto Agency Sport Car Sales urniture Showroom Ideal for Retail BosineM A Mill Gt Dred 2a Holidayinn 30 How Ind 40 HuttigSash 2a Inland Steel 2 Interlak SS 2 Jeff Electric John JonesLau 250 Kennecott 5 MarqCem 180 Martin Mar 1 McKay 2 Merck la Mlckelber 1 Nat Gyps Nt Homrs NoIllGas 132 Ohio Edis 100 OlinMath 140 Penney 150a Penn RR la PtizerChas la Pullman 240 QuakOat 220 RCA 60a Raytheon 60 Revton 130 Richman 2 ShealfPen 20 SoulhPae 150 Sperry Rand std Kolhman StOilOhio 180 S'tewWa 150b Transam 80b HSGvpsum 3a WhlteMot 140 YatesAm 140 YngstShT 180 Bld Asked 20 5 28 46 74L 4 414 17 1 16 10 11 16 51 10 8 8 7 16 1 16 2 25 14 29 4614 4 '4 4 41 70 33 23 42'4 Bld Asked 7 7 It 46 46'4 344 3414 214 2 24' 1 14 21 1714 14 6 13 16 5 24 1 99 15 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK Sales cioalng price and net change of ths five most active stocks traded on tha American Stock Ex change Tuesday: Syntex 52000 Nat Video 33400 Atl Thrift 32200 Pac Nor Airl 31100 Dorr Oliv 30300 STANDARD POOR'S Total Year Jan 1 1964 to date NYSE BONDS Total today Year ago Jan 1 to date I 1964 to date 14 AiVl tBenson ord 12:05 snenango 11 Imn Cornwall Arrived PORT UP 6 10'4 1 16 I YOU ARE satisfied to take your chances on increas ing capital (instead of agree ing now to accept a fixed number of dollars a month after reaching 65) then you could consider buying high grade securities at the rate of say $500 a year or putting $40 a month into a mutual fund Either way be investing about $10000 over the next 20 years What that will amount to when you are 65 no one can foretell But be justi fied in thinking that it should help you offset inflation Sam Nmhky welcomes all render mail and trim to Include all problems of acral Interest in the column While eamot answer all queries personally readers desiring Inreetment lists should address requests to him enclosing self addressed stamped envelope care of The Plain Dealer Unavaii 2092 2092 9381028 1371 1502 1210 1210 1073 1173 19621962 483 528 1009 1091 1615 1765 1076 1176 769 840 462 505 13461471 1211 121S Scudder unds: Bal 2026 2026 Com St 12371237 Inti Inv 1483 1508 Sec Equity 794 868 Seicc Am 1112 1204 Shrhold 1143 1249 ShrsAm 1762 1922 Sw Inveg 9461023 Sever Inv 16671826 state st Stela Roe Bal Stock Inti Sterl Inv Telev El Temp Gt Texas i TwenC Gth 531 580 TwenC Inc 559 611 United ends: Acem Incom Scien Und Can 556 608 Value Line lands: vai Line Incom Spl Sit Vangd Var IndPl Wai! Stln Wash Mu Weil West Ind Whltehll Wndsr 1747 1899 Winfield Wiscon 20 11 6 6 9 16 3 414 1314 17 16 8 14 9 46 13 12 4 8 lbo 1 114 7 7 2814 28 KMa 8 14 2 7'4 4 14 1 16 16 4 10'4 15 Is 614 46i 20 33 44'4 34'4 7 4'i 64 8 14 8 1i 18 17 14 14 82 8 16 14 16 '4 1314 1 37 4 4'4 17 az 1'4 80 80 tii's 15'4 19 4 8 334 3 3 1 5 30 117 82 60 8'4 916 2 111590000 S8320000 $1789453000 $1730125200 AMERICAN EXCHANGE Total today 1500001) Previous day 1389980 MIDWEST EXCHANGE Total today Previous day Bid Aaked 274 831 914 423 737 2358 2358 1046 1143 172 U86 1405 b56 488 758 630 893 933 1009 789 865 1041 1062 1164 1258 1:20 2:15 2:20 SAULT STE Monday AM 5:00 5:00 6:00 7:30 9:00 10:00 Tuesday AM 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 3:30 6:00 STE DOWN SHIP Cordoba Eckero Prins Maurllz Lachlnedoc Shenango II A Sterling Consumers Power Valley Camp II Reiss Scheduled September 1: Caroline Smith 2914 14 12'4 14 1014 '4 28 14 26'4 261 14 Armstrong Rub Arundel Corp Beneficial inan Bucyrus Erie CalumetAHecla CalumetHec pf 1 Cooper TireARub 4 4 Pc cum conv pt amily inance Gen Shale Pds KeystonePort Cem Kimberly Clark Ling Temco Vght Mammoth Mart McLean Trucking McLean' Trucking Nat Tank NorAmVan Lines Pac Intermtn Exp 15 Parvln Dohrmann 10 Pneumo Dynam 15 Sav nnah 25 SavannahEl pf 109 Wieboldt 425pt 10625 Zenith Radio 35 8263 Un 9179 001 8781001 8031044 13328 018 TRADING VOLUME (for Aug 31 1965) NYSE STOCKS today ago to date 2 13 7 i eaturos 3yndita lnc 1965 World richta reaerved 9 4 i 7 3 I S8 E1Z JL 72 'H 4 5 TiTl Bl II I 1 1 I i Ji HM fi kHBl II II II I I I I 1 mi cs II I Mr (Hds) High Low Close Chg 5 12'4 11 12 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 1 3 3 3 19 314 314 Is 31 34'4 33 33 25 6 6 6 9 3 22'4 2214 22 6 6'4 6 614 1 16 1654 16 4 6 6 6 2 11 11 11 2 29 29 29 IS 5 5 5 4 8'4 814 8'4 37 7 16 52 9 9 7 6 6 6 7 11 11 11 22 11 11 82 18 17 9 4 4'4 2 3 3 3 14 5 5 5 1 40 40 40 '4 40 86 86 86 5 8 8'4 8 5 14 13 13 X50 58 58 58 1 5 5 8 13 13 13'4 54 44 15 16 15 161 16 1 2 2 2 8 3 3 x5 28 28 28 1 10 6 6'4 6 5 2 214 2 9 13 13 13 54 5 4 4 4 14 6 11 11 11 21 22 22 2274 1 4 6 9 8 8 2 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 1 12'4 1214 11 5 5 6 12 12 12 20 8 7 8 7 7'4 7 8 17 16 16 21 6'4 5 44 44 43'4 43 14 6 19 18 18 5 20 21) 20 15 5 5 1 5 5 5 2 19 19 19 41 3314 32 33 10 5 5 3 1 10 1014 10 37 4 4 4 9 8 8 5 21 20 21 26 16 16'4 16 10 4 4 4 128 9 9 9 L3 5'4 5 2 1 1 1 46 7 7 7 14 30 29 29 10 17 17 17 5 16 16 16 20 6 6 6'4 g200 17 17 17 1 934 9 9 13 8 8 8 12 9 16 5 35 28 28 28 8 63 6374 10 '574 5 5 11 1 1 1 3 20 20 20 1200 18 17 18 10 25 2514 25 z40 41'4 41'4 9 95 I 83 5 4 5 It 6314 63 63 2 4 4 4 3 14 14 14 2 19 19 19 X2 22 22 22 1 14 1414 14 2 1 1 1 Xl 106 106 106 ord Can 5 1180 130 127 130 2 otochrome 41 7 7 7 resnillo 60b 13 9 9 9 riend rost 12 2 2 rontAlrl 52f 14 12 12 12 ulton In 5M 22 14 13 14 9 11 11 11 6 2 6 7 36 5 6 10 16 4 7 3 20 7 4 2 10 37 15' 3 6 1 15 29 4 10 30 13 16 3 25 9 12 13 24 1 10 8 6 20 2 5 35 1 2134 14 18 52 6'4 10 74 1 5 11 24 11 1 520 101 18 16 3 6 13 11 7 7 4 150 18 65 57 3 145 3 6 2 4 4 II) 35 138 1 A 28 X2 11 5 Z500 89 14 21 change Un Carbide 120100 64 2 Westg El 96100 53 Varian Asso 60300 2214 1 Ampex Corp 58800 17 air Cam 55800 79 2 SCM Corp 52700 25 Magnavox 50500 48 1 Tech Mater 50300 10 1 Gt inan 50100 13 Korvette 48700 36 2 Control Dat 47600 34 1 Polaroid 46900 83 Holiday Inn 46200 20 Am Tel Tel 44800 667 Chrysler 44200 49 22t 2 4:4 240 10 51 51 51 32 4 10 10 10 Pet 9 1 1 1 27f 3 774 7 7 40 11 9 9 9 30a 1 10 10 351 8 5 5 5'4 10g 1 3 5 16 5 16 35 16 Net High Low Close Change 425 Industrials 9312 9202 9245 25 Railroads 4699 4652 4676 50 Utilities 7529 7457 7486 500 Stocks 8779 8678 8717 WHAT STOCKS DID Tues Mon Advances 563 597 Declines 520 469 Unchanged 276 303 Total issues 1359 1369 New 1965 highs 55 41 New 1965 Is 15 13 4 7 3 10 10 10 1 3 3 3 17 1 1 1 7 3 3 187 1 1'4 1 21 12 1174 12 10 7 7 7 50 29 29 16 4 4 29 17 17 17 3 7 7 36 6 6'4 3 11 10 11 z50 137 137 137 Pe Stk of Rate rlod Recort 35 9 10 35 9 15 35 9 15 50 9 14 20 9 13 11875 9 13 I 2375 9 30 325 9 14 25 9 21 1 25 9 8 50 9 10 125 9 10 PresRIB 60b 1 PrintgCp 50 1 ProctorS 20g 3 ProdRch 20 2 Prog Mfg 60 8 ProvGas 64 4 PSColo pf425 Z150 PPJc Tel 180 1 Purltash 40 31 Pyle Nat 60 53 160 13 33 40 2 53 150 7 37 1 82 220 2 49 HI 8 60 4 70 28 17 lb 24 50'4 280 1 79 160 1 220a 1 77 1 120 28 46 Lin 4 66 12 X30 5 60 4 24 125 4 48 ug 1 z2400 28:4 11 42 41 246 2 9 16 2 7 16 39 2 2 10 9 8 8 6 6'4 24 16 15 2 14 14 1 1 Xl 7 7 30 8 4 4 8 24 24 Ijl I i i i i I.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.