35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (2024)

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20 Gels | 35%CP Teeth Whitening Gel (Rapid, 30-minutes) SAVE 50%

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35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (13)


"My go-to! for white and bright teeth!" - Hannah K, expertwhite customer


Dentist-grade teeth whitening gel for aligner trays.

Our most popular gel, this higher strength with 35% carbamide peroxide, is a fan favorite best seller for 20 years! Add to

personal aligner traysand witness WOW!

      • Formulated for rapid whitening.
      • 35% Carbamide peroxide gel.
      • Wear for 15-30 minutes.
      • Think California white teeth!
      • Enamel safe.
      • 3-cc (3-4 treatments each gel)
      • 12-month shelf-life
      • No refrigeration required.
      • Made in USA
      • Ship worldwide
      • Paypal Protection.


"My dentist gave me expertwhite. There's nothing like it!" - Jessie P, USA


    100% money back (even if empty).Paypal buyer protection.Trays not included

      35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (14)

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        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (15)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (16)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (17)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (18)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (19)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (20)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (21)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (22)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (23)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (24)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (25)35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (26)

        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (27)

        Just add to Aligners for white teeth fast.

        Dentist Grade. Dentist Approved. Enamel Safe. Made in USA. White teeth WOW! 100% money-back (Even if empty)

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (28)

          “Best product ever!”

          ”Unbelievable change in color! - Chris B, expertwhite customer

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (29)

          “No way! “🤗

          ”I had no idea how yellow my teeth!” - Julia D., expertwhite customer

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (30)

          “BFF for life!”

          “I think I just found my new best friend!” - Xavier C, expertwhite customer

        1 / of 3

        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (31)

        Made in USA. Since 2003.

        Premium Quality. Dentist-grade. Ship Worldwide.


        May be used with custom trays, retainers, aligners or any tray!

        • Dentist used and trusted by fans since 2003.
        • Each tube is 3cc (3-4 applications each).
        • Store at room temperature (no need for refrigeration).
        • Apply small drops of gel to tray, place over teeth and wear 30-minutes.

        Whiten once a day in succession until desired results (touch up as needed). Trays npt imcluded.

        30-Day money back

        If you are not completely over the moon in smiles at your new white teeth, simply return (even if empty) for a refund!

        Safety, non toxic, vegan and cruelty free

        We love our furry friends! Our products are kosher grade, vegan and never tested in animals.


        Expertwhite™ gels are made in the USA from the finest ingredients. No fillers. Pure blended.Individual syringe weight varies in size. Ingredients:Glycerin Carbomer, Carbamide Peroxide, Trietyleamine (TEA) Flavor.No animal products.NOT tested on animals.


        • Can I use my retainers or aligners?
        • Yes, absoloutely
        • What if I swallow the gel?
          This gel isnon-toxic. Safe on enamel. Use as directed.
        • Who should not whiten their teeth?
          If you are pregnant or lactating.Children under 16 years of age.
        • Can I whiten my crowns?
          No. Whitens natural teeth only. Expertwhitewill not whiten crowns, only natural teeth. Teeth will be whitened to individual's lightest and whitest natural base color.
        • I am getting new crowns what should I do? Whiten my teeth before or after?
          If you are getting new crowns, we suggest that you first whiten your natural teeth to the whiteness you desire, then have the dentist match your new crowns to your new white teeth.
        • What if I experience tooth sensitivity from tooth bleaching?
          Some people experience sensitivity from whitening. As the Carbamide Peroxide penetrates the enamel to remove stains, it also removes the water in the tooth enamel resulting in slight dehydration of the enamel which is temporary and the tooth rehydrates as soon as saliva is reintroduced to the mouth after whitening This brief dehydration may cause some sensitivity to hot and cold liquids. For individuals who experience this, we recommend the Expertwhite™ "After Whitening Treatment Gel" which rehydrates teeth and replaces minerals and phosphates in teeth.
        • Why are my gums sensitive after bleaching?
          You are loading your trays with too much whitening gel and the gel is sitting on your gums through the whitening process causing irritation of the soft tissue. If gel comes into contact with of gum line wipe gel off with a tissue.
        • How should I store my gels?
          Store bleaching gel in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. No refrigeration necessary. 2-year shelf life.
        • How does fluoride affect whitening results?
          Fluoride affects the whitening process by inhibiting the release of carbamide peroxide.
          We recommend brushing after your whitening session, not before.
        • Is tooth whitening/bleaching permanent?
          Yes! Whitening / Bleaching your teeth is the best way to whiten your teeth. However, Teeth will naturally stain or discolor over time.
          Sodas, coffee, wine, cigarettes and food colorings in most foods these days cause this discoloration to happen.
        • When do I touch up or bleach my teeth again?
          How frequently you need to touch up is determined by the individual and how quickly your teeth respond to the coloring in the products you eat. (Weekly, monthly or bi-annually).
        • Difference between carbamide peroxide (CP) & hydrogen peroxide (HP)
          Hydrogen peroxide is used by dentists in their offices and should be used under their supervised provision. It is extremely powerful and if used incorrectly can burn gums. Carbamide Peroxide is a stabilized formula of hydrogen Peroxide. Carbamide Peroxide is designed to break down over a slower period while worn in the whitening trays, eliminating any risk of burning and provides optimum whitening results.Expertwhite™ gels are formulated to be near neutral PH providing the most comfortable and effective whitening experience with no sensitivity.
        • Does teeth whitening replace the need for dental visits?
          Teeth whitening gel only removes surface stains and deep discoloration. It does not replace the need for your routine dental visits.Dentists are trained to do x-rays of your teeth and gums, look for any periodontal disease or cavities.
        • Shelf Life: Expertwhite gels have a 12-month shelf life (from date of purchase.
        • Expiration date: The expiration date is not printed on the syringe, but the day that the gel was poured into the syringe is.You can tell the freshness by the first part of the reference number that is printed on the syringe.Every syringe printed has a reference number which is the Julian Calendar date with a hyphen after it which signifies which batch of the day it is.

        Which grade gel is right for me?

        The lower percentage of carbamide peroxide(CP), 16% and 22%, the longer the amount of contact time against the teeth with the active carbamide is needed to achieve perfect whitening results.

        (Lower concentrations also ensure that people with tooth sensitivity can whiten comfortably with no irritation).

        A higher percentage of carbamide peroxide(CP), 35% and 44%, speeds the color change. Still, it may lead to temporary tooth sensitivity to hot or cold in some individuals. This is because the tooth enamel;l dehydrates the enamel for a moment; however, it is temporary, and as soon as saliva (or remineralization gel) rehydrates the tooth, sensitivity stops. To avoid this, some individuals whiten every second day.

        Available are 4 gel grades: 16%, 22%,35%, and 44%

        16%CP Sensitive Teeth Formulation gel (60-Minute Treatment)

        The 16%CP Sensitive teeth formula has the lowest carbamide peroxide concentration yet yields the same excellent results. The most gentle whitening gel formulated for sensitive teeth. 16% Carbamide Peroxide suspended in kosher grade glycerin is the original teeth whitening gel. Treatment time: Wear gel in trays for 60 minutes per session. It may be worn overnight.

        22%CP Professional Dentist Strength Gel (45-Minute Treatment)

        The original dentist-approved strength. Not too mild, not too strong, just right. 22% Carbamide Peroxide suspended in kosher grade glycerin is formulated to a near-neutral mouth PH, so you can rest assured you can experience a comfortable whitening. Treatment. Wear the gel in the trays for 45 minutes per session.

        35%CP Rapid Results Formula Gel (30-Minute Treatment)

        Rapid whitening results. More potent, quicker, faster, this expertwhite™ immediate results formula has a whopping 35% Carbamide Peroxide suspended in a near-neutral ph kosher grade glycerin in a near tack, high diffusivity whitening gel. Due to the higher concentration of CP, the gel must be worn for a shorter time to achieve the same results as the lower-strength gels. It is fast becoming our most popular whitening gel because it requires only a 30-minute wear time per whitening Treatment. Our customers are finding it the perfect gel to suit their needs. However, this gel is not for sensitive teeth, but assuming you have regular teeth, then this is a great whitening gel for you. Safe on enamel. Thirty minutes and you're done. Treatment: Wear gel in trays for 30 minutes per session.

        44%CP Extreme Whitening Speed Gel (20-Minute Treatment)

        This gel is formulated for the teeth whitening fanatic who demands super white teeth but is too busy to sit still longer than 15 minutes per whitening Treatment. Speed whitening. The most potent whitening gel available. A mega 44% carbamide peroxide solution is suspended in premium near-neutral PH kosher-grade glycerine. Blasts through surface stains and penetrates deep to remove years of discoloration. Fifteen minutes to super white teeth. 44% carbamide peroxide suspended in a thick viscous glycerine gel requires only 15 minutes of wear time per Treatment.

        White teeth, best life confidence!

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (32)


          "Excellent conistency, and my teeth have never been this white!" -Hailey, K.

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (33)

          "OMG ,Yes!"

          My teeth look really white!" -Zooey, M.

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (34)

          "Best Yet!"

          Best product yet. Fast and v. effective! -Zach, J.

        • 35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (35)

          100% Risk Free

          30-Day money back guarantee. Not happy with your results? Just send it back (even if empty) for a refund!

        1 / of 4

        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (36)

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        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (37)

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        35 Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Gel | USA UK | Expertwhitening (2024)


        Is 35% carbamide peroxide safe to whiten teeth? ›

        Conclusion: Carbamide peroxide in 16% and 35% concentration are effective and safe for bleaching discoloured vital teeth, however, 35% concentration gave significantly more lightening effect without additional side effects compared to 16% concentration.

        Is 35% carbamide peroxide legal? ›

        The regulations permit preparations containing hydrogen peroxide, and other compounds or mixtures that release hydrogen peroxide (including carbamide peroxide and zinc peroxide), to be used for tooth whitening, with the maximum effective concentration of hydrogen peroxide allowed under the law being 6%.

        How long should I leave 35% teeth whitening gel on? ›

        Leave the trays in your mouth for 20-30 minutes when using 35% Carbamide Peroxide. You can increase the whitening time after a few sessions.

        Can you use 35 hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth? ›

        You can use hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth since it has natural bleaching properties. But using it on your teeth carries the risk of getting tooth sensitivity and gum inflammation. Some kinds of toothpaste and mouth washing products contain small concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

        Is 35% carbamide peroxide too strong? ›

        35% is a high percentage of peroxide and one use can damage your gums, cause extreme sensitivity and can disrupt your GI if ingested. This is significantly worsened if you use it for more than 30 minutes in 1 session.

        What percentage of carbamide peroxide is best for teeth whitening? ›

        Over-the-counter whitening strips use just six percent of peroxide. The American Dental Association has recommended a maximum of 10 percent for teeth whitening. Gels that are available for at-home trays have a concentration of 22 percent.

        What percentage of carbamide peroxide do dentists use? ›

        Today, most dentists use hydrogen and carbamide peroxide gels between 10-40%, which are chemically activated or by different light sources, such as halogen light, laser or plasma arc [9], See (Table ​1).

        What is safer hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide? ›

        Hydrogen peroxide should only be used in a controlled environment under dental supervision due to extreme gum irritation and hyper tooth sensitivity. Carbamide peroxide can be used at home without dental supervision; however it's recommended consulting with the dentist first.

        When should you not use carbamide peroxide? ›

        They need to know if you have any of these conditions:
        1. dizziness.
        2. ear discharge.
        3. ear pain, irritation or rash.
        4. infection.
        5. perforated eardrum (hole in eardrum)
        6. an unusual or allergic reaction to carbamide peroxide, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives.
        7. pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

        What happens if I leave teeth whitening gel on too long? ›

        Burns and Blisters. In rare cases, the bleaching agents used in teeth whitening can cause burns or blisters on your gums. This usually happens when the gel used is left on your teeth for too long or if it's not applied correctly.

        Can you sleep with Opalescence 35? ›

        The patented formula bleaches in as little as 30 minutes in 1-3 daily treatments or for 1-6 hours daytime (if worn overnight, gel will stay active for 8-10 hours).

        What happens if you use too much teeth whitening gel? ›

        Soft Tissue Irritation

        This happens when too much gel is placed inside your custom whitening tray and it oozes out onto your gums, tongue, and down your throat. This can cause irritation, but is easily remedied by using a smaller amount of gel and not overfilling your trays.

        How fast does baking soda whiten teeth? ›

        As the baking soda only removes stains from the surface level of the teeth and not the enamel it can be passable at removing light stains such as coffee and food, but you might not notice a big difference for four to six weeks.

        What percentage of peroxide do dentists use to whiten teeth? ›

        In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. Generally, the stronger the solution and the longer you keep it on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. But the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should stay on your teeth.

        Is 35 carbamide peroxide equivalent to hydrogen peroxide? ›

        Myth 3 – All whitening Gel is the same

        Carbamide Peroxide concentrations contains roughly 1/3 of the active ingredient, Hydrogen Peroxide. As an example, 35% Carbamide Peroxide is roughly equal to 12% Hydrogen Peroxide.

        Is 35 teeth whitening strong? ›

        Opalescence PF 35 is the most powerful and effective tooth-whitening gel in the Opalescence PF line available on the market today. This monumental formula provides 35% carbamide peroxide content that produces the ultimate whitening power. Achieve maximum results with this gentle, yet powerful gel.

        Is 35% carbamide peroxide equivalent to hydrogen peroxide? ›

        Theoretically, a 35% carbamide peroxide bleaching agent has the same bleaching effect as another agent with approximately 12% hydrogen peroxide that could be used in-office with reduced chair-time 29 .

        What are the side effects of carbamide peroxide teeth whitening? ›

        Teeth whitening side effects
        • Soft tissue irritation. Many people have opted for teeth whitening. ...
        • Sensitivity of teeth. You cannot predict how sensitive your teeth are until after a teeth whitening procedure. ...
        • Blotchy appearance. Carbamide peroxide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide, a bleaching agent. ...
        • Discomfort and pain.


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        Author: Dong Thiel

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        Author information

        Name: Dong Thiel

        Birthday: 2001-07-14

        Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

        Phone: +3512198379449

        Job: Design Planner

        Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

        Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.