Multi-Layered Scallion Pancakes (Thousand-Layer Taiwanese Pancakes) Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Green Onion/Scallion

by: Mandy @ Lady and pups



6 Ratings

  • Makes 4 large flatbreads.

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Author Notes

Here's a recipe for creating one of the beloved street snacks in Taiwan, thin and soft flatbreads with multi-laminated diced scallions and scallion oil.

NOTE: One of the tricks, I believe, is not to roll the dough to such deadly thinness that you lose the layers. The first roll-out, when you apply the scallion oil, should be slightly thinner than 1/8 inch. And the final roll-out should be a bit thicker than 1/16 inch. Any thinner than that, and you’ll flatten out all the work you’ve done. I’m not gonna lie: You may fail the first time. But it will eventually take you to yummy town.

There’s no reason why the awesomeness of this flatbread can’t be expanded to other herbs besides scallion. Think basil, a little rosemary, thyme, or garlic and parsley. Whatever you have on hand, really, is going to turn these flatbreads into great snacks or a show-stealing addition to a bread basket (don’t you loooove bread baskets!?) —Mandy @ Lady and pups

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • Dough:
  • 1 cup(130 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup(140 grams) bread flour
  • 2 teaspoonssugar
  • 1/4 teaspoonsalt
  • 1/2 cup(120 grams) hot/warm water (150° F)
  • 1/4 cupcold/room-temperature water
  • 1/4 cup(50 grams) vegetable oil
  • Scallion oil and fillings
  • 2 cups(105 grams) diced scallions, divided
  • 1/2 cup(100 grams) vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoonsalt
  • 1 teaspoonground white pepper, divided into 1/2 teaspoon each
  • 1/4 teaspoonground black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoonbaking soda
  • Coarse sea salt, to taste
  • More vegetable oil for frying
  1. TO MAKE THE DOUGH: Mix all-purpose flour, bread flour, sugar, and salt together in the bowl of a stand mixer. Bring a small pot of water to 150º F (it should be almost too hot to touch but NOT close to a simmer), then with the machine running on low, add 1/2 cup of the hot water into the flour mixture. Mix for 1 minute or so. The mixture will still look like loose flours with large lumps. Then add 1/4 cup of cold water and mix for 1 minute, and then add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. Turn the machine to medium-high speed and knead the dough for 5 minutes until shiny and elastic. The dough will be very wet and sticking to the side of the bowl in the beginning (if it seems tacky already, add 1 teaspoon of water), but it should slowly pull away cleanly at the end of kneading. When you lift the dough hook, the wet dough should droop down from the hook slowly.
  2. If you must knead with your hands, you can. But keep in mind that this is quite a wet dough and it will stick to your hands while kneading. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for at least 1 hour.
  3. TO MAKE THE SCALLION OIL AND FILLING: Add 1 cup of diced scallions, vegetable oil, salt, 1/2 teaspoon of ground white pepper and 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper in a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer into a bowl. Take 3 tablespoons of the mixture out into another bowl and add 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, mix until combined and keep both in the fridge. Mix the rest of the 1 cup of diced scallion with 1/2 tsp of ground white pepper, set aside.
  4. TO MAKE THE FLATBREADS: Divide the dough into 4 portions and set on a well-floured surface. Take 1 portion, dust with more flour, and roll it into about a 1/8-inch sheet. Apply a generous layer of scallion oil (mixed with baking soda) and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of diced scallions over the sheet, then fold it in the same direction 3 times (like folding a letter) into a log, then fold the log lengthwise 2 times into a round shape (try to eliminate as much air as possible while you fold). Set aside (to let it rest) and repeat the same process with the other 3 portions.
  5. Now go back to the first dough you worked on (which has had a few minutes to rest) and press it down gently into a thick, flat disk. There will be air pockets in between the layers which will make it hard to roll out, so pierce the dough a few times with a fork and dust with only enough flour to prevent sticking, then roll into a large circle slightly thicker than 1/16 inch. (Be careful not to over-roll it because you’ll risk flattening all the layers.) If the dough springs back stubbornly, rest it for another 2 min. If you want to keep the flatbreads in the freezer, laminate the rolled-out doughs in between two sheets of parchment paper and tuck inside a zip-lock bag. Keep frozen until needed.
  6. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Carefully lift the dough up and transfer to the skillet. Cook over medium-low heat, add more oil if needed, and cook until golden brown on both sides (it’s important to add enough oil). The baking soda will create bubbles in between layers during cookings. Right off the skillet while it’s still hot, brush the top with more scallion oil (without baking soda). Serve immediately.


  • Pizza
  • Pancake
  • Bread
  • Taiwanese
  • Vegetable
  • Green Onion/Scallion
  • Appetizer
  • Snack

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29 Reviews

Sena March 14, 2022

This recipe came in an email collection from Food52 yesterday, and I happened to be trying to think of what to do with a huge bunch of scallions that I received in a local produce box. I happened to have all of the ingredients other than the bread flour, so I made these pancakes last night. For the bread flour, I simply removed 1 tsp of the all purpose flour and replaced it with 1 tsp of vital wheat gluten, and that worked well.

I know that these didn't come out just right because I didn't get them thin enough. After reading the replies here, I realize that I just need to keep rolling, even if the oil and scallions squeeze out. I'll do that next time. They are still incredibly delicious! The scallion oil to spread on top is perfect for me but a little salty for my husband, so next time I'll halve the salt. Yes, there will be a next time.

pjcamp December 31, 2014

My experience:

1. After 5 minutes, the dough is nowhere near pulling away from the bowl. What to do? I soldier on until it does, after over 10 minutes.

2. Now the dough has so much gluten it is almost impossible to roll out. It's like rolling a trampoline.

3. Wait a minnit! You want me to roll something to 1/16 inch that has scallions inside? Is this the Tardis? AND has oil inside that WILL blow out the side and squirt all over your table?

6. Screw it. If you leave them fat, it actually makes a decent knish recipe. Look elsewhere for pancakes.

Mandy @. January 1, 2015

Pjcamp: hm... 1: the dough should be sticky, and only pulls away from the bowl because it's running on high speed. 2. Let it rest for an hour first if it's too hard to roll. 3. Yes, just roll it anyways. Flatten scallions and oil squirting out a bit. no bit deal.

pjcamp January 1, 2015

It actually rested for aboiut two hours since I had to send my wife out for more scallions after she got home from a movie. Who knew a whole bunch only chops into about a cup? If you flatten the scallions, they're going to pierce all your layers.

Mandy @. January 2, 2015

are you sure your hot water was "boiling hot"? Cuz that should have killed most of the gluten. About the rolling, It's ok if it's pierced. doesn't have to try to keep the surface intact. The layers will be there anyways. OH well, so sorry it didn't work out for you. Hope you have better luck next time if you still want to try it again... :)

pjcamp January 2, 2015

Recipe said 150. I measured with a thermapen.

poohahnieluv August 19, 2014

tried making this for the first time today. i usually don't deviate from the recipe the first time, but i was impatient and added chopped ham (deli slices) and grated mozzarella. OMG love love love them!

I_Fortuna February 23, 2014

Most Chinese pancakes that we are accustomed to are made using the tangzhong (water roux) method. Tangshong makes the pancakes soft and pliable. It seems like you almost use it here but don't take the method all the way.
The tangzhong should cook until it boils and thickens and should be whisked the entire time to remove lumps. Let cool and add to other flour mixture and yeast (instead of baking soda). If you are not using yeast, use baking powder instead of baking soda. Baking soda loses its rise quickly but if baking powder is used the dough can sit for sometime before cooking and not lose its punch. This process accounts for the tender crumb that is produced. If the dough is overworked it will become tough. We don't roll out the dough but form ropes that are curled like a flat snail (handling very little) and then fry.
However, I notice that is not what you are specifically going for here and I have never had the scallion pancakes as you have posted here.
Traditional Chinese pancakes as we are used to, are often eaten with savory dishes that have some kind of gravy, veggies and protein. A dipping sauce made with soy or tamari is good too. Plain, they are really a comfort food. I would not serve them with congee as that is just too much starch. Thanks for this interesting recipe, it looks very good although not what we are used to I would like to try it.

Cal G. February 18, 2014

For Mandy and Sarah: it's best not include the ends of the scallions--the deep green part, as it can be bitter in the end. It's best to use the white, finely chopped, and the lighter green part, not so finely chopped. (I've been making the traditional pancakes for decades, taught by my YuanYuan ;) )

sarah P. December 17, 2013

How much of the green part should you include when chopping scallions?

Mandy @. December 17, 2013

Sarah, actually I would prefer more green parts than white parts! So I guess all of it.

lillianstrange December 16, 2013

I like to add chopped up Thai peppers for some heat in mine. Somethimes I will even spinkle toasted sesame, too. Pair with a hot, steaming bowl congee (rice porridge), and you have a comforting winter meal.

Cal G. February 18, 2014

That's fine, but if you want the traditional, try a Mandarin pancake recipe. We usually stick to the traditional.

clumsychef December 16, 2013

This recipe landed in my mailbox just as I was wondering what to do with a large bunch of leftover scallions. I love when that happens! I promptly made them - the dough was a dream to work with and the end result delicious. I'd suggest taking 5 tablespoons of scallion oil out to mix with baking soda instead; I barely had enough and had too much leftover scallion oil at the end. As for dipping sauce - the sauce from this Korean pancake recipe was a great pairing: . Next time I may add some dried shrimp...or Chinese sausage...or bacon? Yum. Thanks for this recipe!

Sherman December 15, 2013

Regarding the ubiquitous nature of “vegetable oil,” could you be more specific as to your preferences?

Cal G. December 15, 2013

Make that 2 t. of tstd sesame oil; I forgot that I make 3x as much!

Cal G. December 15, 2013

This is a neat way of making Scallion cakes. Even though this recipe doesn't use rendered duck fat or lard, I think it's important to include a couple of T of toasted sesame oil in the oil mix. It really adds a great traditional flavor and smell to the bread. Thanks for creating this new technique!

Dieselle December 15, 2013

I have a question regarding step "2"... which begins about instructions for kneading by hand. My question is, regardless of whether you use a dough hook or knead by hand, do you " Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for at least 1 hour."?

JohnL December 15, 2013

Mandy, Thanks. That's what I thought you meant. It threw me because I'm used to the usual "fold the dough in thirds" as if folding a letter instruction. I asked just in case you literally meant to fold the dough three times. Ok got it!

JohnL December 15, 2013

I'm unclear on the folding. When you first fold (3 times) are you folding (1) in half, (2) in half again, and (3) in half again, creating 8 layers. And in the lengthwise folding twice more would quadruple those layers? I think I've used a Chinese method in which you simply roll up the scallions in the dough jelly roll style into sort of a long "rope". You then coil that rope into a spiral like a Fibonacci spiral. Then you roll that out into the final pancake.

Mandy @. December 15, 2013

John, you fold it 3 folds (creating 3 layers) first, then 3 folds again (9 layer in total). Its probably clearer to reference the photos. But what you are describing will work as well, just that the layer would be in different directions.

stevemr December 15, 2013

It's unclear whether these should be cooked directly from the freezer. You say "keep frozen until needed" and say nothing about thawing out the frozen dough.

Mandy @. December 15, 2013

Stevemr, sorry for the confusion. They can be cooked directly out of the freezer because they are so thin.

smacarol December 15, 2013

What is "bread flour"? Sorry for my ignorance.

Mandy @. December 15, 2013

Smacarol, bread four has higher protein content then all-purpose flour in order to develop more gluten. You can find it in most supermarkets in the flour section.

Regine December 11, 2013

Mandy this is extra clear now. Thanks. Can't wait to make it.

Regine December 11, 2013

A bit confused. Step 4 could be clearer. You wrote "apply a generous layer of scallion oil (with baking soda)." You have a portion with the oil and another one (3 tbsp) with the baking soda. How much of each is placed on the 4 pancakes? 1/4? Also, the 2 tbsp oil for frying are in addition to the 1/2 cup used with the scallions and blended? Or is only 1/2 cup minus the 2 tbsp used for the blended mixture? Thanks.

Mandy @. December 11, 2013

Regine, sorry for the confusion. You take 3 tbsp of blended scallion oil out, and mix it with baking soda. That's the one you "apply a generous layer of scallion oil". 3 tbsp should be enough for all 4 flat breads. The frying oil IS NOT included in the 1/2 cup of oil (sorry, should've said "more oil for frying"). Then at TH END, you brush the blended scallion oil WITHOUT baking soda, onto the cooked flat breads. Please let me know if there's more confusion. sorry about that.

Multi-Layered Scallion Pancakes (Thousand-Layer Taiwanese Pancakes) Recipe on Food52 (2024)


What is in Trader Joe's Taiwanese pancake? ›

Ingredients. Unbleached wheat flour, water, green onions, coconut oil, salt, baking powder (sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, cornstarch, monocalcium phosphate).

What do you eat Taiwanese pancakes with? ›

In Taiwan, scallion pancakes are commonly rolled up with a fried egg, or braised beef shank, cilantro, and peanuts.

What to add to scallion pancake? ›

Cut each pancake into 6 wedges and shingle on plate. Toss cabbage and cucumber with vinaigrette and serve alongside pancakes and dipping sauce. Garnish with sliced green onion rounds.

What is the history of scallion pancakes? ›

Some have speculated that cong you bin may have been inspired by paratha, the Indian flatbread with a visibly similar construction; chopped scallions, a typical Chinese garnish, were possibly added to the dough along the way. By that theory, a busy international port city like Shanghai may have birthed them.

How do you use Trader Joe's scallion pancakes? ›

Spray a pan lightly over medium heat. Add frozen scallion pancake. Let it cook on one 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Flip to the other side and quickly remove from the pan.

What is scallion pancake called in Taiwan? ›

Another version popular in Taiwan and Shandong is the Flaky Scallion Pancake, also known as 蔥抓餅 (Cong Zhua Bing).

Do you eat scallion pancakes plain? ›

I personally think that scallion pancakes are just delicious plain! Some recipes share a dipping sauce made of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, ginger, and green onions.

Do you eat scallion pancakes with your hands? ›

When eating scallion pancakes, it's common to tear off bite-sized pieces using your hands. Some people enjoy dipping the pieces into a sauce or condiment before taking a bite. Others may choose to wrap the pancake pieces around a filling, such as a piece of grilled meat or vegetables.

What is a famous Taiwanese dish? ›

Beef Noodle Soup (or New Rou Mian) is so popular in Taipei that it has a festival in its honor every year. As a result, the range of places selling this tasty dish is very broad, with each claiming to be the best.

Why are my scallion pancakes tough? ›

It's not okay: To use hot water because it'll make the dough tougher. To not rest the dough in Step 1 because it'll make the dough harder to roll. To skip the slamming in Step 5 because the pancake will be dense rather than fluffy.

What do you eat with Chinese scallion pancakes? ›

The best side dishes to serve with scallion pancakes are a fried egg on top or a bowl of congee as part of a delicious breakfast. You can elevate lunch by pairing a scallion pancake with a hot bowl of miso soup, or some edamame.

What is a fun fact about scallion pancakes? ›

Here's a fun fact about the scallion pancake: according to legend, Marco Polo loved these pancakes. When he returned home to Italy, he had some chefs make a different type of pancake so he could have some more. But what he got was the ancestor of another dish we all know and love her in modern day America: pizza.

Why are scallion pancakes so good? ›

The secret to scallion pancakes is the crispy, flaky exterior that gives way to a slightly chewy interior of thin layers. When fresh-off-the-stove, it is extra crunchy and addictively fragrant. They are such a treat that you can enjoy them on their own, and they're perfect for snacking.

What is another name for scallion pancakes? ›

A scallion pancake, also known as a green onion pancake or spring onion pancake is a kind of pancake made with scallions. It is usually chewy, flaky, and savory. Examples include: Cōng yóu bǐng, a Chinese pancake made with scallions.

What are Chinese scallion pancakes made of? ›

To make the pancakes, all you need are four basic ingredients: flour, hot (boiling) water, scallions, and salt. READ MORE: The hot water makes the pancakes easier to flatten, especially during the first rollout.

What to eat with Trader Joe's Taiwanese green onion pancakes? ›

We usually cut them into wedges and serve them with a sauce of 2 parts rice vinegar to 1 part soy sauce. This was how we originally sampled them at T.J.'s, and my daughter likes them that way. I sometimes add a bit of sriracha or other chili sauce to the sauce.

What is Korean seafood pancake made of? ›

Put the shrimp, clam, and squid into a bowl. Add green chili pepper, green onion, carrot, flour, potato starch, egg, water, fish sauce, kosher salt, black pepper, and toasted sesame oil. Mix it all together with a spoon. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat.

How do you eat Taiwanese pancakes? ›

The scallion pancakes can be eaten whole or cut into wedges for easier handling. Enjoy with congee, as a snack with some Chinese black vinegar, soy sauce, and/or chili oil!


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