The Avenue, York, YO30 6AS (2024)

The Avenue is in York and in York district.YO30 6AS is located in the Clifton electoral ward, within the EnglishParliamentary constituency of York Central. This postcode has been in usesince 1998-06-01.
StreetScan combines information about The Avenue, York, YO30 6AS and displays a report on thequality oflife in this place and its surroundings.

Nearby postcodes are: YO30 6BR, YO30 6LF, YO30 6LG, YO30 6AU, YO30 6BN, YO30 6LE, YO30 6BE, YO30 6BD, YO30 6LJ.

The Avenue Street Report

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    Average Price: £524,838

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Property Prices

Average property prices on The Avenue are basedon 140 property sales since the beginning of 1995. Estimated property prices are calculated by adjusting the last sale price by current House PriceIndex for York.
StreetScan downloads house price data directly from the HM Land Registry and uses it tocreate these statistics.

Estimated Average Property Prices for YO30 6AS

Average Price





no sales

Estimated Average Property Prices for The Avenue

Average Price

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

Property Prices Comparison

Latest PropertySales on The AvenueStreet

AddressSale PriceSale DatePrice Estimate 2023
Flat 2 11 The Avenue, York, York
Flats/Maisonettes, an established residential building
Flat 5 11 The Avenue, York, York
Flats/Maisonettes, an established residential building
3 The Avenue, York, York
Terraced, an established residential building
8 The Avenue, York, York
Terraced, an established residential building
Flat 1 1 The Avenue, York, York
Semi-Detached, an established residential building



In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female.The local area around YO30 6AS is generally consistent with those figures, having a male population of 49.8%.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011

Partnership Status

Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 45% married, 38% single, 9%divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.In the immediate area around YO30 6AS, a significant portion of the population is single, making up 48% of the residents. On average, approximately 38% of individuals who responded to the census in the UK were single. Areas with higher single populations are typically urban centers, university towns, regions with dynamic job markets, rich cultural offerings and entertainment facilities. These regions also tend to have a younger demographic.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
Married: Opposite sex8835.5%-6.0%
Married: Same sex20.8%0.4%


Across the UK, the average 47.1% rated their health as Very Good, 34% as Good, 13.3% as Fair,4.3% as Bad, and 1.3% as Very Bad.

Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status playsa crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better healthoutcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, andhealthier lifestyle choices.

This area has a high percentage of residents reporting their health as Good or Very Good (86.2%) compared to the average (81.1%). This typically indicates either a younger population or more affluent area.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
Very good health16258.7%0.3%
Good health7627.5%-3.7%
Fair health279.8%1.2%
Bad health82.9%1.8%
Very bad health31.1%0.4%

Education and Qualifications

During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were asfollows: 18.3% had no qualifications, 9.5% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/ASLevels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.7% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% hadcompleted an apprenticeship.

In the area around YO30 6AS this area, 8.9% of residents have no qualifications. This is significantly lower than the UK average of 18%.This area stands out for its high percentage of residents with higher education degree or similar. The UK average is 33.7%, while in this area it is 56.9%.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
No qualifications228.9%-2.5%
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 93.6%-3.7%
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels197.7%-2.1%
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels3413.7%1.1%
Degree or Similar14156.9%4.1%


Ethnic Group

In this area, the population is predominantly white, with 91.3% identifying as such, significantly higher than the UK average of 82%. This indicates a lower level of ethnic diversity compared to the broader UK population.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
Other Asian62.2%1.5%
Black African62.2%1.1%
Mixed White and Asian10.4%0.4%
Mixed White and African10.4%0.4%
Mixed Other41.4%1.4%

Country of Birth

In this area, just 80.1% of residents were born in the United Kingdom, meaning that the majority of residents originate from outside the UK.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
United Kingdom22280.1%-7.4%
European Union259%5.4%
Rest of Europe82.9%2.5%
Middle East and Asia72.5%-1.8%
The Americas and the Caribbean41.4%0.3%
British Overseas00%-0.7%

Length of Residence

In this area majority of residents originate from outside the UK. Only 80.1% of residents were born in the United Kingdom. 8.4% of residents have lived in the UK for 10 years or more.

Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
Born in the UK22280.7%-5.0%
10+ Years238.4%5.9%
5-10 Years103.6%0.0%
2-5 Years103.6%0.4%
Less than 2 years103.6%-1.4%

Passport Held

Number 2021Percent 2021
United Kingdom22079.1%
Other EU countries20.7%
Central and Western Africa41.4%
Eastern Asia31.1%
Southern Asia20.7%
North America and the Caribbean10.4%
No passport held196.8%


Number 2021Percent 2021vs 2011
No religion13147.6%47.6%
Other religion72.5%1.4%
Not answered124.4%-35.0%


Is The Avenue Street dangerous?

In 2023, 243 crimes were reportednear The Avenue .39% of streets in the UK are more dangerous.This street can be considered not safe.The most common type of crime wasanti social behaviour. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of YO30 6AS.

Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under theOpen Government Licence.

More Crime Statistics for The Avenue, York, YO30 6AS


YO30 6AS area has a low unemployment rate. According to Census2021, 1%residents of this area were unemployed, while the average in the UK was 4.83%. A low level of unemployment in an area indicates a strong job market, where most people who are seeking work can find employment. This generally reflects a healthy economy in the area.

The percentage of student residents living in YO30 6AS area is much higherthan the country's average. Usually places with high percentage of students are nearUniversities and near entertainment places.

Economic Activity

Full-Time Employee98
Part-Time Employee26
Student (economically inactive)16
Full-Time Student (with or without job)14
Long-Term Sick or disabled9
Looking after home or family3

Employment Industry

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles25
Human health and social work activities21
Professional, scientific and technical activities14
Accommodation and food service activities8
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security7
Financial and insurance activities6
Transport and storage4
Administrative and support service activities4
Agriculture, forestry and fishing3
Real estate activities3
Information and communication3
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1



Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
St Paul's Nursery School
12 St Paul's Square, YO24 4BD
3out of 41,563 ydLocal authority nursery schoolYesMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Clifton Green Primary School
Kingsway North, Clifton YO30 6JA
2out of 4507 ydCommunity schoolYesMixedMore About School
Saint Barnabas Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Jubilee Terrace, Leeman Road YO26 4YZ
2out of 4569 ydVoluntary controlled schoolNoMixedMore About School
Burton Green Primary School
Burton Green, Clifton YO30 6JE
3out of 41,243 ydAcademy converterYesMixedMore About School
Poppleton Road Primary School
Poppleton Road, YO26 4UP
3out of 41,444 ydCommunity schoolNoMixedMore About School
St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School - a Catholic Voluntary Academy
Monkgate, YO31 7PB
4out of 41,496 ydAcademy converterNoMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Vale of York Academy
Rawcliffe Drive, Clifton Without YO30 6ZS
1out of 41,035 ydAcademy sponsor ledNoMixedMore About School
All Saints RC School
Mill Mount Lane, YO24 1BJ
4out of 42,012 ydVoluntary aided schoolNoMixedMore About School
Millthorpe School
Nunthorpe Avenue, YO23 1WF
3out of 42,360 ydAcademy converterNoMixedMore About School
Manor Church of England Academy
Millfield Lane, Nether Poppleton YO26 6PA
4out of 42,958 ydAcademy converterNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
York High School
Cornlands Road, YO24 3WZ
1out of 43,283 ydAcademy sponsor ledNoMixedMore About School

16 plus

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
York College
Sim Balk Lane, YO23 2BB
- not rated4,293 ydFurther educationNot ApplicableMixedMore About School

Not applicable

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
St Peter's School 2-18
Clifton, YO30 6AB
- not rated416 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Bootham School
51 Bootham, YO30 7BU
- not rated828 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
York St John University
Lord Mayor's Walk, YO31 7EX
- not rated1,335 ydHigher education institutionsNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
The Mount School (York)
Dalton Terrace, YO24 4DD
- not rated1,886 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Hob Moor Oaks Academy
Green Lane, Acomb YO24 4PS
3out of 42,675 ydAcademy special converterYesMixedMore About School

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.

Food and Drink

Restaurants, Cafes, Canteens

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Cakes d'Licious61 Clifton127 yd
Mrs Greedy's218 Burton Stone Lane775 yd
Oleria Patisserie42 Bootham798 yd
York Sports ClubShipton Road824 yd
York Cricket And Rugby Union Football ClubYork Cricket And Rugby Union Football Club, Shipton Road825 yd

Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
The Burton Stone Inn34 Clifton159 yd
York Burton Lane C I U74 Bootham Crescent535 yd
York City Social ClubGrosvenor Road587 yd
Roots68 Marygate775 yd
The Minster Inn24 Marygate775 yd

Takeaway, Sandwich Shops

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Tony Neary: The Pie Shop65 Clifton151 yd
Clifton Catering76 Clifton159 yd
Bellas Kitchen94 Clifton175 yd
Dough73 Bootham468 yd
D'oh Pizzeria & Grill47 Newborough Street689 yd

Supermarkets, Hypermarkets

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Sainsbury's201 Burton Stone Lane827 yd
Sainsbury's31 Bootham Row892 yd
Tesco45-49 Gillygate934 yd
The CoopGroves Chapel, Union Terrace1,001 yd


Facility NameSport ObjectsDistance
St Peters School
artificial grass pitch, grass pitches, health and fitness suite, swimming pool, tennis courts342 yd
Clifton Green Primary School
grass pitches470 yd
Victoria Park (Leeman Road)
Jubilee Terrace
grass pitches584 yd
York City (Bootham Crescent)
grass pitches589 yd
Bootham Park Hospital Recreation Field
grass pitches620 yd
Bootham School
grass pitches, health and fitness suite, squash courts, swimming pool719 yd
Bootham School Sports Field
Rawcliffe Lane
grass pitches, tennis courts781 yd
York Sports Club
Shipton Road
grass pitches, squash courts, tennis courts917 yd
Burton Stone Community Centre
927 yd
Bootham & Monk Ward Conservative Club
992 yd

This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England


Technology Aviability

Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband(30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband(100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coveragefrom fixed broadband100.0%
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixedbroadband93.1%

Speed Aviability

Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s0.0%

Download Speed

Median download speed117.6 Mbit/s
Average download speed172.9 Mbit/s
Minimum download speed600 Mbit/s
Maximum download speed600 Mbit/s

Upload Speed

Median upload speed20 Mbit/s
Average upload speed22.8 Mbit/s
Maximum upload speed40 Mbit/s

Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.

The Avenue, York, YO30 6AS (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 5445

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.