How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (2024)

Whether you're following keto or a broader low carb diet, Lo-Dough pizza is your low-carbohydrate saviour

Pizza is a dish that many of us hold close to our hearts. It's wholesome, comforting, delicious, and therefore unsurprising, then, that it is one of the nation's favourite takeaways. However, not everyone can enjoy its delights due to the high levels of refined carbs and sugars often found in traditional bases, sugary sauces and carb-heavy toppings. Below you can find some simple tips that willallow you to enjoy this classic dish,without loading up on the carbs.

How low-carb is low-carb?

The definitions of low-carb varies, with some levels of carb intake working best for different people with different diets. For simplicity, 'Low-Carb' can be split into 3 distinct categories: ketogenic, moderate, liberal.

Ketogenic: 20g carbs per day

Moderate: 20-50g carbs per day

Liberal: 50-100g carbs per day

How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (1)

Your pizza base

    Regular pizza bases are usually a no-no for those following a ketogenic or moderate low-carb diet. By swapping out a regular, carb-ladenbase for a Lo-Dough base, you can cut the carbs by more than 90%, reduce calories andsimultaneously supplement your diet with the fibre it needs! A win-win!

    How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (2)

    Make your own tomato sauce (or find a low sugar version)

      Shop-bought sauces are often sweetened and contain hidden sugars. There are some tasty low sugar sauces out there; one of our favourites is Nowt Poncy's Pizza L’ Amore. We’d also recommend having this simple, low-sugar pizza sauce recipe in your arsenal.

      How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (3)

      Know your high carb vegetables

        If you are strict low-carb or even ketogenic, then some vegetables will align more with your diet than others. Onions, sweet peppers and pineapple (not a vegetable, and debatable that it belongs on a pizza at all) are some of the more carb-heavy toppings. Alternatives like olives, mushrooms, green peppers, and broccoli are tasty choices that will help keep the overall carbsdown.

        Avoid Flavoured Meats

          Pre-prepared and pre-marinated meats, such as BBQ or sweet chilli chicken, will naturally contain higher amounts of carbs. This is often because the marinades used will be sweetenedby orwill contain higher amounts of sugars. To keep the carbs to a minimum, either use unflavoured meats for your toppings or use a homemade, low-sugar marinade to add a bit more flavour.

          Suddenly craving pizza? We don't blame you.Check out our tastiest Low Carb Pizzas For 10g Carbs or Less here.

          Try For Yourself

          OurLo-Dough basesare sold in pouches of 2 from just£3.25.Fancy a fakeaway or maybe something a little sweeter? Ourbrownie mixmakes 9 delicious brownies, each just65 caloriesand4.1g carbs, and ourSouthern Style Coatingmakes the perfect non-greasy breaded coating for your meat, cheese and veg.To try it for yourself, simply click theshop herebutton below to discover the full Lo-Dough collection.

          How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (4)

          How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet (2024)


          How To Eat Pizza On A Low Carb Diet? ›

          Regular pizza bases are usually a no-no for those following a ketogenic or moderate low-carb diet. By swapping out a regular, carb-laden base for a Lo-Dough base, you can cut the carbs by more than 90%, reduce calories and simultaneously supplement your diet with the fibre it needs!

          Can I have one slice of pizza on a low-carb diet? ›

          Actually, yes. The carbs per slice figure decreases by 5-10 carbs (per slice) if you opt for thin crust – still higher than many low-carb dieters are comfortable with.

          What is considered a low-carb pizza? ›

          There are many great low-carb pizza options, with crusts made from cheese, cauliflower, protein powder, almond flour, or even meat. Browse our collection to find your new favorite pizza crusts and learn which toppings won't throw you off track.

          How to reduce carbs in pizza? ›

          Stick with thin crust.

          A thin crust will shave down the carbs to the equivalent of a sandwich (two slices of bread).

          Will one slice of pizza kick me out of ketosis? ›

          Regular Crust

          This type of pizza crust can have up to 33g of carbs without any added sauce or cheese. If you're limiting your carbs to 20-50 grams per day, one slice of this type of crust will likely kick you out of ketosis.

          How to eat pizza on low-carb? ›

          To keep the carbs to a minimum, either use unflavoured meats for your toppings or use a homemade, low-sugar marinade to add a bit more flavour. Suddenly craving pizza? We don't blame you. Check out our tastiest Low Carb Pizzas For 10g Carbs or Less here.

          What pizza chain has low-carb pizza? ›

          Marco's Pizza – keto pizza restaurant that's home to the pizza bowls! “I'll have the crustless pizza bowl, please.” Just like Papa Murphy's, Marco's makes it easy to keep it keto at a pizza place with their crustless pizza bowls.

          Does thin crust pizza have less carbs than regular pizza? ›

          Crust accounts for most of the carbs in pizza. A medium (12-inch) thin-crust pizza without any cheese and toppings has 17 grams of carbs per slice. A regular-crust pizza averages 30 grams of carbs per slice. Tip: Thin-crust pizza has 5-10 fewer grams of carbs per slice than regular-crust or pan pizza.

          Which is lower carb pizza or pasta? ›

          One slice of cheese pizza has fewer carbs than one cup of cooked spaghetti – 36 grams in a typical cheese pizza versus 43 grams in one cup of pasta. However, pizza has more calories than pasta, 285 in a slice of pizza versus 220 in a cup of cooked pasta.

          Can I eat pizza without the crust on keto? ›

          Ever wondered why a crustless pizza is popular on a keto diet? It has barely any carbs! If you use certain vegetables or smoked meats, it can increase the carb count, but made as written, it's virtually carb-free.

          What cancels out carbs? ›

          However, some carbs can't be broken down into individual sugars, whereas others are only partially broken down and absorbed. These include fiber and sugar alcohols. Because of this, most fiber and sugar alcohols can be subtracted from total carbs when calculating net carbs.

          What to do when craving pizza on a diet? ›

          Cauliflower Crust Pizza

          This alternative mimics the texture of traditional pizza crust, but is lower in calories and carbohydrates. Topped with a moderate amount of cheese and your favorite vegetables, it can satisfy your craving for saltiness and cheese.

          What helps break down carbs faster? ›

          Amylase enzymes are also made by the pancreas and salivary glands. They help break down carbs so that they are easily absorbed by the body. That's why it's often recommended to chew food thoroughly before swallowing, as amylase enzymes in saliva help break down carbs for easier digestion and absorption ( 10 ).

          Can I have a cheat day on a low-carb diet? ›

          Keto practitioners say that you can absolutely have cheat days while observing keto. But it's important that you do it right to stay in ketosis and on track with your weight loss goals.

          Can I just eat the cheese off pizza for keto? ›

          Folks who love cheese and pizza together will be relieved to know that there are many cheese types that go well with a keto diet. Here are some of the cheeses you can add to your pizza without feeling guilty: Mozzarella cheese (shredded or fresh) Pepper jack cheese.

          What happens if you go over 20 carbs on keto? ›

          Consuming too many carbs can kick your body out of ketosis — and it takes several days to 1 week to get back into it. In the meantime, your weight loss may be disrupted.

          Can I eat one slice of pizza and still lose weight? ›

          It Might Not Support Your Weight-Loss Goals

          One or two slices of pizza can fit into a nutritious, balanced meal. But eating pizza to the point that you are overly stuffed can result in you consuming way too many calories, which may contribute to weight gain over time.

          Will one piece of pizza take me out of ketosis? ›

          Especially if your goal is weight loss, having a piece of pizza, a bowl of pasta, or cake, is absolutely something that can be added into your routine once in a while. Introducing carbs can kick you out of ketosis but eating more carbs on a given meal or given day will not ruin any weight loss goals you have.

          Is a slice of pizza high in carbs? ›

          Crust accounts for most of the carbs in pizza. A medium (12-inch) thin-crust pizza without any cheese and toppings has 17 grams of carbs per slice. A regular-crust pizza averages 30 grams of carbs per slice. Tip: Thin-crust pizza has 5-10 fewer grams of carbs per slice than regular-crust or pan pizza.

          Can I cheat with pizza on keto? ›

          For keto dieters, a cheat day can mean indulging in actual pasta, pizza, and other high-carb meals. While many dieters think of cheat day as a well-deserved reward, nutritionists say there are downsides to it.


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          Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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          Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.